Wicket Application Structure Best Practice - wicket

I am working with an application that has some Wicket pages, divided into some Applications. We are expanding the Wicket development to substitute other legacy content. Right now, there is no clear path wether to write new Wicket Applications for each workflow, or if we should have one big Application with many URL mappings. I did not find any information about this either.
As far as we are, we see following issues:
Many Wicket Applications pattern:
Each Application (Workflow) can be easily mounted without much of a hassle.
Even if it's not more time consuming, you end up writing more Java Classes (at least for each Application you need at least some basic structure).
Each Application default URL get's accessed by it's homepage, so no further config is necessary.
One big Application pattern:
Each Workflow needs a Page, which has to be mapped in the Application class. As far as I've seen, there is no configuration in xml files to archieve this, but it should be possible to develop some schema that allows to structure this in some xml file. Disatvantage: more time consuming for the first time
For further addings, it should be somewhat easier than with the Application pattern, but it doesn't make a difference that would make a real difference considering that the workflow development is always way bigger than the initial config.
Each Workflow default URL can be accessed by the URL mapping, and can be changed easily, it seems a little easier than with the Application approach, but doesn't make a big difference either.
Now, what I'm looking for:
Opinion based on experiences, maybe arguments for deciding for one or another way.
Is there any documentation from Apache or some source for this? If so, some reference would be a great advice.

As I understand it, you would still deploy all of your Wicket Applications within one single Web Archive.
Doing that, in my opinion you lose the only real advantage of separating your code into different Wicket Applications. If you separate your code into multiple Wicket Application classes
you have to think of configuring each Wicket Application the same way and not forget a single one (include it in the web.xml, call the same settings in the init()-method, ...)
you are writing more boilerplate code as you already said yourself
The configuration and code would be more complex than with the "single application" approach. With a single application
you only have to mount the start page of each workflow in your single application class...which is one line of code compared to a new class and some lines of web.xml config with the multiple applications approac
So, if you don't want to deploy your workflows separately, I'd go with a single application. It makes it so much easier. Especially when you have accumulated more than a couple workflows the single application approach will probably be much easier to maintain.

How much shared coda are you likely to have?
Are there different performance/load tolerance/availability requirements for the different workflows?
These are the questions I use in general to decide whether two things should go in one application or not, and that's pretty much independent from Wicket.
Obviously much shared code points towards a single application. Of course you can still use separate applications with all of them depending on a set of shared modules but in practice you'll spend a lot of time trying to keep your modules in sync.
Similarly, wildly different availability requirements might steer you in the direction of separate applications as you'd probably want to deploy them separately.
The most difficult scenario is if you have much shared code AND you still want to deploy them separately, in that case a multi-tiered approach (multiple frontends connecting to a common backend) might be worth considering.


Architecture of microservices from a business approach or technical?

Our team is trying to decouple a monolithic spring mvc administrative application (create, update, delete) and we want to adopt an architecture based on microservices.
After a bit of research, it seems the best is create microservices according to the problem that a specific part of the software solves, for example, Managing Clients.
The problem comes when we read some definitions, like the following from Wikipedia:
In software engineering, a monolithic application describes a
single-tiered software application in which the user interface and
data access code are combined into a single program from a single
Based on that definition, my application is not monolithic, because it is perfectly separated in layers, but it is not found in a micro-services architecture either, which is confusing to me since in the web everything is about Monolithic vs. Microservices.
So, should the microservices architecture be designed based on the business problem it solves?
Should the microservices architecture be designed based on to the way in which the application is organized in layers?
I like to view each microservice as self contained smaller monoliths. When you're forcing yourself to split up your legacy application to, um, smaller monoliths, you'll find:
60% of your code is scaffolding and will need to be repeated across multiple services.
It's easier to split things (and maintain them that way) if you've established a what-goes-where rule upfront.
The most common approach is to split the application by functionality area. So to answer your question, I'd agree more with the image at the top-right, assuming you intended to show multiple containers there.
And about #1 above, there's often a whole bunch of scaffolding modules that you can avoid writing by hand after all.
From my experience, the most obvious advantage of a microservice is the ability to scale horizontally. User analysis takes to long? Just add 10 more workers. Done. Remove then. No need to add more RAM/CPU/whatever to your already costly server that runs your monolith.
Do not plan ahead an try to separate ClientManager microservice - this should be just a class.
You are thinking about migrating to microservices for a reason. Something is using up too much resources. Find the most problematic process that slows everything down, and create microservice for it. It can be for example report generation, user creation, data agregation. Start with planning the API. It will state clearly, what are responsibilities it will have and how much resources it will use. When you know what it should do, name it properly.
Agile software methodologies are your greatest friend in this process. Take the processes one by one. Experiment, iterate and evaluate. With time, it will be obvious how the microservices should do.
There is also a hot topic on how to organize code with microservices - I lean towards a monorepo - a single repository with all the code.
Pros: One pull request for many services, easy utils sharing, common dependencies, common deployment procedure and easier automation.
Cons: You can easily break the API contract and do too much work within one microservice (meaning, it can take other services responsiblity.)

