App crashes when closed - iphone

When I close my app (double tap home button and touch the X) on my iPhone, it crashes and I get this error:
objc[9337]: class `ADManager' not linked into application
objc[9337]: class `ADSessionManager' not linked into application
objc[9337]: class `ADSession' not linked into application
-Deployment target: iOS 5.1
-Iphone iOS 5.1.1
-Testing with Xcode on iPhone
How can I fix it?

This is the default behavior of all iOS apps in iOS4 and later.

Um, it's not a good idea to be running the app connected to Xcode debugger and then terminate it in the middle of the process. It can very easily lead to the bootstrap error.
The debugger is constantly monitoring your app when you run it in iTunes, terminating it would obviously cause a crash =/
You can see a spinning icon in the "debug" tab in Xcode 4 (the tab with the icon that looks like a speech button and some lines in it in your project navigator) when you're in the middle of debugging.
Not sure what you're trying to achieve by terminating your app, a registered background process such as location service?


iOS App works fine when deployed from xcode, but more crash prone on MKMapView when installed from iTunes

I have a tab based app that uses four tabs. The home tab is an MKMapView. When I load the app onto my iPhone and run from "Xcode" or "Instruments" there are no problems with crashing. However when I load the app onto my iPhone from iTunes or it crashes whenever the MKMapView pans or zooms. Everything else in the app seems to work fine.
can you check the iOS version of simulator and device both? this might be happening due to some method or something else which might be not exist in the running version of iOS and your code might be calling that particular method.
You should debug your code while running on device and track the specific action as your were saying crashed happens when only the pan or zooming of mapview performed.

my app crash but not show error xcode on iphone sdk

i am developing drawing application in ios. i am touchesmoved event continuos execute after some times crashed my application.but,it's not show error message console and shows (gdb) in console and project is running state it's shows by thread is paused.i am not bookmark statement's at any point..!
My state below screen shot
Try Enabling NSZombie
You can check how to enable zombie and many more to resolve crash issue in your application from the Following Link
Is your app launching (maybe with a black screen) at simulator/device launched? In short whats the device state. In my case it was not able to find the SDK and there was a popup in simulator window, which somehow got hidden and I was clueless for some time.

iphone ios application home button press/applicationDidEnterBackground crash

hallo, i am newbie in developing iphne/ios application and i have
encountered some problem
generrraly my app (which is iphone camera image processing app) has no
visible errors at today stage except the one
when i press the home button to send my app off screen (putting to the
background), and then press the app icon to 'wake it up' again
it crashes
what would it be...? what the reason of it would be?
what is done to my app (seen from the view of programmer
- i mean internal game state) by this home buton operation?
- what i should take care of before "applicationDidEnterBackground"
thanx for answer
Is this happening when you are running it from Xcode? Xcode does not like it if you hit the home button and start it again from within the device/simulator. Is it crashing if you launch it from the device (or simulator) without Xcode running? If not, then there probably isn't a problem.

What could cause my app to show a blank screen on startup after upgrading to iOS 4.2.1?

My app works fine on iOS 3.3, but after I upgraded my iPhone to iOS 4.2.1, I started to see some weird behaviour.
When I start my app on the upgraded iPhone, it goes blank. I have to tap the Home button to close the app.
The problem is, the app did not crash. It just showed me a blank screen. So I don't have any crash report to track this issue down.
Has anyone seen this before? Is it an iOS 4.2-specific issue? What steps can I take to determine the cause so that I can fix my code?
The behaviour of iOS did change between iOS3 and iOS4. As a first step, try walking through your code with the debugger. Also check your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method in your main App Delegate class.
A quick search also turned up some useful info about a similar issue: App shows white screen on startup after upgrading to iOS 4.2
The link also has info on how they managed to find out what was happening.

Difference between running Iphone app through Xcode and running it through the Iphone

I'm having some strange behaviour ocurring when I try to run my Iphone app without using Xcode. If I run it by choosing Build & Run in Xcode it runs just fine, but if I do it by disconnecting the USB cable and tapping on the app on the Iphone, it crashes, yielding an unhelpful crash log.
Is there any difference between these 2 scenarios that could be causing this behaviour?
The difference is that if you run it via Xcode, the debugger is attached and a lot of restrictions are not applied. For example, if an app starts up it must respond with a few seconds otherwise it's killed. If you run it with the debugger, that restriction is lifted. Same when exiting: if you hit the home button (on iOS < 4 or iOS >= 4 without multitasking) then an app gets five seconds to exit. Not so with the debugger attached.
It might help if you post the error message from the crash log.
After having run the app out of XCode, have you terminated it? With iOS 4 it will continue to run in the background, and when you tap on the app on the iPhone, it just brought to the foreground.
Double click on the home button and see if it's still running. If so, tap on the app until the minus sign appears and tap it.