Can't run Unit tests from eclipse - eclipse

If I create a test class I can't run it from eclipse until I have run it via maven on the command line first. My project build path output folder is pointing to project/target/classes. And build automatically is checked in the eclipse.
Anyone know why eclipse doesn't create the classes automatically?

Here's how the layout and build path of your project should look like.
Build path

In addition to what Marcel said, someone who runs into the same problem should look for dependencies between projects within Eclipse.
I was working with project A, which depended on project B. Project A was built and run normally, except for the problem mentioned in this post (run a JUnit class test). After digging for a while, I noticed that Project B had a build error (a source folder went missing, who knows why) and Eclipse was not building the project B, which caused an error on project A.
As soon as I fixed the project B build error, the problem with JUnit class was solved.


Working on an Eclipse project (using Builders) in IntelliJ

I've recently been tasked with working on an existing eclipse project that makes use of Builders to run Ant tasks under given conditions. I've never heard of Builders before yesterday, and I'm having difficulties getting the project to work in IntelliJ.
First of all, I would like to know if there is a way I can effectively trick Ant into running from a different base directory than what it already does. Consider the following screenshot from Eclipse:
Here, project A is running an Ant task in a local build file that extends a build file from project B. As you can see from the Base Directory setting, it is different from that of A. When I try to run the task from this build file in IntelliJ, I get build errors because certain directories do not exist in the folder for project A -- they are located in project B.
Secondly, this Builder is set to trigger on Manual Build and Auto Build, but my understanding is that this only triggers if the project the builder is attached to gets built. As far as I can tell, in IntelliJ, I can set an Ant task to trigger before or after a build, but it seems like this will be for the whole project, instead of just the relevant module that represents this Eclipse project. Is there a way I can make it only apply to a given module, or will I have to trigger it for changes to all modules?