What does "monolithic" mean?

I've seen it in the context of classes. I suspect it means that the class could use being broken down into logical subunits, but I can't find a good definition. Could you give some examples?
Thanks for the help.
Edit: I love the smart replies, but I'm obviously referring to "monolithic" within a software context. I know about monoliths, megaliths, dolmens, and all the stone-related contexts. Gee, I have enough of them in my country...
Interesting question. I don't think there are any formal definitions of what a monolithic class is, but you've got the idea. A class that contains multiple components that are logically unconnected, or pointlessly coupled, is a monolithic class.
If you've read The Pragmatic Programmer, which I strongly recommend, you can define a monolithic class as an anti-pattern that goes against almost everything from that book.
As for examples, you'll find more in the realm of chip and OS design, where there are formal definitions of monolithic chips/kernels, which are similar to a monolithic class. Here are some examples, although each of them can be argued against being on this list:
JOGL - Java bindings for OpenGL. This could be arguable, and with good reason.
Most academic projects - For obvious reasons.
If you started programming alone, rather than joining a team, then chances are you can open one of your first projects, and there will be a class that is monolithic.
If you look up the etymology of the word you'll see it comes from the Greek monos (single) and lithos (stone). In the context of software as you mention it, it describes a single-tiered application in which the code for the user interface and the data access are combined into a single program from a single platform.
"Monolithic" is a term that has been used to flame succesful software. This link exposes the assumptions inherent in the term, and their limited usefulness.
The basic assumption is that a system works better if it is built from software components that each have an individual, well-defined task. Intuitively, this seems right. If each component works, the entire system must work, right?
In reality, it's not that easy. A larger, compositional (non-monolithic) system can miss a critical function, even when there is no single component to blame. This happens when the architectural design fails to allocate a function to any specific component. This can happen especially if it's a function which doesn't map cleanly to a single component.
Now Linux (to continue with the linked example) in reality is not monolithic. It has a modular userspace on top of a monolithic kernel, a userspace that comes with many separate utilities. Except when it doesn't.
My definition of a Monolithic design in software development, is a design which requires additional functionality to be added to a single indivisible block of code.
Everything is in one place, and therefore easy to find
Can be simpler, given there less relations to consider (can also be more complex see cons)
Over time as functionality is added the complexity of the system may exponentially increase, to the point new features are extremely hard or impossible to implement
Can make it difficult for multiple developers to work with e.g Entity Framework EDMX files have the entire database in a single file which can be extremely difficult for multiple developers to work on.
Reduced re-usability, by definition it does not have smaller components which can be then reused and re-purposed to solve other problems, unless a complete copy of the code is made and then modified.
A monolithic architecture is a model of software structure which is created as one piece where all Rails tools (ActionMailer, ActiveJob, ActionCable, etc.) can be gathered together with the code that these tools applies. The tools are not connected with each other but they are also not autonomous.
If one feature needs changes, it will influence the work of the whole process and other features because they are parts of one process.
Let’s recall what Ruby on Rails is, what it can offer, its pros and cons. Its most important benefit is that it is easy to work with.
If you write rails new you immediately get a new application at once, then you can create any REST API you want and use Rails helpers and generators, which makes development even easier.
If you need to send emails in your Rails app, then use Rails ActionMailer. When you need to do some hard processing, ActiveJob will help you. With Rails 5 you will also be able to use websockets out of the box. Thus, it will be easy to create chats or make your application more interactive.
In case you use correct DSL syntax, you can use all that and even more immediately. Moreover, you don’t have to know everything about the internal implementation of these tools, consider it’s DSL, and receive the expected result.
It means something is the opposite of modular. A modular application can have parts, referred to as modules, replaced without requiring replacement of the entire application. Whereas a monolithic application, after having a part fixed or upgraded, must be replaced in it's entirety.
From Wikipedia: "Modularity is desirable, in general, as it supports reuse of parts of the application logic and also facilitates maintenance by allowing repair or replacement of parts of the application without requiring wholesale replacement."
So in the context of a monolithic class, all its features are self-contained and if you want to add or alter a feature to the class you would need to alter/add code in the class and recompile it. Conversely a modular class exposes access to functionality which is implemented externally. For example a "Calculator" class may use a separate "Add" class for actually adding numbers; call a "Multiply" function from a separate library; or even call an "Amortize" function from a web service. As long as the each of these functional parts can be altered externally from the class, it is modular.

