Is it a good idea to generate per day collections in mongodb - mongodb

Is it a good idea to create per day collections for data on a given day (we could start with per day and then move to per hour if there is too much data). Is there a limit on the number of collections we can create in mongodb, or does it result in performance loss (is it an overhead for mongodb to maintain so many collections). Does a large number of collections have any adverse effect on performance?
To give you more context, the data will be more like facebook feeds, and only the latest data (say last one week or month) is more important to us. Making per day collections keeps the number of documents low, and probably would result in fast access. Even if we need old data, we can fall back to older collections. Does this make sense, or am I heading in the wrong direction?

what you actually need is to archive the old data. I would suggest you to take a look at this thread at the mongodb mailing list:!topic/mongodb-user/rsjQyF9Y2J4
Last post there from Michael Dirolf (10gen)says:
"The OS will handle LRUing out data, so if all of your queries are
touching the same portion of data that should stay in memory
independently of the total size of the collection."
so I guess you can stay with single collection and good indexes will do the work.
anyhow, if the collection goes too big you can always run manual archive process.

Yes, there is a limit to the number of collections you can make. From the Mongo documentation Abhishek referenced:
The limitation on the number of namespaces is the size of the namespace file divided by 628.
A 16 megabyte namespace file can support approximately 24,000 namespaces. Each index also counts as a namespace.
Indexes etc. are included in the namespaces, but even still, it would take something like 60 years to hit that limit.
However! Have you considered what happens when you want data that spans collections? In other words, if you wanted to know how many users have feeds updated in a week, you're in a bit of a tight spot. It's not easy/trivial to query across collections.
I would recommend instead making one collection to store the data and simply move data out periodically as Tamir recommended. You can easily write a job to move data out of the collection every week or every month.

Creating a collection is not much overhead, but it the overhead is larger than creating a new document inside a collections.
There is a limitation on the no of collections that you can create: " of Namespaces "
Making new collections to me, won't be having any performance difference because in RAM you cache only those data that you actually query. In your case it will be recent feeds etc.
But having per day/hour collection will help you in achieving old data very easily.


Distributing big data storage for non-relational data

The problem consists of a lot (apprx. 500 million per day) of non-relational messages of relatively small size (apprx. 1KB). The messages are written once and never modified again. The messages has various structures, though there are patterns that the message must fit in. This data then must be used to make a search over them. The search may be done on any fields of the message, the only always present field is the date, thus the search will be done for a specific day.
The approach I have come up so far is to use MongoDB. Each day I create a few collections (apprx. 2000) and distribute messages during the day to those collections according to the pattern. I find the patterns important because I make indexing that the number of indexes is limited to 64.
This strategy results in 500G of data + 150G of indexes = 650G per day. Of course, the question here is how to distribute those data? Obvious solution is to use Mongo Sharding and spread the collections over the shards. However, I have not find any scenario close to my problem described in mongo manuals. Moreover, I am not even sure if I can dynamically (not manually) add new collections every day to shards. Any knowledge/suggestions from expreinced users? Shoudl I change my design?

Querying a large mongodb collection in real-time

We have a service that allow people to open a room and play YouTube songs while others are listening in real-time.
Among other collections in our MongoDB we have one to store songs user adding to the room's playlists, it calls: userSong.
This collection holds records for all songs added for the combination of: user-room-song.
The code makes frequent queries to the collection in those major operations:
Loading current playlist (regular find with a trivial condition)
Loading random song for a room (using Mongo aggregation FW)
Loading room top songs (using Mongo aggregation FW)
Now, this table become big (+1m records) and things start become slow, AWS start sending us CPU utilization notifications more often and follow by mongotop the userSong collection makes the CPU high consumption mostly in READ operations.
We made some modifications in the collection indexes and it helps a bit but it's still not a solution, we need to find some other way to arrange the data cause it exponentially growing.
We tought about to split the userSong data into a low level segmentation, instead of by user-room-song to do it by collection of user-song for each room in the system, this will short the time to fetching data from the DB, now we need to decide how to do that:
Make a new collection for each room (roomUserSong) that will hold all user-song records for a particula room. this might be good for quick fetching but will create an unlimited new collectons in the database (roomusersong-1,roomusersong-2, ..., roomusersong-n) and we dont know if it's a good in practice or there are some others Mongo limitations in that kind of solution.
Create just 1 more collection in the DB with the following fields:
{room: <roomId>, userSongs: [{userSong1, userSong2, ..., userSongN}], so each room will have it's own document and inside it a sub document (an Array) that holds all user-song records for this room. this will solve the previous issue (to create unlimited collections) but it'll be very hard to work with Mongoose (our ODM) alter cause (as far as i know) we cannot define a schema in advanced for this such data structure. also this is may tak us to the sub-document size limitation that is 16MB as far as understood.
It'll be nice to hear some advices from people who have Mongo experience with those kind situations:
Is +1m is really consider big and supposed to make this CPU utilization issues? (using AWS m3.medium, one core)
What is the better solution approach form what introduced?
Any other ideas to make smart cache without change too much the code?
Thanks for helpers!

