todo.txt app missing the DropboxApiKey.h file - iphone

I downloaded todo.txt-touch-ios-master zip file from github.But when i open this applicaiton in xcode 4.4.DropboxApiKey.h file is not found.I got the erors like \
'<'command line'>':1:10: fatal error: 'DropboxApiKey.h' file not found
In file included from '<'built-in'>'
project folder path'<'command line'>':1: 'DropboxApiKey.h' file not found in project folder path /'<'command line'>'
How can i get that file.I added manually That file.But it's not working.Again same errors came.

I found a project on GitHub called todo.txt-touch-ios, so I assume that's what you're looking at. If so, I see a file there called sample-DropboxApiKey.h. My guess would be that you should copy or rename that file to DropboxApiKey.h and plug in your own app key and secret.
You can obtain your own app key and secret by creating an app at the Dropbox app console: Create a "core API" app, as it appears that's what this code uses. I can't quickly tell from reading the code whether the app needs to have "app folder" or "full Dropbox" permission, so you might try one and then the other.
See also, which seems to confirm my guess.


ERROR ITMS-90259: "Bad Bundle Executable. You must include a valid CFBundleExecutable key in your bundle's information property list file

I'm working on a multi-platform iOS and Mac app. When I try and Archive and Distribute to the App Store I run into this issue:
ERROR ITMS-90259: "Bad Bundle Executable. You must include a valid CFBundleExecutable key in your bundle's information property list file."
Verified that the Info.plist for the Mac target has a CFBundleExecutable
Tried Xcode 12 & 13
Tried using App Transporter
Used Xcode 13 RC and let that auto-generate the Info.plist
I've tried everything I could find online - there's not much - and I can't get the upload to succeed.
However, I was able to replicate the issue with an entirely empty project. No dependencies, no code, nothing. The project archives successfully, but the upload fails.
Any help would be appreciated. I've spent two days on this already.
An example project that fails:
We had two issues causing this, making it fail when uploading a Mac build to iTunes. The first issue, we had included a package (from Steam), that had its own plist and post build script. - build script - folder with plugin and plist
We renamed the post build script and removed the plugin folder, not 100% sure if the renaming was needed.
Then, we had this in our own post build script that was causing issues, so we removed it too.
rootDict.SetString("CFBundleExecutable", "${EXECUTABLE_NAME}");
Then it worked! Also worth noting that we believe the CFBundleExecutable didnt actually end up matching the file name e.g. the file produced was a.pkg and the plist says:
But seems iTunes was ok with that. We use Unity and it seems in the pList the string was set to the "Product Name" (Edit > Project Settings > Player, at the top, "Product Name").
We also didnt need to use Transporter to upload.

Xcode GIT problems iPhone App

So I made a repository for an app and everything in Xcode is setup. Now another person tries to pull it and that works fine until this message appears: The File "UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate" could not be unlocked, unlocking failed for an unknown reason.
The project uses the Google Maps API and gives the error: "GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h" file not found. Even though the project is a direct clone, it works for me but not for him.
For the error of "GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h" file not found.
You may have not set the path properly. For setting right path do following steps:
Go to Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries
Click on + option
Select the GoogleMaps Framework. If you have added it from outside than go there & select it.
Go to Targets -> Build Settings -> Header Search Paths
Remove the older path of Google Maps API from it (keep new path don't remove it)
For "The File "UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate" could not be unlocked" issue
refer this :
You probably corrupted the file by using Git, that, or you overwrote a locally saved file with something from the cloud. Try recreating the project without using Git, and see if it works.

Is there a way to view your app's .entitlements file from your app's .ipa archive?

I think there's an issue with my app's .entitlements file when a .ipa is created and so I want to check the Bundle ID of the entitlements file. There's a fairly complicated build script I am using to change some stuff in there before building so I want to see what the final product is. I know that there used to be an Entitlements.plist that I could get off of the ipa but it doesn't seem to be there any longer. Is there any way to access the .entitlements file now?
For those getting here via Google, the Information Apple provides at is a lot more recent.
Specifially, after unzipping the IPA:
Display the entitlements in the app by running:
codesign -d --entitlements :- "Payload/"
and display the provisioning profile by running:
security -D -i "Payload/"
Sure, unzip the .ipa file which will create a Payload directory. Inside of the Payload directory is the application package. Right-click the app package in Finder to "Show Package Contents".
Look for the embedded.mobileprovision file which you can open with a text editor or plist editor. Look for the <key>Entitlements</key>

Upload iOS build online

I am uploading ios build on testflight till now. But I am getting the following error on uploading any build (I also tried uploading the previous build again which I already uploaded on it).
Invalid IPA: Couldn't find executable specified in Info.plist - check the value of your CFBundleExecutable key.
I need to upload the build. Can someone suggest me a site other than testflight where I may upload the ios build or ipa file?
The other site you can use is, i use it on my project now, very helpfull.
We had a problem with CFBundleExecutable ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}. Our iOS app was for example called OurAppName.
Ran fine in Simulator but when archived and deployed via organizer said CFBundleExecutable was not an executable file.
We checked the plist and the value for CFBundleExecutable was 'ourappname'. we unzipped the ipa > app folder (see how below) and there was a fie called ourappname but it was smaller than expected and not a exe (USE:ls -l should have x at end of -rwxr-xr-x ).
Bug was caused by a text file called 'ourappname' and when archive was built it took that as the exe and not OurAppName. Answer was to rename and or delete the file with same name as our exe. Do full clean build. and recheck final ipa.
To see contents of OurAppName.ipa :
Rename to (ignore warnings):
DOUBLE CLICK on to open (creates Payload folder containing
rename to OurAppName_app (ignore warnings will change app bundle to folder).
Open OurAppName_app folder look for for app.
Check CFBundleExecutable is pointing to OurAppName.
Find OurAppName in folder do ls -l make sure it executable (USE:ls -l should have x at end of -rwxr-xr-x).
If testflight download fails after 80% with UNABLE TO DOWNLOAD then drag the archive you built to a iOS device using Organizer.
Click on Device > applications and + at the bottom (i think dragging the ipa to the device in the organizer installs it as well).
in your info.plist file open as source code form and check CFBundleExecutable key is there or not and make sure it is written as

Info.plist file "no such file" error

I have tried to move the files in my project folder to a different folder and everything went ok, except that Xcode cannot find my Info.plist file now. This is the error I get.
could not read data from '/Users/jamiefraser/Developer/CocoaTouch Apps/MyApp/MyApp/MyApp/MyApp-Info.plist': The file “MyApp-Info.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.
The actual files location is
'/Users/jamiefraser/Developer/CocoaTouch Apps/MyApp/MyApp/MyApp-Info.plist'
I have checked the build settings for the project and they read
I have tried deleting the build folder and cleaning the project, but I always get this same error. I appreciate any help you can offer
Remove MyApp/ portion from build settings. plist file usually is located in the same folder ad project. You can always open project file in vi and edit it manually.
It is just a guess but it seems like one trailing /MyApp is too much in the location you are wanting to read from:
'/Users/jamiefraser/Developer/CocoaTouch Apps/MyApp/MyApp/MyApp/MyApp-Info.plist'
As opposed to the actual location:
'/Users/jamiefraser/Developer/CocoaTouch Apps/MyApp/MyApp/MyApp-Info.plist'
It would make sense to check out the URL / PATH variable you want to read from.
I had the same problem after trying to duplicate and rename a project.
In Build Settings, I had to fix two paths before I finally got it compiling successfully:
Under Packaging, Info.plist
Under Apple LLVM 5.0 - Language, Prefix.pch