Solving approach for a series - discrete-mathematics

I am having a great trouble on finding the solution of this series.
index 1 2 3 4 5
number 0 1 5 15 35
here say first index is an exception but what is the solution for that series to pick an index & get the number. Please add your Explanation of the solving approach.
I would also like to have some extra example for solving approach of other this kind of series.

The approaches to solve a general series matching problem vary a lot, depending on the information you have about the series. You can start with reading up on time series.
For this series you can easily google it and find out they're related to the binomial coefficients like n!/(n-4)!/4! . Taking into account i, it will be something like (i+3)!/4!/(i-1)!


Compare values from now and 2 hours ago and how the difference

As can be see from the chart below we have a sensor that is recording pressure. The pressure has dropped 2 points within 2 hours. If this drops 2 points within 2 hours, this causes us some problems. I would like to create a query that compares the values from now and 2 hours in the past and display the difference. How can i achieve this in influx query language?
You are best off using a derivative and depending on the exact response, either derivateive or non negative to see rate of change:
InfluxDB Functions - Derivative
Youd set the unit to 2h (it defaults to 1s)

Am I using PCA in Orange in a correct way?

I am analysing if 15 books can be grouped according to 6 variables (of the 15 books, 2 are written by an author, 6 by an other one, and 7 by an other one). I counted the number of occurrences of the variables and I calculated the percentage. Then I used Orange software to use PCA. I uploaded the file. selected the columns and rows. And when it comes to PCA the program asks me if I want to normalize the data or not, but I am not sure about that because I have already calculated the percentage - is normalize different from calculating the percentage? Moreover, below the normalize button it asks me to show only:... and I have to choose a number between 0 and 100 but I don’t really know what it is.
Could you help me understand what I should do? Thank you in advance

Too many for loop iterations - for loop terminates

In a classification task, I need to do feature selection. So out of featSize = 98 features (variables), I want to know which ones are applicable. For each combination I train the classifier by tuning its hyperparameters. I've come across a problem in my usage of a for loop:
for b = 1:(2^featSize) - 1
% this is to choose the features. e.g. [1 0 0] selects the first
% feature out of three features if featSize = 3.
Matlab gives a warning: Warning: Too many FOR loop iterations. Stopping after 9223372036854775806 iterations.
Am I using the for loop in a prohibitive way? Is there another alternative method of completing this step?
Building a model for every possible combination of features is intractable. It's clear from your for loop that you would have to build an exponential number of models to cover every feature subset.
There are many approaches to feature selection that are practical to implement. The one most similar to your method is forward-selection. Many algorithms offer a regularization parameter instead (e.g. LASSO or ridge-regression). Some options for regression are discussed here
This talk covers many approaches to the problem of feature selection
2^98 = 316.9e27 = 300 thousand million million million million. If you run a billion* loop iterations a second, it would take ten thousand million** years to run that loop. I don't think you can afford the electricity bill... :)
It is scary, isn't it, how quickly exponential things explode?
Luckily, you don't need to loop this often to visit all pairs of features. If you have 98 features, then you have 98^2 pairs, not 2^98. Actually, you have 98*97, if you don't want to pair a feature with itself, and 98*97/2 if the order doesn't matter.
You can write a double loop to visit each pair:
N = 98
for ii = 1:N-1
for jj = ii+1:N
% do something with the pair [ii,jj]
* A billion as in a million million -- not the US billion.
** 2^98 /1e12 /60 /60 /24 /365 == 10.049e+9 -- I didn't take leap years or leap seconds into account... :)
I think you are requesting the for loop to do 2^98 = 316,910,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 iterations, so you will need to reduce the number of iterations.
As others have noted, yes, you are using the for loop in a prohibitive way, almost destructively. It's absurd to ask any regular computer, much less a super computer to run that many iterations of a loop. So that is that part of your question answered.
Regarding developing another method of tackling this, I don't know much about machine learning (I guess this is bad to say as I'm attempting to solve this), but regardless, it doesn't seem like you've provided enough information for us to help you there. Either way, you will need to somehow drastically reduce the number of iterations of the loop for this to run efficiently, and avoid the error.

Using velocity/time data to create a displacement/acceleration matrix

I've recently started a new job and having never used MATLAB before, I'm a little stuck. Any help would be much appreciated.
Here is the story. I have been given the velocities of fragmentation pellets at time intervals of 0.001 milliseconds. There are 28 gauges (i.e 28 sets of data) and each gauge has 20,000 readings. I have created a matrix consisting of all this data.
My objective to take that matrix and create 2 more matrices with the corresponding displacement and acceleration values of each reading. The next step is to export the time and acceleration values to an excel spreadsheet.
I am at a loss as to how to do this. I have tried to integrate and differentiate but I cant seem to get it right. Is it possible to create a function that takes the velocity data and automatically calculates acceleration/displacement? (This would make things easier as people in the future could use that same code)
Any help on how to solve any part of this problem would be much appreciated. I've only been using the software 3 days.
Many thanks.

Compare common value of a timeseries

I have timeseries that don't have the same start time and I would like to find the common part of them.
a=[ 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
b=[ 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
Is there a matlab function to do that ?
I found an algorithm, but it is taking for ever and it is saturating my memory to analyse 6 timeseries of 100000 points. Is the algorithm not written properly or is it the way Longest common substring problem is?
The problem is called the Longest common substring problem.
It is not really hard to implement, and you you can probably also find Matlab code online. It is important to observe that if you know how to solve for 2 time series, you know how to solve for N, because: c(x,y,z) = c(x,c(y,z))