Search as user types functionality flutter - flutter

What is the functionality called where a user types into a search bar and API calls are made as the user types and they never have to click search?
I don't want a typeahead, I want to specifically be able to send off http requests as the user types in a search bar and return the results as a number of cards individual below the search bar.
The flutter_typeahead package is similar but I want to be able to control what happens with the results.

well you can do something like this
double waitForInputInterval = 300 // ms
double lastKeyStroke = null;
void search(String searchedTerm) {
final now =;
// wait 300ms before sending api requests;
if( lastKeyStroke != null && now.millisecond- lastKeyStroke < waitForInputInterval ) {
// send api request setState and other stuff
// for the first time
else {
lastKeyStroke =;
/// inside build
onChange: search


Possible to show users of your VSCode extension / color theme notifications on update?

Is it possible to show users of your extension or color theme notifications in Visual Studio Code? For someone who has my color theme or extension installed and is getting updates, I would like to possibly show this person a notification after they update the extension (That could be on launch of VSCode, or right after they go into the market to update & reload the extension and client themselves.)
For example: I think it would be beneficial to me and not invasive if they saw a notification after updating the extension saying "Feedback? Suggestions? Fixes?..on the theme?" OR notifying them of something changed in the theme that may not be favorable. So they can "opt out" of that change if they want (Like an extra set of borders around something or the color change of something.)
Obviously people with all notifications off would not be affected, but I thought an occasional notification after a rare update wouldn't be too bad. I have not been able to find info on if this is possible, and if it was, how to do it. Any info on this is appreciated. And if it is possible, those reading this, whether you've done it or not, would you recommend showing a notification to your theme users in that way?
Thanks :)
Show a notification on bottom-right corner, whenever your extension is updated. You can also control to show it only for major/minor releases.
That's how it looks:
Add below code to extension.ts:
import { window, ExtensionContext, extensions, env, Uri } from "vscode";
const extensionId = "jerrygoyal.shortcut-menu-bar";
// this method is called when your extension is activated
export function activate(context: ExtensionContext) {
showWhatsNew(context); // show notification in case of a major release i.e. 1.0.0 -> 2.0.0
function isMajorUpdate(previousVersion: string, currentVersion: string) {
// rain-check for malformed string
if (previousVersion.indexOf(".") === -1) {
return true;
//returns int array [1,1,1] i.e. [major,minor,patch]
var previousVerArr = previousVersion.split(".").map(Number);
var currentVerArr = currentVersion.split(".").map(Number);
if (currentVerArr[0] > previousVerArr[0]) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
async function showWhatsNew(context: ExtensionContext) {
const previousVersion = context.globalState.get<string>(extensionId);
const currentVersion = extensions.getExtension(extensionId)!.packageJSON
// store latest version
context.globalState.update(extensionId, currentVersion);
if (
previousVersion === undefined ||
isMajorUpdate(previousVersion, currentVersion)
) {
// show whats new notificatin:
const actions = [{ title: "See how" }];
const result = await window.showInformationMessage(
`Shortcut Menubar v${currentVersion} — Add your own buttons!`,
if (result !== null) {
if (result === actions[0]) {
await env.openExternal(
You can see this implementation in my VSCode extension repo Shortcut Menu Bar
I think you can register the version during activation event and check for it on each activation. Then you can do whatever you want. For instance GitLens is migrating settings and i'm pretty sure I remember that they were opening a notification (but i have not found immediately in the code)

How to display a progress icon when clicking "Show more" on a CellTree?

I'm using the CellTree for the very first time and slowly getting a hang of it.
Right now I'm struggling how to display a progress icon (just like when opening a tree node) beside the "Show more" text when clicking on it.
Any ideas?
I guess it is a common problem that users are clicking on "Shore more" multiple times if they do not get any visual feedback - which leads to multiple server calls and a bunch of duplicated nodes (in my case).
Any time you send a call off to the server, you know that you are making the call. Likewise, you will get a call back into your code, whether it succeeded or failed.
For the sake of this example, I'm assuming you are using something like GWT-RPC (since the question doesn't specify):
// field to track if we're loading
private boolean isLoading = false
// inside a method which needs to load data:
if (isLoading) {
return;//don't attempt to load again
isLoading = true;
//just before we start the call, show the loading indicator
loadingIndicator.flash();//or whatever you'd like to make it do
//then start the request
service.getMyData(param1, param2, new AsyncCallback<MyData> () {
public void onSuccess(MyData response) {
//loading was successful, so stop the loading marker
isLoading = false;
//do something with the data
public void onFailure(Throwable ex) {
//loading stopped, but it was an error, tell the user
isLoading = false;

Can I find out if progress updates are supported in jquery file upload?

