Postgresql table with one ID column, sorted index, with duplicate primary key - postgresql

I want to use a PostgreSQL table as a kind of work queue for documents. Each document has an ID and is stored in another, normal table with lots of additional columns. But this question is about creating the table for the work queue.
I want to create a table for this queue without OIDs with just one column: The ID of the document as integer. If an ID of a document exists in this work queue table, it means that the document with that ID is dirty and some processing has to be done.
The extra table shall avoid the VACUUM and dead tuple problems and deadlocks with transactions that would emerge if there was just a dirty bit on each document entry in the main document table.
Many parts of my system would mark documents as dirty and therefore insert IDs to process into that table. These inserts would be for many IDs in one transaction. I don't want to use any kind of nested transactions and there doesn't seem to be any kind of INSERT IF NOT EXISTS command. I'd rather have duplicate IDs in the table. Therefore duplicates must be possible for the only column in that table.
The process which processes the work queue will delete all processes IDs and therefore take care of duplicates. (BTW: There is another queue for the next step, so regarding race conditions the idea should be clean and have no problem)
But also I want the documents to be processed in order: Always shall documents with smaller IDs be processed first.
Therefore I want to have an index which aids LIMIT and ORDER BY on the ID column, the only column in the workqueue table.
Ideally given that I have only one column, this should be the primary key. But the primary key must not have duplicates, so it seems I can't do that.
Without the index, ORDER BY and LIMIT would be slow.
I could add a normal, secondary index on that column. But I fear PostgreSQL would add a second file on disc (PostgreSQL does that for every additional index) and use the double amount of disc operations for that table.
What is the best thing to do?
Add a dummy column with something random (like the OID) in order to make the primary key not complain about duplicates? Must I waste that space in my queue table?
Or is adding the second index harmless, would it become kind of the primary index which is directly in the primary tuple btree?
Shall I delete everything above this and just leave the following? The original question is distracting and contains too much unrelated information.
I want to have a table in PostgreSQL with these properties:
One column with an integer
Allow duplicates
Efficient ORDER BY+LIMIT on the column
INSERTs should not do any query in that table or any kind of unique index. INSERTs shall just locate the best page for the main file/main btree for this table and just insert the row in between to other rows, ordered by ID.
INSERTs will happen in bulk and must not fail, expect for disc full, etc.
There shall not be additional btree files for this table, so no secondary indexes
The rows should occupy not much space, e.g. have no OIDs
I cannot think of a solution that solves all of this.
My only solution would compromise on the last bullet point: Add a PRIMARY KEY covering the integer and also a dummy column, like OIDs, a timestamp or a SERIAL.
Another solution would either use a hypothetical INSERT IF NOT EXISTS, or nested transaction or a special INSERT with a WHERE. All these solutions would add a query of the btree when inserting.
Also they might cause deadlocks.
(Also posted here:

You said
Many parts of my system would mark documents as dirty and therefore
insert IDs to process into that table. Therefore duplicates must be
5 rows with the same ID mean the same thing as 1 or 10 rows with that
same ID: They mean that the document with that ID is dirty.
You don't need duplicates for that. If the only purpose of this table is to identify dirty documents, a single row containing the document's id number is sufficient. There's no compelling reason to allow duplicates.
A single row for each ID number is not sufficient if you need to track which process inserted that row, or order rows by the time they were inserted, but a single column isn't sufficient for that in the first place. So I'm sure a primary key constraint or unique constraint would work fine for you.
Other processes have to ignore duplicate key errors, but that's simple. Those processes have to trap errors anyway--there are a lot of things besides a duplicate key that can prevent an insert statement from succeeding.
An implementation that allows duplicates . . .
create table dirty_documents (
document_id integer not null
create index on dirty_documents (document_id);
Insert 100k ID numbers into that table for testing. This will necessarily require updating the index. (Duh.) Include a bunch of duplicates.
insert into dirty_documents
select generate_series(1,100000);
insert into dirty_documents
select generate_series(1, 100);
insert into dirty_documents
select generate_series(1, 50);
insert into dirty_documents
select generate_series(88000, 93245);
insert into dirty_documents
select generate_series(83000, 87245);
Took less than a second on my desktop, which isn't anything special, and which is running three different database servers, two web servers, and playing a Rammstein CD.
Pick the first dirty document ID number for cleaning up.
select min(document_id)
from dirty_documents;
Took only 0.136 ms. Now lets delete every row that has document ID 1.
delete from dirty_documents
where document_id = 1;
Took 0.272 ms.
Let's start over.
drop table dirty_documents;
create table dirty_documents (
document_id integer primary key
insert into dirty_documents
select generate_series(1,100000);
Took 500 ms. Let's find the first one again.
select min(document_id)
from dirty_documents;
Took .054 ms. That's about half the time it took using a table that allowed duplicates.
delete from dirty_documents
where document_id = 1;
Also took .054 ms. That's roughly 50 times faster than the other table.
Let's start over again, and try an unindexed table.
drop table dirty_documents;
create table dirty_documents (
document_id integer not null
insert into dirty_documents
select generate_series(1,100000);
insert into dirty_documents
select generate_series(1, 100);
insert into dirty_documents
select generate_series(1, 50);
insert into dirty_documents
select generate_series(88000, 93245);
insert into dirty_documents
select generate_series(83000, 87245);
Get the first document.
select min(document_id)
from dirty_documents;
Took 32.5 ms. Delete those documents . . .
delete from dirty_documents
where document_id = 1;
Took 12 ms.
All of this took me 12 minutes. (I used a stopwatch.) If you want to know what performance will be, build tables and write tests.

