ScalaTest Run Configuration in Eclipse: cannot find Suite Class - eclipse

Problem: I cannot setup Run Configurations to run scalatest for the Scalatests in my project.
Steps to reproduce:
Right click on Scala Suite and click on Run as -> Run configurations..
On the left, I see a configuration template for ScalaTest. I click on New and fill the Name but it cannot find the suite-class.
Note: It is mentioned here that I should see Run as -> ScalaTest - Suite but I do not see that option. I tried using context menu in the editor, and in the package explorer
Steps taken:
Using: Scala IDE for Eclipse version: 2.1.0.m3-2_09
Using SBT, assemble project, run eclipse command and then import project and dependencies into Eclipse
Project compiles. ScalaTest code compiles(scalatest_2.9.2-1.8.jar is in the 'Referenced Libraries' configuration)

I've been fighting a similar problem for the past few days; Lily / Jimbo's answer didn't quite match my situation, but helped me find the right direction.
In my case, I was using a third-party library that I'd copied in. The package names of the classes and tests matched, but the folder structure did not -- all of my tests were directly in Play's "/test" folder, rather than in folders that matched the package names. This didn't show any errors, but was broken: packages ought to match folders. When I built the right folder structure underneath test, and recompiled, the expected "Run As -> ScalaTest - Suite" options showed up.
Don't know if your problem is the same, but you might check this if you haven't already found the issue...

This could be caused by a misalignment between the scalatest and the scala eclipse IDE version. Try scalatest_2.9.0-2.0.M5b.jar or scalatest_2.10-2.0.M5b.jar. The former jar definitely works with ide 2.0.9.x so maybe the new version needs the 2.10 jar. Pick your version carefully from here

Willem's answer is what worked for me. Getting both plugins from the same update site (from the list on Scalatest's github site), seemed to work for me using Kepler.

for my case, one click on 'Reimport All Maven Projects' icon, like 'Refresh' icon, solved the problem.

Not sure if you fixed the error, but I had similar a error yesterday and was pulling my hair trying to fix it (none of the suggestions I found by googling seemed to help me). So for me, it turns out that it's as easy as package hierarchy in my test suite.
I am using the play framework, so naturally my folders look like this controllers.package1.package2.... and this applies to my test folders also.
Now my test classes however, have the package definition package1.package2..... (no "controllers" as prefix).
If I run the tests on sbt/play command prompt, it's not a problem. But running them through Eclipse would give me the problem you described.
So anyways... thought I'd share this, in case this could help.

it's a bit annoying combined with the view template compile issue in play framework. but my approach is to regenerate the eclipse project file and add view template path into the class path


what is the right way of importing a maven project in Eclipse and run it as a Java project?

I don't understand exactly what is the way of working with maven projects in Eclipse.
The problems I have are often with projects I download from github. If I set the project myself it usually work, so I think I'm doing something different from the majority of people.
I'll try to detail a specific case:
I clone a repo, let's say:
In Eclipse I import "existing maven project"
The project has a "Maven nature" as indicated by M on the folder icon
I try to run java class with main from Eclipse. First strange thins is that the "Run As" menu doesn't have "Run as a Java application"
I have to configure the configuration manually. Now it runs, but strange things happens, like I can't edit the file as the "content assist" throw errors instead of giving the normal assists.
I notice that the project has no "source folder". So my first instinct is to add a Java nature or select src as source folder
So I add Java nature to the project. This is a disaster. It can compile anymore as it can find packages. All classes have errors. I try to play around setting source folders on /src or /src/main/java. Sometimes I fix the errors but I can't run (and now I have run as Java application) but when I run it can't load the class
So in the end, I'm a bit confused and I don't know if I explained clearly what I'm doing.
I think I would like to know in a simple way how people are doing it, rather than trying to correct my steps as I'm probably creating a mess myself.
Any help or suggestion welcome.
I'm using the last version of eclipse. I don't know which other tool's versions are relevant.
P.S. I also refresh,restart,clean rebuild the project often after touching things...but it doesn't get better
Maven is a build (management) tool. Simply spoken, its task is to create a JAR that can be used as a dependency/library by other projects or when running java -jar ....
Running a project's code isn't part of it (apart from unit and integration tests code and by using non-default plugins for special situations). Running code is part of Eclipse (or any other IDE) with its Run Configurations.

