Gray Level Co-occurence Matrix - matlab

I try to implement the GLCM method with the formula from wikipedia, but I have problems to fill my GLCM due to indices problems with matlab.
I have also used NitdepthQuantisation to reduce the number of Gray Levels, but for now I use the full 8 bit.
function [C] = GLCM(img, level, theta, delta)
% Quantisation of the input Image to desired value
imgQ = ImageQuantisation(img, level);
[m n] = size(imgQ);
% Get the number of gray levels
maxGV = max(img(:));
% Create GLCM initial Matrix
C = zeros(maxGV, maxGV);
% Positions
delta_x = ceil(delta*cos(theta));
delta_y = ceil(delta*sin(theta));
%% Find Occurences
for i = delta_x+1:m-delta_x
for j = delta_y+1:n-delta_y
if(imgQ(i, j) == imgQ(i+delta_x, j+delta_y))
C(, ) = C(, ) + 1;

The answer can be found by ensuring the inner nested double for loops have the correct indices to access the image. They were using the outer most pair of for loops for indices rather than the inner ones. The OP has commented that this has slight differences between what MATLAB gives to calculate the GLCM but it is good enough for the OP to overlook:
for o = 1:maxGV
for p = 1:maxGV
if(imgQ(i, j) == o & imgQ(i+delta_x, j+delta_y) == p)
C(o, p) = C(o, p) + 1;


Matlab function for cumulative power

Is there a function in MATLAB that generates the following matrix for a given scalar r:
1 r r^2 r^3 ... r^n
0 1 r r^2 ... r^(n-1)
0 0 1 r ... r^(n-2)
0 0 0 0 ... 1
where each row behaves somewhat like a power analog of the CUMSUM function?
You can compute each term directly using implicit expansion and element-wise power, and then apply triu:
n = 5; % size
r = 2; % base
result = triu(r.^max((1:n)-(1:n).',0));
Or, maybe a little faster because it doesn't compute unwanted powers:
n = 5; % size
r = 2; % base
t = (1:n)-(1:n).';
u = find(t>=0);
t = t(u);
result = zeros(n);
result(u) = r.^t;
Using cumprod and triu:
% parameters
n = 5;
r = 2;
% Create a square matrix filled with 1:
A = ones(n);
% Assign the upper triangular part shifted by one with r
% cumprod along the second dimension and get only the upper triangular part
A = triu(cumprod(A,2))
Well, cumsum accumulates the sum of a vector but you are asking for a specially design matrix, so the comparison is a bit problematic....
Anyway, it might be that there is a function for this if this is a common special case triangular matrix (my mathematical knowledge is limited here, sorry), but we can also build it quite easily (and efficiently=) ):
N = 10;
r = 2;
% allocate arry
ary = ones(1,N);
% initialize array
ary(2) = r;
for i = 3:N
ary(i) = ary(i-1)*r;
% build matrix i.e. copy the array
M = eye(N);
for i = 1:N
M(i,i:end) = ary(1:end-i+1);
This assumes that you want to have a matrix of size NxN and r is the value that you want calculate the power of.
FIX: a previous version stated in line 13 M(i,i:end) = ary(i:end);, but the assignment needs to start always at the first position of the ary

