Finding matrix inverse by Gaussian Elimination With Partial Pivoting - matlab

Hello guys I am writing program to compute determinant(this part i already did) and Inverse matrix with GEPP. Here problem arises since i have completely no idea how to inverse Matrix using GEPP, i know how to inverse using Gauss Elimination ([A|I]=>[I|B]). I have searched through internet but still no clue, could you please explain me?
Here is my matlab code (maybe someone will find it useful), as of now it solves AX=b and computes determinant:
function [det1,X ] = gauss_czesciowy( A, b )
n = length(b);
if n~=m
error('vector has wrong size');
for j = 1:n
% choice of main element
for i = j:n
if abs(A(i,j)) >= abs(A(p,j))
p = i;
if A(p,j) == 0
error('Matrix A is singular');
%rows permutation
t = A(p,:);
A(p,:) = A(j,:);
A(j,:) = t;
t = b(p);
b(p) = b(j);
b(j) = t;
% reduction
for i = j+1:n
t = (A(i,j)/A(j,j));
A(i,:) = A(i,:)-A(j,:)*t;
b(i) = b(i)-b(j)*t;
for i=1:n
% solution
X = zeros(1,n);
X(n) = b(n)/A(n,n);
if (det1~=0)
for i = 1:n
s = sum( A(i, (i+1):n) .* X((i+1):n) );
X(i) = (b(i) - s) / A(i,i);

Here is the algorithm for Guassian elimination with partial pivoting. Basically you do Gaussian elimination as usual, but at each step you exchange rows to pick the largest-valued pivot available.
To get the inverse, you have to keep track of how you are switching rows and create a permutation matrix P. The permutation matrix is just the identity matrix of the same size as your A-matrix, but with the same row switches performed. Then you have:
[A] --> GEPP --> [B] and [P]
[A]^(-1) = [B]*[P]
I would try this on a couple of matrices just to be sure.
EDIT: Rather than empirically testing this, let's reason it out. Basically what you are doing when you switch rows in A is you are multiplying it by your permutation matrix P. You could just do this before you started GE and end up with the same result, which would be:
[P*A|I] --> GE --> [I|B] or
(P*A)^(-1) = B
Due to the properties of the inverse operation, this can be rewritten:
A^(-1) * P^(-1) = B
And you can multiply both sides by P on the right to get:
A^(-1) * P^(-1)*P = B*P
A^(-1) * I = B*P
A^(-1) = B*P


Attempting Tridiagonal Gauss-Jordan Elimination Matlab

As you probably guessed from the title, I'm attempting to do tridiagonal GaussJordan elimination. I'm trying to do it without the default solver. My answers aren't coming out correct and I need some assistance as to where the error is in my code.
I'm getting different values for A/b and x, using the code I have.
n = 4;
#Range for diagonals
ranged = [15 20];
rangesd = [1 5];
#Vectors for tridiagonal matrix
supd = randi(rangesd,[1,n-1]);
d = randi(ranged,[1,n]);
subd = randi(rangesd,[1,n-1]);
#Creates system Ax+b
A = diag(supd,1) + diag(d,0) + diag(subd,-1)
b = randi(10,[1,n])
#Uses default solver
y = A/b
function x = naive_gauss(A,b);
#Forward elimination
for k=1:n-1
for i=k+1:n
xmult = A(i,k)/A(k,k);
for j=k+1:n
A(i,j) = A(i,j)-xmult*A(k,j);
b(i) = b(i)-xmult*b(k);
#Backwards elimination
x(n) = b(n)/A(n,n);
for i=n-1:-1:1
sum = b(i);
for j=i+1:n
sum = sum-A(i,j)*x(j);
x(i) = sum/A(i,i)
Your algorithm is correct. The value of y that you compare against is wrong.
you have y=A/b, but the correct syntax to get the solution of the system should be y=A\b.

Gray Level Co-occurence Matrix

I try to implement the GLCM method with the formula from wikipedia, but I have problems to fill my GLCM due to indices problems with matlab.
I have also used NitdepthQuantisation to reduce the number of Gray Levels, but for now I use the full 8 bit.
function [C] = GLCM(img, level, theta, delta)
% Quantisation of the input Image to desired value
imgQ = ImageQuantisation(img, level);
[m n] = size(imgQ);
% Get the number of gray levels
maxGV = max(img(:));
% Create GLCM initial Matrix
C = zeros(maxGV, maxGV);
% Positions
delta_x = ceil(delta*cos(theta));
delta_y = ceil(delta*sin(theta));
%% Find Occurences
for i = delta_x+1:m-delta_x
for j = delta_y+1:n-delta_y
if(imgQ(i, j) == imgQ(i+delta_x, j+delta_y))
C(, ) = C(, ) + 1;
The answer can be found by ensuring the inner nested double for loops have the correct indices to access the image. They were using the outer most pair of for loops for indices rather than the inner ones. The OP has commented that this has slight differences between what MATLAB gives to calculate the GLCM but it is good enough for the OP to overlook:
for o = 1:maxGV
for p = 1:maxGV
if(imgQ(i, j) == o & imgQ(i+delta_x, j+delta_y) == p)
C(o, p) = C(o, p) + 1;

Matlab: how can I perform row operations without brute-force for loop?

