why scala doesn't make tail call optimization? - scala

Just playing with continuations. The goal is to create function which will receive another function as parameter, and execution amount - and return function which will apply parameter given amount times.
The implementation looks pretty obvious
def n_times[T](func:T=>T,count:Int):T=>T = {
def n_times_cont(cnt:Int, continuation:T=>T):T=>T= cnt match {
case _ if cnt < 1 => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"count was wrong $count")
case 1 => continuation
case _ => n_times_cont(cnt-1,i=>continuation(func(i)))
n_times_cont(count, func)
def inc (x:Int) = x+1
val res1 = n_times(inc,1000)(1) // Works OK, returns 1001
val res = n_times(inc,10000000)(1) // FAILS
But there is no problem - this code fails with StackOverflow error. Why there is no tail-call optimization here?
I'm running it in Eclipse using Scala plugin, and it returns
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger(Unknown Source)
at Task_Mult$$anonfun$1.apply(Task_Mult.scala:25)
at Task_Mult$$anonfun$n_times_cont$1$1.apply(Task_Mult.scala:18)
F# code, which is almost direct translation, is working without any issues
let n_times_cnt func count =
let rec n_times_impl count' continuation =
match count' with
| _ when count'<1 -> failwith "wrong count"
| 1 -> continuation
| _ -> n_times_impl (count'-1) (func >> continuation)
n_times_impl count func
let inc x = x+1
let res = (n_times_cnt inc 10000000) 1
printfn "%o" res

The Scala standard library has an implementation of trampolines in scala.util.control.TailCalls. So revisiting your implementation... When you build up the nested calls with continuation(func(t)), those are tail calls, just not optimized by the compiler. So, let's build up a T => TailRec[T], where the stack frames will be replaced with objects in the heap. Then return a function that will take the argument and pass it to that trampolined function:
import util.control.TailCalls._
def n_times_trampolined[T](func: T => T, count: Int): T => T = {
def n_times_cont(cnt: Int, continuation: T => TailRec[T]): T => TailRec[T] = cnt match {
case _ if cnt < 1 => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"count was wrong $count")
case 1 => continuation
case _ => n_times_cont(cnt - 1, t => tailcall(continuation(func(t))))
val lifted : T => TailRec[T] = t => done(func(t))
t => n_times_cont(count, lifted)(t).result

I could be wrong here but I suspect that the n_times_cont inner function is properly converted to use tail recursion; the culprit's not there.
The stack is blown up by the collected continuation closures (i.e. the i=>continuation(func(i))) which make 10000000 nested calls to your inc method, once you apply the result of the main function.
in fact you can try
scala> val rs = n_times(inc, 1000000)
rs: Int => Int = <function1> //<- we're happy here
scala> rs(1) //<- this blows up the stack!
As an aside, you can rewrite
continuation compose func
for the sake of greater readability


