AutoHotKey: iniwrite then read of formattime not the same as result of formattime - autohotkey

Here's my code:
IniRead, intLastMyDate, c:\temp\test.ini, section1, intLastMyDate, 130101
formattime, intCurrentMyDate, A_Now, yyMMdd
; if the ini has a date stored that is less than today, I will want to
; include code that restarts some other variables for a new day
; but if the date is the same as today, I want to leave those values alone,
; no matter how many times I reload the script after fiddling with the code
if intLastMyDate < intCurrentMyDate
IniWrite, %intCurrentMyDate%, c:\temp\test.ini, section1, intLastMyDate
; following just to show failure of test to do what I expect
MsgBox, if condition evals %intLastMyDate% < %intCurrentMyDate% as true
The first time I load the script, it results as expected. When I reload it, it seems to be thinking that 130510 (the day I posted this) is less than 130510. Is this a data type problem? The help says that anything that looks like a number evals as a number ...

Change one line:
if (intLastMyDate < intCurrentMyDate)


Sending automated email from SAS with attachments that changes name

I have files that should be send out every week. These files changes names e.g. "filename_1" next week it will be "filename_2".
But it only takes the filename that I manually wrote which is filename_1. Is there a way to say that it should take the latest file with this name everyweek,instead of me doing it manually every week?
This is my code for the email (I manually wrote the filename):
filename outbox email from="" to=""
type='text/html' subject='test' attach=("F:\filename_1.png" ct='png')
ods html body=outbox rs=none style=Htmlblue;run; ods html close;
The SAS macro facility will help you solve this very problem. If your filenames always have a consistent pattern, you can assign a macro variable to automatically change it for you. For simplicity's sake, let's say your filename always ends with today's date. You can assign a macro variable to hold this value.
%let filename = filename_&sysdate9..png;
This will resolve to filename_14DEC2020.png. You can confirm it with %put &filename.
If your file is sent out weekly and increments in a pattern, some quick math will help us figure out the correct suffix. Let's set a base week to start. We can count the number of weeks from this base week to identify the suffix. In this case, let's say it's today: December 14th, 2020. intck() can count the number of weeks from then until today. Our logic is:
suffix = (Number of weeks from Dec. 14th 2020 to Today) + 1.
In data step language, this is:
suffix = intck('week', '14DEC2020'd, today() ) + 1;
Translated to SAS macro language:
%let suffix = %sysevalf(%sysfunc(intck(week, %sysfunc(inputn(14DEC2020, date9.)), %sysfunc(today()) )) + 1);
%let filename = filename_&suffix..png;
Because we're pulling from data step functions, we need to enclose nearly everything in %sysfunc() to call them. This is one of the functions available that connect the SAS macro facility with the data step language.
Note that we also cannot use date literals directly in the SAS macro facility. We must use inputn() or putn() to convert a human-readable date into a SAS date format.
Simply call this macro variable within your code and it will resolve automatically (except within single quotes).
filename outbox email
from="" to=""
attach=("F:\&filename" ct='png')

How to best print output to command window during a loop in Matlab?

I have a loop which iterates through a list of ID numbers paired with a given stress value. The code works fine, except there is no guarantee that the lists have identical lengths. I currently have an if isempty(stress_value) loop with a continue statement if an ID number doesn't have corresponding stress value. All of this takes place in a for id = 1:num_ids loop.
I am now trying to print this id value (class 'double') to the command line, if it doesn't have an assigned stress value, so if the isempty statement is True, prior to continuing out of the loop. As an example, if I set num_ids equal to 101, but the list I'm iterating through only has ID values 1-100, I want to output this 101 ID to the command line.
I've tried printing as an error like this:
error(['The following ID does not have an assigned stress value: ',id])
Here id simply prints as e however when I try this in the command window, which I don't quite understand. When I run it in the script nothing is printed to the command window.
I have also tried simply adding a display command for the id to the loop as follows, however when I run the code nothing shows up again:
Sorry for the simple question, but I have not found an effective way to do this yet, and would appreciate your feedback!
Check the fprintf. You can format your output just like you want.
for id=1:num_ids
% do something
if isempty(stress_value)
fprintf('The following ID does not have an assigned stress value: %d\n',id)
% do something
The error function will stop code execution.
The display function only prints the value of the variable, without printing the variable name.

Date Increment Using Autohotkey

I'm looking for a way to set an arbitrary date, and every time I press a key it will print the day after it (tomorrow).
global jDate = "June 1, 1986"
;Output our date in LongDate format
FormatTime, TimeString, %jDate%, LongDate
SendInput, %TimeString%
;Increment the date by a single day
jDate += 1, Days
Unfortunately, it the code keeps starting jDate as today's current date/time rather than the past date I specify in the initial variable assignment. Not sure why. The incrementing works fine, it just increments starting from todays date rather that the 1986 date.
FormatTime is expecting any date/time input to be in the "YYYYMMDD..." format. Since what you've assigned to jDate doesn't fit that criterion, it assumes it's invalid and uses today's date. To make it work how you expect, just modify your jDate input.
jDate := "19860601" ; 1986 -> YYYY, 06 -> MM, 01 ->DD
A couple of things to note: (1) global is not needed in this context; (2) I would recommend getting out of the habit of assigning variables using the = comparator (use := assignment operator instead). It only works for legacy reasons but generates more confusion than it's worth. In the context that you're using it, the quotes would need to be removed.