Reading between the lines, I think you're trying to implement a work-queueing system.
Stop. Now.
Work queueing is hard. Work queuing in a relational DBMS is very hard. Most of the "clever" solutions people come up with end up serializing work on a lock without them realising it, or they have nasty bugs in concurrent operation.
Use an existing message/task queueing system. ZeroMQ, RabbitMQ, PGQ, etc etc etc etc. There are lots to choose from and they have the significant advantages of (a) working and (b) being efficient. You'll most likely need to run an external helper process or server, but the limitations of the relational database model tend to make that necessary.
The scheme you seem to be envisioning, as best as I can guess, sounds like it'll suffer from hopeless concurrency problems when it comes to failure handling, insert/delete races, etc. Really, do not try to design this yourself, especially when you don't have a really good grasp of the underlying concurrency and performance issues.


Insert query having DataFileRead wait event

There is an insert query inserting data into a partitioned table using values clause.
insert into t (c1, c2, c3) values (v1,v2,v3);
Database is AWS Aurora v11. Around 20 sessions run in parallel, executing ~2million individual insert statements in total. Seeing DataFileRead as the wait event, wondering why would this wait event show up for an insert statement? Would it be because each insert statement has to check if the PK/UK keys already exists in the table before committing the insert statement? Or other reasons?
Each inserted row has to read the relevant leaf pages of each of the table's indexes in order to do index maintenance (insert the index entries for the new row into their proper locations--it has to dirty the page, but it first needs to read the page before it can dirty it), and also to verify PK/UK constraints. And maybe it also needs to read index leaf pages of other table's indexes in order to verify FKs.
If you insert the new tuples is the right order, you an hit the same leaf pages over and over in quick sequence, maximizing the cacheability. But if you have multiple indexes, there might be no ordering that can satisfy all of them.

How do you manage UPSERTs on PostgreSQL partitioned tables for unique constraints on columns outside the partitioning strategy?

This question is for a database using PostgreSQL 12.3; we are using declarative partitioning and ON CONFLICT against the partitioned table is possible.
We had a single table representing application event data from client activity. Therefore, each row has fields client_id int4 and a dttm timestamp field. There is also an event_id text field and a project_id int4 field which together formed the basis of a composite primary key. (While rare, it was possible for two event records to have the same event_id but different project_id values for the same client_id.)
The table became non-performant, and we saw that queries most often targeted a single client in a specific timeframe. So we shifted the data into a partitioned table: first by LIST (client_id) and then each partition is further partitioned by RANGE(dttm).
We are running into problems shifting our upsert strategy to work with this new table. We used to perform a query of INSERT INTO table SELECT * FROM staging_table ON CONFLICT (event_id, project_id) DO UPDATE ...
But since the columns that determine uniqueness (event_id and project_id) are not part of the partitioning strategy (dttm and client_id), I can't do the same thing with the partitioned table. I thought I could get around this by building UNIQUE indexes on each partition on (project_id, event_id) but the ON CONFLICT is still not firing because there is no such unique index on the parent table (there can't be, since it doesn't contain all partitioning columns). So now a single upsert query appears impossible.
I've found two solutions so far but both require additional changes to the upsert script that seem like they'd be less performant:
I can still do an INSERT INTO table_partition_subpartition ... ON CONFLICT (event_id, project_id) DO UPDATE ... but that requires explicitly determining the name of the partition for each row instead of just INSERT INTO table ... once for the entire dataset.
I could implement the "old way" UPSERT procedure: but this again requires looping through all rows.
Is there anything else I could do to retain the cleanliness of a single, one-and-done INSERT INTO table SELECT * FROM staging_table ON CONFLICT () DO UPDATE ... while still keeping the partitioning strategy as-is?
Edit: if it matters, concurrency is not an issue here; there's just one machine executing the UPSERT into the main table from the staging table on a schedule.

