Why (apply and '(1 2 3)) doesn't work while (and 1 2 3) works in R5RS? [duplicate] - lisp

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Using AND with the apply function in Scheme
(9 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I tried it in Racket like this
> (apply and '(1 2 3))
. and: bad syntax in: and
> (and 1 2 3)
Does anyone have ideas about this?

and is not a function, it's a macro, so you cannot pass it around like a function.
The reason and is a macro, is to enable short-circuiting behaviour. You can make your own non-short-circuiting version:
(define (my-and . items)
(if (null? items) #t
(let loop ((test (car items))
(rest (cdr items)))
(cond ((null? rest) test)
(test (loop (car rest) (cdr rest)))
(else #f)))))
and my-and can be used with apply.
For comparison, here's what the macro (which does do short-circuiting) looks like:
(define-syntax and
(syntax-rules ()
((and) #t)
((and test) test)
((and test rest ...) (if test
(and rest ...)

Chris Jester-Young's answer is right, but there's one other point I want to highlight. The standard and operator is a macro which delays the evaluation of its arguments, by (essentially, if not exactly) turning (and a b c) into (if a (if b c #f) #f). This means that if a is false, b and c do not get evaluated.
We also have the option of defining an and-function such that (and-function a b c) evaluates a, b, and c, and returns true when the values are all true. This means that all of a, b, and c get evaluated. and-function has the nice property that you can pass it around as function because it is a function.
There's still one option that seems to be missing: an and-function-delaying-evaluation that returns return if and only if a, b, and c all return true, but that doesn't evaluate, e.g., b and c if a produces false. This can be had, actually, with a function and-funcalling-function that requires its arguments to be a list of functions. For instance:
(define (and-funcalling-function functions)
(or (null? functions)
(and ((car functions))
(and-funcalling-function (cdr functions)))))
(list (lambda () (even? 2))
(lambda () (odd? 3))))
; => #t
(list (lambda () (odd? 2))
(lambda () (even? 3)))) ; (even? 3) does not get evaluated
; => #f
Using a macro and this idiom, we can actually implement something with the standard and semantics:
(define-syntax standard-and
(syntax-rules ()
((standard-and form ...)
(and-funcalling-function (list (lambda () form) ...)))))
(macroexpand '(standard-and (odd? 2) (even? 3)))
; =>
; (and-funcalling-function
; (list (lambda () (odd? 2))
; (lambda () (even? 3))))
The lesson to take away from this, of course, is that you can have an and-like function that you can pass around and still get delayed evaluation; you just need to delay evaluation by wrapping things in functions and letting the and-like function call those functions to produce values. (In Scheme, this might be an opportunity to use promises.)


How should I implement my own version of curry in Racket? [duplicate]