Spark SQL has no SparkSqlParser.scala file when compiling in intelliJ idea

I have installed spark-hadoop env in my Red Hat 64. And I also want to read and write code in spark source code project in intelliJ idea. I have downloaded spark source code and make everything ready. But I had some errors when compiling spark project in IntelliJ idea.
Here are errors:
Error:(809, 34) not found: value SparkSqlParser
case ast if ast.tokenType == SparlSqlParser.TinyintLiteral =>
Error:(812, 34) not found: value SparkSqlParser
case ast if ast.tokenType == SparlSqlParser.SmallintLiteral =>
... ...
But actually I did not find a file named SparkSqlParser.scala in the whole project neither a scala class named SparkSqlParser.
However, I had searched the web for some files named SparkSqlParser.scala, but they don't have attribute like "TinyintLiteral", "SmallintLiteral", etc.
Here are the files link:
I meet the same problem. Here is my solution:
Download the antlr4 (i.e. antlr v4) plugin of IntelliJ. Then you can see the file "spark-2.0.1\sql\catalyst\src\main\antlr4\org\apache\spark\sql\catalyst\parser\SqlBase.g4" can be recognized by IntelliJ IDEA.
Navigate to View->Tool Windows->Maven Projects tab. select the project "Spark Project Catalyst". Right click on it. Then select "Generate sources and update folders"
After that you can see some files added into the "spark-2.0.1\sql\catalyst\target\generated-sources\antlr4"
Then you can build success of the project.
Hope it can help you.
None of the advice here worked for me. I noticed, however, that the generated code depends on Antlr 3.x while Antlr 4.x is what is in the dependencies (mvn dependecy:tree). I don't know why this was the case. Maybe because I had earlier built it from the command line (?).
Anyway, try cleaning your Catalyst sub-project then rebuild the autogenerated sources. To do this in IntelliJ, go to View -> Tools Window -> Maven Projects.
Then navigate to the "Spark Project Catalyst" in the "Maven Project" tab.
Navigate to clean -> clean:clean and double click it. Navigate to Plugins -> antlr4 -> antlr4:antlr4 and double click it.
Now, you'll see the autogenerated sources of the Antlr classes are different and they should compile. YMMV.
1) First build your Spark from command line using build instructions given in
2) Then check
$SPARK_HOME/sql/catalyst/target/generated-sources/antlr3/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/parser folder.
Some of the generated classes like is there.
List of classes it generates are[enter link description here][1]
3) Open Module Settings. Click on spark-catalyst module. Go to Source tab in the right. Make target/generated-source as a source folder.
I also faced similar problem when I updated my fork to latest master. Unfortunately, could not find a way to make it work from IDEA. What I did is compiled the project from command line. It generated the antlr classes which is required. I then added the generated-source target/generated-source/antlr as source directory. After that I could run tests from Idea. Ideally Idea generate source should have generated the code. Need to check more why it did not. May be because I have maven3.3.3 configured.
I have did as the intruction from Rishitesh Mishra and get stuck in the first step. I have always errors when executing "build/mvn -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.4 -Dhadoop.version=2.4.0 -DskipTests clean package".
I have both tried on source code from and fork on github.
I have attached the log screenshot in a new answer as following.
error log image

Scala IDE 4.0.0 thinks there's errors in an out-of-the-box Play Framework 2.3.7 program

