How do i add different headers to different pages? - libreoffice

I want page-1 to be marked Index, page 2-10 to be marked 'FOOBAR', page 11-15 to be marked 'RUBBISH' etc in the header of the page. My page numbers are in the footer and i'd like all pages to be numbered 1,2,3,4, etc (which right now is the case)

Select page by clicking in it - then press F11 to bring up the 'Styles' box - choose a style or create a new style and double click to apply it to that page BUT make sure you set Style Category to 'Page Styles'.
Select another page - F11 - this time select "Default" so that style is applied to all subsequent pages after the selected page.
Now go to the page you want whose style you want to alter, after "Default" styled pages; select page, Insert->Manual Break a popup opens and pick a style that you want to apply.
This will style the various "Headers" for each page - to add the content, select the "Header" and just type text into it..'FOOBAR' 'Index' whatever..


LibreOffice Writer page style change affects earlier page styles

I am using LibreOffice Writer
I create a new blank document, and insert a page break, giving me two pages.
I go to the header of the first page, then press F-11 to open Styles, then go to Page Styles. Then I double-click "First Page". The first page's header takes on the style "Header (First Page)", as expected.
Then I go to the header of the second page, and from Page Styles, double click "Left page". At this point, the second page's header style now says "Header (default page style)", and the style for the first page now says "Header (Left
Why does changing the header style for page 2 affect page 1? (And how is anyone supposed to control styles if you can't tell what page you are going to be affecting?)
I have searched diligently for some explanation of how page styles work, read the LibO chapter on controlling page styles, and cannot grasp how setting a style for a later page could/should affect earlier pages. Is there any explanation for this incredibly frustrating behavior? Thank you.
I was able to reproduce your problem. The solution is as follows:
Setup the "First Page" header as you described.
Now, right-click on the "First Page" style, then select "Modify..."
On the Organizer tab, change the Next style field to "Left Page"
Now when you go to page 2, it should automatically be set to "Left Page" style. When you go to page 3, it should automatically be set to "Right Page"
Through this experience, my understanding is that the "First Page" style has set that the Next style to be "Default Page Style". By modifying the next style, you are properly chaining what the next style should be.
Why you encountered the problem when you simply click "Left Page" style on page 2? My guess is, the default system assumes odd page to be Left Page, so it overwrote the first page as Left Page. But this is just my guess.

Drupal 8 - Change position of the Save Preview Button in a form

I'm using Drupal version 8.6.10 with the default Bartik theme.
I created a new content type called Post and I would the change position of the "Save" and "Preview" buttons of the form used when creating a new Post.
Actually these buttons are shown immediately after the Title as you can see in the following picture:
Instead I want them to be shown at the end of the form.
These are the Post manage display settings:
I don't understand why this doesn't happen with the default content types provided by drupal (Article and Basic Page) but only with the content types I add.
How can I change that?
You probably disabled the title position at some point and then re-enabled it without consideration for the position. The 'Manage display' setting you mentioned does not handle the positioning of the form element, it is meant for when you view content in read mode.
To resolve this, go to the 'Manage form display' tab of the specific content type and re-order the position of the title field (e.g. at the top of the field list).