Scala Yeild returning Try[Either[]] rather then Either

I am trying to do some handson with scala basic operations and got stuck here in the following sample code
def insuranceRateQuote(a: Int, tickets:Int) : Either[Exception, Double] = {
// ... something
def parseInsuranceQuoteFromWebForm(age: String, numOfTickets: String) : Either[Exception, Double]= {
val a = Try(age.toInt)
val tickets = Try(numOfTickets.toInt)
aa <- a
t <- tickets
} yield insuranceRateQuote(aa,t) // ERROR HERE
} catch {
case _ => Left(new Exception)}
The Error I am getting is that it says found Try[Either[Exception,Double]]
I am not getting why it is wrapper under Try of Either
PS - This must not be the perfect way to do in scala so feel free to post your sample code :)
The key to understand is that for-comprehensions might transform what is inside the wrapper but will not change the wrapper itself. The reason is because for-comprehension de-sugar to map/flatMap calls on the wrapper determined in the first step of the chain. For example consider the following snippet
val result: Try[Int] = Try(41).map(v => v + 1)
// result: scala.util.Try[Int] = Success(42)
Note how we transformed the value inside the Try wrapper from 41 to 42 however the wrapper remained unchanged. Alternatively we could express the same thing using a for-comprehension
val result: Try[Int] = for { v <- Try(41) } yield v + 1
// result: scala.util.Try[Int] = Success(42)
Note how the effect is exactly the same. Now consider the following for comprehension which chains multiple steps
val result: Try[Int] =
for {
a <- Try(41) // first step determines the wrapper for all the other steps
b <- Try(1)
} yield a + b
// result: scala.util.Try[Int] = Success(42)
This expands to
val result: Try[Int] =
Try(41).flatMap { (a: Int) =>
Try(1).map { (b: Int) => a + b }
// result: scala.util.Try[Int] = Success(42)
where again we see the result is the same, namely, a value transformed inside the wrapper but wrapper remained untransformed.
Finally consider
val result: Try[Either[Exception, Int]] =
for {
a <- Try(41) // first step still determines the top-level wrapper
b <- Try(1)
} yield Right(a + b) // here we wrap inside `Either`
// result: scala.util.Try[Either[Exception,Int]] = Success(Right(42))
The principle remains the same - we did wrap a + b inside Either however this does not affect the top-level outer wrapper which is still Try.
Mario Galic's answer already explains the problem with your code, but I'd fix it differently.
Two points:
Either[Exception, A] (or rather, Either[Throwable, A]) is kind of equivalent to Try[A], with Left taking the role of Failure and Right the role of Success.
The outer try/catch is not useful because the exceptions should be captured by working in Try.
So you probably want something like
def insuranceRateQuote(a: Int, tickets:Int) : Try[Double] = {
// ... something
def parseInsuranceQuoteFromWebForm(age: String, numOfTickets: String): Try[Double] = {
val a = Try(age.toInt)
val tickets = Try(numOfTickets.toInt)
aa <- a
t <- tickets
q <- insuranceRateQuote(aa,t)
} yield q
A bit unfortunately, this does a useless map(q => q) if you figure out what the comprehension does, so you can write it more directly as
a.flatMap(aa => tickets.flatMap(t => insuranceRateQuote(aa,t)))

Convert Seq[Try[Option(String, Any)]] into Try[Option[Map[String, Any]]]

