iPhone 5 app fails to install through iTunes - iphone

I have an iPhone app which was designed to run on the older iPhone screen size. It installs perfectly on iPhone 4 as well as iPhone 5 through iTunes on Windows. However, when I added extra nibs to the app to support the iPhone 5 extended screen, the new app doesn't get installed on either of the devices even with the same code signing identity. Could anyone cast some light on this about what might be going wrong here?


Migrating an apps from iOS 6 to iOS 7

I have an iOS 6 app that works fine and was accepted by iTunes when I upload it. Now I'm trying to update the apps so it will be compatible with iOS 7. It runs well both in the simulator and on an iPhone that ran from XCode 5. When I upload the app to iTunes, it succeeded. However, later the iTunes web site reported, "Invalid Binary". This is one of my apps.
I'm using sqlite database too.
I have tried many things from the forum due to my problem, but it's still "Invalid Binary". Would someone tell me what are the things that should be changed if we want to update our apps from iOS 6 to iOS 7?
Is it a problem with the code, or is the problem with my project setting such as Build Setting, etc.?
You likely just need to include a default image for supporting the iPhone 5.
It should be called: Default-568h#2x.png
and should be 640 × 1136 pixels

XCode 4.5.2 why can I run apps built for iPhone on an iPad?

I've recently upgraded to xCode 4.5.2 and attempted to resubmit an app to the app store. The apple minion has run my app on an iPad and it does not work. So the app got rejected.
I tried it again and again, and the only way I can make it fail is if I run it on an iPad. My question is: Why can I run the app that is intended for an iPhone on an iPad if I use xCode?
There's not storyboard file for iPad
The targetted device family is iPhone
There isn't even an icon file for iPad, so it just shows trimmed
launch image on the iPad's home screen
I cannot see the app that I published if I search for it on the app
store if I use iPad
The bug that I'm running into involves treading and core data. Is my data model compiled for iPhone only, and not for iPad?

How to test an app without its sourcecode and not using iPhone or iPad devices?

I want to do testing on an app which is provided free through iTunes. I do not have the source code of the app, i only have the .ipa file downloaded through iTunes and i do not have an iPhone or an iPad to install it and start my testing on the app . I want to test the app see how it works, write down scenarios and etc without using an iPhone or an iPad. I tried searching for iPhone simulators but i came to know that i cant install any apps on it, installed Xcode but i cannot simulate it until i have the source code which i do not have.
So can anyone suggest me where i can simulate an app which is provided through iTunes without having the source code ? I just want to see the app, what it provides etc without using an iPhone or iPad device
Many Thanks for your suggestions
The app will not run on your Mac. It’s been compiled for the processors in iOS devices, which makes it incompatible with the Intel processor in your Mac. I’d suggest finding a cheap iPhone 3GS or iPod Touch on eBay.

iPhone, iPad versions mixed in simulator

I created a iPhone application first and converted it to iPad version to make it a universal build. Most of the time it works fine. But sometimes my iPhone version load as iPad and iPad version launches as iPhone. Kind of mixed up. What is the cause for this? Will this be an issue in actual devices once I submit that to the app store?
Thank you
In Xcode you can select the active executable (use the drop-down in the upper-left corner). I find that sometimes it switches on me, perhaps showing iPad and requiring me to set it back to the iPhone executable for example. If this is your issue, there will not be any confusion when you're running it on an actual device.
If you are planning to submit an app to the app store, it's a very good idea (understatement) to test the app on real devices first!

Is there any way to simulate safari on the iphone 3 without access to the actual phone?

I'm having the rather frustrating problem of a website problem on iphone 3 that doesn't appear on iphone 4. I can't get my hands on an actual device. I'm running windows. Is there any way of simulating safari on iphone 3?
the only way to emulate the iOS browser is with the iOS Simulator which is part of the iOS SDK, however this requires a Mac to run.