I know there are several transports, including an iFrame one, and some browsers don't support progress updtes.
What I want to know is if there is a way to detect which transport jquery-file-upload is using, or if upload progress is supported, before issuing the request.
Right now I just have to wait for the first progress callback and swap out my custom progress bar style at that event, and I would rather be able to have an empty progress bar to start with, if I know I will receive progress events.
type: 'POST',
progressall: function (e, data) {
var percent = parseInt(data.loaded / * 100, 10) + '%';
// This is the conditional I want to move
// into a submit or send callback.
if( $progress_bar.hasClass('static') ) {
$progress_bar.css('width', '0%').removeClass('static');
$progress_bar.css('width', percent);
Link to plugin,

Preloader in Wicket Application

In a wicket application on search event it takes few secons and sometimes minutes to show the result as its a long data . I want to show a preloader while the data is fetched from the database to let the user know something is going on when they click search . I am very new to wicket application , dont understands the things very deeply but I find AjaxLazyPreloader but as I said I want to show the preloader when the search method is called ...I am sharing the SearchSubmit method ...
private void processSearchSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {
if (zipcode == null) {
.appendJavaScript("$().toastmessage('showWarningToast','Please enter a zipcode')");
} else if (!ZipCodeValidator.isValid(zipcode)) {
useZones = true;
currentZone = zipcode;
if (searchProduct != null) {
if (lstProduct.getList().size() == 0) {
.appendJavaScript("$().toastmessage('showErrorToast','Sorry! This product is not avialable .')");
} else if (lstMerchants.getList().size() == 0) {
.appendJavaScript("$().toastmessage('showWarningToast','Sorry! There are currently no services')");
if (ZipCodeValidator.isValid(zipcode)) {
if (searchProduct != null && !searchProduct.equals("")) {
if (lstProduct.getList().size() == 0) {
.appendJavaScript("$().toastmessage('showErrorToast','Sorry! This product is not avialable in this zip code or zone.')");
I want when this method is called till the times it fetch the result data , it should show a preloader or spinner . Can anybody suggest how to do that .??
If you need to call long execution method by clicking button check this answer.
You can also use AjaxLazyLoadPanel, check this demo (it's Java part and html part)
Either use an AjaxLazyLoadPanel or an IndicatingAjaxLink/-Button. Both will work fine in either normal or Ajax calls.
To use an AjaxLazyLoadPanel: create a subclass of AjaxLazyLoadPanel which loads the panel you want to display and add it to the AjaxRequest.
IndicatingAjaxLinks just display a spinner while the request is being processed and can be used straightforward in your current application. Use this instead of the button/link you use for formsubmits now.

What is the proper way in OpenLayers (OSM) to trigger a popup for a feature?

I have the feature ID, I can grab the marker layer on GeoRSS loadend, but I'm still not sure how to cause the popup to appear programmatically.
I'll create the popup on demand if that's necessary, but it seems as though I should be able to get the id of the marker as drawn on the map and call some event on that. I've tried using jQuery and calling the $(marker-id).click() event on the map elements, but that doesn't seem to be working. What am I missing?
Since I was asked for code, and since I presumed it to be boilerplate, here's where I am so far:
map = new OpenLayers.Map('myMap');
map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM());
map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS(name,url));
//I've done some stuff as well in re: projections and centering and
//setting extents, but those really don't pertain to this question.
Elsewhere I've done a bit of jQuery templating and built me a nice list of all the points that are being shown on the map. I know how to do a callback from the layer loadend and get the layer object, I know how to retrieve my layer out of the map manually, I know how to iter over the layers collection and find my layer. So I can grab any of those details about the popup, but I still don't know how to go about using the built-in methods of the DOM or of this API to make it as easy as which is what I would prefer to do.
You don't have to click the feature to open a popup.
First you need a reference to the feature from the feature id. I would do that in the loadend event of the GeoRSS layer, using the markers property on the layer.
Assuming you have a reference to your feature, I would write a method which handles the automatic popup:
var popups = {}; // to be able to handle them later
function addPopup(feature) {
var text = getHtmlContent(feature); // handle the content in a separate function.
var popupId = evt.xy.x + "," + evt.xy.y;
var popup = popups[popupId];
if (!popup || ! {
popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored(
" ",
function(evt) {
delete popups[];
popup.autoSize = true;
popup.useInlineStyles = false;
popups[popupId] = popup;, true);
popup.setContentHTML(popup.contentHTML + text);;
fwiw I finally came back to this and did something entirely different, but his answer was a good one.
//I have a list of boxes that contain the information on the map (think google maps)
$('.paginatedItem').live('mouseenter', onFeatureSelected).live('mouseleave',onFeatureUnselected);
function onFeatureSelected(event) {
// I stuff the lookup attribute (I'm lazy) into a global
// a global, because there can be only one
hoveredItem = $(this).attr('lookup');
/* Do something here to indicate the onhover */
// find the layer pagination id
var feature = findFeatureById(hoveredItem);
if (feature) {
// use the pagination id to find the event, and then trigger the click for that event to show the popup
// also, pass a null event, since we don't necessarily have one.[0], event)
function onFeatureUnselected(event) {
/* Do something here to indicate the onhover */
// find the layer pagination id
var feature = findFeatureById(hoveredItem);
if (feature) {
// use the pagination id to find the event, and then trigger the click for that event to show the popup
// also, pass a null event, since we don't necessarily have one.[0], event)
/* Do something here to stop the indication of the onhover */
hoveredItem = null;
function findFeatureById(featureId) {
for (var key in map.layers) {
var layer = map.layers[key];
if (layer.hasOwnProperty('features')) {
for (var key1 in layer.features) {
var feature = layer.features[key1];
if (feature.hasOwnProperty('id') && == featureId) {
return feature;
return null;
also note that I keep map as a global so I don't have to reacquire it everytime I want to use it