I have this curry function:
(define curry
(lambda (f) (lambda (a) (lambda (b) (f a b)))))
I think it's like (define curry (f a b)).
my assignment is to write a function consElem2All using curry,which should work like
(((consElem2All cons) 'b) '((1) (2 3) (4)))
>((b 1) (b 2 3) (b 4))
I have wrote this function in a regular way:
(define (consElem2All0 x lst)
(map (lambda (elem) (cons x elem)) lst))
but still don't know how to transform it with curry. Can anyone help me?
thanks in advance
You should begin by reading about currying. If you don't understand what curry is about, it may be really hard to use it... In your case, http://www.engr.uconn.edu/~jeffm/Papers/curry.html may be a good start.
One very common and interesting use of currying is with functions like reduce or map (for themselves or their arguments).
Let's define two currying operators!
(define curry2 (lambda (f) (lambda (arg1) (lambda (arg2) (f arg1 arg2)))))
(define curry3 (lambda (f) (lambda (arg1) (lambda (arg2) (lambda (arg3) (f arg1 arg2 arg3))))))
Then a few curried mathematical functions:
(define mult (curry2 *))
(define double (mult 2))
(define add (curry2 +))
(define increment (add 1))
(define decrement (add -1))
And then come the curried reduce/map:
(define creduce (curry3 reduce))
(define cmap (curry2 map))
Using them
First reduce use cases:
(define sum ((creduce +) 0))
(sum '(1 2 3 4)) ; => 10
(define product (creduce * 1))
(product '(1 2 3 4)) ; => 24
And then map use cases:
(define doubles (cmap double))
(doubles '(1 2 3 4)) ; => (2 4 6 8)
(define bump (cmap increment))
(bump '(1 2 3 4)) ; => (2 3 4 5)
I hope that helps you grasp the usefulness of currying...
So your version of curry takes a function with two args, let's say:
(define (cons a b) ...)
and turns that into something you can call like this:
(define my-cons (curry cons))
((my-cons 'a) '(b c)) ; => (cons 'a '(b c)) => '(a b c)
You actually have a function that takes three args. If you had a curry3 that managed 3-ary functions, you could do something like:
(define (consElem2All0 the-conser x lst) ...)
(like you did, but allowing cons-like functions other than cons to be used!)
and then do this:
(define consElem2All (curry3 consElem2All0))
You don't have such a curry3 at hand. So you can either build one, or work around it by "manually" currying the extra variable yourself. Working around it looks something like:
(define (consElem2All0 the-conser)
(lambda (x lst) ...something using the-conser...))
(define (consElem2All the-conser)
(curry (consElem2All0 the-conser)))
Note that there's one other possible use of curry in the map expression itself, implied by you wrapping a lambda around cons to take the element to pass to cons. How could you curry x into cons so that you get a one-argument function that can be used directly to map?...
Perhaps better use a generalized version:
(define (my-curry f)
(lambda args
(cond ((= (length args) 1)
(lambda lst (apply f (cons (car args) lst))))
((>= (length args) 2)
(apply f (cons (car args) (cdr args)))))))
(define (consElem2All0 x lst)
  (map ((curry cons) x) lst))

How to call a referenced lambda?

I'm trying to call a function (lambda) stored within an alist. Below is a small snippet that demonstrates what I'm trying to do:
(defvar *db* '((:add (lambda (a b)
(+ a b)))
(:sub (lambda (a b)
(- a b)))))
(defun perform-operation-on-numbers (operation a b)
"Performs specified operation on the supplied numbers."
(let ((func (second (find operation
:key #'car))))
;; TODO: Call `func` on `a` and `b`
(print func)))
(perform-operation-on-numbers :add 1 2)
No matter what I do, not even funcall is able to let me call the lambda stored against :add. How should I reference the retrieved lambda as a lambda?
Your use of quote lead to your inability to use funcall.
(setf *mydb* '((:add #'+)
(:sub #'-)))
;; ((:ADD #'+) (:SUB #'-))
I can't use funcall. But:
(setf *mydb* (list (cons :add #'+)
(cons :sub #'-)))
;; ((:ADD . #<FUNCTION +>) (:SUB . #<FUNCTION ->))
;; ^^^^ "FUNCTION" ? That's better! <----------
I can (funcall (cdr (first *MYDB*)) 2)
Then the succinct notation is with back-quote and comma.
As pointed out by other answers, you are manipulating code as data, where the forms below (lambda ...) are unevaluated. But even with your data:
(defvar *db* '((:add (lambda (a b)
(+ a b)))
(:sub (lambda (a b)
(- a b)))))
You can use funcall or apply, if you first use COERCE:
If the result-type is function, and object is a lambda expression, then the result is a closure of object in the null lexical environment.
For example, let's access the form associated with :add:
CL-USER> (second (assoc :add *db*))
(LAMBDA (A B) (+ A B))
The value is an unevaluated form.
You can coerce it to a function:
CL-USER> (coerce (second (assoc :add *db*)) 'function)
#<FUNCTION (LAMBDA (A B)) {536B988B}>
Maybe you want to walk the terms to check that the lambda are only using a restricted set of operations, in which case it makes sense to keep them as data. But at some point you'll want to turn these code snippets to actual functions, and you can do that with coerce:
CL-USER> (defvar *db-fns*
for (n c) in *db*
collect (list n (coerce c 'function))))
Here you compute the functions once, and can reuse them later instead of calling coerce each time.
CL-USER> *db-fns*
((:ADD #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA (A B)) {536B9B5B}>)
(:SUB #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA (A B)) {536B9C0B}>))
(it is equivalent to calling eval on the lambda form)
That's not a function: it's a list beginning (lambda ...). If you want a function have a function, for instance by
(defvar *db* `((:add ,(lambda (a b)
(+ a b)))
(:sub ,(lambda (a b)
(- a b)))))
or, better, don't wrap the thing in some useless baggage:
(defvar *db* `((:add ,#'+
(:sub ,#'-))

