Can I find out if progress updates are supported in jquery file upload? - jquery-file-upload

I know there are several transports, including an iFrame one, and some browsers don't support progress updtes.
What I want to know is if there is a way to detect which transport jquery-file-upload is using, or if upload progress is supported, before issuing the request.
Right now I just have to wait for the first progress callback and swap out my custom progress bar style at that event, and I would rather be able to have an empty progress bar to start with, if I know I will receive progress events.
type: 'POST',
progressall: function (e, data) {
var percent = parseInt(data.loaded / * 100, 10) + '%';
// This is the conditional I want to move
// into a submit or send callback.
if( $progress_bar.hasClass('static') ) {
$progress_bar.css('width', '0%').removeClass('static');
$progress_bar.css('width', percent);
Link to plugin,


Search as user types functionality flutter

What is the functionality called where a user types into a search bar and API calls are made as the user types and they never have to click search?
I don't want a typeahead, I want to specifically be able to send off http requests as the user types in a search bar and return the results as a number of cards individual below the search bar.
The flutter_typeahead package is similar but I want to be able to control what happens with the results.
well you can do something like this
double waitForInputInterval = 300 // ms
double lastKeyStroke = null;
void search(String searchedTerm) {
final now =;
// wait 300ms before sending api requests;
if( lastKeyStroke != null && now.millisecond- lastKeyStroke < waitForInputInterval ) {
// send api request setState and other stuff
// for the first time
else {
lastKeyStroke =;
/// inside build
onChange: search

Vala force refresh progressbar

I've made an aplication with vala where at some point I have to process a lot of files. I've created a window to choose a folder and then I get the paths of files and make some proces on them.
I've added a progress bar to this window to show how many files have been processed but for some reason it remains always empty.
Code about window:
this.files_window = new Gtk.Window();
this.files_window.window_position = Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER;
this.files_window.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);
// VBox:
Gtk.Box vbox = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 5);
this.files_window.add (vbox);
// Buttons to open and close
Gtk.Button cancel = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Cancel");
Gtk.Button select = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Select");
vbox.add (select);
vbox.add (cancel);
// proogress bar
this.progress_bar = new Gtk.ProgressBar();
// conect select to method do_stuff
select.clicked.connect (do_stuff);
this.files_window.show_all ();
As you can see, I connect the button "select" to the method "do_stuff" where I get the paths of selected files and make some process.
I update correctlly the fraction of the progres bar because I've added some prints to know if the value is correct and it is. It's just that the windows is not refreshing, possibly because all the work it is doing with the process of the files. Here is the code about do_stuff() method:
// some proces to get paths of files in the list sfiles
double fraction = 0.0;
this.progress_bar.set_fraction (fraction);
int processed_files = 0;
foreach (string sfile in sfiles) {
processed_files += 1;
fraction = (double)processed_files/(double)sfiles.length;
this.progress_bar.set_fraction (fraction);
stdout.printf("Real fraction: %f\n", this.progress_bar.get_fraction());
The printf shows that the value of the progres bar is being updated but in the window the bar is always empty.
Am I missing something? Is it the correct way to do the progres bar? Should I made another thread to do the stuff?
As #nemequ says, your code is blocking the main loop thread (which handles both user input and scheduling/drawing widget updates), hence it the progress bar is not updated until the method completes.
Using a thread is one way solve the problem, however using threads can lead to a lot of bugs however since it can be difficult to make even simple interactions between threads safe.
An async method avoids this by interleaving the code with the other work being done by the main loop. An async version of your do_stuff() would be pretty straight-forward to write, simply declare it async and put a yield in the for loop somewhere:
public async void do_stuff() {
foreach (string sfile in sfiles) {
// all of this is as before
processed_files += 1;
fraction = (double)processed_files/(double)sfiles.length;
this.progress_bar.set_fraction (fraction);
// Schedule the method to resume when idle, then
// yield control back to the caller
You can then kick it off from your click handler by calling: do_stuff.begin().
Unless there is some relevant code you're not showing, you're blocking the main loop. One option would be to do everything in a thread, and use an idle callback to update the UI. The basic idea is something like:
new GLib.Thread<void*>("file-processor", () => {
foreach (string sfile in sfiles) {
/* do stuff */
GLib.Idle.add(() => {
/* Update progress */
return false;
return null;
Depending on your application you may need to add a mutex to avoid race conditions. You may also need to add some logic for canceling the operation.
A better option might be to use a GLib.ThreadPool. You'd still want to update the UI from an idle callback, but this would allow each task to execute in parallel, which could provide a significant speed-up.
If I were you I'd probably wrap it all up in an async function to keep the API tidy, but you don't really have to.