Best Mongodb Data Model for Response time statistic website

In my project, I have servers that will send ping request to websites, measuring their response time and store it every minute.
I'm going to use Mongodb and i'm searching for best data model.
which data model is better?
1- have a collection for each website and each request as a document.
(1000 collection)
2- have a collection for all websites and each website as a document and each request as sub-document.
Both solutions should face of one certain limitation of mongodb. With the first one, that you said each website a collection, the limitation is in the number of the collections while each one will have a namespace entry and the namespace size is 16MB so around 16.000 entries can fit in. (the size of the namespace can be increased) In my opinion this is a much better solution while you said 1000 collections are expected and it can be handled. (Should be considered that indexes has their own namespace entries and count in the 16.000). In this case you can store the entries as documents you can handle them after generally much easier than with the embedded array.
Embedded array limitation. This limitation in the second case is a hard one. Your documents cannot grow bigger than 16MB. This one is BSON size and it can store quite many things inside documents but if you use huge documents which varies in size , and change size in time your storage will get fragmented. The reason is that will be clear if you watch this webinar . Basically this is the worth what you can do in terms of storage usage.
If you likely to use aggregation framework for further analysis it will be also harder with the embedded array concept.
You could do either, but I think you will have to factor in periodic growth in database for either case. During the expansion of datafiles database will be slow/unresponsive. (There might be a setting so this happens in the background - I forget ).
A related question - MongoDB performance with growing data structure, specifically the "Padding Factor"
With first approach, there is an upper limit to number of websites you can store imposed by max number of collections. You can do the calculations based on
In second approach, while #of collection don't matter as much, but growth of database is something you will want to consider.
One approach is to initialize it with empty data, so it takes lasts longer before expanding.
For instance.
website: name,
responses: [{
time: Jan 1, 2013, 0:1, ...
time: Jan 1, 2013, 0:2, ...
... and so for each minute/interval you expect.
The downside is, it might take you longer to initialize but you will have to worry about this later.
Either ways, it is a cost you will have to pay. The only question is when? Now? or later?
Consider reading their usecases, particularly -

MongoDB - single huge collection of raw data. Split or not?

We collect and store instrumentation data from a large number of hosts.
Our storage is MongoDB - several shards with replicas. Everything is stored in a single large collection.
Each document we insert is a time based observation with some attributes (measurements). The time stamp is the most important attribute because all queries are based on time at least. Documents are never updated, so it's a pure write-in-look-up model. Right now it works reasonably well with several billions of docs.
We want to grow a bit and hold up to 12 month of data which may amount to a scary trillion+ observations (documents).
I was wandering if dumping everything into a single monstrous collection is the best choice or there is a more intelligent way to go about it.
By more intelligent I mean - use less hardware while still providing fast inserts and (importantly) fast queries.
So I thought about splitting the large collection into smaller pieces hoping to gain memory on indexes, insertion and query speed.
I looked into shards, but sharding by the time stamp sounds like a bad idea because all writes will go into one node canceling the benefits of sharding.
The insert rates are pretty high, so we need sharding to work properly here.
I also thought about creating a new collection every month and then pick up a relevant collection for a user query.
Collections older than 12 month will be either dropped or archived.
There is also an option to create entirely new database every month and do similar rotation.
Other options? Or perhaps one large collection is THE option to grow real big?
Please share your experience and considerations in similar apps.
It really depends on the use-case for your queries.
If it's something that could be aggregated, I would say do this through a scheduled map/reduce function and store the smaller data size in separate collection(s).
If everything should be in the same collection and all data should be queried at the same time to generate the desired results, then you need to go with Sharding. Then depending on the data size for your queries, you could go with an in memory map/reduce or even doing it at the application layer.
As yourself pointed out, Sharding based on time is a very bad idea. It makes all the writes going to one shard, so define your shard key. MongoDB Docs, has a very good explanation on this.
If you can elaborate more on your specific needs for the queries would be easier to suggest something.
Hope it helps.
I think collection on monthly basis will help you to get some boost up but I was wondering why can not you use the hour field of your timestamp for sharding . You can add a column which will hold the HOUR part of time stamp and when you shard against it will be shared nicely as you have repeating hour daily basis. I have not tested it but thought it will may help you
Would suggest to go ahead with single collection, as suggested by #Devesh hour based shard should be fine, Need to take care of the new ' hour Key ' while querying to get better performance.

MongoDB -- large number of documents

This is related to my last question.
We have an app where we are storing large amounts of data per user. Because of the nature of data, previously we decided to create a new database for each user. This would have required a large no. of databases (probably millions) -- and as someone pointed out in a comment, that this indicated wrong design.
So we changed the design and now we are thinking about storing each user's entire information in one collection. This means one collection exactly maps to one user. Since there are 12,000 collections available per database, we can store 12,000 users per DB (and this limit could be increased).
But, now my question is -- is there any limit on the no. of documents a collection can have. Because of the way we need to store data per user, we expect to have a huge (tens of millions in extreme cases) no. of document per documents. Is that OK for MongoDB and design-wise?
Thanks for the answers. I guess then it's OK to use large no of documents per collection.
The app is a specialized inventory control system. Each user has a large no. of little pieces of information related to them. Each piece of information has a category and some related stuff under that category. Moreover, no two collections need to see each other's data -- hence an index that touch more than one collection is not needed.
To adjust the number of collections/indexes you can have (~24k is the limit--~12k is what they say for collections because you have the _id index by default, but keep in mind, if you have more indexes on the collections, that will use namespace up as well), you can use the --nssize option when you start up mongod.
There are plenty of implementations around with billions of documents in a collection (and I'm sure there are several with trillions), so "tens of millions" should be fine. There are some numbers such as counts returned that have constraints of 64 bits, so after you hit 2^64 documents you might find some issues.
What sort of query and update load are you going to be looking at?
Your design still doesn't make much sense. Why store each user in a separate collection?
What indexes do you have on the data? If you are indexing by some field that has content that's common across all the users you'll get a significant saving in total index size by having a single collection with one index.
Index size is often the limiting factor not total database size when it comes to performance.
Why do you have so many documents per user? How large are they?
Craigslist put 2+ billion documents in MongoDB so that shouldn't be an issue if you have the hardware to support it and aren't being inefficient with your indexes.
If you posted more of your schema here you'd probably get better advice.