Perl file processing on SHIFT_JIS encoded Japanese files - perl

I have a set of SHIFT_JIS (Japanese) encoded csv file from Windows, which I am trying to process on a Linux server running Perl v5.10.1 using regular expressions to make string replacements.
Here is my requirement:
I want the Perl script’s regular expressions being human readable (at least to a Japanese person)
Ie. like this:
Instead of it littered with some hex codes
Right now, I am editing the Perl script in Notepad++ on Windows, and pasting in the string I need to search for from the csv data file onto the Perl script.
I have the following working test script below:
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
open (IN1, "<:encoding(shift_jis)", "${work_dir}/tmp00.csv") or die "Error: tmp00.csv\n";
open (OUT1, "+>:encoding(shift_jis)" , "${work_dir}/tmp01.csv") or die "Error: tmp01.csv\n";
while (<IN1>)
print $_ . "\n";
print OUT1 "$_\n";
close IN1;
close OUT1;
This would successfully replace the 10:00 with 9:00 in the csv file, but the issue is I was unable to replace北 (ie. North) with 0 unless use utf8 is also included at the top.
1) In the open documentation,, I didn’t see use utf8 as a requirement, unless it is implicit?
a) If I had use utf8 only, then the first print statement in the loop would print garbage character to my xterm screen.
b) If I had called open with :encoding(shift_jis) only, then the first print statement in the loop would print Japanese character to my xterm screen, but the replacement would not happen. There is no warning that use utf8 was not specified.
c) If I used both a) and b), then this example works.
How does “use utf8” modify the behavior of calling open with :enoding(shift_jis) in this Perl script?
2) I also tried to open the file without any encoding specified, wouldn’t Perl treat the file strings as raw bytes, and be able to perform regular expression match that way if the strings I pasted in the script, is in the same encoding as the text in the original data file? I was able to do file name replacement earlier this way without specifying any encoding whatsoever (please refer to my related post here: Perl Japanese to English filename replacement).
Testing a simple localization sample in Perl for filename and file text replacement in Japanese
In Windows XP, copy the 南 character from within a .csv data file and copy to the clipboard, then use it as both the file name (ie. 南.txt) and file content (南). In Notepad++ , reading the file under encoding UTF-8 shows x93xEC, reading it under SHIFT_JIS displays南.
Use the following Perl script, which will be run on a Linux server with Perl 5.10
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Encode qw(decode encode);
my $user_dir="/usr/frank";
my $work_dir = "${user_dir}/test_south";
# forward declare the function prototypes
sub fileProcess;
opendir(DIR, ${work_dir}) or die "Cannot open directory " . ${work_dir};
# readdir OPTION 1 - shift_jis
#my #files = map { Encode::decode("shift_jis", $_); } readdir DIR; # Note filename could not be decoded as shift_jis
# readdir OPTION 2 - utf8
my #files = map { Encode::decode("utf8", $_); } readdir DIR; # Note filename could be decoded as utf8
binmode(STDOUT,":encoding(utf8)"); # setting display to output utf8
say #files;
# pass an array reference of files that will be modified
sub fileNameTranslate
foreach (#files)
my $original_file = $_;
#print "original_file: " . "$original_file" . "\n";
my $new_file = $_;
# print "new_file: " . "$_" . "\n";
if ($new_file ne $original_file)
print "Rename " . $original_file . " to \n\t" . $new_file . "\n";
rename("${work_dir}/${original_file}", "${work_dir}/${new_file}") or print "Warning: rename failed because: $!\n";
sub fileProcess
# file process OPTION 3, open file as shift_jis, the search and replace would work
# open (IN1, "<:encoding(shift_jis)", "${work_dir}/south.txt") or die "Error: south.txt\n";
# open (OUT1, "+>:encoding(shift_jis)" , "${work_dir}/south1.txt") or die "Error: south1.txt\n";
# file process OPTION 4, open file as utf8, the search and replace would not work
open (IN1, "<:encoding(utf8)", "${work_dir}/south.txt") or die "Error: south.txt\n";
open (OUT1, "+>:encoding(utf8)" , "${work_dir}/south1.txt") or die "Error: south1.txt\n";
while (<IN1>)
print $_ . "\n";
print OUT1 "$_\n";
close IN1;
close OUT1;
(BAD) Uncomment Option 1 and 3, (Comment Option 2 and 4)
Setup: Readdir encoding, SHIFT_JIS; file open encoding SHIFT_JIS
Result: file name replacement failed..
Error: utf8 "\x93" does not map to Unicode at .// line 68.
(BAD) Uncomment Option 2 and 4 (Comment Option 1 and 3)
Setup: Readdir encoding, utf8; file open encoding utf8
Result: file name replacement worked, south.txt generated
But south1.txt file content replacement failed , it has the content \x93 ().
Error: "\x{fffd}" does not map to shiftjis at .// line 25.
... -Ao?= (Bx{fffd}.txt
(GOOD) Uncomment Option 2 and 3, (Comment Option 1 and 4)
Setup: Readdir encoding, utf8; file open encoding SHIFT_JIS
Result: file name replacement worked, south.txt generated
South1.txt file content replacement worked, it has the content south.
I had to use different encoding scheme for this example to work properly. Readdir utf8, and file processing SHIFT_JIS, as the content of the csv file was SHIFT_JIS encoded.