How to conveniently convert Seq[Try[Option[String, Any]]] into Try[Option[Map[String, Any]]].
If any Try before convert throws an exception, the converted Try should throw as well.
Assuming that the input type has a tuple inside the Option then this should give you the result you want:
val in: Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]] = ???
val out: Try[Option[Map[String,Any]]] = Try(Some(in.flatMap(_.get).toMap))
If any of the Trys is Failure then the outer Try will catch the exception raised by the get and return Failure
The Some is there to give the correct return type
The get extracts the Option from the Try (or raises an exception)
Using flatMap rather than map removes the Option wrapper, keeping all Some values and discaring None values, giving Seq[(String, Any)]
The toMap call converts the Seq to a Map
Here is something that's not very clean but may help get you started. It assumes Option[(String,Any)], returns the first Failure if there are any in the input Seq and just drops None elements.
package foo
import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure}
object foo {
val x0 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]]()
val x1 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]](Success(Some(("A",1))), Success(None))
val x2 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]](Success(Some(("A",1))), Success(Some(("B","two"))))
val x3 = Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]](Success(Some(("A",1))), Success(Some(("B","two"))), Failure(new Exception("bad")))
def f(x: Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]]) =
x.find( _.isFailure ).getOrElse( Success(Some(x.map( _.get ).filterNot( _.isEmpty ).map( _.get ).toMap)) )
Example session
bash-3.2$ scalac foo.scala
bash-3.2$ scala -classpath .
Welcome to Scala 2.13.1 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_66).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import foo.foo._
import foo.foo._
scala> f(x0)
res0: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Success(Some(Map()))
scala> f(x1)
res1: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Success(Some(Map(A -> 1)))
scala> f(x2)
res2: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Success(Some(Map(A -> 1, B -> two)))
scala> f(x3)
res3: scala.util.Try[Option[Equals]] = Failure(java.lang.Exception: bad)
scala> :quit
If you're willing to use a functional support library like Cats then there are two tricks that can help this along:
Many things like List and Try are traversable, which means that (if Cats's implicits are in scope) they have a sequence method that can swap two types, for example converting List[Try[T]] to Try[List[T]] (failing if any of the items in the list are failure).
Almost all of the container types support a map method that can operate on the contents of a container, so if you have a function from A to B then map can convert a Try[A] to a Try[B]. (In Cats language they are functors but the container-like types in the standard library generally have map already.)
Cats doesn't directly support Seq, so this answer is mostly in terms of List instead.
Given that type signature, you can iteratively sequence the item you have to in effect push the list type down one level in the type chain, then map over that container to work on its contents. That can look like:
import cats.implicits._
import scala.util._
def convert(listTryOptionPair: List[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]]): Try[
Option[Map[String, Any]]
] = {
val tryListOptionPair = listTryOptionPair.sequence
tryListOptionPair.map { listOptionPair =>
val optionListPair = listOptionPair.sequence
optionListPair.map { listPair =>
https://scastie.scala-lang.org/xbQ8ZbkoRSCXGDJX0PgJAQ has a slightly more complete example.
One way to approach this is by using a foldLeft:
// Let's say this is the object you're trying to convert
val seq: Seq[Try[Option[(String, Any)]]] = ???
seq.foldLeft(Try(Option(Map.empty[String, Any]))) {
case (acc, e) =>
for {
accOption <- acc
elemOption <- e
} yield elemOption match {
case Some(value) => accOption.map(_ + value)
case None => accOption
You start off with en empty Map. You then use a for comprehension to go through the current map and element and finally you add a new tuple in the map if present.
The following solutions is based on this answer to the point that almost makes the question a duplicate.
Method 1: Using recursion
def trySeqToMap1[X,Y](trySeq : Seq[Try[Option[(X, Y)]]]) : Try[Option[Map[X,Y]]] = {
def helper(it : Iterator[Try[Option[(X,Y)]]], m : Map[X,Y] = Map()) : Try[Option[Map[X,Y]]] = {
if(it.hasNext) {
val x = it.next()
else if(x.get.isDefined)
helper(it, m + (x.get.get._1-> x.get.get._2))
helper(it, m)
} else Success(Some(m))
Method 2: directly pattern matching in case you are able to get a stream or a List instead:
def trySeqToMap2[X,Y](trySeq : LazyList[Try[Option[(X, Y)]]], m : Map[X,Y]= Map.empty[X,Y]) : Try[Option[Map[X,Y]]] =
trySeq match {
case Success(Some(h)) #:: tail => trySeqToMap2(tail, m + (h._1 -> h._2))
case Success(None) #:: tail => tail => trySeqToMap2(tail, m)
case Failure(f) #:: _ => Failure(f)
case _ => Success(Some(m))
note: this answer was previously using different method signatures. It has been updated to conform to the signature given in the question.

