How to send Udp packet 2 or 3 times after failed received packet in java? - sockets

I have send Udp packet to the Server. If the server is OK then I can receive the response packet nicely but when the server is down then I did not get any response packet. Anybody can help me that how can I send my packet to server multiple time when fail to receive the response packet. Moreover, want to keep alive the connection with server. Thanks in advance.

After you've sent the packet, you wait for the ACK (response) package from the server. You could use the DatagramSocket.setSoTimeout() to an appropriate time, if you get the Timeout Exception increment a counter, if that counter is less than 2/3 send the packet again and repeat these steps. If the counter is bigger than 2/3 the server is down, just quit.
According to Java documentation, receive will block until a package is received or a timeout has expired.
To keep the connection alive you need to implement a ping-pong. In another thread of your program, you send a Keep-Alive packet (any small packet will do) and wait for a response. I suggest using a different port number for this purpose so that these packets won't mess up with the normal data packets. These packets can be send every 2 seconds o 2 minutes depends on your particular needs. When the thread receives the ACK packet it will update a private time variable with the current time, for example:
lastTimeSeen = System.currentTimeMillis();
put a method in your thread class to access the value of that variable.


Socket Keepalive with Periodic Send

I have a C/C++ application set up as follows:
A non-blocking TCP server socket on a linux platform
A thread which writes a small packet (less than 20 bytes) to the socket at 1 Hz
The socket is configured with keepalive enabled and with: keepidle=5, keepintvl=5 and keepcnt=3
My intention is that the keepalive mechanism should detect a physical disconnection of the network link. However, when the link is cut, I do not see the zero-length packets which should be generated by the keepalive mechanism (I am using tcpdump to monitor traffic). My impression is that what happens is this: after the cable disconnection, the application keeps making send requests and the fact that there are pending send requests prevents the keepalive mechanism from being activated. Is this explanation valid?
In order to check my explanation, I have modified my test as follows:
A non-blocking TCP server socket on a linux platform
A cyclical thread which writes a small packet (about 100 bytes) to the socket with a period of 30 seconds
The socket is configured with keepalive enabled and with: keepidle=5, keepintvl=5 and keepcnt=2
In this case, if I cut the connection, the keepalive mechanism triggers within about 15-20 seconds (which is what I would expect).
On a related point, I would like to understand the exact semantics of tcp_keepidle. This is defined as: "The number of seconds a connection needs to be idle before TCP begins sending out keep-alive probes". What exactly does 'idle' means in this context? Does it simply mean that nothing is received and nothing is put on the network; or does it mean that nothing is received and no send requests are made to the socket?

Does TCP ensure packet is received by sequence that server send it

I'm working on an gameServer that communicate with game client, but wonder whether the packet server send to client remain sequence when client received it ?
like server sends packets A,B,C
but the client received B,A,C ?
I have read the great blog
It seems that every packet send by the server has an ack corresponding by client, but it does not say why the packet received by client has the same sequence with server
It's worth reading TCP's RFC, particularly section 1.5 (Operation), which explains the process. In part, it says:
The TCP must recover from data that is damaged, lost, duplicated, or delivered out of order by the internet communication system. This is achieved by assigning a sequence number to each octet transmitted, and requiring a positive acknowledgment (ACK) from the receiving TCP. If the ACK is not received within a timeout interval, the data is retransmitted. At the receiver, the sequence numbers are used to correctly order segments that may be received out of order and to eliminate duplicates. Damage is handled by adding a checksum to each segment transmitted, checking it at the receiver, and discarding damaged segments.
I don't see where it's ever made explicit, but since the acknowledgement (as described in section 2.6) describes the next expected packet, the receiving TCP implementation is only ever acknowledging consecutive sequences of packets from the beginning. That is, if you never receive the first packet, you never send an acknowledgement, even if you've received all other packets in the message; if you've received 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, you only acknowledge 1-3.
For completeness, I'd also direct your attention to section 2.6, again, after it describes the above-quoted section in more detail:
An acknowledgment by TCP does not guarantee that the data has been delivered to the end user, but only that the receiving TCP has taken the responsibility to do so.
So, TCP ensures the order of packets, unless the application doesn't receive them. That exception probably wouldn't be common, except for cases where the application is unavailable, but it does mean that an application shouldn't assume that a successful send is equivalent to a successful reception. It probably is, for a variety of reasons, but it's explicitly outside of the protocol's scope.
TCP guarantees sequence and integrity of the byte stream. You will not receive data out of sequence. From RFC 793:
Reliable Communication: A stream of data sent on a TCP connection is delivered reliably and in
order at the destination.