I need to do function that works like this :
N1 = size(X,1);
N2 = size(Xtrain,1);
Dist = zeros(N1,N2);
for i=1:N1
for j=1:N2
(X and Xtrain are sparse logical matrixes)
It works fine and passes the tests, but I believe it's not very optimal and well-written solution.
How can I improve that function using some built Matlab functions? I'm absolutely new to Matlab, so I don't know if there really is an opportunity to make it better somehow.
You wanted to learn about vectorization, here some code to study comparing different implementations of this pair-wise distance.
First we build two binary matrices as input (where each row is an instance):
m = 5;
n = 4;
p = 3;
A = double(rand(m,p) > 0.5);
B = double(rand(n,p) > 0.5);
1. double-loop over each pair of instances
D0 = zeros(m,n);
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
D0(i,j) = sum(A(i,:) ~= B(j,:)) / p;
D1 = pdist2(A, B, 'hamming');
3. single-loop over each instance against all other instances
D2 = zeros(m,n);
for i=1:n
D2(:,i) = sum(bsxfun(#ne, A, B(i,:)), 2) ./ p;
4. vectorized with grid indexing, all against all
D3 = zeros(m,n);
[x,y] = ndgrid(1:m,1:n);
D3(:) = sum(A(x(:),:) ~= B(y(:),:), 2) ./ p;
5. vectorized in third dimension, all against all
D4 = sum(bsxfun(#ne, A, reshape(B.',[1 p n])), 2) ./ p;
D4 = permute(D4, [1 3 2]);
Finally we compare all methods are equal

Correlation coefficients between two matrices to find intercorrelation

I am trying to calculate Pearson coefficients between all pair combinations of my variables of all my samples.
Say i have an m*n matrix where m are the variables and n are the samples
i want to calculate for each variable of my data what is the correlation to every other variable.
So, i managed to do that with nested loops:
X = rand[1000 100];
for i = 1:1000
base = X(i, :);
for j = 1:1000
target = X(j, :);
correlation = corrcoef(base, target);
correlation = correlation(2, 1);
corData(1, j) = correlation
totalCor(i, :) = corData
and it works, but takes too much time to run
I am trying to find a way to run the corrcoef function on a row basis, meaning maybe to create an additional matrix with repmat of the base values and correlate to the X data using some FUN function.
Could not figure out how to use the fun with inputs from to arrays, running between individuals lines/columns
help will be appreciated
This post involves a bit of hacking, so bear with it!
Stage #0 To start off, we have -
for i = 1:N
base = X(i, :);
for j = 1:N
target = X(j, :);
correlation = corrcoef(base, target);
correlation = correlation(2, 1)
corData(1, j) = correlation;
Stage #1 From the documentation of corrcoef in its source code :
If C is the covariance matrix, C = COV(X), then CORRCOEF(X) is the
matrix whose (i,j)'th element is : C(i,j)/SQRT(C(i,i)*C(j,j)).
After hacking into the code of covariance, we see that for the default case of one input, the covariance formula is simply -
[m,n] = size(x);
xc = bsxfun(#minus,x,sum(x,1)/m);
xy = (xc' * xc) / (m-1);
Thus, mixing the two definitions and putting them into the problem at hand, we have -
m = size(X,2);
for i = 1:N
base = X(i, :);
for j = 1:N
target = X(j, :);
BT = [base(:) target(:)];
xc = bsxfun(#minus,BT,sum(BT,1)/m);
C = (xc' * xc) / (m-1); %//'
corData = C(2,1)/sqrt(C(2,2)*C(1,1))
Stage #2 This is the final stage where we use the real fun aka bsxfun to kill all loops, like so -
%// Broadcasted subtract of each row by the average of it.
%// This corresponds to "xc = bsxfun(#minus,BT,sum(BT,1)/m)"
p1 = bsxfun(#minus,X,mean(X,2));
%// Get pairs of rows from X and get the dot product.
%// Thus, a total of "N x N" such products would be obtained.
p2 = sum(bsxfun(#times,permute(p1,[1 3 2]),permute(p1,[3 1 2])),3);
%// Scale them down by "size(X,2)-1".
%// This was for the part : "C = (xc' * xc) / (m-1)".
p3 = p2/(size(X,2)-1);
%// "C(2,2)" and "C(1,1)" are diagonal elements from "p3", so store them.
dp3 = diag(p3);
%// Get "sqrt(C(2,2)*C(1,1))" by broadcasting elementwise multiplication
%// of "dp3". Finally do elementwise division of "p3" by it.
totalCor_out = p3./sqrt(bsxfun(#times,dp3,dp3.'));
This section compares the original approach against the proposed one and also verifies the output. Here's the benchmarking code -
disp('---------- With original approach')
X = rand(1000,100);
corData = zeros(1,1000);
totalCor = zeros(1000,1000);
for i = 1:1000
base = X(i, :);
for j = 1:1000
target = X(j, :);
correlation = corrcoef(base, target);
correlation = correlation(2, 1);
corData(1, j) = correlation;
totalCor(i, :) = corData;
disp('---------- With the real fun aka BSXFUN')
p1 = bsxfun(#minus,X,mean(X,2));
p2 = sum(bsxfun(#times,permute(p1,[1 3 2]),permute(p1,[3 1 2])),3);
p3 = p2/(size(X,2)-1);
dp3 = diag(p3);
totalCor_out = p3./sqrt(bsxfun(#times,dp3,dp3.')); %//'
error_val = max(abs(totalCor(:)-totalCor_out(:)))
Output -
---------- With original approach
Elapsed time is 186.501746 seconds.
---------- With the real fun aka BSXFUN
Elapsed time is 1.423448 seconds.
error_val =