adaptive elliptical structuring element in MATLAB

I'm trying to create an adaptive elliptical structuring element for an image to dilate or erode it. I write this code but unfortunately all of the structuring elements are ones(2*M+1).
I = input('Enter the input image: ');
M = input('Enter the maximum allowed semi-major axes length: ');
% determining ellipse parameteres from eigen value decomposition of LST
row = size(I,1);
col = size(I,2);
SE = cell(row,col);
padI = padarray(I,[M M],'replicate','both');
padrow = size(padI,1);
padcol = size(padI,2);
for m = M+1:padrow-M
for n = M+1:padcol-M
a = (l2(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
b = (l1(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
if e1(m-M,n-M,1)==0
phi = pi/2;
phi = atan(e1(m-M,n-M,2)/e1(m-M,n-M,1));
% defining structuring element for each pixel of image
x0 = m;
y0 = n;
se = zeros(2*M+1);
row_se = 0;
for i = x0-M:x0+M
row_se = row_se+1;
col_se = 0;
for j = y0-M:y0+M
col_se = col_se+1;
x = j-y0;
y = x0-i;
if ((x*cos(phi)+y*sin(phi))^2)/a^2+((x*sin(phi)-y*cos(phi))^2)/b^2 <= 1
se(row_se,col_se) = 1;
SE{m-M,n-M} = se;
a, b and phi are semi-major and semi-minor axes length and phi is angle between a and x axis.
I used 2 MATLAB functions to compute the Local Structure Tensor of the image, and then its eigenvalues and eigenvectors for each pixel. These are the matrices l1, l2, e1 and e2.
This is the bit of your code I didn't understand:
a = (l2(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
b = (l1(m-M,n-M)+eps/l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
I simplified the expression for b to (just removing the indexing):
b = (l1+eps/l1+l2+2*eps)*M;
For l1 and l2 in the normal range we get:
b =(approx)= (l1+0/l1+l2+2*0)*M = (l1+l2)*M;
Thus, b can easily be larger than M, which I don't think is your intention. The eps in this case also doesn't protect against division by zero, which is typically the purpose of adding eps: if l1 is zero, eps/l1 is Inf.
Looking at this expression, it seems to me that you intended this instead:
b = (l1+eps)/(l1+l2+2*eps)*M;
Here, you're adding eps to each of the eigenvalues, making them guaranteed non-zero (the structure tensor is symmetric, positive semi-definite). Then you're dividing l1 by the sum of eigenvalues, and multiplying by M, which leads to a value between 0 and M for each of the axes.
So, this seems to be a case of misplaced parenthesis.
Just for the record, this is what you need in your code:
a = (l2(m-M,n-M)+eps ) / ( l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
b = (l1(m-M,n-M)+eps ) / ( l1(m-M,n-M)+l2(m-M,n-M)+2*eps)*M;
^ ^
added parentheses
Note that you can simplify your code by defining, outside of the loops:
[se_x,se_y] = meshgrid(-M:M,-M:M);
The inner two loops, over i and j, to construct se can then be written simply as:
se = ((se_x.*cos(phi)+se_y.*sin(phi)).^2)./a.^2 + ...
((se_x.*sin(phi)-se_y.*cos(phi)).^2)./b.^2 <= 1;
(Note the .* and .^ operators, these do element-wise multiplication and power.)
A further slight improvement comes from realizing that phi is first computed from e1(m,n,1) and e1(m,n,2), and then used in calls to cos and sin. If we assume that the eigenvector is properly normalized, then
cos(phi) == e1(m,n,1)
sin(phi) == e1(m,n,2)
But you can always make sure they are normalized:
cos_phi = e1(m-M,n-M,1);
sin_phi = e1(m-M,n-M,2);
len = hypot(cos_phi,sin_phi);
cos_phi = cos_phi / len;
sin_phi = sin_phi / len;
se = ((se_x.*cos_phi+se_y.*sin_phi).^2)./a.^2 + ...
((se_x.*sin_phi-se_y.*cos_phi).^2)./b.^2 <= 1;
Considering trigonometric operations are fairly expensive, this should speed up your code a bit.

