Cognos: How to customize the values shown in column Gaph - charts

I have a column chart stacked. I want to show both actual value as well as the percentage value on top of each stack. How can i do that?

To display the value or the percentage, select the Bar chart Icon next to the Series Item, in
properties->Chart Labels->Values select 'Show'.
Where they are displayed is determiend by Value Location. If you have selected the Stacked grouping type, you will see values. If you selected the Stacked 100% type you will see percentages.
You cannot display both values and percentages in the same Series item in Cognos 8.4 (Doubt you can do it in Cognos 10 either).


add values next to percentage of total in Tableau

I am new user of Tableau and I have a question:
How can I present both the values and the percentage of total in stacked column in tableau?
here is example how it should look like (i know how to do it in excel but not in Tableau):
Just add both values to label. After you compute the percent of total on SUM(Teus) hold down control to make a copy and drag it to Label to explicitly have it displayed. Then drag a new SUM(Teus) from the data pane onto Label as well. Now you will be able to see both values. You can then click on the Label button and then the [...] button if you want to customize how these values are displayed. Side note: you are getting those skinny bars because you have Year as a continuous dimension. Using it as a discrete dimension will give you the thick bars.

Tableau How to show average of column

I have multiple column of survey answers from excel in tableau with the answers being 1,2,3,4,5. I want to show across the average for each column but in singular bar graph. For example row 1 would have a bar chart showing the average for that excel column, row 2 would show the average for its column etc. I would love the name of each excel column (Answer from survey) to be on the left side of the chart. However I can't figure it out since every time I drag the question into the row tab it starts showing (1-5) and doesn't just keep the average of the column. Thanks!
After replicating and trying what you described, my suggestions is to drag "Measure Values" (from Measure list on the sidebar) dropping in the "Columns" tray, and "Measure Names" on Rows.
Then use Measure Names as a filter, selecting the questions.
See Below:

Qlikview - sum in expression

I have bar chart with dimension State,
and I need to get sum of Amount group by item,location.
I create bar chart, set dimension State,
and try to use dimension like
and only if I select State I get bar chart for selected state.
But I want to have all state in bar chart with sum of amount...
now I have only no data to display.
In sql I use
select state, sum(Amount)
from MyTable
group by Item,Location
I need barchart with dimension state and expressions amount gropu by item,location
Any idea?
If I'm understanding correctly, to get this in a bar chart, you could use dimensions Item and Location and then set the bar chart expression to sum(Amount). You can then make a selection in the State field to get the appropriate chart for that state. Depending on how many items you have in your data and how many locations, this may not be a very readable chart.
If you need bar charts for each state to be generated, you could try enabling a Trellis chart by clicking the Trellis button on the dimensions tab and checking the 'Enable Trellis Chart' checkbox. When you do this, the first dimension will become the trellis dimension, so for this, you'll want three dimensions: State, Item, and Location in that order. The problem with the trellis chart is that it's ugly and completely impractical for large samples.

grouped stacked sales column chart

I am trying to produce a sales chart using only the native Excel features, I am trying to group sales data by month and category. I want my sale types to stack for a monthly total so that I can compare not only total volume, but also track where that volume is coming from. I have been able to group by month using a pivot chart, but I can't figure out how group my categories and display them as discrete parts of the monthly sum. Here is a mock-up of what I am trying to produce:
I'm helpless in VBA and SQL, and my coworkers are even worse than me at it, so I need to do this with just the built-in Excel 2010 features.
Set up the data so the months are in the first column, type labels in the first row, values in columns under the respective type, and keep the top left cell blank (above months and left of types). Add another column with the quota label next to the type labels and the quota values next to the type values. Make a stacked column chart from this data, right click on the quota series (which is another stacked column), choose Change Series Chart Type from the pop=up menu, and choose a line chart type.

tableau adjust placement of gantt bars

In Tableau, I have a dual-axis bar chart of some data with their margins of error. I am using Gantt bars for the error data, and I want to overlay the error bars on top of the original data. My problem is that I can't figure out how to adjust the placement of the Gantt bars so that they are centered over the top of the original bars, with the error value displayed both above and below the bar.
I am pretty sure I need to create a Calculated Field but am new to Tableau and coding and don't really know how to go about this.
You can do this without the use of Calculated Fields as follows:
Create a Bar Chart with the original data
Duplicate the Bar Chart by Ctrl-Clicking the measure pill in the Rows shelf
You should get 2 charts one above the other now, select one of the charts from the Marks dialog, and change it to Gnatt Bar
Drag error to the Size button of the Gnatt Bar and also to the Color button
Now click the one of the pills in the row shelf and select Dual Axis
Right click the second Axis and select synchronize Axis