I've created a Play Framework program via Typesafe Activator (so it follows the template exactly).
I used sbteclipse-plugin version 3.0.0 to create an Eclipse project and imported that into Scala IDE 4.0.0. These are all the latest versions at the time of writing.
The Scala IDE definitely seems to support the Play Framework. It has syntax highlighting for the custom formats, including the routing file and templates. Yet, it doesn't seem to be able to find the views from the controllers. In particular, the call to views.html.index triggers an error: "object index is not a member of package views.html".
I tried enabling refreshing using native hooks or pooling as detailed here, but it had no affect.
I should note that while the code has been compiled in the command line (with activator ~run), it hasn't been compiled in Scala IDE, since I don't know how to (it doesn't seem to be documented anywhere).
What can I do to get rid of these false errors?
EDIT: After running activator clean ~run, I have another error: The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved. There's no further details on what these build path errors are.
Update: Just upgrade to sbteclipse version 5.1.0 and everything should work out of the box. Also make sure you follow the Play documentation on how to set up Eclipse/ScalaIDE.
This is a known bug in sbteclipse, which probably will be fixed soon.
For now, you can add the following line to your build.sbt:
EclipseKeys.createSrc := EclipseCreateSrc.All
Kill the SBT console and run sbt eclipse again. That should add the following line to the .classpath file within your project folder as a workaround:
<classpathentry kind="src" path="target/scala-2.11/twirl/main"/>
Refresh your Eclipse project to pick up the change.
I had the same issue, also with Scala IDE 4.0.0 . I followed mkurz instuctions and they worked like a charm. But instead of changing the .classpath file in the project folder manually I used Eclipse interface:
In the top menu of the main window, click on Project and then on Properties.
In the Properties window, click on Java Build Path option (options list is on the left)
In the Source tab, click on Add Folder... button.
In the Source Folder Selection window, choose the target/scala-2.11/twirl/main folder, so it is included in the compilation path. Click Ok button.
Click Ok in the Properties window.
Now the project should compile just fine :) . With that I was able to finish the play setup example in Scala IDE website
I tried #mkurz solution first, but also ran into the same error as #matt. I became frustrated that I could not generate the eclipse project without having to go to the Eclipse project properties to manually fix the build errors. After some investigation, I discovered the solution that removed all errors entirely. Add this your build.sbt:
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile <+=
Or if that does not work for you, you could also use:
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile <+= target.zipWith(scalaBinaryVersion) { (b,v) => b / s"scala-$v/twirl/main" }
Good bye, build errors!
I got the same error message.
Are you using java8 as jre in eclipse?
After switching back from java8 to java7, everything worked fine again.
If, after following Mkurz' instructions (adding EclipseKeys.CreateSrc... ), your problems are not solved, click on Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path. Look at the source folders tab.
You may find a duplicate file folder named .../src_managed/main (Thanks Matt). If so, close the project. Remove ONE of the two ../src_managed/main entries from the .classpath file (located in the base of the activator/SBT project directory). Reopen and clean the project and you should be good to go.
For me, it turned out that installed JRE in the Scala IDE was openjdk, changed it to Oracle Java 8 and it worked.

Setting up a Scala project in Eclipse, together with JUnit & Scalatest

I have recently completed the Scala course on Coursera, and since then I have been looking forward to getting my hands dirty with Scala again. I have written code for some years but I neither educated to be nor work as a programmer, so it took me a while to get a good opportunity but now that I have some time to invest and a good project to work on it's time...
Except I can't seem to get things set up properly, which I find really frustrating. I have OpenJDK 1.7.0_25 running on my Linux machine. I have downloaded and installed the Bundle Scala IDE build for Eclipse (just like we used in the course). And I got ScalaTest both as a jar file and the Eclipse plug-in.
I have a simple project (so far) and no matter what I do I can't seem to get my builds and tests in order. First off how exactly am I supposed to set up my project so that my classes and tests are actually run properly? All the assignments we got were projects that had the same structure, so do I have to have:
structure? If so why is it not the default way the project is setup when I create a new project? Do I create these folders manually, as packages or as source folders? The whole thing gets pretty murky..
I should mention that I tried to "Mavenize" the project using the contextual menu in Eclipse, added my ScalaTest dependency. The first thing that happens is that I get compile errors, at every point of dependency in my code. So clearly the library is not visible, in other words Maven does not seem to be doing much of management. I thought the whole point of Maven was to get and maintain dependencies as the project evolves. I concluded that I do not fully understand the way Maven works and thus I eventually gave up on Maven, once again, and went back to doing things manually.
Secondly, I can't seem to run my tests; the Run As... menu item does not include ScalaTest as it's mentioned in the documentation of ScalaTest Eclipse Plug-in. I have double checked that the plugin is installed. If I instead try to run using JUnitRunner then my tests are not recognized as valid tests. I have JUnit and ScalaTest on my build path, so it's got to be something else.
I suppose my overarching question is as follows:
given the Scala IDE build of Eclipse and ScalaTest, just exactly how am I supposed to set up my project (in Eclipse) so that I can just focus on writing my code and testing it, and hopefully not have any other headaches?
I work alone, and this project is not a product I need to deliver to some client. In other words I do not need to adhere to strict professionalism here. Honestly I just want to be able to code, get better acquainted with Scala and hopefully build a small data analysis tool that I will be using from time to time.
Thanks in advance!
Try using the sbt eclipse plugin:
This is of course assumes that you use sbt as you build tool. If you don't at the moment you can find instructions on installation and usage here:
Personally I've been using typesafe giter8 template ( to setup my Scala projects, and then I use the sbt plugin mentioned above to generate eclipse project files.
Scala is somewhat Maven-based (sometimes implicitly), that's why you use that structure.
The easiest way I think is to create a simple Sbt/Maven POM and create the Eclipse project configurations (like with sbt eclipse). There you can set the dependencies (like the actual version of JUnit, Scalatest to use), so you can use the ScalaTest plugin easily.
In case of other issues, feel free to ask at the ScalaTest mailing list, Chee Seng and Bill Venners can help you a lot there.
The Scala IDE website has a full documentation on how to run unit testing frameworks with the IDE, have a look ! If you find missing elements, the bug tracker of the scala-IDE project is here.