How to insert literal identifier from input pattern as symbol in syntax-rules macro

I have code like this:
(define-syntax macron
(syntax-rules ()
((_ name)
(lambda (x)
(eval (cons 'name x) (interaction-environment))))))
(define x (map (macron lambda)
'(((x) (display x)) ((a b) (+ a b)))))
(let ((square (car x))
(sum (cadr x)))
(display (square 10))
(display (sum 1 2 3))
the code is working it use macro as value by wrapping it with lambda. My question is how can I put inside syntax-rule macro literal symbol 'name instead of (cons 'lambda ...) so the output code is:
(lambda (x)
(eval (cons 'name x) (interaction-environment)))
so it work with code like this:
(define (name x)
(display x)
(for-each (macron lambda) ;; lambda can be anything
'((1) (2) (3)))
and it print all the numbers.
I know that I can change the name in pattern into something else, but I want to know more about syntax-rules and it's edge cases. So is it possible to have name if I use it as input pattern?
I'm looking for answers with R7RS, that have more of this type of edge cases covered.
All macros happens in compile time so runtime stuff might not exist. That means that you should think of it as syntax sugar and use it as susch. eg.
(for-each (macron something) '((1) (2) (3)))
Should then have an expansion based on that. Your current expansion is that it turns into this:
(for-each (lambda (x)
(eval (cons 'someting x) (interaction-environment))
'((1) (2) (3)))
For something being a macro this will apply the macro in runtime. It is bad. It also removes the need for the macro in the first place. You could do this instead:
(define (macron-proc name)
(lambda (x)
(eval (cons name x) (interaction-environment))))
(for-each (macron-proc 'something) '((1) (2) (3)))
I made a programming language that had passable macros:
(define xor (flambda (a b) `(if ,a (not ,b) ,b)))
(define (fold comb init lst)
(if (null? lst)
(fold comb (comb (car lst) init) (cdr lst))))
(fold xor #f '(#t #t)) ; ==> #f
It's not a very good approach if you are targeting an efficient compiled end product. The first macros were indeed like this and they removed it in LISP 1.5 before Common Lisp. Scheme avoided macros for many years and opted for syntax-rules in R4RS as an optional feature. R6RS is the only version that has full power macros.
With a procedure instead of macros this is actually the same as the following code with the bad eval removed:
(for-each (lambda (x)
(apply something x))
'((1) (2) (3)))
Which means you can implement macron much easier:
(define-syntax macron
(syntax-rules ()
((_ name)
(lambda (x)
(apply name x)))))
But from looking at this now you don't need a macro at all. This is partial application.
(define (partial proc arg)
(lambda (lst)
(apply proc arh lst)))
(map (partial + 3) '((1 2) (3 4) (4 5)))
; ==> (6 10 12)
There is actually a SRFI-26 called cut/cute which allows us to do something similar where it wraps it in a lambda:
(map (cut apply + 3 <>) '((1 2) (3 4) (4 5)))
The syntax-rules are the macros with the least power. You cannot do anything unhygienic and you cannot make new identifiers based on other ones. Eg. it' impossible to implement a racket style struct where you can do (struct complex [real imag]) and have the macro create complex?, complex-real, and complex-imag as procedures. You need to do as SRFI-57 does and require th euser to specify all the names such that you don't need to concatenate to new identifiers.
Right now R7RS-small only has syntax-rules. I think it was a mistake not to have a more powerful macro as an alternative since now the R7RS-large cannot be implemented with R7RS-small.