Find control points from B-Spline curve through set of data points in matlab

I'm using data set with 200 data points that is used to draw B-Spline curve and I want to extract the 100 original control points from this curve to use it in one algorithm to solve one problem. The result of control points it's too small compared with the value of the data points of B-Spline curve so I don't know if I make something wrong in the following code or not I need help to know that because I must used these control points to complete my study in one algorithm
link of set of data points:
Code :
% read data set
dataset = importdata("path of data set here");
x = dataset(:,1);
y = dataset(:,2);
for i=1:200
controlpoints(i,1) = x(i);
controlpoints(i,2) = y(i);
controlpoints(i,3) = 0;
% Create Q with some points from originla matrix controlpoints ( I take only 103 points)
counter =1;
for i=1:200
if (i==11) || (i==20) || (i==198)
Q(counter,:) = F(i,:);
counter = counter +1;
if ne(mod(i,2),0)
Q(counter,:) = F(i,:);
counter = counter+1;
I used Centripetal method to find control points from curve like the following picture
Complete my code:
% 2- Create Centripetal Nodes array from Q
CP(1) = 0;
CP(103) =1;
for i=2:102
sum = 0;
for j=2:102
sum = sum + sqrt(sqrt((Q(j,1)-Q(j-1,1))^2+(Q(j,2)-Q(j-1,2))^2));
CP(i) = CP(i-1) + (sqrt(sqrt((Q(i,1)-Q(i-1,1))^2+(Q(i,2)-Q(i-1,2))^2))/sum);
p=3; % degree
% 3- Create U_K array from CP array
for i=1:103
U_K(i) = CP(i);
To calculate control points we must follow this equation P=Qx(R') --> R' is inverse of R matrix so we must find R matrix then fins P(control points matrix) by the above equation. The following scenario is used to find R matrix
and to calculate N in B-Spline we must use these recursive function
Complete my code :
% 5- Calculate R_i_p matrix
for a=1:100
for b=1:100
R_i_p(a,b) = NCalculate(b,p,U_K(a),U_K);
% 6- Find inverse of R_i_p matrix
R_i_p_invers = inv(R_i_p);
% 7- Find Control points ( 100 points because we have curve with 3 degree )
for i=1:100
for k=1:100
PX(i) = R_inv(i,k) * Q(k,1);
PY(i) = R_inv(i,k) * Q(k,2);
PX2 = transpose(PX);
PY2 = transpose(PY);
P = horzcat(PX2,PY2); % The final control points you can see the values is very small compared with the original data points vlaues
My Recursive Function to find the previous R matrix:
function z = NCalculate(j,k,u,U)
if (k == 1 )
if ( (u > U(j)) && (u <= U(j+1)) )
z = 1;
z = 0;
z = (u-U(j)/U(j+k-1)-U(j)* NCalculate(j,k-1,u,U) ) + (U(j+k)-u/U(j+k)-U(j+1) * NCalculate(j+1,k-1,u,U));
Really I need to this help so much , I tried in this problem from one week :(
Figure 1 for the main B-spline Curve , Figure 2 for the result control points after applied reverse engineering on this curve so the value is so far and so small compared with the original data points value
I made some updates on my code but the problem now in the inverse of R matrix it gives me infinite value at all time
% 2- Create Centripetal Nodes array from Q
CP(1) = 0;
CP(100) =1;
sum = 0;
for i=2:100
sum = sum + sqrt(sqrt((Q(i,1)-Q(i-1,1))^2+(Q(i,2)-Q(i-1,2))^2));
for i=2:99
CP(i) = CP(i-1) + (sqrt(sqrt((Q(i,1)-Q(i-1,1))^2+(Q(i,2)-Q(i-1,2))^2))/sum);
% 3- Create U_K array from CP array
for i=1:100
U_K(i) = CP(i);
% create Knot vector
% The first elements
for i=1:p+1
U(i) = 0;
% The last elements
for i=100:99+p+1
U(i) = 1;
% The remain elements
for j=2:96
sum = 0;
for i=j:(j+p-1)
sum = sum + U_K(i);
U(j+p) = (1/p)* sum;
% 5- Calculate R_i_p matrix
for a=1:100
for b=1:100
R_i_p(a,b) = NCalculate(b,p,U_K(a),U);
R_i_p_invers = inv(R_i_p);
% 7- Find Control points ( 100 points )
for i=1:100
for k=1:100
if isinf(R_inv(i,k))
R_inv(i,k) = 0;
PX(i) = R_inv(i,k) * Q(k,1);
PY(i) = R_inv(i,k) * Q(k,2);
PX2 = transpose(PX);
PY2 = transpose(PY);
P = horzcat(PX2,PY2);
Note: I updated my NCalculate recursive function to give me 0 if the result is NaN (not a number )
function z = NCalculate(j,k,u,U)
if (k == 1 )
if ( (u >= U(j)) && (u < U(j+1)) )
z = 1;
z = 0;
z = (u-U(j)/U(j+k-1)-U(j)* NCalculate(j,k-1,u,U) ) + (U(j+k)-u/U(j+k)-U(j+1) * NCalculate(j+1,k-1,u,U));
if isnan(z)
z =0;
I think there are a few dubious issues in your approach:
First of all, if you try to create a b-spline curve interpolating 103 input points (and no other boundary conditions are imposed), the b-spline curve will have 103 control points regardless what degree the b-spline curve is.
The U_K array is the parameter assigned to each input point. They are not the same as the knot sequence ti used by the Cox DeBoor recursive formula. If the b-spline curve is of degree 3, you shall have (103+3+1) knot values in the knot sequence. You can create the knot values in the following way:
0) Denote the parameters as p[i], where i = 0 to (n-1), p[0]=0.0 and n is number of points.
1) Create the knot values as
knot[0] = (p[1]+p[2]+p[3])/D (where D is degree)
knot[1] = (p[2]+p[3]+p[4])/D
knot[2] = (p[3]+p[4]+p[5])/D
These are the interior knot values. You should notice that p[0] and p[n-1] will not be used in this step. You will have (n-D-1) interior knots.
2) Now, add p[0] to the front of the knot values (D+1) times and add p[n-1] to the end of the knot values (D+1) times and you are done. At the end, you will have (N+D+1) knots in total.

