Swift Type 'string.index' has no subscript members - swift

I'm currently converting C++ code to Swift and I've gotten stuck on one part. The parameter passed into the function is a string and the area where I'm stuck is when attempting to set a variable based on the second to last character of a string to check for a certain character.
The error shows up on this line:
I've tried casting this value to an Int but this didn't work:
Int(line[i - 1])
I've also tried to see if the string's startIndex function which takes a Int would work but it didn't:
line.startIndex[i - 1]
Here is the full function:
func scanStringForSpecificCharacters(line: String){
var maxOpen: Int = 0;
var minOpen: Int = 0;
minOpen = 0;
maxOpen = 0;
var i = 0
while i < line.characters.count {
for character in line.characters {
//var c: Character = line[i];
if character == "(" {
maxOpen += 1;
if i == 0 || line[i - 1] != ":" {
minOpen += 1;
else if character == ")"{
minOpen = max(0,minOpen-1);
if i == 0 || line[i-1] != ":"{
maxOpen -= 1;
if maxOpen < 0{
if maxOpen >= 0 && minOpen == 0{

Strings in Swift aren't indexed collections and instead you can access one of four different views: characters, UTF8, UTF16, or unicodescalars.
This is because Swift supports unicode, where an individual characters may actually be composed of multiple unicode scalars.
Here's a post that really helped me wrap my head around this: https://oleb.net/blog/2016/08/swift-3-strings/
Anyway, to answer you question you'll need to create an index using index(after:), index(before:), or index(_, offsetBy:).
In your case you'd want to do something like this:
line.index(line.endIndex, offsetBy: -2) // second to last character
Also, you'll probably find it easier to iterate directly using a String.Index type rather than Int:
let line = "hello"
var i = line.startIndex
while i < line.endIndex {
i = line.index(after: i)
// prints ->
// h
// e
// l
// l
// o

Working with Strings in Swift was changed several times during it's evolution and it doesn't look like C++ at all. You cannot subscript string to obtain individual characters, you should use index class for that. I recommend you read this article:

As already pointed out in the other answers, the compiler error
is caused by the problem that you cannot index a Swift String with
Another problem in your code is that you have a nested loop which is
probably not intended.
Actually I would try to avoid string indexing at all and only
enumerate the characters, if possible. In your case, you can
easily keep track of the preceding character in a separate variable:
var lastChar: Character = " " // Anything except ":"
for char in line.characters {
if char == "(" {
maxOpen += 1;
if lastChar != ":" {
minOpen += 1;
// ...
lastChar = char
Or, since you only need to know if the preceding character is
a colon:
var lastIsColon = false
for char in string.characters {
if char == "(" {
maxOpen += 1;
if !lastIsColon {
minOpen += 1;
// ...
lastIsColon = char == ":"
Another possible approach is to iterate over the string and a shifted
view of the string in parallel:
for (lastChar, char) in zip([" ".characters, line.characters].joined(), line.characters) {
// ...

As others have already explained, trying to index into Swift strings is a pain.
As a minimal change to your code, I would recommend that you just create an array of the characters in your line up front:
let linechars = Array(line.characters)
And then anywhere you need to index into the line, use linechars:
if i == 0 || line[i-1] != ":" {
if i == 0 || linechars[i-1] != ":" {


Count number of characters between two specific characters

Trying to make a func that will count characters in between two specified char like:
count char between "#" and "." or "#" and ".com"
If this is only solution could this code be written in a simple way with .count or something less confusing
func validateEmail(_ str: String) -> Bool {
let range = 0..<str.count
var numAt = Int()
numDot = Int()
if str.contains("#") && str.contains(".") && str.characters.first != "#" {
for num in range {
if str[str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: num)] == "#" {
numAt = num
print("The position of # is \(numAt)")
} else if
str[str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: num)] == "." {
numDot = num
print("The position of . is \(numDot)")
if (numDot - numAt) > 1 {
return true
return false
With help from #Βασίλης Δ. i made a direct if statement for func validateEmail that check if number of char in between are less than 1
if (str.split(separator: "#").last?.split(separator: ".").first!.count)! < 1{
return false
It could be usefull
There are many edge cases to what you're trying to do, and email validation is notoriously complicated. I recommend doing as little of it as possible. Many, many things are legal email addresses. So you will need to think carefully about what you want to test. That said, this addresses what you've asked for, which is the distance between the first # and the first . that follows it.
func lengthOfFirstComponentAfterAt(in string: String) -> Int? {
// Find the first # in the string
let firstAt = string.firstIndex(of: "#"),
// Find the first "." after that
let firstDotAfterAt = string[firstAt...].firstIndex(of: ".")
else {
return nil
// Return the distance between them (not counting the dot itself)
return string.distance(from: firstAt, to: firstDotAfterAt) - 1
lengthOfFirstComponentAfterAt(in: "rob#example.org") // Optional(7)
There's a very important lesson about Collections in this code. Notice the expression:
string[firstAt...].firstIndex(of: ".")
When you subscript a Collection, each element of the resulting slice has the same index as in the original collection. The returned value from firstIndex can be used directly to subscript string without offsetting. This is very different than how indexes work in many other languages, and allows powerful algorithms, and also creates at lot of bugs when developers forget this.