Cats Writer Vector is empty

I wrote this simple program in my attempt to learn how Cats Writer works
import cats.data.Writer
import cats.syntax.applicative._
import cats.syntax.writer._
import cats.instances.vector._
object WriterTest extends App {
type Logged2[A] = Writer[Vector[String], A]
Vector("started the program").tell
val output1 = calculate1(10)
val foo = new Foo()
val output2 = foo.calculate2(20)
val (log, sum) = (output1 + output2).pure[Logged2].run
def calculate1(x : Int) : Int = {
Vector("came inside calculate1").tell
val output = 10 + x
Vector(s"Calculated value ${output}").tell
class Foo {
def calculate2(x: Int) : Int = {
Vector("came inside calculate 2").tell
val output = 10 + x
Vector(s"calculated ${output}").tell
The program works and the output is
> run-main WriterTest
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/Cats/target/scala-2.11/classes...
[info] Running WriterTest
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Jan 21, 2017 8:14:19 AM
But why is the vector empty? Shouldn't it contain all the strings on which I used the "tell" method?
When you call tell on your Vectors, each time you create a Writer[Vector[String], Unit]. However, you never actually do anything with your Writers, you just discard them. Further, you call pure to create your final Writer, which simply creates a Writer with an empty Vector. You have to combine the writers together in a chain that carries your value and message around.
type Logged[A] = Writer[Vector[String], A]
val (log, sum) = (for {
_ <- Vector("started the program").tell
output1 <- calculate1(10)
foo = new Foo()
output2 <- foo.calculate2(20)
} yield output1 + output2).run
def calculate1(x: Int): Logged[Int] = for {
_ <- Vector("came inside calculate1").tell
output = 10 + x
_ <- Vector(s"Calculated value ${output}").tell
} yield output
class Foo {
def calculate2(x: Int): Logged[Int] = for {
_ <- Vector("came inside calculate2").tell
output = 10 + x
_ <- Vector(s"calculated ${output}").tell
} yield output
Note the use of for notation. The definition of calculate1 is really
def calculate1(x: Int): Logged[Int] = Vector("came inside calculate1").tell.flatMap { _ =>
val output = 10 + x
Vector(s"calculated ${output}").tell.map { _ => output }
flatMap is the monadic bind operation, which means it understands how to take two monadic values (in this case Writer) and join them together to get a new one. In this case, it makes a Writer containing the concatenation of the logs and the value of the one on the right.
Note how there are no side effects. There is no global state by which Writer can remember all your calls to tell. You instead make many Writers and join them together with flatMap to get one big one at the end.
The problem with your example code is that you're not using the result of the tell method.
If you take a look at its signature, you'll see this:
final class WriterIdSyntax[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {
def tell: Writer[A, Unit] = Writer(a, ())
it is clear that tell returns a Writer[A, Unit] result which is immediately discarded because you didn't assign it to a value.
The proper way to use a Writer (and any monad in Scala) is through its flatMap method. It would look similar to this:
Vector("started the program").tell.flatMap { _ =>
15.pure[Logged2].flatMap { i =>
Writer(Vector("ended program"), i)
The code above, when executed will give you this:
WriterT((Vector(started the program, ended program),15))
As you can see, both messages and the int are stored in the result.
Now this is a bit ugly, and Scala actually provides a better way to do this: for-comprehensions. For-comprehension are a bit of syntactic sugar that allows us to write the same code in this way:
for {
_ <- Vector("started the program").tell
i <- 15.pure[Logged2]
_ <- Vector("ended program").tell
} yield i
Now going back to your example, what I would recommend is for you to change the return type of compute1 and compute2 to be Writer[Vector[String], Int] and then try to make your application compile using what I wrote above.