CMS Made Simple Link

I would like to set up links though my site to make it easier to type long urls to external sites, How would I set up CMS Made Simple to link from one internal URL to a exteral one IE to ?
In your (V1.x) admin area, try:
Content > Pages > Add new content
Content type: Redirecting link
Options tab:
Page alias: "fb"
If you don't want it to show in menu untick "Show in menu"
Main tab:
Fill in title and menu
In URL: ""
That should do it.
To redirect to an external URL (or even content within your domain that is not managed by CMSMS), you can use the Content Type "Redirecting Link".
Since maidbloke already covered CMSMS 1.x, I'll cover CMSMS 2.x.
Creating the Redirecting Link
Start at the CMSMS admin area's "Home" page (the default page loaded in the admin area).
Under the "Content" item, click the "Content Manager" subitem. You could also, instead, open the "Content" menu on the left by clicking "Content" in the left hand menu, and then click the "Content Manager" subitem.
Click "Add New Content" in the upper left of the Content Manager area.
In the "Main" tab, change the Content Type to "Redirecting Link".
Fill in the "Title" field.
Fill in the "URL" field (something like "" without quotes).
Click on the "Navigation" tab.
Fill in the "Menu Text" field.
If you don't want the link to show in your menus, uncheck the "Show in Menu" option.
If you set the "Title" to something other than "fb"...
Click on the "Options" tab.
Fill in the "Alias" field with "fb".
At the top of this page, click the "Submit" button to save your new content.
Now the redirecting link is set up! Next, we'll cover how to use it.
Using the Redirecting Link
There are a few ways you can use it.
Without MicroTiny
If you're not using MicroTiny or some other WYSIWYG editor:
A. You can use raw HTML:
Our Facebook Page
Our Facebook Page
Our Facebook Page
Our Facebook Page
B. You can use the cms_selflink tag:
{cms_selflink page="fb" text="Our Facebook Page"}
You can still use this method from within MicroTiny as well.
With MicroTiny
If you're using MicroTiny:
C. You can insert a CMSMS page link:
Click the "Insert" menu.
Click "Link to CMSMS Page".
Fill out the "Enter Page title" field with the value you used when you created the Redirecting Link (Creating the Redirecting Link, Step 5).
Fill out the "Text to display" field.
Click the "Ok" button.
There is also a button in MicroTiny toolbar that can be used to replace steps 1 and 2.
D. You can insert a regular link:
Click the "Insert" menu.
Click "Insert/edit link".
Fill in the "Url" field, probably with one of the URLs shown in option A.
Fill in the "Text to display" field.
Fill in the "Title" field.
Click the "Ok" button.
There is also a button in MicroTiny toolbar that can be used to replace steps 1 and 2. You could also press the Control and K keys together to insert a regular link.

Ms access form: field order

can I somehow set in what order the text fields become active after pressing the "Tab" button?
I think it depends on when you added the field and not where it is in the form. So can I change this or I should add the fields in the order I want to switch them with the "Tab" button?
There are at least a couple of ways to change tab order.
With the form in design view, right click on an area of the form without a control. On the context menu that appears, click on Tab Order. A dialog will open that will allow you to change the tab order.
Another method is via the property sheet for each control. On the Other tab there is a property for Tab Order. Just set it to whatever you like.

insert formatted page numbers in MS Word

Okay.. I kinda feel stupid asking this question. But since i haven't found an answer to it yet, this is my only hope.
I have a MS Word 2010 document of 30 pages. I need to add page numbers to it in the following format.
1st page: Cover page - no page number
2nd page: declaration - page i
3rd page: acknowledgement - page ii
4th page: index - page iii
5th page: summary - page 1
6th page: introduction - page 2
..... and so on till last page conclusion - page 26
Is there any way of doing this?
You need to insert Section Breaks between the various sections you have outlined. Each section can be numbered differently using the Headers and Footers view.
Format Page Numbering
To format the page numbering for different sections, follow these steps:
Click between two parts of your document that you want to number
On the Insert menu, click Break.
Click Next Page, Even Page, or Odd Page, and then click OK.
For Help on an option, click the question mark, and then click the
Click in the first section.
On the View menu, click Header and Footer.
Click in the header or footer where you want the page number.
On the Header and Footer toolbar, click Insert Page Number.
On the Header and Footer toolbar, click Format Page Number.
In the Number format box, click the format that you want for the
numbers in this section.
Do one of the following:
If you want the page numbering for the first page in this section to
start at a particular number other than the first number in the
format series, click Start at under Page numbering, and then enter
the first number that you want to appear on the first page of the
If you want the page numbering to continue from the previous
section, click Continue from previous section.
Click OK.
On the Header and Footer toolbar, click Show Next.
Repeat steps 8 through 11 for the page numbering in this section.
On the Header and Footer toolbar, click Close.