if multiselect is.selected, find any select that hasClass of the selected.val() then enable that selected - select

How would I go about coding: if multiselect is.selected, find any select that hasClass of the selected.val() then enable that selected?
var countryChange = $(this).val();
if ($("#Countries option[value='"+countryChange+"']").is(":selected"))
$("#Solutions option." + countryChange).prop("disabled",false);
But the above only works if the country in question is selected, not if others are selected, as it's in an array.


Knockout select binding

How to prevent select change event fires when the select biding is initiated? an add button on the page that will add select dynamically to the DOM. when each select box is adding to the DOM, the change event is firing rather than I select the item from the select?
The thing is that KnockoutJS attempts to find which element of your listbox matches the requiredItem observable. There is none in the beginning, which is why it then attempts to set it to the "caption" of the listbox. You did not provide one, so it sets requiredItem to the first element of the listbox.
What you could do is add a caption item to your array:
self.requireditems = ko.observableArray([
{ desc: "Select an option from the list...", key: 0, editable: false } // ... and then all other items]);
and if you really don't want requiredItem to be updated:
self.selectedItem = ko.observable(self.requiredItems()[0]);
Then if you want to know if a valid element has been selected from the list, you could add the following property:
self.isValidSelectedItem = ko.computed(function() {
return self.selectedItem().id;

Reset values from jQuery Mobile

I need to reset all the values ​​of field elements of my page. The elements are: inputs, selects (combobox), checkbox and radio group.
Searching found the following code:
$("*").attr('value', '');
$('select').each(function() {
if($(this).children().length > 0) {
$($(this).children()[0]).attr('selected', 'selected');
Inputs and checkbox are ok with this code, but the other components present problems with the codes tested. The radio group needed or take any kind of selection or at least select the first. The combobox resets with this code but when trying to select a new value it is not storing your value.
The non textual inputs need to be refreshed. Here's an example of doing so:
//reset text input values, then refresh slider widgets
//reset checkboxes and radio inputs, then refresh them
$(".ui-checkbox input[type='checkbox'], .ui-radio input[type='radio']").prop("checked", false).checkboxradio("refresh");
//reset all select menus and then refresh them
$('.ui-select select').val('').selectmenu('refresh');
return false;
Here is a demo: http://jsfiddle.net/MLewd/1/

How to select an item in SmartGWT SelectItem?

I have a SelectItem object which has a few items. I set a value MAP with:
organizations[0] = "A";
organizations[0] = "B";
When displayed, the combo box is showing "A" as selected item. Then, I need to programatically select value "B" and select this on the current SelectItem object. I've been looking all over the place with no avail.
If you want any option of selectItem to be manually selected, then you should try following:
After doing this when you open the picklist of the selectItem, value "B" will be highlighted.

jqgrid single select checkbox

In Jqgrid, I want to restrict user to select only one check box at any time. When user selects multiple check box only last selected to be in 'selected' state, remaining should be automatically un-selected.
I have set multi select attribute to true. But I am not able to do un-select previously selected item. Is it possible to do if so how?
You can use the event beforeSelectRow and reset the selection:
beforeSelectRow: function(rowid, e)
I've got a fiddle for you so you can check how it works.
You have to do some more stuff:
1. Set multiboxonly to true and multiselect to true
2. Define the events onSelectRow and beforeSelectRow:
3. Define global variable: var lastSel;
The OnSelectRow and beforeSelectRow implementation:
onSelectRow: function (rowId, status, e) {
if (rowId == lastSel) {
lastSel = undefined;
status = false;
} else {
lastSel = rowId;
beforeSelectRow: function (rowId, e) {
return true;
Having a checkbox in each column implies that you can click more than one at a time. What you are asking for is basically the multiselect: false behavior but with the checkbox column - are you sure you really want the checkboxes in this case?
I know this question is old, but I found a better solution in this Stack Post.
All you have to do is set the following two properties of the jqGrid:
multiselect:true // multi-select checkboxes appear
multiboxonly:true // checkboxes act like radio buttons where only one is selected at a time
I have updated the fiddle made by LeftyX to simply use the multiboxonly setting at this JsFiddle
This was what I needed. It may help someone else.

how to disable a jqgrid select list (dropdown) on the edit form

This is strange and any alternative method to what I want to accomplish is welcome. My app uses the jqgrid 3.5.3 and I need to disable a select list on my edit form. When I do so using the code displayed below it breaks the edit form - meaning I can not cancel or submit it. Thanks. This code is in the edit options array of the navGrid method. The the dropdown is the 'serv_descr' field. The others are text boxes and don't pose a problem. The form does come up and the field is disabled - its just broken.
beforeShowForm: function(eparams) {
document.getElementById('equip_id').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('service_dt').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('serv_descr').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('calc_next_svc').checked = 'true';
afterShowForm: function(eparams) {
$('#equip_id').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('#service_dt').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('#serv_descr').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('#calc_next_svc').attr('checked', true);
replace event trigger afterShowForm
id name must be form controll