TinyMCE 4 "Custom Insert Row" Button - tinymce

I'm using TinyMCE 4 for editing content.
I need to add a custom button that adds a row on a table when clicked.
TinyMCE 4 has a function to do that but i'm not sure how to call it.
I'm trying with $('#myTable tr:last').after('<tr></tr>');.
Here's an example.
<script type="text/javascript">
selector: "textarea",
toolbar: "mybutton",
setup: function(editor) {
editor.addButton('mybutton', {
text: 'My button',
icon: false,
onclick: function() {
$('#myTable tr:last').after('<tr></tr>');

With the cursor placed inside the table, you can modify your code to look like this:
setup: function(editor) {
editor.addButton('mybutton', {
text: 'My button',
icon: false,
onclick: function() {
editor.execCommand('mceTableInsertRowAfter', false, editor);
See example - tinyMCE fiddle

>>but i'm not sure how to call it.
You add a button to the editor by adding the button in the toolbar -
toolbar1 : 'mybutton'


How do I set the position of the addButton?

The default added button is always at the end of the toolbar.
How do I set the position of the addButton?
And not at the end of the toolbar.
You can specify button ordering in TinyMCE with the toolbar configuration option.
For example, the following config will add the custom button before the bold button:
selector: '#editor',
toolbar: 'myCustomToolbarButton bold',
setup: (editor) => {
editor.ui.registry.addButton('myCustomToolbarButton', {
text: 'My Custom Button',
onAction: () => alert('Button clicked!')

Add style to element over the custom button in TinyMCE 5?

How can I add style (etc. padding-left: 10px;) or css class to an element over the custom Button and custom Context toolbar in TinyMCE 5?
This is what I've came so far:
editor.ui.registry.addButton('addstyle', {
icon: 'plus',
tooltip: 'Align image left',
editor.ui.registry.addContextToolbar('imagealignment', {
predicate: function (node: any) {
return node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'img'
items: 'addstyle',
scope: 'node',
position: 'node'
I am missing what to write on onAction?
You need to write on the plugin source file for that particular plugin

Insert custom button on Insert/Edit Link dialog?

I want to add a custom button on the Insert/Edit Link dialog/popup in tinymce v5.
I only got this code for the setup option where I put in call to a function.
function tinyMceEditLink(editor) {
editor.on("click", function(e) {
console.log("this click");
I'll be the first to admit this is a bit hacky, but you could try:
function tinyMceEditLink(editor) {
editor.windowManager.oldOpen = editor.windowManager.open; // save for later
editor.windowManager.open = function (t, r) { // replace with our own function
var modal = this.oldOpen.apply(this, [t, r]); // call original
if (t.title === "Insert/Edit Link") {
'<button title="Custom button" type="button" data-alloy-tabstop="true" tabindex="-1" class="tox-button" id="custom_button">Custom button</button>'
$('#custom_button').on('click', function () {
//Replace this with your custom function
console.log('Running custom function')
return modal; // Template plugin is dependent on this return value
This will give you the following result:
selector: "#mytextarea", // change this value according to your HTML
plugins: "link",
menubar: "insert",
toolbar: "link",
setup: function(editor) {
// Register our custom button callback function
editor.on('init',function(e) {
// Register some other event callbacks...
editor.on('click', function (e) {
console.log('Editor was clicked');
editor.on('keyup', function (e) {
console.log('Someone typed something');
You can replace $('.tox-dialog__footer-end')... with $('.tox-dialog__footer-start')... if you want your button on the left hand side of the footer.
This currently works on the default skin, changes to .tox-dialog__footer class could break this.
Any updates to the library that change the title "Insert/Edit Link" will break this.
The above example requires jQuery to work.
This is a bare minimum example. Use the configuration guide to customize the toolbar, setup events etc.

customize file menu in tinyMCE

Is it possible to add new menu items in file menu of tinymce for cutomization?
I have found the solution to edit or disable the file menu. i.e
selector: "textarea",
menubar: "edit format"
Disable menubar:
selector: "textarea",
menubar: false
But no way to cutomize hat file menu
Any Idea?
Possible duplicate: Is it possible to have custom Functions and commands in the TinyMCE4 Menubar?
// Adds a custom menu item to the editor that inserts contents when clicked
// The context option allows you to add the menu item to an existing default menu
setup: function(ed) {
ed.addMenuItem('example', {
title: 'My menu item',
context: 'tools',
onclick: function() {
ed.insertContent('Hello world!!');

Remove TinyMCE Toolbar Button

How do I remove a button from the TinyMCE toolbar?
Do I directly edit the tiny_mce.js file? If so, where? Do I edit my theme's editor_template.js file?
Any instruction or hints would be appreciated.
You can define exactly what you want on the toolbar with the advanced theme and you wind up just specifying a list of buttons. See http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Configuration for the configuration reference or the examples at http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/examples/full.php
In case you need to remove button dynamically, you can use following technique:
selector: "textarea",
toolbar: "custom",
formats: {custom: {inline: "span", styles: {color: "red"}}},
setup: function(editor){
editor.addCustomButton = function () {
} else {
this.addButton("custom", {
onpostrender: function() {
editor.customButton = this; //saving button reference
editor.removeCustomButton = function () { this.customButton.hide(); };
Now you can call editor's methods addCustomButton and removeCustomButton from wherever you need.