XCode and App hangs while debugging - iphone

Application View Controller Stack:
Navigation Controller > RootViewController > TabbarController
Where RootViewController is a basic UIViewController (like a menu) and lets user to select the starting tab (UIViewController) for the upcoming UITabbarController.
occurs on iPhone 4S, iOS 5
not occurs on iPhone 5, iOS 6
not occurs on any simulator (iOS 5, 6)
After I navigate to UITabbarController (which consists 4 UIViewControllers) if I try to change between tabs, App itself and XCode hangs for an indefinite time (between 5 to 60 seconds). I have disabled all background threads, all network traffic, every singleton. Yet it still hangs while debugging.
This happens once per runtime, only on first change of tabs.
The tricky part is if I disconnect my device from XCode and start app without debugging, there is no such behaviour. I tried to identify where this "hang" occurs. But I was unable to catch the thread/process which is causing it.
Looks like my app chokes during that period and viewDidLoad,viewDidAppear,viewDidDisappear messages starts to flow back in after hang is gone.
How can I address this problem, find out what is causing this?
I am using XCode 4.6.1, iOS base SDK 6.1. I have started this app on XCode 4.3.2, iOS base SDK 5.1. Then upgraded to XCode 4.6.1 and this issue arised.
I also profiled the app for possible leaks, there is no leak and suspiciously app does not hang while profiling.
I am trying to address this issue for days now, it is getting a bit frustrating. I can provide any other details if requested.


iOS Watch OS 2 with Xcode 7 Beta 4.0 AppWatch Launching App with Activity Indicator Screen Only

I am developing the iOS watchApp with WatchDevice.
I have facing issues with Running the app in the Real device.
Its keep on showing only ActivityIndicator and nothing goes ahead of this screen.even i tested with Hello world Test App.
By just putting One Static Label,but its still showing same activityIndicator.Anyone knows how to solve this issue??any thing Wrong with My Code or setup?

iOS App works fine when deployed from xcode, but more crash prone on MKMapView when installed from iTunes

I have a tab based app that uses four tabs. The home tab is an MKMapView. When I load the app onto my iPhone and run from "Xcode" or "Instruments" there are no problems with crashing. However when I load the app onto my iPhone from iTunes or testflight.com it crashes whenever the MKMapView pans or zooms. Everything else in the app seems to work fine.
can you check the iOS version of simulator and device both? this might be happening due to some method or something else which might be not exist in the running version of iOS and your code might be calling that particular method.
You should debug your code while running on device and track the specific action as your were saying crashed happens when only the pan or zooming of mapview performed.

App crashes when closed

When I close my app (double tap home button and touch the X) on my iPhone, it crashes and I get this error:
objc[9337]: class `ADManager' not linked into application
objc[9337]: class `ADSessionManager' not linked into application
objc[9337]: class `ADSession' not linked into application
-Deployment target: iOS 5.1
-Iphone iOS 5.1.1
-Testing with Xcode on iPhone
How can I fix it?
This is the default behavior of all iOS apps in iOS4 and later.
Um, it's not a good idea to be running the app connected to Xcode debugger and then terminate it in the middle of the process. It can very easily lead to the bootstrap error.
The debugger is constantly monitoring your app when you run it in iTunes, terminating it would obviously cause a crash =/
You can see a spinning icon in the "debug" tab in Xcode 4 (the tab with the icon that looks like a speech button and some lines in it in your project navigator) when you're in the middle of debugging.
Not sure what you're trying to achieve by terminating your app, a registered background process such as location service?

iOS 5 SDK issue

I have a working application on iOS 4.
I have migrated to SDK 5, and now, on simulator and on devices the application just freeze.
There is no error or crash, just UI totaly freeze.
That occur only on the following case.
I have table view with FetshResultController that have list of object (Managed Objects).
Click on one of the list pushViewController with details.
For each list controller update i call tableView reloadData for the details view.
on iOS 4 there is no problem, but on iOS 5 after some time (can be minute or even few seconds) the entire UI freeze without any error. I need to forcly close the reopen the application.
Why is that issue on iOS 5 ? What can i do ?
(Compiling on iOS 4 is enabled to run on iOS 5, but i try to compile on iOS 5, so i will be able to debug it. iOS 4 SDK cannot "see" iOS 5)

What could cause my app to show a blank screen on startup after upgrading to iOS 4.2.1?

My app works fine on iOS 3.3, but after I upgraded my iPhone to iOS 4.2.1, I started to see some weird behaviour.
When I start my app on the upgraded iPhone, it goes blank. I have to tap the Home button to close the app.
The problem is, the app did not crash. It just showed me a blank screen. So I don't have any crash report to track this issue down.
Has anyone seen this before? Is it an iOS 4.2-specific issue? What steps can I take to determine the cause so that I can fix my code?
The behaviour of iOS did change between iOS3 and iOS4. As a first step, try walking through your code with the debugger. Also check your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method in your main App Delegate class.
A quick search also turned up some useful info about a similar issue: App shows white screen on startup after upgrading to iOS 4.2
The link also has info on how they managed to find out what was happening.