Javascript create a function that returns a boolean value based on certain parameters - boolean

Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem. What I'm trying to do is create a javascript function that tests whether a sting is a particular length and also whether each element of that string can be found in another string. The function then needs to return a boolean value of either true or false depending on whether the string is valid.
Here's what I have:
N_ALPHA = 6;
var alphabet = ALPHABET.substring(0, N_ALPHA);
function isValidGuess(inStr)
{ var valid;
var Str = inStr;
for (i=0; i<Str.length; i++)
{ if (Str.charAt(i) === alphabet.charAt(i) && Str.length == N_CHOICES.length)
{ valid = true;
{ valid = false;
return valid;
This code is not working at all. It only returns false every time. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

N_CHOICES.length return undefined, because variable N_CHOICES is number.
you have to change your condition to
if (Str.charAt(i) === alphabet.charAt(i) && Str.length == N_CHOICES)


Flutter Parse Method Explanation

I have a String date in format Month-Day-4DigitYear that I want to convert to DateTime in Flutter. I'm a novice coder, and I'm struggling to understand the Parse method example.
Below is the example. I just have a few issues. Android Studio throws multiple errors when I just create a class and put in this function. I think I understand the non-nullable issue, so I delete the ! and ? marks everywhere.
My issues are: what are _parseFormat, _brokenDownDateToValue, _withValue ?
All give errors and just declaring the first two and deleting the _withValue doesn't seem to do the trick, although removes all errors. It's like they've left out a key portion that I'm missing or there is a package I need to import the neither I nor Android Studio knows about. Can anyone decrypt this? I get very frustrated with flutter's documentation, as it always seems to give 80% of required info, assuming you already are clairvoyant on all other topics except this single one they are discussing. Gotta be a pro before reading the manual.
// TODO(lrn): restrict incorrect values like 2003-02-29T50:70:80.
// Or not, that may be a breaking change.
static DateTime parse(String formattedString) {
var re = _parseFormat;
Match? match = re.firstMatch(formattedString);
if (match != null) {
int parseIntOrZero(String? matched) {
if (matched == null) return 0;
return int.parse(matched);
// Parses fractional second digits of '.(\d+)' into the combined
// microseconds. We only use the first 6 digits because of DateTime
// precision of 999 milliseconds and 999 microseconds.
int parseMilliAndMicroseconds(String? matched) {
if (matched == null) return 0;
int length = matched.length;
assert(length >= 1);
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
result *= 10;
if (i < matched.length) {
result += matched.codeUnitAt(i) ^ 0x30;
return result;
int years = int.parse(match[1]!);
int month = int.parse(match[2]!);
int day = int.parse(match[3]!);
int hour = parseIntOrZero(match[4]);
int minute = parseIntOrZero(match[5]);
int second = parseIntOrZero(match[6]);
int milliAndMicroseconds = parseMilliAndMicroseconds(match[7]);
int millisecond =
milliAndMicroseconds ~/ Duration.microsecondsPerMillisecond;
int microsecond = milliAndMicroseconds
.remainder(Duration.microsecondsPerMillisecond) as int;
bool isUtc = false;
if (match[8] != null) {
// timezone part
isUtc = true;
String? tzSign = match[9];
if (tzSign != null) {
// timezone other than 'Z' and 'z'.
int sign = (tzSign == '-') ? -1 : 1;
int hourDifference = int.parse(match[10]!);
int minuteDifference = parseIntOrZero(match[11]);
minuteDifference += 60 * hourDifference;
minute -= sign * minuteDifference;
int? value = _brokenDownDateToValue(years, month, day, hour, minute,
second, millisecond, microsecond, isUtc);
if (value == null) {
throw FormatException("Time out of range", formattedString);
return DateTime._withValue(value, isUtc: isUtc);
} else {
throw FormatException("Invalid date format", formattedString);
My issues are: what are _parseFormat, _brokenDownDateToValue, _withValue ?
These are objects or functions declared elsewhere in the lib which are private (the _ as the first character declares objects and functions as private) and therefore not shown in the documentation.
_parseFormat seems to be a regular expression.
_brokenDownDateToValue seems to be a function.
_withValue is a named constructor.
I think what you want to use is the following if you want to parse your date String to a DateTime object.
var date = "11-28-2020"; // Month-Day-4DigitYear
var dateTime = DateTime.parse(date.split('-').reversed.join());
See for the accepted strings to be parsed.
I did find the full code example here.
It didn't use the name _parseFormat, instead just RegExp? And has _withValue and _brokenDownDateToValue declarations.
As I see it, there isn't a proper way to decode their example. The example is insufficient. A dictionary should not create definitions using words that can't be found elsewhere in the dictionary.