Abort early in a fold

What's the best way to terminate a fold early? As a simplified example, imagine I want to sum up the numbers in an Iterable, but if I encounter something I'm not expecting (say an odd number) I might want to terminate. This is a first approximation
def sumEvenNumbers(nums: Iterable[Int]): Option[Int] = {
nums.foldLeft (Some(0): Option[Int]) {
case (Some(s), n) if n % 2 == 0 => Some(s + n)
case _ => None
However, this solution is pretty ugly (as in, if I did a .foreach and a return -- it'd be much cleaner and clearer) and worst of all, it traverses the entire iterable even if it encounters a non-even number.
So what would be the best way to write a fold like this, that terminates early? Should I just go and write this recursively, or is there a more accepted way?
My first choice would usually be to use recursion. It is only moderately less compact, is potentially faster (certainly no slower), and in early termination can make the logic more clear. In this case you need nested defs which is a little awkward:
def sumEvenNumbers(nums: Iterable[Int]) = {
def sumEven(it: Iterator[Int], n: Int): Option[Int] = {
if (it.hasNext) {
val x = it.next
if ((x % 2) == 0) sumEven(it, n+x) else None
else Some(n)
sumEven(nums.iterator, 0)
My second choice would be to use return, as it keeps everything else intact and you only need to wrap the fold in a def so you have something to return from--in this case, you already have a method, so:
def sumEvenNumbers(nums: Iterable[Int]): Option[Int] = {
Some(nums.foldLeft(0){ (n,x) =>
if ((n % 2) != 0) return None
which in this particular case is a lot more compact than recursion (though we got especially unlucky with recursion since we had to do an iterable/iterator transformation). The jumpy control flow is something to avoid when all else is equal, but here it's not. No harm in using it in cases where it's valuable.
If I was doing this often and wanted it within the middle of a method somewhere (so I couldn't just use return), I would probably use exception-handling to generate non-local control flow. That is, after all, what it is good at, and error handling is not the only time it's useful. The only trick is to avoid generating a stack trace (which is really slow), and that's easy because the trait NoStackTrace and its child trait ControlThrowable already do that for you. Scala already uses this internally (in fact, that's how it implements the return from inside the fold!). Let's make our own (can't be nested, though one could fix that):
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
case class Returned[A](value: A) extends ControlThrowable {}
def shortcut[A](a: => A) = try { a } catch { case Returned(v) => v }
def sumEvenNumbers(nums: Iterable[Int]) = shortcut{
Option(nums.foldLeft(0){ (n,x) =>
if ((x % 2) != 0) throw Returned(None)
Here of course using return is better, but note that you could put shortcut anywhere, not just wrapping an entire method.
Next in line for me would be to re-implement fold (either myself or to find a library that does it) so that it could signal early termination. The two natural ways of doing this are to not propagate the value but an Option containing the value, where None signifies termination; or to use a second indicator function that signals completion. The Scalaz lazy fold shown by Kim Stebel already covers the first case, so I'll show the second (with a mutable implementation):
def foldOrFail[A,B](it: Iterable[A])(zero: B)(fail: A => Boolean)(f: (B,A) => B): Option[B] = {
val ii = it.iterator
var b = zero
while (ii.hasNext) {
val x = ii.next
if (fail(x)) return None
b = f(b,x)
def sumEvenNumbers(nums: Iterable[Int]) = foldOrFail(nums)(0)(_ % 2 != 0)(_ + _)
(Whether you implement the termination by recursion, return, laziness, etc. is up to you.)
I think that covers the main reasonable variants; there are some other options also, but I'm not sure why one would use them in this case. (Iterator itself would work well if it had a findOrPrevious, but it doesn't, and the extra work it takes to do that by hand makes it a silly option to use here.)
The scenario you describe (exit upon some unwanted condition) seems like a good use case for the takeWhile method. It is essentially filter, but should end upon encountering an element that doesn't meet the condition.
For example:
val list = List(2,4,6,8,6,4,2,5,3,2)
list.takeWhile(_ % 2 == 0) //result is List(2,4,6,8,6,4,2)
This will work just fine for Iterators/Iterables too. The solution I suggest for your "sum of even numbers, but break on odd" is:
list.iterator.takeWhile(_ % 2 == 0).foldLeft(...)
And just to prove that it's not wasting your time once it hits an odd number...