Is Microsoft Workflow Foundation really used?

Today, I had a training on "Microsoft Workflow Foundation".
While I think the idea is neat, I still see it as a Proof Of Concept and not as a real-life solution. Building an entire application without having to type a single line of code (or only a few of them) seems just wrong.
Have you ever used this technology and if so, can it really fit to big company projects ? What drawbacks/advantages have you got using it ?
I don't see it replacing an entire application, but more likely used in the architecture of an application to make it easier to maintain and build, since business logic is separated out.
In previous application I've built, we used our own workflow solution to make our site easier to maintain and also to add new content and controls quickly without recompiling & redeploying.
MWF can definitely have a place in even small applications, depending on it's needs.
Workflow is just a part of a larger application, just like your entire app isn't WPF or ADO. And it is certainly used in real applications and very useful. Things to look for where it is a good fit are items that behave as small projects in an applications like a sales orders, hiring a new person or building a house. All thee have a start, go through multiple steps, have an ending and you are likely to manage multiple in your application. Describe the "project" steps in one or more workflows and start one for each occurrence.
As this is a very common occurrence I believe far more developers could benefit from using workflow in their applications.
Lately I've been using it to replace those parts of the codebase that are really messy as far as the branching and looping logic is concerned. When you can visualize that stuff in a picture, and just create some custom activities to perform your logic, it makes knowing exactly what is going on much easier.
The entire application wasn't rewritten, for example there's really no reason to do any CRUD type operations with workflow, but its been very helpful for some of the "heavy lifting" operations.

