Dynamic sqlWorkflowInstanceStore - persistence

I have created an application using this
What i need to do is callWorkflow instances store dynamically
i.e before
string message = "";
string result = client.EvaluateMortgage();
I should be able to specify the sqlworkflowinstancestore i.e where the workflow data is
Any help will be appreciated.

I think you can do like this,
SqlWorkflowInstanceStore store = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(connectionString);
More info
Here you can find several ways of configuring /using it


How to fetch the RecordTypeName Dynamically from the schema

Can anyone share the solution that 'How to fetch the RecordTypeName Dynamically from the schema' to store into custom object.
You can use below syntax to fetch RecordTypeName dynamically from schema by giving custom ObjectName from which you want to fetch the recordTypeNames.
Further you can save this recordTypeNames in a custom field of your custom object.
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objDesc = ObjectName.SObjectType.getDescribe();
List<Schema.RecordTypeInfo> objRTList = objDesc.getRecordTypeInfos();
for(Schema.RecordTypeInfo recType : objRTList) {
If you find it helpful, Please mark it as best answer.

Add non-standard segments with nhapi

My system has to generate an xml in which the node ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL must contain the node ORM_O01.OBRRQDRQ1RXOODSODT_SUPPGRP, because it has to communicate with Mirth.
I am using the nhapi library version 2.5, in which this node does not contain it.
var obr = _ormO01Message.GetORDER().ORDER_DETAIL.OBR;
obr.SetIDOBR.Value = "1";
obr.PlacerOrderNumber.EntityIdentifier.Value = "123456";
obr.PlacerOrderNumber.NamespaceID.Value = "6543";
obr.PlacerOrderNumber.UniversalID.Value = "10009";
obr.UniversalServiceIdentifier.Identifier.Value = "NS";
Is it possible to add a node in ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL that is not standard?
ORM_O01.OBRRQDRQ1RXOODSODT_SUPPGRP looks like it actually is standard for 2.5, but neither nhapi or hapi (which mirth uses) include it. I wouldn't worry about trying to add it in because mirth probably wouldn't be able to parse it if you did.
See similar issue where a mirth user needed to strip that group out.

Magnolia HierarchyManager and Content are depreciated. How do I replicate functionality using Session and jcrNode?

I'm trying to do some logic in my Spring controller where I route to a website node based on the template used in another website node.
I can use LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil.getHierarchyManager("website").getContent("mynodepath").getTemplate() to do this, but I see that the HierarchyManager and Content classes are depreciated.
I looked at the Session class, but I have thus far been unable to figure out how to get the Template id based on the jcrNode.
You can use instead:
javax.jcr.Session jcrSession = LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil.getSession("website");
Node mynode = jcrSession.getNode("/my/node/path");
info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData metaData = info.magnolia.jcr.util.MetaDataUtil.getMetaData(mynode);
String template = metaData.getTemplate();
Basically, instead of getHierarchyManager("website").getContent("mynodepath") you should use

Not able to do this.Context.Users.Load()

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb896376.aspx here it says about a load method
this.context = new MyEntities();
but i am not able to do this.Context.Users.Load()
i am not able to find the method load
what can i do?
If it doesn't offer you Load method it means that Users is not EntityCollection<User>. It is either ObjectQuery<User>, ObjectSet<User> or DbSet<User>. Instead of Load use:
var data = this.context.Users.ToList();
It also answers question what should you do? You should learn to use your IDE to identify correct type before you start searching in documentation.

UI Automation - Select object based on multiple Identifiers

I am new to this. I am using UI Automation to automate my application. Is there a way to identify element based on multiple identifier.
currently the below syntax only able to identify based on one identifier.
AutomationElement okbtn = dialogbox.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "OK"));
I would like to take identify element by both NameProperty and ControlTypeProperty.
Is this possible?
Condition cMenuItem = new AndCondition(
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.LocalizedControlTypeProperty,"text"),
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty,"Appointment"));
AutomationElement aeMenuItem = aeTaskMenu.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, cMenuItem);