forbid exit from iphone/ipad application - iphone

is it possible and how to implement forbiden exit from application on iphone/ipad?
we have an application that must permanently work on ipad device. user should not have any way to exit from application. could you advise how to implement this functionality?

By jailbreaking it and installing custom software that enables you to do that.
Or putting a lot of tape over all the buttons.
Anyways, you can't do this with a standard app on a standard device. Just think about it - would be a pretty annoying thing for apps to do, wouldn't it?

Apple's own human interface design guidelines would forbid this. Your app can't encroach on the abilities of the OS that transcend your own application's responsibilities. The whole point is to have a consistent experience for the device and if you're modifying something as fundamental as switching apps, you're violating that principle.
If you can't exit the app, you're essentially turning your device into a single purpose unit. How do you expect to get back to the app list if you disable fast app switching and the home button?
Whatever solution you find would not be approved by the app store.
You should look at whether the current multitasking features can help chip away at your reasoning for needing the app to always run in the foreground.

If you are talking about an enterprise app locally distributed, you might be able to do this, though probably not.
The best idea would be to physically break or block the hardware button.
Or issue alerts to the device every 10 seconds making the thing effectively unusable when outside the application (you can ignore incoming notifications for you in-app).
Why do you have this requirement?

There is no way to implement this functionality. You cannot do it.

You can't do it, But if you jailbreak and configure the "Home-Button" settings you can :)
Btw, If you do it, the only way to quit will be a shutdown... And to shut down every time would be kinda annoying...


How to find the application launch and end time in iphone?

I am new to ios development and doing development in ios4.0.1 and xcode 3.2.3. My application should capture other application's launch time and (close) end time. how can we do this? Any help will be appreciated.
For apps in the app store, the answer is "You can't". The best way to think of other applications on iOS with respect to yours is: don't. You can't access their data, you can't see if they're running, you can't control them, and you can't change them. Apps are well and truly sand-boxed as a fundamental design decision in the current setup.
About the only thing you can do is trigger their launch with a suitably formatted system URL. If a Wikipedia application has registered the scheme wiki, you might be able to launch and communicate some simple data by having the system load the URL wiki://articleName, but that's the limit. You don't even know what application will be launched, only that one has the wiki handler.
Jail-broken iOS systems are a whole different matter, but I'm assuming you're not working on those.

iPhone: Can any application be accessed even when the phone is in locked mode?

We are going to create a life saving app. This app is made for those critical and emergency conditions when someone fall ill suddenly.
As this application is for emergency case, we need to make this app accessible even when the phone is locked.
Is there any way including public or private API, we can implement the feature?
iOS isn't designed to be a life saver, it's designed to make income for Apple (to be crude, because many things you think would be possible just is not)
There is also the reason with battery life, memory usage etc that needs to be restricted in a mobile environment where power is not unlimited.
You could however look at things like Push Notifications (read the docs). The app won't be "accessible" in the sense, but you can have a chance users will launch the app when you ask them to - they will actively have to push a "ok open the app" button.
I would suggestnlooking into gestures to perhaps overide the lock for your apps usage. Whether it gets approved by Apple is another story.

Temporarily Lock or Disable iphone home button

I know the iphone home button is extremely crucial for the functioning of the iphone.
However I have an idea for which I need the application running and the home button to be disabled. I tried googling, but haven't been able to find a solution.
Temporary or timed locking (Lock for 5/10 mins.) would also do.
The app. should work on non-jailbroken phones, hence going around apple won't work.
Appreciate any ideas.
Note, from 2014 onwards: just to be clear,
this is now built in to iOS...
Click to accessibility, click "guided access".
Conrats for "inventing" it, PlanetUnknonw! :-)
The answer below is only of historic value...
For the record, it's silly that people are saying "Why would you want to do this?"
it's a great idea for example for APPS FOR SMALL CHILDREN (which is indeed a very large market on the iPhone).
If you've ever marketed an app for small children, you'll know that instantly parents write in abusing you because you "did not stop that stupid home button working, so the child just turns off the game and makes phone calls"
To which you have to reply that it's of course not possible because of the way the iPhone works.
So yes it's a good question. As far as I know, Planet, it is not possible.
Apple should add a "kids mode" where parents can lock the fone on TO one particular app for awhile. (Perhaps you would have to long-press or something the home button to unlock it.)
*iOS 6 reportedly has a "Single App Mode" - Check out vpdn's answer below
This is against the iOS interface guidelines, and apps have been rejected for "overriding" or restricting behaviour of hardware buttons/switches.
I suggest you have a read of the App Store Review Guideline for iOS apps for a good overview of what you shouldn't be doing.
Apps that alter the functions of standard switches, such as the Volume Up/Down and Ring/Silent switches, will be rejected
Pretty sure that the Home button is included in that.
I'm not sure what your "idea" is here, but I would suggest you look into other things such as backgrounding. There is a feature that allows you to finish executing tasks in the background, even if the user presses the home button, and optionally display a notification after certain time (before the task "expires"). I imagine that this might offer a more appropriate solution (again dependent on what your idea actually is).
In iOS6 (to be released), there's a feature called "Guided Access", which will allow device owners to lock users (like toddlers and school kids) into an app.
Update: Before the shitstorm about NDA content starts, here's where I got the info from:
You can't unless you want to run it on jail broken devices.
Apple currently will not allow any software to disable or change ANY button functionality for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, so the only software solution is to jailbreak the device, so you're not forced to live by Apple's rules.
However, is about to release a home button cover specifically targeted to keeping young kids from pressing the home button. Not the exact solution to your problem as stated, but I figured it added to the discussion.
Unsure if you are looking for a way to do it in code in an app or if you're thinking of locking it in general.
Anyways, if you're looking for a way to do it in general, here's a guide for it
If you are looking to temporarily disable the home button to keep a child in a particular app, the tip for a make magazine article is to use a bulldog clip to cover the home button cheaper, and more reusable than a bubcap, temporary and effective.