Common Libraries at a Company

I've noticed in pretty much every company I've worked that they have a common library that is generally shared across a number of projects. More often than not this has been a single companyx-commons project that ends up as a dumping ground for common programs including:
Command Line Parsers
File Utilities
Framework Helpers
Some of these are well thought out and some duplicate functionality found in Apache commons-lang, commons-io etc..
What are the things you have in your common library and more importantly how do you structure the common libraries to make them easy to improve and incorporate across other projects?
In my experience, the single biggest factor in the success of a common library is user buy-in; users in this case being other developers; and culture of your workplace/team(s) will be a big factor.
Separate libraries (projects/assemblies if you're in .Net) for different application tiers is essential (e.g: there's obviously no point putting UI and data access code together).
Keep things as simple as possible; what you don't put in a common library is often at least as important as what you do. Users of the library won't want to have to think, so usage needs to be super easy.
The golden rule we stuck to was keeping individual functions focused on a single task - do one thing and do it well (or very very well); don't try and provide something that tries to take every possibility into account, the more reusable you think you're making it - the less likely it is to be used. Code Complete (the book) has some excellent content on common libraries.
A good approach to setting/improving a library up is to do regular code reviews and retrospectives; find good candidates that you've already come up with and consider re-factoring them into a library for future projects; a good candidate will be something that more than one developer has had to do on more that one project (for example).
Set-up some sort of simple and clear governance of the libraries - someone who can 'own' a specific library and ensure it's overal quality (such as a senior dev or team lead).
I have so far written most of the common libraries we use at our office.
We have certain button classes that are just slightly more useful to us than the standard buttons
A database management class that does some internal caching and can connect to ODBC, OLEDB, SQL, and Access databases without even the flip of a parameter
Some grid and list controls that are multi threaded so we can add large amounts of data to them without the program slowing and without having to write all the multithreading code every time there is a performance issue with a list box/combo box.
These classes make it easier for all of us to work on each other's code and know how exactly they work since we all use the exact same interfaces throughout our products.
As far as organization goes, all of the DLL's are stored along with their source code on a shared development drive in the office that we all have access to. (We're a pretty small shop)
We split our libraries by function.
Commmon.Ui.dll has base classes for ui elements.
Common.Data.Dll is sort of a wrapper around Enterprise library Data access classes.
Common.Business is a dumping ground for other common classes that don't fit into one of those.
We create other specialized dlls as needs arise.

What level of complexity requires a framework?

At what level of complexity is it mandatory to switch to an existing framework for web development?
What measurement of complexity is practical for web development? Code length? Feature list? Database Size?
If you work on several different sites then by using a common framework across all of them you can spend time working on the code rather than trying to remember what is located where and why.
I'd always use a framework of some sort, even if it's your own, as the uniformity will help you structure your project. Unless it's a one page static HTML project.
There is no mandatory limit however.
I don't think there is a level of complexity that necessitates a framework. For me whenever I am writing a dynamic site I immediately consider a framework, and if it will save me time, I use it(it almost always does, and I almost always do).
Consider that the question may be faulty. Many of the most complex websites don't use any popular, preexisting, framework. Google has their own web server and their own custom way of doing things, as does Amazon, and probably lots of other sites.
If a framework makes your task easier, or provides added value, go for it. However, when you get that framework you are tied to a new dependancy. I'm starting to essentially recreate a Joel on Software post, so I will redirect you here for more on adding unneeded dependencies to your code:
All factors matter. You should measure how much time you can save using 3rd party framework and compare it to the risks of using other's code
Never "mandatory." Some problems are not well solved by any framework. It would be suggestible to switch to a framework when most of the code you are implementing has already be implemented by the framework in question in a way that suits your particular application. This saves you time, energy, and will most likely be more stable than the fresh code you would have written.
This is really two questions, you realize. :-) The answer to the first one is that it's never mandatory, but honestly, parsing HTML request parameters directly is pretty horrible right from the start. I don't want to do it even once, so I tend to go toward a framework relatively early on.
As far as what measurement is practical, well, what are you worried about? All of the descriptions that you list have value. Database size matters primarily for scaling, in my opinion (you can write a very simple app if you have a very simple schema, even if there are hundreds of thousands of rows in the database). The feature list will probably determine the number and complexity of UI pages, which will in turn help to dictate the code length.
There are frameworks that are there for getting moving very quickly with a simple blog, django or RoR all the way to enterprise full-stack applications Zope. Not to be tied to just the buzz world, you also have ASP.Net and J2EE, etc.
All frameworks and libraries are tools at your disposal. Determine which ones will make your life easier for your given project and use them.
I would say the reverse is true. At some point, your project gets so expansive, that you actually get slowed down by the shortcomings of the framework. For sufficiently large projects you may, in fact, be better off developing your own framework, to meet your own needs. I have seen many times where people were held back in the decisions they could make, or the work they could produce, because they were trying to do something that the framework didn't anticipate. And doing these things that the framework doesn't anticipate can be very troublesome. The nice thing about making your own framework, is that it can evolve with your project, to be a help to you system, instead of a hindrance.
So, to conclude, small projects should be use existing frameworks. Large projects should contain their own framework.