what I try to achieve is, if a user is editing a specific field in my form (designed with QT Designer) the background color should turn into e.g. into red. Programmatically I can do it for one field, however, I have a lot of QLineEdits and QComboBoxes. Is there a possibility to do that for a selected number of elements all at once? Can this also be done with QT Designer only?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Just connect the signal textChanged of your lineEdit control to a slot. Then make that slot change the control stylesheet as you need.
then define the slot like
def onEdit_slot():
sender().setStyleSheet("background-color: rgba(255, 254, 134, 150);")
PS: remember that stylesheet will remain the same until you change it, so after editing and losing focus your control will keep the red background. To change it back just connect the control's editingFinished signal to another slot and reset the stylesheet
then define the slot like:
def onFinishedEditing_slot():
In the SAPUI5 control explorer in the busy dialog section there is mention of a sap.m.sample.BusyDialogLight.C control. Essentially this is an unframed dialog with the busy indicator 3-blue blobs image over it. I intend to use this whilst long JSON fetches are running.
My version of OpenUI5 which is v1.40.10 does not have a file or folder with that name in the sap.m.* folders. It only has sap.m.BusyDialog.js which I read (dbg version) and see no obvious mention of a light model.
So can anyone tell me if there is actually a BusyDialogLight control and how to define it?
This is just the controller which handles the view. The name used there is the same as in the view's controllerName attribute. And light is in this context just the BusyDialog without text and buttons.
I want to change the color of my messages which are added via the IMessageManager implementation in a Eclipse RCP environment. I've tried to set the color in the corresponding control but this has no effect.
Device device = Display.getCurrent();
Color red = new Color(device, 255, 0, 0);
messageManager.addMessage(MESSAGE_KEY, message, null, IMessageProvider.INFORMATION, control);
How can I achieve this, is there an existing interface which provides this functionality?
Thanks in advance
The control you pass to addMessage is not the control that is used to display the message. The message is always shown in the FormHeading part of the Form.
You can set the heading foreground color using
where form is your Form.
Don't forget that you must dispose of any Color objects that you create when they are no longer needed.
As I need to specify a local variable to a Subsystem, I created a mask. Doing that I lose the easy access to the subsystem. Right-click and navigating to "Look under mask" is supposed to be too complicated.
So I thought about a workaround and built the following:
The dialog callback code behind the "Get deeper!" checkbox is:
myParameter = %Parameter set by checking Get deeper!
path = gcb(gcs);
if strcmp(get_param(gcb,'myParameter'),'on')
Everytime when I check the box, the subsystem gets opened and also by every double click on the subsystem, in case the box was checked before. Hence the code does what it should, but thats actualy not the common way how one would realize/visualize something like this.
What I want is a button "Look under mask" in my mask - so the subsystem just gets opened by clicking on that button. Basically the button should call the function: open_system(gcb(gcs),'tab'). Looks so easy, but Simulink doesn't offer me any option to implement this. Can anybody help?
The main issue whith the current solution is also that with every execution of the model all subsystems open up, where the box is checked. That's not the idea.
Matlab 2012b adds exactly what you want: masked blocks have a button on the botton left that is a shortcut to "Look under mask".
Unfortunately, I don't think it is possible to add a button in a mask.
You may want to change your function to automatically set the "Get deeper!" checkbox off after the user clicks on it. That would avoid the automatic opening of the subsystems when the model is loaded. You could do that adding set_param(path,'myParameter','off') just after the open_system(path,'tab');
Finally, as another workaround, you may want to set the OpenFcn callback to call open_system(gcb,'tab'). This will make the system work as if it isn't masked at all. You can put two open_system calls, one to look under mask and the other to open the mask dialog box, if you prefer.
private ImgButton button = new ImgButton();
GWT or SmartGWT, I cannot tell exactly, generate state word to concatene it on the name of file.
Example to clarify :
On focus, iconName.jpg become iconName_Focus.jpg
On mouse down click, iconName.jpg become iconName_Down.jpg
On over, iconName.jpg become iconName_Over.jpg
Because these images are custom images, I want to tell GWT to take a default image when I didn't provide the corresponding image.
For example, when over event is fire and iconName_Over.jpg does not exist then use iconName.jpg.
Use the setShow{State} or setShow{State}Icon methods accordingly. For example for disabling the mouse down state, use setShowDown(Boolean.FALSE). For not showing a different icon when the mouse goes down on the button, use the setShowDownIcon(Boolean.FALSE). The rest of the actions have accordingly named methods you can look up at the ImgButton's javadoc page.
GWT's Editor framework is really handy and it can not only be used for editing POJOs but also for read-only display.
However I am not entirely sure what the best practice is for doing inline edits.
Let's assume I have a PersonProxy and I have one Presenter-View pair for displaying and editing the PersonProxy. This Presenter-View should by default display the PersonProxy in read-only mode and if the user presses on a edit button it should allow the user to edit the PersonProxy object.
The solution I came up with was to create two Editors (PersonEditEditor and PersonDisplayEditor) that both added via UiBinder to the View. The PersonEditEditor contains
ValueBoxEditorDecorators and the PersonDisplayEditor contains normal Labels.
Initially I display the PersonDisplayEditor and hide PersonEditEditor.
In the View I create two RequestFactoryEditorDriver for each Editor and make it accessable from the Presenter via the View interface. I also define a setState() method in the View interface.
When the Presenter is displayed for the first time I call PersonDisplayDriver.display() and setState(DISPLAYING).
When the user clicks on the Edit button I call PersonEditDriver.edit() and setState(EDITING) from my Presenter.
setState(EDITING) will hide the PersonDisplayEditor and make the PersonEditEditor visible.
I am not sure if this is the best approach. If not what's the recommended approach for doing inline edits? What's the best way to do unit-testing on the Editors?
If you can afford developing 2 distinct views, then go with it, it gives you the most flexibility.
What we did in our app, where we couldn't afford the cost of developing and maintaining two views, was to bake the two states down into our editors, e.g. a custom component that can be either a label or a text box (in most cases, we simply set the text box to read-only and applied some styling to hide the box borders).
To detect which mode we're in, because we use RequestFactoryEditorDriver (like you do), we have our editors implement HasRequestContext: receiving a null value here means the driver's display() method was used, so we're in read-only mode. An alternative would be to use an EditorVisitor along with some HasReadOnly interface (which BTW is exactly what RequestFactoryEditorDriver does to pass the RequestContext down to HasRequestContext editors).
Yes,Presenter-View pair should be. But Here two ways to achieve this feature if you like to go with:
1) Integrate Edit/View code design in one ui.xml i.e.Edit code in EDitHorizonatlPanel and View code in ViewHorizontalPanel.The panel has different id. By using id, show/hide panel with display method. if getView().setState() ==Displaying then show ViewHorizontalPanel and if getView().setState()==Editing then show EditHorizontalPanel.
2) Instead of using labels, Use textboxes only. set Enable property is false when you need it in view mode otherwise true
You have created two Presenter/view but I think if Edit/View function has similar code so no need to rewrite similar code again and again for view purpose.
If a big project has so many Edit/View function and you will create such type of multiple View/Presenter than your project size become so huge unnecessary.
I think that whatever I have suggest that might be not good approach but a way should be find out which help to avoid code replication.