Adding a Serial Column to existing table with 100,000,000 rows

I have a table with roughly 100,000,000 rows. We need to delete around 80,000 of them for a remediation.
In order to prevent downtime, I have a job setup to grab the records that needs to be deleted and then processes the delete in chunks of 100. However, even processing the first 100 is taking forever.
There is no primary ID on this table and the only way I can reliably reference each row is with a unique column called tx which is a varchar(250)` (though the field is never longer than 18-20 characters). I created an index on this row, but still takes roughly 4-6s to select a row.
Seemed likely the varchar was causing the problem, so I wanted to add a new id bigint serial column, but was trying to figure out whether or not doing this would lock the table until it's able to populate all of the ID's.
I know alter table add column is non blocking as long as there is no default value. But does Serial count as a default value?
I couldn't find an answer to this in the documentation. We're on Postgres 12.
Adding a new column with a sequence-generated value will rewrite the table, which will cause down time. With some care, it could be done without down time, but that is complicated and not worth the effort if you already have a varchar column with a unique index on it that does not contain NULL values.
Searching for rows with the existing index should be a matter of milliseconds. If it isn't, that's the problem you have to solve. Can you add EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) output for the query to the question?

Bulk update Postgres table

I have a table with around 200 million records and I have added 2 new columns to it. Now the 2 columns need values from a different table. Nearly 80% of the rows will be updated.
I tried update but it takes more than 2 hours to complete.
The main table has a composite primary key of 4 columns. I have dropped it and dropped an index that is present on a column before updating. Now the update takes little over than 1 hour.
Is there any other way to speed up this update process (like batch processing).
Edit: I used the other table(from where values will be matched for update) in from clause of the update statement.
Not really. Make sure that max_wal_size is high enough that you don't get too many checkpoints.
After the update, the table will be bloated to about twice its original size.
That bloat can be avoided if you update in batches and VACUUM in between, but that will not make processing faster.
Do you need whole update in single transaction? I had quite similar problem, with table that was under heavy load, and column required not null constraint. Do deal with it - I did some steps:
Add columns without constraints like not null, but with defaults. That way it went really fast.
Update columns in steps like 1000 entries per transaction. In my case load of the DB rise, so I had to put small delay.
Update columns to have not null constraints.
That way you don't block table for long time, but that is not an answer to your question.
First to validate where you are - I would check iostats to see if that is not the limit... To speed up, I would consider:
higher free space map - to be sure DB is aware of entries that can be removed, but note that if pages are packed to the limit it would not bring much...
maybe foreign keys referring to the table can be also removed? To stop locking the table,
removing all indices since they are slowing down, and create them afterwords - that looks like slicing problem but other way, but is an option, so counts...
There is a 2 type of solution to your problem.
1) This approach work if your main table doesn't update or inserted during this process
First create the same table schema without composite primary key and index with a different name.
Then insert the data in the new table with join table data.
Apply all constraints and indexes on the new table after insert.
Drop the old table and rename the new table with the old table name.
2) Or you can use a trigger to update that two-column on insert or update event. (This will make insert update operation slightly slow)