Finding The First Non-repeating Character algorithm Swift 4 (Looping over string only once)

I am trying to solve code fights interview practice questions, but I am stuck on how to solve this particular problem in swift. My first thought was to use a dictionary with the counts of each character, but then I would have to iterate over the string again to compare, so that doesn't work per the restrictions. Any help would be good. Thank you. Here is the problem and requirements:
Note: Write a solution that only iterates over the string once and uses O(1) additional memory, since this is what you would be asked to do during a real interview.
Given a string s, find and return the first instance of a non-repeating character in it. If there is no such character, return '_'
Here is the code I started with (borrowed from another post)
func firstNotRepeatingCharacter(s: String) -> Character {
var countHash:[Character:Int] = [:]
for character in s {
countHash[character] = (countHash[character] ?? 0) + 1
let nonRepeatingCharacters = s.filter({countHash[$0] == 1})
let firstNonRepeatingCharacter = nonRepeatingCharacters.first!
return firstNonRepeatingCharacter
You can create a dictionary to store the occurrences and use first(where:) method to return the first occurrence that happens only once:
Swift 4
func firstNotRepeatingCharacter(s: String) -> Character {
var occurrences: [Character: Int] = [:]
s.forEach{ occurrences[$0, default: 0] += 1 }
return s.first{ occurrences[$0] == 1 } ?? "_"
Swift 3
func firstNotRepeatingCharacter(s: String) -> Character {
var occurrences: [Character:Int] = [:]
s.characters.forEach{ occurrences[$0] = (occurrences[$0] ?? 0) + 1}
return s.characters.first{ occurrences[$0] == 1 } ?? "_"
Another option iterating the string in reversed order and using an array of 26 elements to store the characters occurrences
func firstNotRepeatingCharacter(s: String) -> Character {
var chars = Array(repeating: 0, count: 26)
var characters: [Character] = []
var charIndex = 0
var strIndex = 0
s.characters.reversed().forEach {
let index = Int(String($0).unicodeScalars.first!.value) - 97
chars[index] += 1
if chars[index] == 1 && strIndex >= charIndex {
charIndex = strIndex
strIndex += 1
return characters.reversed().first { chars[Int(String($0).unicodeScalars.first!.value) - 97] == 1 } ?? "_"
Use a dictionary to store the character counts as well as where they were first encountered. Then, loop over the dictionary (which is constant in size since there are only so many unique characters in the input string, thus also takes constant time to iterate) and find the earliest occurring character with a count of 1.
func firstUniqueCharacter(in s: String) -> Character
var characters = [Character: (count: Int, firstIndex: Int)]()
for (i, c) in s.characters.enumerated()
if let t = characters[c]
characters[c] = (t.count + 1, t.firstIndex)
characters[c] = (1, i)
var firstUnique = (character: Character("_"), index: Int.max)
for (k, v) in characters
if v.count == 1 && v.firstIndex <= firstUnique.index
firstUnique = (k, v.firstIndex)
return firstUnique.character
Use dictionary, uniqueCharacter optional variable with unique characters array to store all uniquely present characters in the string , every time duplication of characters found should delete that character from unique characters array and same time it is the most first character then should update the dictionary with its count incremented , refer following snippet , how end of the iteration through all characters gives a FIRST NON REPEATED CHARACTER in given String. Refer following code to understand it properly
func findFirstNonRepeatingCharacter(string:String) -> Character?{
var uniqueChars:[Character] = []
var uniqueChar:Character?
var chars = string.lowercased().characters
var charWithCount:[Character:Int] = [:]
for char in chars{
if let count = charWithCount[char] { //amazon
charWithCount[char] = count+1
if char == uniqueChar{
uniqueChar = uniqueChars.first
charWithCount[char] = 1
if uniqueChar == nil{
uniqueChar = char
return uniqueChar
// Use
findFirstNonRepeatingCharacter(string: "eabcdee")

