How can I automatically add labels to input fields? - forms

I'm working on a bigger project with AngularJS. Therefore, I want to make the work for a single form as easy as possible. As we're also using bootstrap, the code for a single input field in a form is quite verbose, maybe like
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="inputEmail">Email</label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="text" id="inputEmail" placeholder="Email">
If I could write a single tag like
... >
instead, this would help to keep the code clean and the work simple.
To achive this, I'm working on a custom AngularJS directive. My directive currently uses a template similar to the bootstrap example from above, automatically assigning the label to the input-tag. Also, the directive's compiler function moves all attributes from the custom-input tag to the real input-tag in order to make it easy to customize the custom-input tag.
app.directive('customInput', function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
restrict: 'E',
template: '<div>' +
'<label for="{{ name }}">the label</label>' +
'<input id="{{ name }}" ng-model="ngModel" />' +
scope: {
ngModel: '=',
name: '#name',
replace: true,
compile: function (tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {
var tInput = tElement.find('input');
// Move the attributed given to 'custom-input'
// to the real input field
angular.forEach(tAttrs, function(value, key) {
if (key.charAt(0) == '$')
tInput.attr(key, value);
On Stack Overflow, there are many questions regarding the creation of custom input fields, but they are concerned with the data binding, custom formatting or binding to ng-repeat.
My approach however has a different issue: while the data binding works correctly, Angular's integrated form validation module get confused when the input field is 'required'. For some reason, validation doesn't recognize the new input field and instead keeps the form invalid because of some dead reference, which has an empty value. Please see the minimal example.
Where does the dead reference come from? How can I update the validation-module's references? Is there a better way to achieve my overall goal?

As a boolean attribute, there is a corresponding required property that is still true on your div even if the attribute is moved.
The required attribute isn't getting moved, it must be getting skipped because there is no value. I don't know how to even add it to an element using javascript without a value, but using the form required="required" fixes that
Using transclude=true will use a copy of your element after the compile phase when you moved attributes, I think this keeps the required property from being set
You have to assign a higher priority for some reason, maybe because of ng-model, which is not removed from your div because the name in tattrs is ngModel (although removing from the div doesn't remove the need for priority)
All I did was change the required attribute to be required="required" and add these two lines to the directive declaration:
transclude: true,
priority: 10,
I put ng-transclude on the template label by the way so the contents of your element will go in the label and you don't have to have an attribute for that.


angularjs2: setting fields to "dirty", especially datepicker

I am new to Angular2/Typescript, since I come from the Java world, I decided to learn Typescript and Angular2 directly.
I want to leave most of the logic on the server, thus I don't need complex validation management on the client. So all I want is the user to fill out forms, and post/put all the fields to the REST Service.The goal is to leave the client side as light as possible.
I have a form:
<form role="form" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()" #ArbeitstagForm="ngForm">
and a field in it, some datepickers too: similar like this:
<input type="text" class="form-control pull-right" id="datepicker" [(ngModel)]="model.datum">
When I submit the form, I call this function:
model = new Arbeitstag();
onSubmit(form:any) {
alert(JSON.stringify(this.model));return false;
So that alerts me the the entered data as JSON, which I will after send to a REST Service. It works actually great, BUT only when I actually type something into the field, when I have a default value, or I set the field with a datepicker, the model object values will remain empty.
I've found out about the dirty setting of the fields, which are false by default and are getting true when I type something in and that's also what I see when I check firebug, but that's definitely not what I want to achieve.
Is there a way to set all the fields dirty in a form in Angular2? I've found many examples for Angular.js 1, but not for Angular2/Typescript.
Control has a markAsDirty() (and markAsTouched()) method
<input #datePicker="ngForm" type="text" class="form-control pull-right" id="datepicker" [(ngModel)]="model.datum">
<button (click)="datePicker.control.markAsDirty()">update dirty status</button>
Plunker example
What I usually do is get a reference to the form in my component, using ViewChild. With that reference I can mark to form dirty or touched when I need to. Like so:
export class MyComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
#ViewChild('form') form: NgForm;
public methodWithFormChange(): void {

Bootstrap validator form plugin: how to change feedback icons

The bootstrap validator plugin helps validating the form fields providing a bunch of cool features. One of those features are the feedback icons, which defaults to glyphicon.
Suppose I want to replace glyphicon with font awesome.
The documentation says they can be changed by passing a "feedback" JSON object as data attribute or via JavaScript.
Via JavaScript it's easy. But as data attribute, it is unclear where and how exactly add it, because simply adding:
feedback: {
success: 'fa-check',
error: 'fa-times'
as data attribute to the <form> or the <div class="form-group"> or the <input> itself it doesn't work.
After some time struggling with it, I realized that the JSON feedback object should be added to the element and also it needs to be added using this syntax (which was not specified in the docs):
<form ... data-feedback='{"success": "fa-check", "error": "fa-times"}'>
Note the quotes syntax.
Also, if we are not just changing the glyphicon but replacing it with a font-awesome one (like in my example), in the <div class="form-group"> we need to replace:
<span class="glyphicon form-control-feedback" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span class="fa form-control-feedback" aria-hidden="true"></span>
This is not very well documented, and I could not make it work. I ended up using a different form validator which accomplish the same functionality and it's easier to configure success/error formats using bootstrap classes:
var validator = $('#submitForm').validate({
validClass: "is-valid",
errorClass: "is-invalid",
jQuery Validator