A good place to start would be to read the documentation for the utf8 module. Which says:
The use utf8 pragma tells the Perl parser to allow UTF-8 in the
program text in the current lexical scope (allow UTF-EBCDIC on EBCDIC
based platforms). The no utf8 pragma tells Perl to switch back to
treating the source text as literal bytes in the current lexical
If you don't have use utf8 in your code, then the Perl compiler assumes that your source code is in your system's native single-byte encoding. And the character '北' will make little sense. Adding the pragma tells Perl that your code includes Unicode characters and everything starts to work.


Remove mysterious line breaks in CSV file using Perl

I have a CSV file that I'm parsing using Perl. The file is a BOM produced by Solidworks 2015 that was saved as an XLS file, then opened in Excel and saved as a CSV file.
There are cells that have line breaks. When I read a line with such a cell from the file, the line comes in with the line breaks. For example, here is one of the lines read looks like this:
001",PDSI,"2.25"" DIA. X 8.00""",A2,513,1,
It reads in as a single line in Perl.
When I turn the Show All Characters in Notepad++, I can see the line breaks are cause by [CR][LF].
So I thought this would work to remove the line feeds:
$line =~ s/[\r\n]+//g;
but it does not.
You don't give much of a sample of your CSV data, but what you show is perfectly valid. A text field may contain newlines if you wish, as long as it is enclosed in double-quotes
The Text::CSV module will process it quite happily as long as you enable the binary option in the constructor call, and you may reformat the data as you wish before you write it back out again
This program expects the path to the input file as a parameter on the command line, and it will write the modified data to STDOUT, which you can redirect on the command line, like this
$ perl input.csv > output.csv
I've assumed that your data contains only 7-bit ASCII data, and it should work whether you're running it on a Windows system or on Linux
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my ($csv_file) = #ARGV;
use Text::CSV;
open my $fh, '<', $csv_file or die qq{Unable to open "$csv_file" for input: $!};
my $csv = Text::CSV->new( { binary => 1 } );
while ( my $row = $csv->getline( $fh ) ) {
tr/\r\n//d for #$row;
print $csv->string, "\n";
74,,74,1,1,SJ-TL303202-DET-074-001,PDSI,"2.25"" DIA. X 8.00""",A2,513,1,

perl output - failing in printing utf8 text files correctly

so i have utf8 text files, which i want to read in, put the lines into an array, and print it out. But the output however doesn't print the signs correctly, for example the output line looks like following:
"arnſtein gehört gräflichen "
So i tried testing the script by one line, pasted directly into the perl script, without reading it from file. And there the output is perfectly fine. I checked the files, which are in utf8 unicode. Still the files must cause the output problem (?).
Because the script is too long, i just cut it down to the relevant:
( goes to directory, opens files, leads the input to the function &align, anaylse it, add it to an array, print the array)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use utf8;
#opens directory
#opens file from directory
if (-d "$dir/$first"){
opendir (UDIR, "$dir/$first") or die "could not open: $!";
foreach my $t (readdir(UDIR)){
next if $first eq ".";
next if $first eq "..";
open(GT,"$dir/$first/$t") or die "Could not open GT, $!";
my $gt= <GT>;
chomp $gt;
#directly pasted lines in perl - creates correct output
&align("det man die Profeſſores der Philoſophie re- ");
#lines from file - output not correct
close GT;
}closedir UDIR;
Any idea ?
You told Perl that your source code was UTF-8, and that STDIN, STDOUT, & STDERR are UTF-8, but you didn't say that the file you're reading contains UTF-8.
open(GT,"<:utf8", "$dir/$first/$t") or die "Could not open GT, $!";
Without that, Perl assumes the file is encoded in ISO-8859-1, since that's Perl's default charset if you don't specify a different one. It helpfully transcodes those ISO-8859-1 characters to UTF-8 for output, since you've told it that STDOUT uses UTF-8. Since the file was actually UTF-8, not ISO-8859-1, you get incorrect output.

