How to override iOS System Vibration Settings? - iphone

I've just recently noticed that they're are two switches inside the Settings Application that say "Vibrate on Ring" and "Vibrate on Silent". If these switches are turned to OFF, I am not able to vibrate the phone from my application.
I currently call vibrate using:
AudioServicesPlaySystemSound( kSystemSoundID_Vibrate );
The question is: Does anyone know how to override these settings and vibrate the phone no matter what the settings are?

You can't change user settings for the core functionality of the phone. You build on top of the OS, not really in it. All the things we can do are because Apple created APIs to let us do so. If there was some crazy hack to get around that using undocumented APIs Apple would reject the app anyway. Happened to me once under a different circumstance over something super minor that I didn't know was "undocumented."


Find focus in OS X

Is it possible to create an app for the mac (and iphone afterwards) that does something when it detects that the focus is on a certain object in the screen?
Meaning, the program runs in the background, and when it detects that the focus (or cursor) is on an edit box, it will run something.
Hopefully I made myself clear!
You can do this on the mac by using the Accessibility Framework.
Note that users will have to manually enable assistive devices and you will not be able to distribute your app on the Mac App Store due to Apple's soon-to-be-implemented sandboxing restriction.
On iOS, you can detect focus to certain but not all elements using specialized delegate methods such as textViewDidBeginEditing:. That said, as users use taps to navigate iOS apps most of the time, simple tap handling seems like a much better approach.
On the iPhone, you can only detect focus within your own app, there's no way to observe other apps from the background.
On the Mac, as 0x90 noted, the closest you'll get are the Accessibility APIs. The UIElementInspector sample code may help you to get started.

Disable silent mode on iPhone?

How do you disable the user from turning the phone on silent? (switching the switch on the top left of the phone?)
I want my app to always play sound no matter what the state of that switch is. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance...
Please search stackoverflow or the web for similar questions before posting a new one, this question has already been covered:
Play sound on iPhone even in silent mode
iphone, how to play sound even in silent or mute mode?
Be careful about overriding the silent mode switch and playing audio. Apple may not like you doing this, depending on the context; if they don't like it, you will fail app review. Is there a good reason to play audio when in silent mode in the context of your app?
Here’s what I have done that works great!
Set all your contacts Emergency By Pass OFF! Then decide who should break through by turning the Emergency By Pass ON to those important calls you simply can’t miss; Family members like Mom and Dad.
Now your all set to use he Silent switch.

Device auto-lock

I have an application in which I want to lock the iPhone programmatically so that the user can't perform any action.
How can I determine the user is not working with the iPhone for some period, and after that period automatically lock the phone?
Such applications are used in all phone devices, where the user can set an auto-lock time and then the device will automatically lock if the user does not handle the device.
How is it done programmatically? Please give me one example of the code so I can perform this easily.
I am new to iPhone programming, and I am struggling in my application. Help me. Thanks in advance.
(For your lock the iphone device through programatic only )
But , you could prevent your phone from locking when your app is running.
[UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = YES
There is no way to disable the Home Button in iOS using the documented API. The user will always be able to get back to the home screen or close your application using the Home Button.
Even if you find a way do it (which is very unlikely) your app will be definitely rejected from the App Store for a blatant violation of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines. If I were you I would reconsider implementing this behaviour, frankly, it's just not a good idea.
If you're only looking for blocking the the UI of your app, check out the answers to this question, more specifically, check out the incredibly useful MBProgressHUD library:

forbid exit from iphone/ipad application

is it possible and how to implement forbiden exit from application on iphone/ipad?
we have an application that must permanently work on ipad device. user should not have any way to exit from application. could you advise how to implement this functionality?
By jailbreaking it and installing custom software that enables you to do that.
Or putting a lot of tape over all the buttons.
Anyways, you can't do this with a standard app on a standard device. Just think about it - would be a pretty annoying thing for apps to do, wouldn't it?
Apple's own human interface design guidelines would forbid this. Your app can't encroach on the abilities of the OS that transcend your own application's responsibilities. The whole point is to have a consistent experience for the device and if you're modifying something as fundamental as switching apps, you're violating that principle.
If you can't exit the app, you're essentially turning your device into a single purpose unit. How do you expect to get back to the app list if you disable fast app switching and the home button?
Whatever solution you find would not be approved by the app store.
You should look at whether the current multitasking features can help chip away at your reasoning for needing the app to always run in the foreground.
If you are talking about an enterprise app locally distributed, you might be able to do this, though probably not.
The best idea would be to physically break or block the hardware button.
Or issue alerts to the device every 10 seconds making the thing effectively unusable when outside the application (you can ignore incoming notifications for you in-app).
Why do you have this requirement?
There is no way to implement this functionality. You cannot do it.
You can't do it, But if you jailbreak and configure the "Home-Button" settings you can :)
Btw, If you do it, the only way to quit will be a shutdown... And to shut down every time would be kinda annoying...

Is it possible to programmatically mute the iPhone?

I've seen techniques to make sure that an app respects the mute switch, but is it possible to set the iPhone to mute (no sounds from any apps) using the SDK?
Applications developed using the official SDK cannot change (and in most cases cannot even access) system-wide settings.
It is possible, but only using private API's. I only went as far as muting the ringer, but you should be able to control the master level as well.
See How to disable iOS System Sounds
It is technically possible to change the system volume through the private AVSystemController class in Celestial.framework, but will prevent your app from getting Apple's approval
As only one app can be running at a time, the only possible use I can think of for this would be to mute other people's apps, and it should be fairly clear why Apple prevents that.
What would I do if an app muted the iPhone and I didn't know it happened? It can't physically move the mute switch on the side of the phone, so that wouldn't match, and I'd have to figure out a) that the phone was muted and b) how to unmute it without the switch.
I can change volume using AVSystemController, it sets to minimum which is 0.06x. Is there class/API to mute it completely? toggleActiveCategoryMuted does not work