Conditional Attributes in Sightly Templates (AEM/CQ)

In the Sightly templating language, for Adobe AEM6 (CQ), how do I add an attribute to an element only if a condition is true, without duplicating lots of code/logic?
<ul data-sly-list="${items}" ${if condition1} class="selected"${/if}>
<li${if condition2} class="selected"${/if}>
Lots of other code here
When setting HTML attributes dynamically (with an expression), Sightly guesses your intention to simplify the writing:
If the value is an empty string or if it is the false boolean, then the attribute gets remove altogether.
For instance <p class="${''}">Hi</p> and <p class="${false}">Hi</p> render just <p>Hi</p>.
If the value is the true boolean, then the attribute is written as a boolean HTML attribute (i.e. without attribute value, like for e.g. the checked, selected, or disabled form attributes).
For instance <input type="checkbox" checked="${true}"> renders <input type="checkbox" checked>.
You can then use two Sightly operators to achieve what you want (both work as in JavaScript): the ternary conditional operator, or the logical AND (&&) operator.
Ternary conditional operator
<ul data-sly-list="${items}" class="${condition1 ? 'selected' : ''}">
<li class="${condition2 ? 'selected' : ''}">
Lots of other markup here
Logical AND operator
For that, you additionally have to understand that like in JavaScript, ${value1 && value2} returns value1 if it is falsy (e.g. false, or an empty string), otherwise it returns value2:
<ul data-sly-list="${items}" class="${condition1 && 'selected'}">
<li class="${condition2 && 'selected'}">
Lots of other markup here
As said, in both examples the class attribute will be removed altogether if the corresponding condition is false.
What Gabriel has said is entirely correct. I did want to add a "gotcha" to look out for though. For the record, I was running into the exact same problem where, in a Sightly template, I wanted to toggle the presence of an input element's "checked" attribute based on a boolean value. In my case this boolean value was coming from the backing Use class.
After about 3-4 hours and being on the verge of pulling my hair out I finally realized that the boolean value I was relying on for toggling the "checked" attribute was ultimately being set in the activate method of a Sling service I wrote to back the work I'm doing. While everything else was logically correct, because I was setting this boolean in activate() and then retrieving it via a getter as needed, it would only ever have its value updated on bundle activation meaning my view would essentially lose state after the first refresh of the page.
I know it's silly but I wanted to call it out since it's relevant here and it may help someone not have to lose some hair like I did...

