Pay to 3rd Party PayPal account from website, and confirm success - paypal

How can I have a visitor to my site pay to a 3rd party PayPal account (one I do not have access to) and have PayPal return the visitor to my site, confirming that the payment was a success (while requiring no special setup or confidential information from the 3rd party account)?
My company provides a service to clients of other organizations, however, we collect payment directly from those organizations (and not from their clients). In our particular case, if the organization's client opts to use our service, they will pay the organization they are part of (and not us) - the entirety of their payment goes to the 3rd party organization (the value of the payment may vary, but it will always be billed as a single item). The only information we need from this transaction is: the ID of the client (a value from our database), and some type of verifiable confirmation (ideally, a dollar value paid).
The flow is as follows:
Our site
redirect to 3rd party PayPal
return to our site with confirmation
Authorize transaction and enable service
e.g. thank you page with Next button
payment needs to be authorized before going to next page
We would like to implement this in such a way that the 3rd party organization does not need to set up anything additional in their PayPal account, and does not need to share confidential information with us (ideally, they should only need to share their PayPal email address).
Currently, we are exploring using the following:
Buy Now button
Set the notify_url field on the form
Setup an IPN listener on our server that will process (and verify) the transaction
The problems are two fold:
We have been unable to confirm that this implementation would not require the 3rd party
organization to setup anything in their PayPal account (e.g. they
don't need to setup IPN, since we are using a per transaction URL
and they don't need to share their API key).
IPN is asynchronous - so we will not receive the notification as part of the transaction flow (which complicates things, but if no better option exists, we
can make it work). Is there any synchronous approach that would
notify us of a successful transaction without requiring additional
credentials (e.g. PDT requires an identity token so does not appear
to be an option for us).
If there are any better ways to approach this problem, suggestions would be appreciated.

You can use Parallel or Chained Payments to send money to multiple recipients, be able to control where the buyer is taken to after completing the payment, and you would get an API response back right away telling you if the payment completed or not. Using the Permission Services API calls you can set up your account as a third party to the receivers so they wouldn't have to make the changes themselves.
You mentioned that you're looking into using Buy Now buttons through Payments Standard. That would work for if you're looking for a quick and simple way of setting it up. Define the receiver as the business value and the money would be sent to them.
By default, IPN is set to "off" in an account which means an IPN post will still be sent out if you define it with the "notify_url" variable. You may need them to enable IPN within their account if they've previously disabled the service. If the receiver already has an IPN URL set in their account it would be overwritten by the "notify_url" value you provide.


Verify Paypal id is valid or not inserted by user

I want to verify that whether user has entered valid Paypal id or not. If not than user can't do registration. I've also visited this [1]: How can I verify a PayPal ID? question but it doesn't help me :(
You can't find a direct answer because "valid PayPal ID" doesn't have a single fixed meaning. You will need to be more specific as to what you are trying to discover. Then there may or may not be a way to accomplish what you want, since PayPal protects some aspects of their customers' account and identity information for their protection (and for business reasons).
A bit of background that may help you clarify your question, if not necessarily answer it:
Any email (or phone number) can be configured to receive PayPal payments, in many cases even if the email was not attached to a PayPal account at the time the payment was sent. However, not all PayPal products can function in this way (e.g. you cannot make API calls as an account that has not been set up and has not generated API credentials). Are you asking about receiving money, and if so with which product(s)?
Most people can pay through PayPal if sent to a PayPal page, whether they are accountholders or not (depending upon the PayPal product being used). In addition to guest payments and/or direct credit card payments through PayPal, people can set up PayPal accounts when they arrive and immediately pay with them. So collecting email first and refusing to go forward if there is no PayPal account attached to that email would loose you potential customers. It would also "let through" many customers who could not pay, such as people who know an email address but don't own the attached PayPal account. PayPal also intentionally declines to easily answer questions about whether an email has an associated PayPal account in order to make it harder for bad actors to accumulate lists of PayPal accounts (often with associated personal information) for spear phishing campaigns. There are some APIs that allow you to get limited information about a PayPal account but there are limits associated with these APIs; see e.g. GetVerifiedStatus documentation at:
Note also that Verified has a particular technical meaning in PayPal, and is NOT AT ALL THE SAME as "able to pay you."
If you want to know if someone can log into their PayPal account, and then use that PayPal account to get information about the user (as well as potentially pay you), that's easy: use Login with PayPal. That's what it's for. Naturally this requires the user to login and assent to your use of their information.
If you want to know if someone can take a particular action (e.g. make a payment), at this moment, the only way to be certain is to actionally request that action. You have options short of actually requesting money; if you want to ensure the user has funds and reserve them for you to collect shortly you can request an authorization rather than a sale. If you want to make sure the user can log in, has payment mechanisms and generally looks ready to pay you (but WITHOUT reserving and guaranteeing funds) you can request an Order.
Hopefully one of these things is what you are asking for?
If you have a PayPal AccountID (a PayPal-generated ID rather than an externally-generated identifier like email or phone number) you can pass it to certain APIs (such as the GetVerifiedStatus), so many of the same options above apply.