Groovy Eclipse can't launch junit tests

In Eclipse with groovy plugin, I try to launch a test #Test public void testToLaunch() {...} but I have the error:
The input type of the launch configuration does not exist
What input type is in the context of launch configuration? (can't find such an entry in launch configuration window)
Note: I try sts 2.8.1 and e3.7
This happens normally when the folder in which test case is present is not a source folder, please check this post as well.
Hope that helps!
This can also happen if there is a problem with the groovy class. A few things to check:
1) Ensure that the class name exactly matches the filename (filename = MyTest.groovy)
package com.mypackage;
import groovy.util.GroovyTestCase;
class MyTest extends GroovyTestCase {}
2) Ensure that the package defined in the file matches the package the file is actually in.
In Eclipse you can do
Right click -> properties -> Java build path
Notice test folder is not available in sources. Add it.
Add folder -> Select test -> OK
Now rerun you unit test cases.
This happened to me, and I just restarted Eclipse (GGTS) and everything was fine again.
I had a spelling mistake which lead to that error message. My test class file name was named (with upper U) and the class itself was named Junit5Test (with lower u).
I was using Spring Tool Suite 4 (4.8.0.RELEASE).
This also happened to me. But these tests are written in Groovy. The problem I encountered has to do with how the IDE (Eclipse Kepler, Java EE) first opens a Groovy project after executing "mvn eclipse:eclipse".
The Build Paths do not reference the Groovy source files correctly.
To resolve, I:
Right-click on the project, select "Build Path" > "Configure Build Path..."
Select "Source" tab
For test and src folders (.../src/main/groovy, and .../src/test/groovy)
make sure "**/*.groovy" is set as "Inclusion patterns", not "**/*.java"
Hope this saves time for someone.
I had the same error message when I head the test-class duplicated both in the main Java source folder and the testsrc folder. Removing the incorrectly placed one in the main Java source folder solved the problem for me.
2019 Update: This drove me crazy for days even with latest Eclipse and fresh installs (Mac, Grails 4, Gradle 5.1.1, Java 8). Some above examples led me to the solution.
My problem was more that the code I was testing included a mix of groovy and java src/main code. It gave me NoClassDefFound on the .groovy classes when I ran my Spec as JUnit.
Solution: I had to modify my Run/Debug Configuration to include build/classes/groovy/main. Then it worked. It's a little bit of a pain to remember to that for every new Configuration, but, it keeps me going. I hope it helps you.
Whenever you create a Junit test in eclipse, make sure your Junit test file is inside src/test/java folder.
I had a similar problem. Like others have already pointed out, it was about source folders. I had to change my source folder setup. There was an empty src-folder that disappeared after I right-clicked on it and selected 'remove from build path' from Build path menu. After that I right-clicked both java/src and java/test folders and chose Build path > Use as a source folder. And suddenly my tests were JUnited!
In similar situations I'd advice to remove all source folders from build path and add them again when you're sure you've got the right ones. Your source folders should be those with Java package structure under them. In case of proj/java/test/com/stackoverflow/main it's the 'test' folder.
This is what resolved for me (Eclipse Oxygen). I had already done what Robert suggested in the earlier post. I was still getting the error. When I went to edit the configuration for junit launch, I saw that the Test Class field just had the class name. I had to hit the Search button to the right. The Test Class field now had the complete name for the class
With this I am able to run the JUnit. But I have to keep fixing this for every run.
Found another way to cause this message. The cause turned out to be an empty copy of under src/main/java, as well as the real one under src/test/java.
Think the empty file was a hangover from some refactoring and was oddly causing no compile errors either. Deleting it enabled the test to run again.