AngularJS retrieve from object based on entry in ng-repeat input

This application is for running a writing contest.
Coodinators are assigning entries to judges for them to judge. I have three sets of data I retrieve from the server, a judge list, an entries list and an assignment list that ties the two together. There can be a variable number of input fields...if a judge has agreed to judge 4 entries, there will be 4 inputs...if 7, then 7.
I have all of that working OK, but only insofar as the entry number can be input and the data updated.
Now I would like confirm that the entryID IS a valid ID by checking the list and also to show a field or two on the screen so the coordinator knows that they typed in the right entry.
The relevant section of the HTML
<div ng-app>
<div id="assignment" ng-controller="AssignData" ng-init="JudgeID=107;CategorySelect='MS';PublishSelect='P'">
<div ng-show="loaded">
<form class="entryform ng-cloak" name="assignform" ng-submit="sendForm()">
<p>Entry numbers assigned to this judge</p>
<p ng-repeat="assign in (formassigns =(assigns | filter:AssignedJudge))">
<input type="text" ng-model="assign.entryid" required/>
{{entries.authorname}} {{entries.entrytitle}}
<button type="submit">Save Assignments</button>
<p>This will keep the assignments attached to this judge.
You will be able to send all of your assignments to all
of your judges when you are finished.</p>
The part that I haven't been able to figure out is how to make entries.authorname and entries.entrytitle show up when the user types in an entryid that is in entries.entryid.
assigns and entries are both arrays of records using JSON
assigns is JSON made up of, assigns.judgeid, assigns.entryid.
entries is JSON made up of entries.entryid, entries.entrytitle, entries.authorname
When assigns arrives, entryid is empty. The form is used to fill in the entryid and when it is filled in, I'd like to be able to show next to it the title and authorname for that entry.
NOTE: I've added some important information at the end of this answer. So please read to the end before you decide what you're going to do.
You're going to have to do something that does the look up.
Also a few other changes I'd add, mostly so you can actually validate the items in your repeat.
(There's a summary of what I did after the psuedo code below).
<div ng-app>
<div id="assignment" ng-controller="AssignData"
<div ng-show="loaded">
<form class="entryform ng-cloak" name="assignform" ng-submit="sendForm()">
<p>Entry numbers assigned to this judge</p>
<p ng-repeat="assign in (formassigns =(assigns | filter:AssignedJudge))"
<input type="text" ng-model="assign.entryid"
ng-change="checkEntryId(assign, assignForm)"
name="entryid" required/>
<span ng-show="assignForm.entryid.$error.required">required</span>
<span ng-show="assignForm.$error.validEntry">
{{assign.entry.authorname}} {{assign.entry.entrytitle}}
<button type="submit">Save Assignments</button>
<p>This will keep the assignments attached to this judge.
You will be able to send all of your assignments to all
of your judges when you are finished.</p>
Then in your controller, you'd add a function like so (be sure to inject $http or a service you wrote to pull the values from the server):
$scope.checkEntryId = function(assign, form) {
$http.get('/CheckEntry?id=' + assign.entryid,
function(entry) {
if(entry) {
assign.entry = entry;
form.$setValidity('validEntry', true);
} else {
form.$setValidity('validEntry', false, 'No entry found with that id');
}, function() {
form.$setValidity('validEntry', true, 'An error occurred during the request');
console.log('an error occurred');
The basic idea above:
Use ng-form on your repeating elements to allow for validation of those dynamic parts.
Create a function that you can pass your item and your nested form to.
In that function, make your AJAX call to see if the entry is valid.
Check the validity based on the response, and call $setValidity on your nested form you passed to the function.
Use ng-show on a span (or something) in your nested form to show your validation messages.
Also, assign your checked entry to your repeated object for display purposes. (you could use a seperate array if you want, I suppose, but that would probably get unnecessarily complicated).
I hope that helps.
EDIT: Other thoughts
You might want to wrap your call in a $timeout or some sort of throttling function to prevent the entry id check from spamming yoru server. This is an implementation detail that's totally up to you.
If this is a check you do all over the place, you'll probably want to create a directive to do it. The idea would be very similar, but you'll do the check inside of a $parser on the ngModelController.
The method I showed above will still actually update the model's entryid, even if it's invalid. This is usually not a big deal. If it is, you'll want to go with what I suggested in "other thought #2", which is a custom validation directive.
If you need more information about validation via custom directives I did a blog entry on that a while back

jQuery ajaxSubmit(): ho to send the form referencing on the fields id, instead of the fields name?

im pretty new to jQuery, and i dont know how to do that, and if it can be done without editing manually the plugin.
Assume to have a simply form like that:
<form action="page.php" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="Your name" id="contact-name" value="" />
Email: <input type="text" name="Your email" id="contact-email" value="" />
When you submit it, both in 'standard' way or with ajaxSubmit(), the values of the request take the label of the field name, so in the page.php i'll have:
$_POST['Your name'];
$_POST['Your email'];
Instead i'll like to label the submitted values with the id of the field:
Is there a way to do that with jquery and the ajaxsubmit() plugin?
And, maybe, there is a way to do it even with the normal usage of a form?
p.s: yes, i know, i could set the name and id attributes of the field both as 'contact-name', but how does two attributes that contain the same value be usefull?
According to the HTML spec, the browser should submit the name attribute, which does not need to be unique across elements.
Some server-side languages, such as Rails and PHP, take multiple elements with certain identical names and serialize them into data structures. For instance:
<input type="text" name="address[]" />
<input type="text" name="address[]" />
If the user types in 1 Infinite Loop in the first box and Suite 45 in the second box, PHP and Rails will show ["1 Infinite Loop", "Suite 45"] as the contents of the address parameter.
This is all related to the name attribute. On the other hand, the id attribute is designed to uniquely represent an element on the page. It can be referenced using CSS using #myId and in raw JavaScript using document.getElementById. Because it is unique, looking it up in JavaScript is very fast. In practice, you would use jQuery or another library, which would hide these details from you.
It is reasonably common for people to use the same attribute value for id and name, but the only one you need to care about for form submission is name. The jQuery Form Plugin emulates browser behavior extremely closely, so the same would apply to ajaxSubmit.
It's the way forms work in HTML.
Besides, Id's won't work for checkboxes and radio buttons, because you'll probably have several controls with the same name (but a different value), while an HTML element's id attribute has to be unique in your document.
If you really wanted, you could create a preprocessor javascript function that sets every form element's name to the id value, but that wouldn't be very smart IMHO.
var name = $("#contact-name").val();
var email = $("#contact-email").val();
$.post("page.php", { contact-name: name, contact-email: email } );
This will let you post the form with custom attributes.