Running tests on Intellij: Class not found

I'm evaluating IntelliJ (13.0.2 133.696) and cannot get jUnit tests to run from within the IDE.
My project is a multi module gradle project and uses scala.
Test class is located under src/test/scala/xxx/xxxxx/xxx/xxxx/xxxxx and everytime i try to run from IDE i get the same error:
Class not found: ""
Test class is nothing fancy, simple jUnit test:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = Array(classOf[DataConfig], classOf[SettingsConfig]))
class AccountRepositoryTest extends AssertionsForJUnit {
I've found a related question Cannot run Junit tests from IDEA 13.0 IDE for imported gradle projects , but the provided fix (upgrade to 13.0.2) does not work.
I've even tried upgrading to the latest EAP, still the same issue.
I looked through some of these answers, fussed with Project Settings, tried a few things, etc. and nothing worked. (Full disclosure: I'm not trying to juggle Gradle here; I'm just using Maven, but I don't see what this has to do with Gradle.)
I'm using IDEA 14.
What I found to work, because it just simply seemed IntelliJ had lost its way, was this:
$ rm -rf .idea project-name.iml
Then relaunched IntelliJ and did File -> Open -> navigate to the root of my project, etc.--in short, just recreated my project.
IntelliJ got over it. I may have messed something up originally in this project as I had done plenty of refactoring both package- and class names and I had even changed the project name. (It was probably my fault it happened.)
I had this same problem, and in my case the problem was due to the "Project compiler output" path being left blank in Project Settings.
To fix it I created a classes directory in my project root, and set Project compiler output to the absolute path (use the … button to browse).
Go to Project Settings -> Project.
Fill in Project compiler output:
ex. D:\repo\Project\out
Go to Module -> Paths
Make sure that:
output path is like D:\repo\Project\out\production
test output path like D:\repo\Project\out\test
Should work!
Simply 'Build > Rebuild Project' worked for me.
Check Run/Debug configuration for that test
"Use classpath and SDK of module:" should point into your module.
In meantime you module must have a Scala facet and that class must be inside the
"Test source Folders".
You can try to invalidate the cache and restart. That usually will resolve issues when you add new dependencies / classes.
Make sure your test class package and the class for which you are writing test case are not same. If both test case and the class is having the same package, the compiler will look in the src folder and ignores the test folder.
I had the same problem. I changed a path in Module Settings -> Modules -> Paths -> Test output path to my directory for test classes bytecode (exclude output paths on). Now everything works!
IDEA restart solved the issue for me.
Just make shure the folder of your test file marked as a test folder in Intellij IDEA. That worked for me.
If you have multiple directories with source files with the same name, add package to your class source file, if not present!
I had the same problem, Intellij wasn't finding the Test output path. Running the regular application had no problems however.
For me, the fix was changing from inherited project compile paths, to using module compile output paths.
Project Settings -> Modules -> (Your module) -> Paths (tab)
Change the radio select button to "Use module compile output path". For me the autofilled suggestion worked, you may need to manually put in the correct Test Output Path if the autosuggestion doesn't work. Remember to apply the settings change.
As of for gradle project X, deleting both:
and running tests again helped me resolve this issue.
Try this in this order:
rebuild project (+strangely, select another app, reselect idea for context-switch, seems to force files reload ?!)
invalidate cache/restart idea
reimport project /create a new project
Just renaming the file to something different and back worked for me :)
modify the content in tag of the module's .iml file just as the following. It works for me.
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/main/java" isTestSource="false" />
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/test/java" isTestSource="true" />
<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/target" />
Had the same problem, fixed it by recreating the project in a directory path that had no spaces, colons, periods or other special characters anywhere in the full path. Apparently IntelliJ can be finicky about the project path.
My issue remained after building, clean and rebuild, closing and opening the project (using intellij), project compiler output was correct; in the end I just deleted the folder out from my project directory. Note that my issue was only on the newly added Junit calling a newly added method. The rest of Junits were working fine.
For me it was that one test was failing and the error was misguiding.
I re-imported module in intellij as standalone project
Run the test
Fix test issues
Run modules again and it started to work.
Missing file extensions can cause this error.
In my case the test classes were missing the .java extension. E.g. a
file named UserTest instead of
Was hard to find, everything looked normal from within the IDE
(apparently IntelliJ rather uses the file contents to display a
corresponding symbol).
Was not an issue as long as I used mvn from command line (with the surfire plugin enabled in pom.xml) or a dedicated maven launcher configuration, but caused
the initial error message when launching using IntelliJs test or coverage menu / buttons.
Everything working as expected as once I added the missing file endings.
The root cause might be hidden in Java Compiler settings, it was so for me at least. In particular, feel free to adjust those settings using some hints from another thread.