Optimizing adding dashes to a long Swift String

I am trying to take a hex string and insert dashes between every other character (e.g. "b201a968" to "b2-01-a9-68"). I have found several ways to do it, but the problem is my string is fairly large (8066 characters) and the fastest I can get it to work it still takes several seconds. These are the ways I have tried and how long they are taking. Can anyone help me optimize this function?
//42.68 seconds
func reformatDebugString(string: String) -> String
var myString = string
var index = 2
myString.insert("-", at: myString.index(myString.startIndex, offsetBy: index))
index += 3
if(index >= myString.characters.count){
return myString
//21.65 seconds
func reformatDebugString3(string: String) -> String
var myString = ""
let length = string.characters.count
var first = true
for i in 0...length-1{
let index = string.index(myString.startIndex, offsetBy: i)
let c = string[index]
myString += "\(c)"
myString += "-"
first = !first
return myString
//11.37 seconds
func reformatDebugString(string: String) -> String
var myString = string
var index = myString.characters.count - 2
myString.insert("-", at: myString.index(myString.startIndex, offsetBy: index))
index -= 2
if(index == 0){
return myString
The problem with all three of your approaches is the use of index(_:offsetBy:) in order to get the index of the current character in your loop. This is an O(n) operation where n is the distance to offset by – therefore making all three of your functions run in quadratic time.
Furthermore, for solutions #1 and #3, your insertion into the resultant string is an O(n) operation, as all the characters after the insertion point have to be shifted up to accommodate the added character. It's generally cheaper to build up the string from scratch in this case, as we can just add a given character onto the end of the string, which is O(1) if the string has enough capacity, O(n) otherwise.
Also for solution #1, saying myString.characters.count is an O(n) operation, so not something you want to be doing at each iteration of the loop.
So, we want to build the string from scratch, and avoid indexing and calculating the character count inside the loop. Here's one way of doing that:
extension String {
func addingDashes() -> String {
var result = ""
for (offset, character) in characters.enumerated() {
// don't insert a '-' before the first character,
// otherwise insert one before every other character.
if offset != 0 && offset % 2 == 0 {
return result
// ...
print("b201a968".addingDashes()) // b2-01-a9-68
Your best solution (#3) in a release build took 37.79s on my computer, the method above took 0.023s.
As already noted in Hamish's answer, you should avoid these two things:
calculate each index with string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: ...)
modifying a large String with insert(_:at:)
So, this can be another way:
func reformatDebugString4(string: String) -> String {
var result = ""
var currentIndex = string.startIndex
while currentIndex < string.endIndex {
let nextIndex = string.index(currentIndex, offsetBy: 2, limitedBy: string.endIndex) ?? string.endIndex
if currentIndex != string.startIndex {
result += "-"
result += string[currentIndex..<nextIndex]
currentIndex = nextIndex
return result

Counting Vowels in Swift [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
I have done this successfully in Java and C++ but can't figure it out in Swift. Here is my C++ code:
int count_vowels (string input)
int position = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++)
char ch;
ch = input[i];
if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'e' || ch == 'i' || ch == 'o' || ch == 'u'){
return position;
Again I'm just trying to iterate through a string, counting the values that are true in the if statement and returning the position(how many there are).
Is there any way to convert this to swift syntax.
I figured it out:
for char in vowels.characters{
if char == ("a") || char == ("e") || char == ("i") || char == ("o") || char == ("u") {
Thanks everybody for there help and posts I was pulling my hair out on this one.
Thanks again
Disclaimer: I don't know Swift but....
You should be able to use Swift's higher level features to accomplish this more succinctly. For example, the vowel characters don't change within your function so they can be represented as a Swift Set:
var vowelCount = 0
var vowels = Set(["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"])
Then test if each input character is a member of the set and increment the count if it is:
for ch in input {
if (vowels.contains(ch)) {
vowelCount += 1
I agree that you should show what it is you've tried in Swift so we can provide guidance on what may be broken. That being said, I did a quick conversion. It may not be the best, but here you go
import Cocoa
let vowels: [Character] = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
func count_vowels(input: String) -> Int {
var vowelCount: Int = 0
for ch in input.lowercaseString.characters {
if (vowels.contains(ch)) {
return vowelCount
With this, print(count_vowels("Hello world")) prints out 3
Modified my answer based on the answer from Tom Hicks. It definitely gets rid of the ugly if statement and makes the code easier to read. I declare the vowels list outside of the function so that it isn't being generated every time you call the function.
You could do something like this:
extension String {
var numberOfVowels: Int {
let vowels = "aeiou"
let vowelsSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: vowels)
let strippedComponents = lowercaseString.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(vowelsSet)
let stripped = strippedComponents.joinWithSeparator("")
return characters.count - stripped.characters.count
This will work ... but its not elegent.
let str = "test voWeL COUNT"
let v = ["A","a","E","e","i","I","o","O","u","U"]
var vowels = 0;
for i in str.characters {
if (v.contains("\(i)")) {
print("Vowels \(vowels)")

Javascript First letter uppercase restlower of two lines "."

I want to first letter to be in upper case other in lower. But after ".", it must be upper again..
function firstToUpperCase( str ) {
return str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
var str = 'prompt("Enter text to convert: ")
var Upcase = firstToUpperCase( str );
Here's a simplistic answer based on what you provided. It does not take whitespace into account following the period since you didn't mention that in the specs.
function firstToUpperCase(str) {
var parts = str.split(".");
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
parts[i] = parts[i].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + parts[i].substring(1).toLowerCase();
return parts.join(".");
If you're trying to deal with sentences, something like this might be a little better, though it does not preserve exact whitespace:
function firstToUpperCase(str) {
var parts = str.split(".");
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
sentence = parts[i].trim();
parts[i] = sentence.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sentence.substring(1).toLowerCase();
return parts.join(". ");