scala> val list = List(2,4,5,6,8)
list: List[Int] = List(2, 4, 5, 6, 8)
scala> def condition(i: Int) = {
| println("processing " + i)
| i % 2 == 0
| }
condition: (i: Int)Boolean
scala> list.iterator.takeWhile(condition _).sum
processing 2
processing 4
processing 5
res4: Int = 6
You can do what you want in a functional style using the lazy version of foldRight in scalaz. For a more in depth explanation, see this blog post. While this solution uses a Stream, you can convert an Iterable into a Stream efficiently with iterable.toStream.
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
val str = Stream(2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
var i = 0 //only here for testing
val r = str.foldr(Some(0):Option[Int])((n,s) => {
if (n % 2 == 0) s.map(n+) else None
This only prints
which clearly shows that the anonymous function is only called twice (i.e. until it encounters the odd number). That is due to the definition of foldr, whose signature (in case of Stream) is def foldr[B](b: B)(f: (Int, => B) => B)(implicit r: scalaz.Foldable[Stream]): B. Note that the anonymous function takes a by name parameter as its second argument, so it need no be evaluated.
Btw, you can still write this with the OP's pattern matching solution, but I find if/else and map more elegant.
Well, Scala does allow non local returns. There are differing opinions on whether or not this is a good style.
scala> def sumEvenNumbers(nums: Iterable[Int]): Option[Int] = {
| nums.foldLeft (Some(0): Option[Int]) {
| case (None, _) => return None
| case (Some(s), n) if n % 2 == 0 => Some(s + n)
| case (Some(_), _) => None
| }
| }
sumEvenNumbers: (nums: Iterable[Int])Option[Int]
scala> sumEvenNumbers(2 to 10)
res8: Option[Int] = None
scala> sumEvenNumbers(2 to 10 by 2)
res9: Option[Int] = Some(30)
In this particular case, as #Arjan suggested, you can also do:
def sumEvenNumbers(nums: Iterable[Int]): Option[Int] = {
nums.foldLeft (Some(0): Option[Int]) {
case (Some(s), n) if n % 2 == 0 => Some(s + n)
case _ => return None
You can use foldM from cats lib (as suggested by #Didac) but I suggest to use Either instead of Option if you want to get actual sum out.
bifoldMap is used to extract the result from Either.
import cats.implicits._
def sumEven(nums: Stream[Int]): Either[Int, Int] = {
nums.foldM(0) {
case (acc, n) if n % 2 == 0 => Either.right(acc + n)
case (acc, n) => {
println(s"Stopping on number: $n")
println("Result: " + sumEven(Stream(2, 2, 3, 11)).bifoldMap(identity, identity))
> Stopping on number: 3
> Result: 4
println("Result: " + sumEven(Stream(2, 7, 2, 3)).bifoldMap(identity, identity))
> Stopping on number: 7
> Result: 2
Cats has a method called foldM which does short-circuiting (for Vector, List, Stream, ...).
It works as follows:
def sumEvenNumbers(nums: Stream[Int]): Option[Long] = {
import cats.implicits._
nums.foldM(0L) {
case (acc, c) if c % 2 == 0 => Some(acc + c)
case _ => None
If it finds a not even element it returns None without computing the rest, otherwise it returns the sum of the even entries.
If you want to keep count until an even entry is found, you should use an Either[Long, Long]
#Rex Kerr your answer helped me, but I needed to tweak it to use Either
def foldOrFail[A,B,C,D](map: B => Either[D, C])(merge: (A, C) => A)(initial: A)(it: Iterable[B]): Either[D, A] = {
val ii= it.iterator
var b= initial
while (ii.hasNext) {
val x= ii.next
map(x) match {
case Left(error) => return Left(error)
case Right(d) => b= merge(b, d)
You could try using a temporary var and using takeWhile. Here is a version.
var continue = true
// sample stream of 2's and then a stream of 3's.
val evenSum = (Stream.fill(10)(2) ++ Stream.fill(10)(3)).takeWhile(_ => continue)
case (result,i) if i%2 != 0 =>
continue = false;
// return whatever is appropriate either the accumulated sum or None.
case (optionSum,i) => optionSum.map( _ + i)
The evenSum should be Some(20) in this case.
You can throw a well-chosen exception upon encountering your termination criterion, handling it in the calling code.
A more beutiful solution would be using span:
val (l, r) = numbers.span(_ % 2 == 0)
if(r.isEmpty) Some(l.sum)
else None
... but it traverses the list two times if all the numbers are even
Just for an "academic" reasons (:
var headers = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().next().split(",")
var closeHeaderIdx = headers.takeWhile { s => !"Close".equals(s) }.foldLeft(0)((i, S) => i+1)
Takes twice then it should but it is a nice one liner.
If "Close" not found it will return
Another (better) is this one:
var headers = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().next().split(",").toList
var closeHeaderIdx = headers.indexOf("Close")