ScalaTest Run Configuration in Eclipse: cannot find Suite Class

Problem: I cannot setup Run Configurations to run scalatest for the Scalatests in my project.
Steps to reproduce:
Right click on Scala Suite and click on Run as -> Run configurations..
On the left, I see a configuration template for ScalaTest. I click on New and fill the Name but it cannot find the suite-class.
Note: It is mentioned here that I should see Run as -> ScalaTest - Suite but I do not see that option. I tried using context menu in the editor, and in the package explorer
Steps taken:
Using: Scala IDE for Eclipse version: 2.1.0.m3-2_09
Using SBT, assemble project, run eclipse command and then import project and dependencies into Eclipse
Project compiles. ScalaTest code compiles(scalatest_2.9.2-1.8.jar is in the 'Referenced Libraries' configuration)
I've been fighting a similar problem for the past few days; Lily / Jimbo's answer didn't quite match my situation, but helped me find the right direction.
In my case, I was using a third-party library that I'd copied in. The package names of the classes and tests matched, but the folder structure did not -- all of my tests were directly in Play's "/test" folder, rather than in folders that matched the package names. This didn't show any errors, but was broken: packages ought to match folders. When I built the right folder structure underneath test, and recompiled, the expected "Run As -> ScalaTest - Suite" options showed up.
Don't know if your problem is the same, but you might check this if you haven't already found the issue...
This could be caused by a misalignment between the scalatest and the scala eclipse IDE version. Try scalatest_2.9.0-2.0.M5b.jar or scalatest_2.10-2.0.M5b.jar. The former jar definitely works with ide 2.0.9.x so maybe the new version needs the 2.10 jar. Pick your version carefully from here
Willem's answer is what worked for me. Getting both plugins from the same update site (from the list on Scalatest's github site), seemed to work for me using Kepler.
for my case, one click on 'Reimport All Maven Projects' icon, like 'Refresh' icon, solved the problem.
Not sure if you fixed the error, but I had similar a error yesterday and was pulling my hair trying to fix it (none of the suggestions I found by googling seemed to help me). So for me, it turns out that it's as easy as package hierarchy in my test suite.
I am using the play framework, so naturally my folders look like this controllers.package1.package2.... and this applies to my test folders also.
Now my test classes however, have the package definition package1.package2..... (no "controllers" as prefix).
If I run the tests on sbt/play command prompt, it's not a problem. But running them through Eclipse would give me the problem you described.
So anyways... thought I'd share this, in case this could help.
it's a bit annoying combined with the view template compile issue in play framework. but my approach is to regenerate the eclipse project file and add view template path into the class path

Groovy Eclipse can't launch junit tests

In Eclipse with groovy plugin, I try to launch a test #Test public void testToLaunch() {...} but I have the error:
The input type of the launch configuration does not exist
What input type is in the context of launch configuration? (can't find such an entry in launch configuration window)
Note: I try sts 2.8.1 and e3.7
This happens normally when the folder in which test case is present is not a source folder, please check this post as well.
Hope that helps!
This can also happen if there is a problem with the groovy class. A few things to check:
1) Ensure that the class name exactly matches the filename (filename = MyTest.groovy)
package com.mypackage;
import groovy.util.GroovyTestCase;
class MyTest extends GroovyTestCase {}
2) Ensure that the package defined in the file matches the package the file is actually in.
In Eclipse you can do
Right click -> properties -> Java build path
Notice test folder is not available in sources. Add it.
Add folder -> Select test -> OK
Now rerun you unit test cases.
This happened to me, and I just restarted Eclipse (GGTS) and everything was fine again.
I had a spelling mistake which lead to that error message. My test class file name was named (with upper U) and the class itself was named Junit5Test (with lower u).
I was using Spring Tool Suite 4 (4.8.0.RELEASE).
This also happened to me. But these tests are written in Groovy. The problem I encountered has to do with how the IDE (Eclipse Kepler, Java EE) first opens a Groovy project after executing "mvn eclipse:eclipse".
The Build Paths do not reference the Groovy source files correctly.
To resolve, I:
Right-click on the project, select "Build Path" > "Configure Build Path..."
Select "Source" tab
For test and src folders (.../src/main/groovy, and .../src/test/groovy)
make sure "**/*.groovy" is set as "Inclusion patterns", not "**/*.java"
Hope this saves time for someone.
I had the same error message when I head the test-class duplicated both in the main Java source folder and the testsrc folder. Removing the incorrectly placed one in the main Java source folder solved the problem for me.
2019 Update: This drove me crazy for days even with latest Eclipse and fresh installs (Mac, Grails 4, Gradle 5.1.1, Java 8). Some above examples led me to the solution.
My problem was more that the code I was testing included a mix of groovy and java src/main code. It gave me NoClassDefFound on the .groovy classes when I ran my Spec as JUnit.
Solution: I had to modify my Run/Debug Configuration to include build/classes/groovy/main. Then it worked. It's a little bit of a pain to remember to that for every new Configuration, but, it keeps me going. I hope it helps you.
Whenever you create a Junit test in eclipse, make sure your Junit test file is inside src/test/java folder.
I had a similar problem. Like others have already pointed out, it was about source folders. I had to change my source folder setup. There was an empty src-folder that disappeared after I right-clicked on it and selected 'remove from build path' from Build path menu. After that I right-clicked both java/src and java/test folders and chose Build path > Use as a source folder. And suddenly my tests were JUnited!
In similar situations I'd advice to remove all source folders from build path and add them again when you're sure you've got the right ones. Your source folders should be those with Java package structure under them. In case of proj/java/test/com/stackoverflow/main it's the 'test' folder.
This is what resolved for me (Eclipse Oxygen). I had already done what Robert suggested in the earlier post. I was still getting the error. When I went to edit the configuration for junit launch, I saw that the Test Class field just had the class name. I had to hit the Search button to the right. The Test Class field now had the complete name for the class
With this I am able to run the JUnit. But I have to keep fixing this for every run.
Found another way to cause this message. The cause turned out to be an empty copy of under src/main/java, as well as the real one under src/test/java.
Think the empty file was a hangover from some refactoring and was oddly causing no compile errors either. Deleting it enabled the test to run again.