How can I override the iPhone's home and sleep hardware buttons?

Is it possible to override the hardware home and sleep buttons on the iPhone? I did a lot of research on this, but I was unable to find any definitive answers out there.
I'm not looking to design something malicious, but I was curious about the possibility of doing this for a personal project on my own iPhone.
It is not possible, the operating system intercepts those interrupts in the kernel and dispatches messages appropriately.
This is possible on a jailbroken device only. There are addons available that in fact "catch" hardware button events. I can't tell you how it works, though.
I suggest looking for "jailbreak" and "home button" with a search engine of your choice, for a start.
Since this is for personal use, jailbreaking may be acceptable.
However on a non-jailbroken device (and certainly for any app that should hit the appstore) there is no way to intercept the hardware button events.

Should we required to check iPhone is jailbraked

Some of our application is already in AppStore...
But suddenly one thing comes into my mind, that I want to clear before submitting my next application.
The thing is : As a programmer's point of view, should we require to handle if iPhone Device is jailbreaked ? If yes, then how we can tackle with this ?
Thanks in advance....
On a general note, jail-breaking the device is an issue between the user, Apple and potentially the carrier. You are not a side in this relationship, and the user has no contractual obligations to you with regards to their device.
You could choose to attempt detecting jail-broken devices in an attempt to prevent piracy of your app. However:
If the device is jail-broken, there's nothing you can do to reliably verify it's not jail-broken, since none of the OS APIs (including networking) is guaranteed to function as you expect. Your code could be running in a non-jail-broken simulation on top of jail-broken device.
Of course, you could check by attempting to do one of the things you currently know Apple actively prevents apps from doing. However, there's no guarantee that Apple is not going to allow that particular action in future. And, there's the chance that your app might get rejected because you are attempting to do something prohibited by Apple.
There is no official criteria from Apple on what constitutes a jail-broken device and what does not. And even if there was, you are not guaranteed to be notified in a timely manner (or at all) by Apple if they decide to change any such criteria. But even assuming you do get notified somehow, you can't update your app quick enough to avoid falsely detected jail-broken devices, thus potentially denying access to your app to legitimate users.
If you would like to cut off a large group of users, then sure, go ahead and require it.
Unless your application specifically requires it, there should be no reason to force users to have a jailbroken iPhone or a non-jailbroken iPhone.
If you program is legitimate (no private API calls etc), then you should not concern yourself with JB. You don't need to handle anything differently if the users phone has been JB'd. If it has, and your software doesn't run (say memory issues because they are using backgrounder to run 2 other things) then that's their problem not yours. Make your code well behaved, not leak memory, dump cache's etc with memory warnings, and you should be fine.
As you asked for the "programmer's point of view", I'd say: make sure your app runs on as many devices as possible.
Meaning: as long as you app is safe to run on an iPhone whether it's JB or not, I wouldn't care.
One thing I have found, at least early on (not seen it for a while) is that most reports I got of strange behaviour with my app (vConqr) turned out to be from people with jailbroken phones.
That's not to say I think that's good reason to block them. But if you do any sort of custom crash reporting, or other diagnostics it could be useful to log the fact to save time on troubleshooting.
Do a search on the Internet. You'll find several articles that shows some ways you can detect a pirated app. I make no claim on their effectiveness, but I do use some of these in my own apps. These techniques do not try to detect if a phone is jailbroken; they focus on detecting if your app has been tampered with.