Lagrange interpolation method

I use convolution and for loops (too much for loops) for calculating the interpolation using
Lagrange's method , here's the main code :
function[p] = lagrange_interpolation(X,Y)
L = zeros(n);
p = zeros(1,n);
% computing L matrice, so that each row i holds the polynom L_i
% Now we compute li(x) for i=0....n ,and we build the polynomial
for k=1:n
multiplier = 1;
outputConv = ones(1,1);
for index = 1:n
if(index ~= k && X(index) ~= X(k))
outputConv = conv(outputConv,[1,-X(index)]);
multiplier = multiplier * ((X(k) - X(index))^-1);
polynimialSize = length(outputConv);
for index = 1:polynimialSize
L(k,n - index + 1) = outputConv(polynimialSize - index + 1);
L(k,:) = multiplier .* L(k,:);
% continues
Those are too much for loops for computing the l_i(x) (this is done before the last calculation of P_n(x) = Sigma of y_i * l_i(x)) .
Any suggestions into making it more matlab formal ?
Yeah, several suggestions (implemented in version 1 below): if loop can be combined with for above it (just make index skip k via something like jr(jr~=j) below); polynomialSize is always equal length(outputConv) which is always equal n (because you have n datapoints, (n-1)th polynomial with n coefficients), so the last for loop and next line can be also replaced with simple L(k,:) = multiplier * outputConv;
So I replicated the example on (and adopted their j-m notation, but for me j goes 1:n and m is 1:n and m~=j), hence my initialization looks like
clear; clc;
X=[-9 -4 -1 7]; %example taken from
Y=[ 5 2 -2 9];
n=length(X); %Lagrange basis polinomials are (n-1)th order, have n coefficients
lj = zeros(1,n); %storage for numerator of Lagrange basis polyns - each w/ n coeff
Lj = zeros(n); %matrix of Lagrange basis polyns coeffs (lj(x))
L = zeros(1,n); %the Lagrange polynomial coefficients (L(x))
then v 1.0 looks like
jr=1:n; %j-range: 1<=j<=n
for j=jr %my j is your k
multiplier = 1;
outputConv = 1; %numerator of lj(x)
mr=jr(jr~=j); %m-range: 1<=m<=n, m~=j
for m = mr %my m is your index
outputConv = conv(outputConv,[1 -X(m)]);
multiplier = multiplier * ((X(j) - X(m))^-1);
Lj(j,:) = multiplier * outputConv; %jth Lagrange basis polinomial lj(x)
L = Y*Lj; %coefficients of Lagrange polinomial L(x)
which can be further simplified if you realize that numerator of l_j(x) is just a polynomial with specific roots - for that there is a nice command in matlab - poly. Similarly the denominator is just that polyn evaluated at X(j) - for that there is polyval. Hence, v 1.9:
jr=1:n; %j-range: 1<=j<=n
for j=jr
mr=jr(jr~=j); %m-range: 1<=m<=n, m~=j
lj=poly(X(mr)); %numerator of lj(x)
mult=1/polyval(lj,X(j)); %denominator of lj(x)
Lj(j,:) = mult * lj; %jth Lagrange basis polinomial lj(x)
L = Y*Lj; %coefficients of Lagrange polinomial L(x)
Why version 1.9 and not 2.0? well, there is probably a way to get rid of this last for loop, and write it all in 1 line, but I can't think of it right now - it's a todo for v 2.0 :)
And, for dessert, if you want to get the same picture as wikipedia:
hold on
hold off
xlim([-10 10])
ylim([-10 10])
grid on
enjoy and feel free to reuse/improve
X=0:1/20:1; Y=cos(X) and create L and apply polyval(L,1).
Why there is huge difference?