Polish notation evaluate function

I am new to Scala and I am having hard-time with defining, or more likely translating my code from Ruby to evaluate calculations described as Polish Notations,
f.e. (+ 3 2) or (- 4 (+ 3 2))
I successfully parse the string to form of ArrayBuffer(+, 3, 2) or ArrayBuffer(-, 4, ArrayBuffer(+, 3 2)).
The problem actually starts when I try to define a recursive eval function ,which simply takes ArrayBuffer as argument and "return" an Int(result of evaluated application).
I want to simply check if 2nd element is an instanceOf[Int] and 3rd element is instanceOf[Int] then evaluate them together (depending on sign operator - 1st element) and return Int.
However If any of the elements is another ArrayBuffer, I simply want to reassign that element to returned value of recursively called eval function. like:
Storage(2) = eval(Storage(2)). (** thats why i am using mutable ArrayBuffer **)
The error ,which I get is:
scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer
I am of course not looking for any copy-and-paste answers but for some advices and observations.
Constructive Criticism fully welcomed.
****** This is the testing code I am using only for the addition ******
def eval(Input: ArrayBuffer[Any]):Int = {
if(ArrayBuffer(2).isInstaceOf[ArrayBuffer[Any]]) {
ArrayBuffer(2) = eval(ArrayBuffer(2))
if(ArrayBuffer(3).isInstaceOf[ArrayBuffer[Any]]) {
ArrayBuffer(3) = eval(ArrayBuffer(3))
if(ArrayBuffer(2).isInstaceOf[Int] && ArrayBuffer(3).isInstanceOf[Int]) {
ArrayBuffer(2).asInstanceOf[Int] + ArrayBuffer(3).asInstanceOf[Int]
A few problems with your code:
ArrayBuffer(2) means "construct an ArrayBuffer with one element: 2". Nowhere in your code are you referencing your parameter Input. You would need to replace instances of ArrayBuffer(2) with Input(2) for this to work.
ArrayBuffer (and all collections in Scala) are 0-indexed, so if you want to access the second thing in the collection, you would do input(1).
If you leave the the final if there, then the compiler will complain since your function won't always return an Int; if the input contained something unexpected, then that last if would evaluate to false, and you have no else to fall to.
Here's a direct rewrite of your code: fixing the issues:
def eval(input: ArrayBuffer[Any]):Int = {
input(1) = eval(input(1).asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[Any]])
input(2) = eval(input(2).asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[Any]])
input(1).asInstanceOf[Int] + input(2).asInstanceOf[Int]
(note also that variable names, like input, should be lowercased.)
That said, the procedure of replacing entries in your input with their evaluations is probably not the best route because it destroys the input in the process of evaluating. You should instead write a function that takes the ArrayBuffer and simply recurses through it without modifying the original.
You'll want you eval function to check for specific cases. Here's a simple implementation as a demonstration:
def eval(e: Seq[Any]): Int =
e match {
case Seq("+", a: Int, b: Int) => a + b
case Seq("+", a: Int, b: Seq[Any]) => a + eval(b)
case Seq("+", a: Seq[Any], b: Int) => eval(a) + b
case Seq("+", a: Seq[Any], b: Seq[Any]) => eval(a) + eval(b)
So you can see that for the simple case of (+ arg1 arg2), there are 4 cases. In each case, if the argument is an Int, we use it directly in the addition. If the argument itself is a sequence (like ArrayBuffer), then we recursively evaluate before adding. Notice also that Scala's case syntax lets to do pattern matches with types, so you can skip the isInstanceOf and asInstanceOf stuff.
Now there definitely style improvements you'd want to make down the line (like using Either instead of Any and not hard coding the "+"), but this should get you on the right track.
And here's how you would use it:
eval(Seq("+", 3, 2))
res0: Int = 5
scala> eval(Seq("+", 4, Seq("+", 3, 2)))
res1: Int = 9
Now, if you want to really take advantage of Scala features, you could use an Eval extractor:
object Eval {
def unapply(e: Any): Option[Int] = {
e match {
case i: Int => Some(i)
case Seq("+", Eval(a), Eval(b)) => Some(a + b)
And you'd use it like this:
scala> val Eval(result) = 2
result: Int = 2
scala> val Eval(result) = ArrayBuffer("+", 2, 3)
result: Int = 5
scala> val Eval(result) = ArrayBuffer("+", 2, ArrayBuffer("+", 2, 3))
result: Int = 7
Or you could wrap it in an eval function:
def eval(e: Any): Int = {
val Eval(result) = e
Here is my take on right to left stack-based evaluation:
def eval(expr: String): Either[Throwable, Int] = {
import java.lang.NumberFormatException
import scala.util.control.Exception._
def int(s: String) = catching(classOf[NumberFormatException]).opt(s.toInt)
val symbols = expr.replaceAll("""[^\d\+\-\*/ ]""", "").split(" ").toSeq
allCatch.either {
val results = symbols.foldRight(List.empty[Int]) {
(symbol, operands) => int(symbol) match {
case Some(op) => op :: operands
case None => val x :: y :: ops = operands
val result = symbol match {
case "+" => x + y
case "-" => x - y
case "*" => x * y
case "/" => x / y
result :: ops