export Wordpress events into a Facebook page - facebook

Using "All-in-One Event Calendar" by Timely to export the events on a Wordpress blog into a Facebook page. I have the Facebook feed connected, but the events posted into my personal profile. How can I have them just go to the specific page?

According to Time.ly, the creators of the plugin, event export to page is supported only in the Pro version. Quote from bailly, an administrator of the forum:
Although it seems like a simple feature, it is actually a very complex addition.
We believe that this is a feature above and beyond what most regular users will
need from a calendar. In addition, it helps us pay for the development team to
continue to improve the software and all the features that are asked of us.
Link to the complete discussion thread:


Facebook periodic review is unclear

in order to approve your app’s continued operation on our platform.
Platforms affected: Connect URL.
Developer Policy 1.2: Build an app that is stable and easily navigable.Some common violations of this policy include:
- Broken Facebook integration (e.g. broken share, like or comment functionality)
- Broken user experience in the app (e.g. app has broken links or user interface failures)
My app:
Using https://www.npmjs.com/package/hellojs v1.18.8 to query user info from facebook.
The request URL:
calling out hello.js
hello(auth.network).api('me').then(function (json) {
App has no share, like, comment functionality and not really any user interface. Just our page offers ability to fill some data with facebook and then it remembers you with cookie.
Anyone has similar e-mail and what to do?
Our app does not use share, like or comment functionality neither do we provide any user interface for users (only the o. We are using Facebook to prefill some user data on our site.
Have the same unclear message "Platform affected: Connect Url".
I asked for a more detailed answer and received an answer the next day:
Thank you for your response.
Facebook periodically reviews the websites and applications which are on it. Your application is in its review process currently. We are required to test the Facebook login functionality in order to conclude the review in totality. However, we are unable to do so.
Unfortunately, we have not been able to locate a Facebook integration (Login, Share and Like) on your submitted platform. To help us conclude the review process, could you kindly share the details regarding the location of a Facebook integration and how to navigate to it on your website URL.
This review is essential to Facebook as we want to offer the best experience to users as well as developers like yourself. Please help us in bringing your application into compliance by working with us.
Alternatively, you could aid us by sending us credentials of a test user which is already registered and connected to an FB account within the app. You can get all the information related to creating a test user here - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/test-users.
Please feel free to get in touch with us regarding any doubts or queries you might have.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
My app contains the functionality of a facebook login. I made an instruction and a test user of the application so that Facebook employees could test the functionality used in my application.
Normally they write down what is wrong and explain how to fix it. If you are not sure you can reply them back and ask how to fix it. I manage to fix my issue which was similar to the one explain below by emailing facebook.
I got the same message from Facebook two months ago. In my case, I didn't find a solution in time and Facebook penalize me by deactivating the app.
Therefore, you must attend to it if you do not want the same to happen to you. Facebook uses software similar to this to check for failures on your site and assigns a score according to its performance. That's why they send you such a generic message.
I suggest you use PageSpeed Insights to receive a report on the performance of your website. In addition, the platform gives you suggestions for optimization and improvement; Surely there you will find some clue of what may be failing.

How to build a Facebook Presence application

There are some solutions that use RFID readers to do some actions on behalf of user (post, like). I read that it is so called "Facebook Presence", which was presented on the F8 conference in 2011.
There is a site you use to register a chip token (http://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=presence) but I can't find a word about it at Facebook Developers.
Do you know anything about this? Some API? How to build an application with this?
An article on the topic.
“Facebook Presence” will not become one of the countless Facebook applications in the ever-growing site library. The project was simply showing off their cool new “places” feature which allows users the option to share their current location.
Not sure if this still holds true – but since there is nothing about it anywhere in the docs, I’d say it most likely does.

"Frictionless payments" using the Facebook API?

For a game we are developing for facebook we would like to use a feature facebook calls "Frictionless payments" which is described in the developber blog of facebook: http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/458/
It allows to let the user buy items in your application without confirming, if the item is worth up to 30 facebook credits and the user got this credits in his account available.
The code example in the blog is not working and the links to the documentation and a link to apply for this new feature are dead. I couldn't find more documentation about this feature but we know it exists as we saw it in other games.
So my question is, how can we implement this feature? Do we need to apply somewhere to use this feature and if yes, where can we do that.
I recall you need Facebook to enable this for your app/game. You have to email them and specifically ask for it. Then frictionless payments automatically happen.
Reference: Facebook Credits API Documentation
May be you could use facebook pay dialog
As for your question on where to apply, here is a tutorial on how to register a company information and payment methods.
Look at this for usage of pay dialog
Here is a javascript example for the same
Hope this helps

Facebook App does not Autobookmark (as documentation promises)

The app (trophy manager), uses iframe, zynga games autobookmarks for example (without user requests), what am I missing? The documentation in facebook developers says it bookmarks on install and sorts the apps after activity, but it does not seem to be the case.
"zynga games autobookmarks for example (without user requests), what am I missing?" What you're seeing is the partnership between Zynga and Facebook at work. They've developed a great "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" relationship. I'm sure it cost a lot of time and money and legal time and legal money for that agreement to be reached. Facebook does have a team setup to handle just this sort of thing. I would suggest having your business development team contact facebook to see what type of deal can be arranged.
"The documentation in facebook developers says it bookmarks on install and sorts the apps after activity, but it does not seem to be the case." Then log it as a bug with Facebook and put the bug report link here so others can see.

Facebook Login on my Forum

I run a small business and we are about to overhaul our website and forum. I have looked through the Q&A in this section and havent found anything yet. Is it possible to allow my customers to sign in to my forum on my website through facebook?
yes it is possible.
you can use this http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/web/.
here you can find facebook API for your site as your requirement.
Maybe instead of trying to update your current one, which can be a nightmate, you could start from scratch and import any of the old users or posts you need.
The link below is an example of SMF forum and SA facebook integration but slightly modified to allow full integration.