Comparing creation dates of files in VBScript

This may be very obvious to someone out there but I'm having a lot of trouble trying to solve a bug in VBScript. Within the script, I am running through a bunch of .zip files in a directory and processing ones whose creation date is within a specified range.
For instance, if the user enters two arguments 9/3/2014 and 9/5/2014, I only want to process zip files within that date range.
Here is the if statement I am using:
If Mid(file.NAME,len(file.NAME)-3,4) = ".zip" AND
FormatDateTime(file.DateCreated, 2) >= Wscript.Arguments(1) AND
FormatDateTime(file.DateCreated, 2) <= Wscript.Arguments(2) then
I am using the FormatDateTime function to remove the times from the file creation date. That way I should just be left with a short date (mm/dd/yyyy).
The problem I am having is that I am processing dates outside of the given range. For example if the given range is 9/3/2014 to 9/5/2014 then I also end up processing 9/30/2014 for some reason. Can anyone help solve this?
Both the return value of FormatDateTime() and the items of .Argments are Strings. A string comparison of (stringyfied) numbers will give inconvenient results:
>> WScript.Echo CStr(5 < 30)
>> WScript.Echo CStr("5" < "30")
Use CDate() to convert the .Arguments to Dates and DateDiff() to compare them against the .DateCreated.
Found the source of my problem. FormatDateTime returns a string. Furthermore, the arguments I was being passed were strings also. This means I was actually doing a string comparison instead of a date comparison. The if statement should be:
If Mid(file.NAME,len(file.NAME)-3,4) = ".zip" AND
CDate(FormatDateTime(file.DateCreated, 2)) >= CDate(Wscript.Arguments(1)) AND
CDate(FormatDateTime(file.DateCreated, 2)) <= CDate(Wscript.Arguments(2)) then

Autohotkey clipboard variable holding values forever?

I have the below simple code, which sends keystrokes for text in the clipboard with a 15ms delay in between characters (I use this to traverse huge lists of treeview elements).
Issue: If I have copied 'text1' to clipboard, followed by 'text2', this script outputs 'text1text2' instead of 'text2' alone.
If I reload the script, then it prints 'text2'.
Is there a mistake in the below code, or is it a bug in implementing %clipboard% in Autohotkey ?
textToType=" "
;StringLen, LoopCount, textToType
loop %LoopCount%
Send %theChar%
sleep 15
Update: Thanks for pointing out smarter ways of doing this, but I would still like to figure out what is wrong in the above piece of code.
Update 2:
The mistake was in my understanding of the AHK syntax. Array%LoopCount%:=textToType assigns the whole string value in textToType to the (LoopCount)th STRING element of the STRING array named 'Array'.
Update 3:
(Thanks #John Y for clarifying)
Actually, there's no "declared" array at all, in a traditional sense. You just have a bunch of individual variables, dynamically created as needed, that happen to have names with numbers at the end. Array1 and Array2 are not elements in some Array object. They are just two completely independent variables. AutoHotkey provides a way to glue numbers onto the ends of names, so you can use them like an array.
The reason your script doesn't work properly is because you're using a pseudo-array to store different words from your clipboard.
I've commented up your code to explain what it does:
textToType := "" ; Empty variable
textToType := Clipboard ; Move clipboard into variable
; Get lenght of the word
; Used as array index / loop count
LoopCount := StrLen(textToType)
; Put the clipboard in an array at index 'LoopCount'
Array%LoopCount% := textToType
; Loop through the array as many times
; as the string is long
Loop % LoopCount
; Retrieve the word at this index in the array
theChar := Array%A_Index%
; Send the whole word
Send, % theChar
sleep 15
Instead of sending each character at a time, you're sending whole words from specific indexes in your Array array.
Say you copy the word Dragon, that word is 6 letters long. So you'd put that in Array6, then you'd loop through your array 6 times using the same variable. At which point the loop would take each index at a time and move it into theChar. On your 6th lap in the loop you'd put Array6 into theChar and print the whole word at once.
Then you copy the word Stackoverflow. That's going to go into Array13, and we're going to loop 13 times. On the 6th lap we're going to print out Dragon which is in Array6, and then keep going until we reach 13 where we'll print Stackoverflow since that is in Array13.
So that's why your script isn't doing what you want it to. Hopefully this helps a little.
See the code sample alpha bravo posted, that's the correct way of achieving what you want to do.
keep it simple
loop Parse, Clipboard
Send %A_LoopField%
sleep 15
There must be a bug in implementation of clipboard assignment in AHK. With the below code, the behaviour of AHK is that everytime the value of dir is accessed, AHK fetches the latest value from clipboard, instead of fetching the value of dir at the time the script was activated.
; Remove all CR+LF's from the clipboard contents:
dir = %clipboard%
sleep 100
dir := StrReplace(dir, "`r`n")
To fix this, I added 1 second sleep before clipboard assignment code:
sleep 1000
; Remove all CR+LF's from the clipboard contents:
dir = %clipboard%
dir := StrReplace(dir, "`r`n")
100 millisecond sleep didn't seem to work.
Accessing value of dir now only gives value of last clipboard assignment at activation.