Extjs file upload progress

I have seen form file upload example in ExtJS4 and i need customize progress of the file upload.
I see waitMsg config property, but i don't want use that and i don't want use extjs 3rd party plugins.
So, how i can get simply current upload progress from upload form in extjs?
The waitMsg uses a message box with an infinitely auto-updating progress bar. So you can't just create a progressbar that displays the current upload.
You could create your own Ext.ProgressBar and estimate the upload time and when its done you set it to the max value. But I guess you don't want that.
To answer your question: You cannot simply track the current upload progress.
If you really need this user experience you can try a 3rd party component.
To quote the docs:
File uploads are not performed using normal "Ajax" techniques, that is
they are not performed using XMLHttpRequests. Instead the form is
submitted in the standard manner with the DOM element
temporarily modified to have its target set to refer to a dynamically
generated, hidden which is inserted into the document but
removed after the return data has been gathered.
To show real progress you can use onprogress callback of XMLHttpRequest:
Ext.override(, {
openRequest: function (options) {
var xhr = this.callParent(arguments);
if (options.progress) {
xhr.upload.onprogress = options.progress;
return xhr;
Then use like here:
url: '/upload/files',
rawData: data,
headers: { 'Content-Type': null }, //to use content type of FormData
progress: function (e) {
console.log('progress', e.loaded /;
See online demo here.
buttons: [{
text: 'Upload',
handler: function () {
var form = this.up('form').getForm();
if (form.isValid()) {
url: '/upload/file',
waitMsg: 'Uploading your file...',
success: function (f, a) {
var result = a.result,
data =,
name =,
size = data.size,
message = Ext.String.format('<b>Message:</b> {0}<br>' +
'<b>FileName:</b> {1}<br>' +
'<b>FileSize:</b> {2} bytes',
result.msg, name, size);
Ext.Msg.alert('Success', message);
failure: function (f, a) {
Ext.Msg.alert('Failure', a.result.msg);
Live demo with progress window is here

What's the best way to cancel an upload in progress using

I'm using filepicker.makeDropPane to play around with some simple uploads. One thing that I cannot find in the docs at's web documentation is a method for canceling an upload that is in progress.
Intuitively I feel that the onStart function should be passed an additional parameter. An object that represents the upload that has a cancel() function which when called would immediately cancel the file uploads. Something like this does not seem to be available.
we don't actually have this functionality yet, but it makes sense. I'll take a look at adding something along these lines and let you know
Here's an ugly hack I figured out to protect against unwanted returned files as well some other fancy stuff around progress and multiple files etc. You definitely want to use a static js file include so it doesn't get changed on you and break this.
Use this in your progress handler:
var event = event || window.event;
// For firefox, go and grab the XHR progress event object.
if (typeof event == 'undefined' || event == null) {
if (typeof arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0] == 'object') {
event = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0];
else {
event = arguments.callee.caller.arguments.callee.caller.arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0];
var sUploadId;
if (event.type.toLowerCase() == 'progress') {
// if we haven't already tagged this XHR object (one per file), tag it now
// if we receive further progress from this file, it will already have been tagged
if (!('id' in event.currentTarget)) {
sUploadId = goUploadProgress.files.length; = sUploadId;
goUploadProgress.files.push({id: sUploadId,});
else {
sUploadId =;
// get the loaded bytes for this file
goUploadProgress.files[sUploadId].loaded = event.loaded;
else {
// ignore readystatechange events
I modified this to make more sense for this context, so I may have made a logical mistake, but this is the gist. You can get the event in Firefox by looking up the call stack, and you can append an id to each file's XHR upload object, which will exist until it finishes.
I repeat, this is a hack! Don't trust that it won't break.

jQuery live with the ready or load event

I'm using the jQuery Tools tooltip plugin, which is initialized with $('selector').tooltip(). I'd like to call this on any current or future .tooltipper element. I figured that the following would work:
$('.tooltipper').live('ready', function(){
But it was unsuccessful---the ready event did not fire. The same for load. I've read that livequery can produce the result of I'm looking for, but surely there is a way to use jQuery .live() to pull it off, considering the documentation says that it works for all jQuery events, of which I believe ready is one.
Quoted from the jQ API (
In jQuery 1.3.x only the following JavaScript events (in addition to custom events) could be bound with .live(): click, dblclick, keydown, keypress, keyup, mousedown, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, and mouseup.
As of jQuery 1.4 the .live() method supports custom events as well as all JavaScript events.
As of jQuery 1.4.1 even focus and blur work with live (mapping to the more appropriate, bubbling, events focusin and focusout).
As of jQuery 1.4.1 the hover event can be specified (mapping to "mouseenter mouseleave").
.live() does not appear to support the ready event.
To add to HurnsMobile's excellent answer; Looking at bindReady(), which is the internal call that jQuery makes to bind to the document load event every time you call $(some_function) or $(document).ready(some_function) we see why we cannot bind to "ready":
bindReady: function() {
if ( readyBound ) {
readyBound = true;
// Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the
// browser event has already occurred.
if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
return jQuery.ready();
// Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
if ( document.addEventListener ) {
// Use the handy event callback
document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false );
// If IE event model is used
} else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
// ensure firing before onload,
// maybe late but safe also for iframes
document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded);
// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready );
// If IE and not a frame
// continually check to see if the document is ready
var toplevel = false;
try {
toplevel = window.frameElement == null;
} catch(e) { //and silently drop any errors
// If the document supports the scroll check and we're not in a frame:
if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel ) {
To sum it up, $(some_function) calls a function which binds to:
onreadystatechange (DOMContentLoaded)
window.load / onload
Your best bet would be to bind to those actions that might create new .tooltipper elements, rather than trying to listen for the ready event (which happens only once).
HurnsMobile is right. JQuery live does not support the ready-event.
This is why I created a plugin that combines the two. You register your callback once, and then you will need to call the plugin once for content you add manually.
$.liveReady('.tooltipper', function(){
Then when creating new content:
$('<div class="tooltipper">...').appendTo($('body')).liveReady();
A demo is available here:
Check out the introductory post here:
Also have a look at, which listenes for changes on the dom.