Is there a way to sort string lists by numbers inside of the strings?

Is there a way to sort something like:
List<String> hi = ['1hi', '2hi','5hi', '3hi', '4hi'];
to this?
['1hi', '2hi','3hi', '4hi', '5hi']
Just calling List<String>.sort() by itself will do a lexicographic sort. That is, your strings will be sorted in character code order, and '10' will be sorted before '2'. That usually isn't expected.
A lexicographic sort will work if your numbers have leading 0s to ensure that all numbers have the same number of digits. However, if the number of digits is variable, you will need to parse the values of the numbers for sorting. A more general approach is to provide a callback to .sort() to tell it how to determine the relative ordering of two items.
Luckily, package:collection has a compareNatural function that can do this for you:
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
List<String> hi = ['1hi', '2hi','5hi', '3hi', '4hi'];
If your situation is a bit more complicated and compareNatural doesn't do what you want, a more general approach is to make the .sort() callback do parsing itself, such as via a regular expression:
/// Returns the integer prefix from a string.
/// Returns null if no integer prefix is found.
int parseIntPrefix(String s) {
var re = RegExp(r'(-?[0-9]+).*');
var match = re.firstMatch(s);
if (match == null) {
return null;
return int.parse(;
int compareIntPrefixes(String a, String b) {
var aValue = parseIntPrefix(a);
var bValue = parseIntPrefix(b);
if (aValue != null && bValue != null) {
return aValue - bValue;
if (aValue == null && bValue == null) {
// If neither string has an integer prefix, sort the strings lexically.
return a.compareTo(b);
// Sort strings with integer prefixes before strings without.
if (aValue == null) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
void main() {
List<String> hi = ['1hi', '2hi','5hi', '3hi', '4hi'];
You can sort the list like this:
(because numbers sort before letters in its implementation)

How to return a variable in a function in kotlin

I created a function that recieves input and compare it to a list, when find a match it return the match, in this case this match is the attribute of a class that i created.
I understand that the problem is with the return statement, so in the beginning of the function I declare the return as "Any", further more than that I'm kinda lost.
The error is this: A 'return' expression required in a function with a block body ('{...}')
class Class1(var self: String)
var test_class = Class1("")
fun giver(){
test_class.self = "Anything"
class Funciones(){
fun match_finder(texto: String): Any{
var lista = listOf<String>(test_class.self)
var lista_de_listas = listOf<String>("test_class.self")
var count = -1
for (i in lista_de_listas){
count = count + 1
if (texto == i){
lista_de_listas = lista
var variable = lista_de_listas[count]
return variable
fun main(){
var x = "test_class.self"
var funcion = Funciones()
var y = funcion.match_finder(x)
To explain you what the problem is, let's consider the following code:
class MyClass {
fun doSomething(): String {
val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3)
for (number in numbers) {
if (number % 2 == 0) {
return "There is at least one even number in the list"
If you try compiling it you'll get the same error message as in your question: A 'return' expression required in a function with a block body ('{...}'). Why is that?
Well, we defined a function doSomething returning a String (it could be any other type) but we're returning a result only if the list of numbers contains at least one even number. What should it return if there's no even number? The compiler doesn't know that (how could it know?), so it prompts us that message. We can fix the code by returning a value or by throwing an exception:
class MyClass {
fun doSomething(): String {
val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3)
for (number in numbers) {
if (number % 2 == 0) {
return "There is at least one even number in the list"
// return something if the list doesn't contain any even number
return "There is no even number in the list"
The same logic applies to your original code: what should the function return if there is no i such that texto == i?
Please also note that the solution you proposed may be syntactically correct - meaning it compiles correctly - but will probably do something unexpected. The for loop is useless since the if/else statement will always cause the function to return during the first iteration, so the value "There is no match" could be returned even if a match actually exists later in the list.
I searched online, if someone has the same problem, the correct code is as follows:
class Funciones(){
fun match_finder(texto: String): Any{
var lista = listOf<String>(test_class.self)
var lista_de_listas = listOf<String>("test_class.self")
var count = -1
var variable = " "
for (i in lista_de_listas){
count = count + 1
if (texto == i){
lista_de_listas = lista
var variable = lista_de_listas[count]
return variable
} else {
return "There is no match"
return variable