Non overlapping randomly located circles

I need to generate a fixed number of non-overlapping circles located randomly. I can display circles, in this case 20, located randomly with this piece of code,
for i =1:20
x=0 + (5+5)*rand(1)
y=0 + (5+5)*rand(1)
hold on
however circles overlap and I would like to avoid this. This was achieved by previous users with Mathematica , but I am using MATLAB and I would like to stick to it.
For reproducibility, this is the function, circle3, I am using to draw the circles
function h = circle3(x,y,r)
d = r*2;
px = x-r;
py = y-r;
h = rectangle('Position',[px py d d],'Curvature',[1,1]);
Thank you.
you can save a list of all the previously drawn circles. After
randomizing a new circle check that it doesn't intersects the previously drawn circles.
code example:
nCircles = 20;
circles = zeros(nCircles ,2);
r = 0.5;
for i=1:nCircles
%Flag which holds true whenever a new circle was found
newCircleFound = false;
%loop iteration which runs until finding a circle which doesnt intersect with previous ones
while ~newCircleFound
x = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
y = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
%calculates distances from previous drawn circles
prevCirclesY = circles(1:i-1,1);
prevCirclesX = circles(1:i-1,2);
distFromPrevCircles = ((prevCirclesX-x).^2+(prevCirclesY-y).^2).^0.5;
%if the distance is not to small - adds the new circle to the list
if i==1 || sum(distFromPrevCircles<=2*r)==0
newCircleFound = true;
circles(i,:) = [y x];
hold on
*notice that if the amount of circles is too big relatively to the range in which the x and y coordinates are drawn from, the loop may run infinitely.
in order to avoid it - define this range accordingly (it can be defined as a function of nCircles).
If you're happy with brute-forcing, consider this solution:
N = 60; % number of circles
r = 0.5; % radius
newpt = #() rand([1,2]) * 10; % function to generate a new candidate point
xy = newpt(); % matrix to store XY coordinates
fails = 0; % to avoid looping forever
while size(xy,1) < N
% generate new point and test distance
pt = newpt();
if all(pdist2(xy, pt) > 2*r)
xy = [xy; pt]; % add it
fails = 0; % reset failure counter
% increase failure counter,
fails = fails + 1;
% give up if exceeded some threshold
if fails > 1000
error('this is taking too long...');
% plot
plot(xy(:,1), xy(:,2), 'x'), hold on
for i=1:size(xy,1)
circle3(xy(i,1), xy(i,2), r);
hold off
Slightly amended code #drorco to make sure exact number of circles I want are drawn
nCircles = 20;
circles = zeros(nCircles ,2);
r = 0.5;
for i=1:nCircles
%Flag which holds true whenever a new circle was found
newCircleFound = false;
%loop iteration which runs until finding a circle which doesnt intersect with previous ones
while ~newCircleFound & c<=nCircles
x = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
y = 0 + (5+5)*rand(1);
%calculates distances from previous drawn circles
prevCirclesY = circles(1:i-1,1);
prevCirclesX = circles(1:i-1,2);
distFromPrevCircles = ((prevCirclesX-x).^2+(prevCirclesY-y).^2).^0.5;
%if the distance is not to small - adds the new circle to the list
if i==1 || sum(distFromPrevCircles<=2*r)==0
newCircleFound = true;
circles(i,:) = [y x];
hold on
Although this is an old post, and because I faced the same problem before I would like to share my solution, which uses anonymous functions: . This code allows to create 1, 2 or 3-D cell environments from user-defined cell radii distributions. The purpose was to create a complex environment for monte-carlo simulations of diffusion in biological tissues:
A simpler but less flexible version of this code would be the simple case of a 2-D environment. The following creates a space distribution of N randomly positioned and non-overlapping circles with radius R and with minimum distance D from other cells. All packed in a square region of length S.
function C = cells(N, R, D, S)
C = #(x, y, r) 0;
for n=1:N
o = randi(S-R,1,2);
while C(o(1),o(2),2 * R + D) ~= 0
o = randi(S-R,1,2);
f = #(x, y) sqrt ((x - o(1)) ^ 2 + (y - o(2)) ^ 2);
c = #(x, y, r) f(x, y) .* (f(x, y) < r);
C = #(x, y, r) + C(x, y, r) + c(x, y, r);
C = #(x, y) + C(x, y, R);
where the return C is the combined anonymous functions of all circles. Although it is a brute force solution it is fast and elegant, I believe.