Half-Established TCP Connections

Half-Established Connections
With a half-established connection I mean a connection for which the client's call to connect() returned successfully, but the servers call to accept() didn't. This can happen the following way: The client calls connect(), resulting in a SYN packet to the server. The server goes into state SYN-RECEIVED and sends a SYN-ACK packet to the client. This causes the client to reply with ACK, go into state ESTABLISHED and return from the connect() call. If the final ACK is lost (or ignored, due to a full accept queue at the server, which is probably the more likely scenario), the server is still in state SYN-RECEIVED and the accept() does not return. Due to timeouts associated with the SYN-RECEIVED state the SYN-ACK will be resend, allowing the client to resend the ACK. If the server is able to process the ACK eventually, it will go into state ESTABLISHED as well. Otherwise it will eventually reset the connection (i.e. send a RST to the client).
You can create this scenario by starting lots of connections on a single listen socket (if you do not adjust the backlog and tcp_max_syn_backlog). See this questions and this article for more details.
I performed several experiments (with variations of this code) and observed some behaviour I cannot explain. All experiments where performed using Erlang's gen_tcp and a current Linux, but I strongly suspect that the answers are not specific to this setup, so I tried to keep it more general here.
connect() -> wait -> send() -> receive()
My starting point was to establish a connection from the client, wait between 1 to 5 seconds, send a "Ping" message to the server and wait for the reply. With this setup I observed that the receive() failed with the error closed when I had a half-established connection. There was never an error during the send() on a half-established connection. You can find a more detailed description of this setup here.
connect() -> long wait -> send()
To see, if I can get errors while sending data on a half-established connection I waited for 4 minutes before sending data. The 4 minutes should cover all timeouts and retries associated with the half-established connection. Sending data was still possible, i.e. send() returned without error.
connect() -> receive()
Next I tested what happens if I only call receive() with a very long timeout (5 minutes). My expectation was to get an closed error for the half-established connections, as in the original experiments. Alas, nothing happend, no error was thrown and the receive eventually timed out.
My questions
Is there a common name for what I call a half-established connection?
Why is the send() on a half-established connection successful?
Why does a receive() only fail if I send data first?
Any help, especially links to detailed explanations, are welcome.
From the client's point of view, the session is fully established, it sent SYN, got back SYN/ACK and sent ACK. It is only on the server side that you have a half-established state. (Even if it gets a repeated SYN/ACK from the server, it will just re-ACK because it's in the established state.)
The send on this session works fine because as far as the client is concerned, the session is established. The sent data does not have to be acknowledged by the far side in order to succeed (the send system call is finished when the data is copied into kernel buffers) but see below.
I believe here that the send actually is generating an error on the connection (probably a RST) because the receiving system cannot ACK data on a session it has not finished establishing. My guess is that any system call referencing the socket on the client side that happens after the send plus a short delay (i.e. when the RST has had a chance to come back) will result in an error.
The receive by itself never causes an error because the client side doesn't need to do anything (I mean TCP protocol-wise) for a receive; it's just idly waiting. But once you send some data, you've forced the server side's hand: it either has completed the session establishment (in which case it can accept the data) or it must send a reset (my guess here that it can't "hold" undelivered data on a session that isn't fully established).