Swift Type 'string.index' has no subscript members

I'm currently converting C++ code to Swift and I've gotten stuck on one part. The parameter passed into the function is a string and the area where I'm stuck is when attempting to set a variable based on the second to last character of a string to check for a certain character.
The error shows up on this line:
I've tried casting this value to an Int but this didn't work:
Int(line[i - 1])
I've also tried to see if the string's startIndex function which takes a Int would work but it didn't:
line.startIndex[i - 1]
Here is the full function:
func scanStringForSpecificCharacters(line: String){
var maxOpen: Int = 0;
var minOpen: Int = 0;
minOpen = 0;
maxOpen = 0;
var i = 0
while i < line.characters.count {
for character in line.characters {
//var c: Character = line[i];
if character == "(" {
maxOpen += 1;
if i == 0 || line[i - 1] != ":" {
minOpen += 1;
else if character == ")"{
minOpen = max(0,minOpen-1);
if i == 0 || line[i-1] != ":"{
maxOpen -= 1;
if maxOpen < 0{
if maxOpen >= 0 && minOpen == 0{
Strings in Swift aren't indexed collections and instead you can access one of four different views: characters, UTF8, UTF16, or unicodescalars.
This is because Swift supports unicode, where an individual characters may actually be composed of multiple unicode scalars.
Here's a post that really helped me wrap my head around this:
Anyway, to answer you question you'll need to create an index using index(after:), index(before:), or index(_, offsetBy:).
In your case you'd want to do something like this:
line.index(line.endIndex, offsetBy: -2) // second to last character
Also, you'll probably find it easier to iterate directly using a String.Index type rather than Int:
let line = "hello"
var i = line.startIndex
while i < line.endIndex {
i = line.index(after: i)
// prints ->
// h
// e
// l
// l
// o
Working with Strings in Swift was changed several times during it's evolution and it doesn't look like C++ at all. You cannot subscript string to obtain individual characters, you should use index class for that. I recommend you read this article:
As already pointed out in the other answers, the compiler error
is caused by the problem that you cannot index a Swift String with
Another problem in your code is that you have a nested loop which is
probably not intended.
Actually I would try to avoid string indexing at all and only
enumerate the characters, if possible. In your case, you can
easily keep track of the preceding character in a separate variable:
var lastChar: Character = " " // Anything except ":"
for char in line.characters {
if char == "(" {
maxOpen += 1;
if lastChar != ":" {
minOpen += 1;
// ...
lastChar = char
Or, since you only need to know if the preceding character is
a colon:
var lastIsColon = false
for char in string.characters {
if char == "(" {
maxOpen += 1;
if !lastIsColon {
minOpen += 1;
// ...
lastIsColon = char == ":"
Another possible approach is to iterate over the string and a shifted
view of the string in parallel:
for (lastChar, char) in zip([" ".characters, line.characters].joined(), line.characters) {
// ...
As others have already explained, trying to index into Swift strings is a pain.
As a minimal change to your code, I would recommend that you just create an array of the characters in your line up front:
let linechars = Array(line.characters)
And then anywhere you need to index into the line, use linechars:
if i == 0 || line[i-1] != ":" {
if i == 0 || linechars[i-1] != ":" {

Swift NSString to Int conversion issues

First off, I'm fairly new to programming and trying to learn Swift, though I've worked with python and perl in the past.
I'm creating a simple prime number command line application. The program runs correctly when I provide the arguments for the functions, but causes consistently incorrect outputs when I prompt user input. I researched the best way to implement this behavior in Swift, as it doesn't have scanf() or raw_input() type commands, but I have something screwed up.
The program has several different functions, but the one I've been fighting with checks whether an integer is prime. The code for the function follows:
func testForPrime(num:Int)->Bool{
var num = num
var counter = 0
var primeTest : Bool = true
if num <= 1 || num % 2 == 0{
println("\(num) is not a prime number")
primeTest = false
##'checkerNumbers' is another function to determine the denominator
for i in checkerNumbers(Double(num)){
if num % i == 0 {
println("\(num) is not a prime number.")
println("\(num / i)*\(i)=\(num)")
primeTest = false
if counter == 0{
println("\(num) is a prime number!")
primeTest = true
return primeTest
And here is the input for the function:
var input = NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput()
println("Enter a number to check if it is prime")
if let data : NSData = input.availableData as NSData? {
if let var x : Int = NSInteger(NSUTF8StringEncoding) as NSInteger?{
var intInput = x
When a any number is entered in the terminal, the output is always '4'. However, if I run the function with testForPrime(13), instead of with user input, it responds as I would expect. I was thinking it may have to do with the conversion from NSString and NSUTF8StringEncoding to Int...
Can someone help me sort this out?
Thanks in advance!
Ok... So I figured out a way to make it work, though it may not be the best. I replaced the whole input section with the following:
println("Enter a number to check if it is prime")
var input = NSString(data: NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput().availableData, encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding)
var intInput = input?.intValue