Elisp lambdas, quoting, and lexical-let

I'm trying to understand the following two snippets of code:
(defun make-adder1 (n) `(lambda (x) (+ ,n x)))
(defun make-adder2 (n) (lexical-let ((n n)) (lambda (x) (+ n x))))
These both seem to produce callables:
(funcall (make-adder1 3) 5) ;; returns 8
(funcall (make-adder2 3) 5) ;; returns 8
These both work. I have two main questions:
1) I don't understand the disparity in "quoting level" between the two approaches. In the first case, the lambda expression is quoted, which means the "symbol itself" is returned instead of the value. In the second case, it seems like the statement with the lambda will get evaluated, so the value of the lambda will be returned. Yet, these both work with funcall. When using funcall on a defun'ed function, it has to be quoted. Is lexical-let doing some kind of quoting automatically? Isn't this, kind of surprising?
2) Reading other posts on this topic, I'm given to understand that the first approach will break down under certain circumstances and deviate from what one would expect from working with lambdas and higher order functions in other languages, because elisp has dynamic scoping by default. Can someone give a concrete example of code that makes this difference apparent and explain it?
In the first example there is no variable n in the resulting function, which is just (lambda (x) (+ 3 x)). It does not need lexical binding because there is no free variable in the lambda, i.e., no variable that needs to be kept in a binding of a closure. If you don't need the variable n to be available, as a variable in uses of the function, i.e., if its value at function definition time (=3) is all you need, then the first example is all you need.
(fset 'ad1 (make-adder1 3))
(symbol-function 'ad1)
(lambda (x) (+ 3 x))
The second example creates what is, in effect, a function that creates and applies a complicated closure.
(fset 'ad2 (make-adder2 3))
(symbol-function 'ad2)
(lambda (&rest --cl-rest--)
(apply (quote (closure ((--cl-n-- . --n--) (n . 3) t)
(G69710 x)
(+ (symbol-value G69710) x)))
(quote --n--)
A third option is to use a lexical-binding file-local variable and use the most straightforward definition. This creates a simple closure.
;;; foo.el --- toto -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
(defun make-adder3 (n) (lambda (x) (+ n x)))
(fset 'ad3 (make-adder3 3))
(symbol-function 'ad3)
(closure ((n . 3) t) (x) (+ n x))
(symbol-function 'make-adder1)
(lambda (n)
(list (quote lambda)
(quote (x))
(cons (quote +) (cons n (quote (x))))))
(symbol-function 'make-adder2)
(closure (t)
(let ((--cl-n-- (make-symbol "--n--")))
(let* ((v --cl-n--)) (set v n))
(list (quote lambda)
(quote (&rest --cl-rest--))
(list (quote apply)
(list (quote quote)
(lambda (G69709 x)
(+ (symbol-value G69709) x))))
(list (quote quote) --cl-n--)
(quote --cl-rest--)))))
(symbol-function 'make-adder3)
(closure (t) (n) (function (lambda (x) (+ n x))))

How do I call another function in lisp;

My program is supposed to convert a given temperature from Fahrenheit to Centigrade or the other way around. It takes in a list containing a number and a letter. The letter is the temperature and the letter is the unit we are in. Then I call the appropriate function either F-to-C or C-to-F. How do I call the functions with the given list that was first checked in my temperature-conversion function. Here is my code.
(defun temperature-conversion (lst)
((member 'F lst) (F-to-C))
((member 'C lst) (C-to-F))
(t (print "You didn't enter a valid unit for conversion"))
(defun F-to-C ()
;;(print "hello")
(print (temperature-conversion(lst)))
(defun C-to-F ()
(print "goodbye"))
;;(print (temperature-conversion '(900 f)))
(setf data1 '(900 f))
You have infinite recursion: temperature-conversion calls F-to-C which calls temperature-conversion again.
I would do this:
(defun c2f (c) (+ 32 (/ (* 9 c) 5)))
(defun f2c (f) (/ (* 5 (- f 32)) 9))
(defun temperature-conversion (spec)
(ecase (second spec)
(C (c2f (first spec)))
(F (f2c (first spec)))))
(temperature-conversion '(32 f))
==> 0
(temperature-conversion '(100 c))
==> 212
(temperature-conversion '(100))
*** - The value of (SECOND SPEC) must be one of C, F
The value is: NIL
The following restarts are available:
ABORT :R1 Abort main loop
I think this example is generally used to demonstrate how functions are first-class values.
With a little modification to sds's answer, you can have an ECASE statement that selects the appropriate function, which is then used by a surrounding FUNCALL.
(defun temperature-conversion (spec)
(destructuring-bind (temperature unit) spec
(ecase unit (C #'c2f) (F #'f2c))
I added a DESTRUCTURING-BIND in case you don't know yet what it is.