tcp keep alive basic query

I have a tcp socket for my app. TCP keep alive is enabled with a 10 seconds freq.
In addition, I also have msgs flowing between the app and the server every 1 sec to get status.
So, since there are msgs flowing anyway over the socket at a faster rate, there will be no keep alives flowing at all.
Now,consider this scenario: The remote server is down, so the periodic msg send (that happens every 1 sec) fails 3-5 times in a row. I dont think by enabling tcp keep alives, we can detect that the socket is broken, can we?
Do we have to then build logic in our code to ensure that if this periodic msg fails a certain number of times in a row, the other end is to be assumed dead?
Let me know.
In your application it makes no sense to enable keep alive.
Keep alive is for applications that have an open connection, and don't use it all the time, you are using it all the time so keep alive is not needed.
When you send something and the other end has crashed, TCP on the client will send all retransmissions with an increasing timeout. Finally if you have a blocking socket, you well get an error indication on the send operation where you know that you have to close the socket and retry a connection.
An error indication is where the return code of the socket operation is < 0.
I don't know the value of these timeouts by heart but it can go up to a minute or longer.
When the server is gracefully shutdown, meaning it will close its send of the socket, you will get that information by receiving 0 bytes on your receiving socket.
You might wanna check out my answer of yesterday as well :
Reset TCP connection if server closes/crashes mid connection
No, you don't need to assume anything. The connection will break either because a send will time out or a keep alive will time out. Either way, the connection will break and you'll start getting errors on reads and writes.

How synchronized are sockets if at all?

I already read this question about socket synchronization but I still dont get it yet.
Recently I was working on a relatively simple client/server app where the communication happens over a tcp socket. The client is written in PHP using the C-like functions (especially fsockopen and fgetc) PHP provides to interact with sockets, the server is written in node.js using a Stream for outputting data.
The protocol is quite simple, the message is just a string which ends with a 0-byte character.
Basically it works like this:
SERVER: Message 1
SERVER: Message 2
Which really worked fine as my client processed one message at a time by reading char by char from the socket until a 0-byte was encountered which designates the end of the message. Then the client writes back to the server that it has successfully received the message (thats the Ack <message id> part).
Now this happened:
SERVER: Message 1
SERVER: Message 2
SERVER: Message 3
Message 4
Message 5
Message 6
Meaning the server unexpectedly sent multiple messages in one "batch" to the client, although every message is a single stream.write(...) operation on the server. It seemed like the messages were buffered somewhere and then sent to the client at once. My client code couldnt cope with multiple messages in the socket WITHOUT an Ack response in between, so it cut off the remaining messages after id 3.
So my question is:
How synchronized are sockets in their read and writes? From the question above I understand that a socket is basically two uni-directional pipes, which means they are not synchronized at all?
How can it happen that some messages were sent to my client in a simple "one message-one ack" manner and then suddendly multiple messages are written to the stream?
Does it actually change the picture if the socket is opened in a blocking/non-blocking manner?
I tested this on a Ubuntu VM (so no load or anything that could provoke strange behaviour) using PHP 5.4 and node 0.6.x.
TCP is an abstraction of a bi-directional stream, and as such has no concept of messages and cannot preserve message boundaries. There is no guarantee how multiple send() or recv() calls will map to TCP packets. You should treat send() as if calling it multiple times is equivalent to calling it once with the concatenation of all the data. More importantly, when receiving, you should make sure that your code interprets the incoming data exactly the same way, no matter how it was split over indvidual recv() calls.
To receive properly, you can use a buffer where you store incomplete messages. But be careful that when you have an incomplete message in a buffer, the next recv() call may complete the current message, as well as provide zero or more complete messages, and possibly part of another incomplete message.
The blocking or non-blocking mode doesn't change anything here - it's only about the way your application interfaces with the OS.
There are two synchronization concepts to deal with:
The (generally) synchronous operation of send() or recv().
The asynchronous way that one process sends a message and the way the other process handles the message.
If you can, try to avoid a design that keeps a client and server in process-synchronized "lock step" with each other. That's asking for trouble. What if the one of the processes closes unexpectedly? The other process/thread might hang on a recv() that will never come. It's one thing for your design to expect each message to be acknowledged eventually, but it's quite another for your design to expect that only one message can be sent, then it must be acknowledged, before you may send another.
Consider this:
Server: send 1
Client: ack 1
Server: send 2
Server: send 3
Client: ack 2
Server: send 4
Client: ack 3
Client: ack 4
A design that can accommodate this situation is better than one that expects:
Server: send 1
Client: ack 1
Server: send 2
Client: ack 2
Server: send 3
Client: ack 3
Server: send 4
Client: ack 4