ClassNotFoundException when running JUnit unit tests within Eclipse (using Maven)

I have just upgraded my SpringSource Tools Suite (STS, a variant IDE of Eclipse) to the latest version (v3.6.1). Then all my JUnit unit tests can not be run again. I am getting this error:
Class not found ClassToTest
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ClassToTest
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
According to this blog:
ClassNotFoundException when running JUnit unit tests within Eclipse (using Maven),
it is because of some misconfiguration of Maven plugin in Eclipse. However, in STS 3.6.2 I cannot find this option "Include Modules" in the Maven plugin. How can I fix this problem and re-enable my unit tests?
There are still some back-draws on the current m2e plugin. Unit-test-cases couldn't be run as their including project grouped in a working-set. Following may help:
Right click on project including junit-tests.
Select Maven -> Disable Workspace Resolution
Try then to run your test again.
OK it seems I'll have to answer this question by myself.
The main reason for this problem is still the m2eclipse eclipse plug-in. The new version of this plugin does not support nested modules in one project. If we really need to see multiple modules we have to remove the old one from the package explorer and create a working set and import the project again using the option "import existing maven projects". The eclipse import wizard will pop up a window and ask you which module to be imported. Then we can select all the modules and finish the import. As a result the working set will contain all the modules of your project and treat each module as a separate project, although in the workspace your modules are still in one project. By doing this it resolves all the problems that I have come across in Eclipse related to classpath, such as not being able to search a class or not being able to run the unit tests and get a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.
For reference, here is an article to teach you how to create a working set:
Working set
I think you can import the project without creating a new working set but the working set will keep all the modules that belong to your project in one set so it is easier to organize.
I wish I had the answer two months ago so I wouldn't have spent much time searching for a solution.
I think I have found the solution, at least this worked for me:
right click on the project and choose 'Maven' -> 'Update Dependencies'
Then when I tried , I did not get ClassNotFoundException .
I tried everything mentioned here and in other posts. Some of the solutions that people proffered were:
Change the output folder for the test classes.
Create a custom builder for the project that would run test-compile from Maven.
Move the Maven dependencies higher in the Order and Export list in the project build path.
There were many, many more but the one that I found to work was as follows:
Close the development environment.
Delete the jars used by the project from my local Maven repository.
Open the IDE.
Build the project.
Run the test.
After hours of beating my head against my keyboard and following suggested solutions, this one worked!
We too faced the same ClassNotFoundException while trying to run JUnit test class. But when we tried using the following steps, it successfully started running.
Select your project.
Click on the project option displayed in toolbar in the eclipse IDE.
Select “clean”.
Now try running the test file.
As a work-around, try running mvn test-compile (either in Eclipse or from the command line), then try running the Junit test within Eclipse.