one application registered with two ICON on IPhone? - iphone

Our customer has a particular request for my project.
how to use short-cut to launch our application?
what I am trying to do is create an standalone application does nothing except to launch my main application to skip some step go to more depth level?
maybe one application is registered with two icons, one is for main process, one is to do short-cut process.
is that possible?
I have searched this site, someone mentioned to create an application to launch another application? is there an example or a piece of code?
Thanks in advanced.

This is probably technically feasible with a custom url schemes, but I doubt that Apple would approve the "shortcut" app for release in the App store.


Running an ionic app inside ionic app

Is there any way to develop the main app with logins using ionic and develop subparts of that app as individual apps and use the main app to access the sub-apps and pass the login info to sub apps. Flow Diagram For Better idea 1
One ionic app can launch another through the InAppBrowser, for instance. Or socialsharing plugin, etc. And then you need to pass on variables through the launch code. And then going back again.
But the UI experience will be awefull this way if functionally the apps actually are quite similar/related/dependent. So from a UI perspective not a very nice thing to do.
So basically, if you manage the code for all these apps, you may be better off integrating as modules/components in one code base. If you don't own the other apps, make sure the UI is smooth.

How to display a our popup before other installed application startup?

Currently, I am working on one security application. In this application, user can select applications for which he/she want to have additional security.
So, before this selected application start, one 'popup/screen with question' will be displayed. and if user answers it right, popup will be dismissed.
So my question is, is it possible to display our popup/screen before other installed application startup?
And if yes, then how to do it?
I searched on google, but didn't find any useful.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
in iOS, Application run in its own sandbox environment. You cannot control other application's startup and hence this is not feasible using any apple documented APIs.
this is not possible.In iOS, Application run in its own sandbox environment so you cannot get any application information. this is only done in jailbreak programming. In witch you hook app startup method method and show your popup first.

iOS - app containing another app

I would like to hand my application to another developer to assymilate in his iOS app.
The goal is to have, in his app, a shortcut that opens my app directly - not just a link to the appstore.
The problem is my app has to remain compiled, since I don't want to hand over my source-code.
Is this situation, of one compiled iOS app, encapsulated insind another iOS app, even possible?
Thanks in advance.
Your application can register a custom URL handler that will launch it whenever any application will follow that URL. It can be triggered from Safari but it can also be triggered from any other application.
Here's how you enable that feature in your app and handle incomming passed parameters etc.
All code in an app bundle has to be staticly linked, so you would have to rewrite and compile your app as a linkable shared library.
What you're looking to do really isn't possible. Each app has it's own code structure and can't be embedded into another app (MainWindow.xib for example). Each app is also signed by the developers private key, so that's an obstacle there. You can't just hand him a binary of your app.
What you could do is potentially take your .XIBs and view controllers and give them to him to implement. This is easiest if there's no model that also has to be migrated over. Then he can present your views to take advantage of the logic built into your view controllers.
It's not a trivial amount of work and of questionable value. If you're not willing to share source code then none of the above is really going to work for you.
My advice would be as people above have mentioned and use a URL scheme in his app that refers to yours. Yes, your app would need to be installed, but then there's a clear and unambiguous separation between his work and yours...

Can an iPhone app hide/launch other apps?

I am asking this question mainly to know if what I want to do is possible. I don't think there is an app that does it and I've been meaning to learn objective C, but it may not be possible.
I want an app that serves as the ONLY way (at least, the only easy way) to launch another app. So in an ideal world, you have MyApp, which lists app A, B, and C. A B and C are not visible on the normal browser, but can be launched from within my app.
Possible? Not?
Not possible. And its most likely that such a functionality will never make it into the official SDK.
What you're trying to do isn't really possible. It isn't possible (with the official development kit) to create iOS applications that don't appear on the home screen.
It is possible to launch other applications, though -- one common approach is to set them as URL handlers for private URL schemes. This can be used to pass information between applications. (However, trying to use this as access control won't work, because Apple will likely reject an application which can only be opened "correctly" by another app.)
Depends on your definition of App.
You can just have a master app which creates the illusion of being an app launcher by "opening" subroutines. Imagine like the old facebook iphone app for example
Well... This has been done for years on the Cydia store with some custom menus but we wont get into that here...
Using the official SDK I think there are protocols to allow you to open an another application but pressing the home button for example will always go back to the default screen. I think ever if you were able to get it working, there is no chance it would be accepted into the App Store on grounds of it not doing anything the phone already does.
By all means look up jailbreaking and using the custom tool chain but you won't be able to sell this through Apple unfortunatley.

Using another one application in one Iphone Application?

anytutorial to use good reader application in iphone sdk?
can I use Good reader application in my Iphone APplication?
To launch another application you have to find out if they have published a protocol to use and then 'open' that URL. See example, but not sure if GoodReader has published a protocol or how to find out if they have. You could always contact the developer directly.
You can't access another applications Sandbox or start another application via code, otherwise Apple will reject the app. I stand corrected to the answer about URL schemes to launch another app. You learn something new everyday.
You [can also] build the PDF functionality into your own app (i.e. use a UIWebView to do that for you).