perl np++ messes up chars

How can this character representation in the original file:
" – "
be displayed as this using perl script in the output console of np++ ?
" ÔÇô "
The original encoding is UTF-8 (according to np++) and to open and read in the file I use this line:
open(DATA, '<:encoding(utf-8)', "C:\\test.csv") or die "Can't open data";
#lines = <DATA>;
If i iterate over lines with:
foreach (#lines){
print $_;
the character is representad as mentioned above. I display the ouput in the notepad++ console not in a new file.
Before your print statement, try to add this:
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
foreach (#lines){
print $_;
On Windows systems,
use Encode;
binmode(STDOUT, 'encoding(cp850)');
the code page (850) number in your system may be different, write this order in a DOS console to get yours:
That said, it might now work even if you do everything right because the character in question, U+2013, is not part of the two most common console encodings, cp850 and cp437. It cannot be displayed in consoles using those encodings.
If that's the case, your best bet is switching the console's encoding to UTF-8 by entering chcp 65001 at the prompt. You'll need to edit the console's properties to switch the font to an appropriate font (e.g. Lucidia Console). After doing that, you can use :encoding(UTF-8).

Why doesn't chomp() work in this case?

I'm trying to use chomp() to remove all the newline character from a file. Here's the code:
use strict;
use warnings;
open (INPUT, 'input.txt') or die "Couldn't open file, $!";
my #emails = <INPUT>;
close INPUT;
my $test;
$test = $test.$_;
print $test;
and the test conent for the input.txt file is simple:
my expected output is something like this:
however, I'm still getting the same content as the input file, any help please?
Thank you
If the input file was generated on a different platform (one that uses a different EOL sequence), chomp might not strip off all the newline characters. For example, if you created the text file in Windows (which uses \r\n) and ran the script on Mac or Linux, only the \n would get chomp()ed and the output would still "look" like it had newlines.
If you know what the EOL sequence of the input is, you can set $/ before chomp(). Otherwise, you may need to do something like
my #emails = map { s/[\n\r]+$//g; $_ } <INPUT>;

How to detect UTF8 with BOM encoding in Perl

I have simple Perl script that does comparison of two files.
Result I write in different files with UTF8 BOM encoding.
To save text in BOM file I do printing chr(65279) into the beginning of the result file. Sometimes input text already contains BOM char in the begging of the text and my script prints one more.
The question is: How I can workaround it to do not print this BOM char twice.
See below text of my Perl's code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Compare;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use open ':encoding(utf8)';
use open IO => ':encoding(utf8)';
open F, "<$ARGV[0]" or die $!;
open S, "<$ARGV[1]" or die $!;
my #a=<F>;
my #b=<S>;
close F;
close S;
my $lc = List::Compare->new(\#a, \#b);
my #intersection = $lc->get_intersection;
my #missing = $lc->get_unique;
my #extra = $lc->get_complement;
open EXTRA, ">".$ARGV[2]."file_extra.txt" or die("Unable to open the file");
open MISSING, ">".$ARGV[2]."file_missing.txt" or die("Unable to open the file");
open SUBTRACTED, ">".$ARGV[2]."file_subtr.txt" or die("Unable to open the file");
#Turn on UTF-8 BOM support
print EXTRA chr(65279);
print MISSING chr(65279);
print SUBTRACTED chr(65279);
print MISSING #missing;
print EXTRA #extra;
print SUBTRACTED #intersection;
close MISSING;
close EXTRA;
Strip it while reading file content (in your example apply s/^\x{FEFF}// to $a[0] and $b[0]) and then either add it in front of output when you print results, if you really need it, but better yet - don't print it back at all, as it is useless for UTF-8.
If you have double BOM, this is probably because one BOM comes from your input. So you should clean up your input before processing it:
s/^\x{FEFF}/ for $a[0], $b[0];