Finding matrix inverse by Gaussian Elimination With Partial Pivoting

Hello guys I am writing program to compute determinant(this part i already did) and Inverse matrix with GEPP. Here problem arises since i have completely no idea how to inverse Matrix using GEPP, i know how to inverse using Gauss Elimination ([A|I]=>[I|B]). I have searched through internet but still no clue, could you please explain me?
Here is my matlab code (maybe someone will find it useful), as of now it solves AX=b and computes determinant:
function [det1,X ] = gauss_czesciowy( A, b )
n = length(b);
if n~=m
error('vector has wrong size');
for j = 1:n
% choice of main element
for i = j:n
if abs(A(i,j)) >= abs(A(p,j))
p = i;
if A(p,j) == 0
error('Matrix A is singular');
%rows permutation
t = A(p,:);
A(p,:) = A(j,:);
A(j,:) = t;
t = b(p);
b(p) = b(j);
b(j) = t;
% reduction
for i = j+1:n
t = (A(i,j)/A(j,j));
A(i,:) = A(i,:)-A(j,:)*t;
b(i) = b(i)-b(j)*t;
for i=1:n
% solution
X = zeros(1,n);
X(n) = b(n)/A(n,n);
if (det1~=0)
for i = 1:n
s = sum( A(i, (i+1):n) .* X((i+1):n) );
X(i) = (b(i) - s) / A(i,i);
Here is the algorithm for Guassian elimination with partial pivoting. Basically you do Gaussian elimination as usual, but at each step you exchange rows to pick the largest-valued pivot available.
To get the inverse, you have to keep track of how you are switching rows and create a permutation matrix P. The permutation matrix is just the identity matrix of the same size as your A-matrix, but with the same row switches performed. Then you have:
[A] --> GEPP --> [B] and [P]
[A]^(-1) = [B]*[P]
I would try this on a couple of matrices just to be sure.
EDIT: Rather than empirically testing this, let's reason it out. Basically what you are doing when you switch rows in A is you are multiplying it by your permutation matrix P. You could just do this before you started GE and end up with the same result, which would be:
[P*A|I] --> GE --> [I|B] or
(P*A)^(-1) = B
Due to the properties of the inverse operation, this can be rewritten:
A^(-1) * P^(-1) = B
And you can multiply both sides by P on the right to get:
A^(-1) * P^(-1)*P = B*P
A^(-1) * I = B*P
A^(-1) = B*P