Paypal Client Website Payment Options

Currently we are using Paypal's REST API to setup a paypal payment process on our client's website.
Our webcontrol sits inside an iframe on their website and it is from this control the the paypal process is started and processed. Currently that works ok.
The issue we have is that this requires each customer of ours to have a business account (which is required any way we go so that bit is ok) but they then need to go the developer portal on their account and setup a an App ClientID and Secret (which is the bit we are hoping to do without to make it as simple as possible for our customers).
I have noticed solutions like offer paypal integration to their customers and only require the email address of their customer's paypal account and they handle the rest of the setup from there automatically.
I am just looking for some guidance on which product in Paypal's range should I be looking at to implement the same sort of solution setup for our customers?
Your observation is correct: the REST API service does not (currently) support placing API Calls for other users.
Classic API: You can call the API in the name of a customer (who first needs to grant your API user access to his account) by passing the "SUBJECT=E-Mail Address" Variable. Usually used in conjunction with Express Checkout - see:
If you want to go this route, you may want to look into the permission service API under - it allows you to programmatically request the required permissions from a seller.
Adaptive Payments:
Often used by market places, we're dealing with 3 parties within Adaptive Payments:
a. API Caller --> The API caller placing the API calls and receiving all infos
b. The sender --> The person sending money to one or more recipients
c. The receiver(s) --> One or more receivers of the payment. As Adaptive Payments is pretty much using PayPals "Send Money" functionality, no further permissions need to be requested from the receivers.
Website Payments Standard: Just add a different e-mail address to the "business" variable and you're done.

Implementing PayPal PDT on behalf of others

I have a site where my users can create invoices. I would like to offer my users the ability to have their invoices paid by their clients via PayPal. Each user on my site has their own paypal account.
I would like to use PDT so that the status of the invoice is updated to paid immediately after a payment is made via paypal. However, it would appear that this is not possible, because PDT requires that Auto Return is enabled ( in the paypal account. Given that I don't have control of all my clients' paypal accounts (and I can't ask all of them to enable Auto Return), this doesn't seem to be feasible.
However, looking further into Standard Payments (, I can create a form variable called return (see Setting The Return URL on Individual Transactions). Does this mean that PDT data will be returned when using this method?
What you want is Instant Payment Notification (IPN). It is very similar to PDT except that it will be triggered regardless of whether Auto Return is enabled and whether or not the user actually makes it back to the site (which isn't guaranteed even with Auto-Return enabled).
The IPN system will POST transaction data to a listener on your web server in real-time. This can be used to update your own database, send email notifications, hit 3rd party web services, or anything else you'd like to automate.
IPN happens "behind the scenes". It's server-to-server communication, so it's not something that you'll see happening in the browser. It will do exactly what you're wanting, though.

Paypal Marketplace Seller

I'm struggling to pick the right Paypal solution for a small marketplace website.
The site has a number of vendors and customers buy directly from them. There is no commission or complication - payment is direct, buyer to vendor.
It crosses my mind that although I'm the merchant, I'm not the final funds recipient - so I can't see how I can make this work. I'd like to use Express, but I'm not sure that I can set the funds recipient to a third party account.
I don't want to use Adaptive. I've tried that before and it has some features missing (mostly relating to verified addresses, ability to list invoice items etc).
It also crosses my mind that if buyer A sends to Vendor B through the site, then there can be no IPN as the merchant is not the final recipient.
Really I'm looking for the right way to go to deploy a solid Paypal solution for this.
You could use Express Checkout for this. They vendors would just need to grant API permissions to your API username so that your user name has the permissions to execute Express Checkout API calls on their account. This will allow you directly process the transactions on their PayPal account. You can also pass over the IPN URL in the API call that you would like to have the IPN sent to. Also by passing it over in the API call, it will override the one set in the account for the particular transaction you pass it over for. This way the merchant/vendor can still use the one they may have set in their account for something else.

Choosing the right Paypal system for processing registrations and subscriptions

The payments we gather on our website are for online subscriptions and registrations for conferences. In both cases, we want to gather absolutely all information other than the payment information ourselves, and ideally pass some of it on to PayPal (so users don't have to fill in name, address, etc. twice).
I know there are solutions where the information is gathered by the server itself and then redirected to PayPal via a web services call but that's not an option, unfortunately. All secure payment information gathered has to happen off-server due to network policy.
In addition, not every form will need to be processed using PayPal. Some people will be paying via check, etc. so they shouldn't be sent to a payment page at all. Most solutions I've looked at have a "Pay with Paypal" button, so I assume a form post is necessary to go to the PayPal site, but ideally we'd want to get there via a 302 redirect. Is that at all possible? (I'm aware we could do something like a form that was auto-submitted by JavaScript but I'd prefer to not go down that route).
Whichever system we implemented would need to handle recurring (periodic) payments also.
Paypal has something called Payflow Pro. They bought it from VeriSign a few years ago.
You can use it to do a full integration with the paypal api. So that the user enters their payment details on your site, and your backend code submits the transaction to paypal's servers. Paypal will then give you a transaction id back. Keep the transaction ID, chuck everything else (like the card number) out the window.
We have several clients that use Payflow Pro. It's very good and easy to use api.
I'm not entirely sure I understand the full scope of your question, but I think I do. I've coded a number these conf. registrations (though I have not interfaced with PayPal...rather iTransact and Plug'NPay) and in my applications, I had to read through the API documentation for the system being used (PayPal in this case). Then I logged into the payment gateway and usually they have an html form generator. All this does, of course, is returns an html form with the fields labeled appropriate to their API (so the billing name and address carry over from your system to PayPal's and the user doesn't have to re-enter their information), shows you what hidden fields you'll need(like cutomer_id, etc) and the form POST path.
Then what I do is I have the user register, preview their order details on another page (where you can choose to drop their info into a DB or wait until AFTER their credit card is processed) and then upon confirmation, they go to PayPal, pay with either credit card OR check (the options always exist) and when they hit confirm, the passback URL you put into a hidden var somewhere, takes you to a custom Thank You page (and hopefully processing script to capture successful transactions) which can be hosted anywhere on your servers.
It's pretty simple, just a bit labor intensive at first as you try and figure out the new form variables specific to a payment gateway API.
Hope this helped!