Postgres 9.3: Sharelock issue with simple INSERT

Update: Potential solution below
I have a large corpus of configuration files consisting of key/value pairs that I'm trying to push into a database. A lot of the keys and values are repeated across configuration files so I'm storing the data using 3 tables. One for all unique key values, one for all unique pair values, and one listing all the key/value pairs for each file.
I'm using multiple concurrent processes (and therefore connections) to add the raw data into the database. Unfortunately I get a lot of detected deadlocks when trying to add values to the key and value tables. I have a tried a few different methods of inserting the data (shown below), but always end up with a "deadlock detected" error
TransactionRollbackError: deadlock detected DETAIL: Process 26755
waits for ShareLock on transaction 689456; blocked by process 26754.
Process 26754 waits for ShareLock on transaction 689467; blocked by
process 26755.
I was wondering if someone could shed some light on exactly what could be causing these deadlocks, and possibly point me towards some way of fixing the issue. Looking at the SQL statements I'm using (listed below), I don't really see why there is any co-dependency at all. Thanks for reading!
Example config file:
example_key this_is_the_value
other_example other_value
third example yet_another_value
Table definitions:
key TEXT);
key TEXT);
CREATE TABLE keyvalue_pairs (
file_id INTEGER REFERENCES filenames,
value_id INTEGER REFERENCES values);
SQL Statements:
Initially I was trying to use this statement to avoid any exceptions:
SELECT id, hash, key FROM keys
WHERE hash = 'hash_value';
), i AS (
INSERT INTO keys (hash, key)
SELECT 'hash_value', 'key_value'
returning id, hash, key
SELECT id, hash, key FROM i
SELECT id, hash, key FROM s;
But even something as simple as this causes the deadlocks:
INSERT INTO keys (hash, key)
VALUES ('hash_value', 'key_value')
In both cases, if I get an exception thrown because the inserted hash
value is not unique, I use savepoints to rollback the change and
another statement to just select the id I'm after.
I'm using hashes for the unique field, as some of the keys and values
are too long to be indexed
Full example of the python code (using psycopg2) with savepoints:
key_value = 'this_key'
hash_val = generate_uuid(value)
SAVEPOINT duplicate_hash_savepoint;
INSERT INTO keys (hash, key)
VALUES (%s, %s)
(hash_val, key_value)
result = cursor.fetchone()[0]
cursor.execute('''RELEASE SAVEPOINT duplicate_hash_savepoint''')
return result
except psycopg2.IntegrityError as e:
ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT duplicate_hash_savepoint;
#TODO: Should ensure that values match and this isn't just
#a hash collision
SELECT id FROM keys WHERE hash=%s LIMIT 1;
return cursor.fetchone()[0]
So I believe I a hint on another stackexchange site:
behave the same as SELECT in terms of searching for target rows: they
will only find target rows that were committed as of the command start
time1. However, such a target row might have already been updated (or
deleted or locked) by another concurrent transaction by the time it is
found. In this case, the would-be updater will wait for the first
updating transaction to commit or roll back (if it is still in
progress). If the first updater rolls back, then its effects are
negated and the second updater can proceed with updating the
originally found row. If the first updater commits, the second updater
will ignore the row if the first updater deleted it2, otherwise it
will attempt to apply its operation to the updated version of the row.
While I'm still not exactly sure where the co-dependency is, it seems that processing a large number of key/value pairs without commiting would likely result in something like this. Sure enough, if I commit after each individual configuration file is added, the deadlocks don't occur.
It looks like you're in this situation:
The table to INSERT into has a primary key (or unique index(es) of any sort).
Several INSERTs into that table are performed within one transaction (as opposed to committing immediately after each one)
The rows to insert come in random order (with regard to the primary key)
The rows are inserted in concurrent transactions.
This situation creates the following opportunity for deadlock:
Assuming there are two sessions, that each started a transaction.
Session #1: insert row with PK 'A'
Session #2: insert row with PK 'B'
Session #1: try to insert row with PK 'B'
=> Session #1 is put to wait until Session #2 commits or rollbacks
Session #2: try to insert row with PK 'A'
=> Session #2 is put to wait for Session #1.
Shortly thereafter, the deadlock detector gets aware that both sessions are now waiting for each other, and terminates one of them with a fatal deadlock detected error.
If you're in this scenario, the simplest solution is to COMMIT after a new entry is inserted, before attempting to insert any new row into the table.
Postgres is known for that type of deadlocks, to be honest. I often encounter such problems when different workers update information about interleaving entities. Recently I had a task of importing a big list of scientific papers metadata from multiple json files. I was using parallel processes via joblib to read from several files at the same time. Deadlocks were hanging all the time on authors(id bigint primary key, name text) table all the time 'cause many files contained papers of the same authors, therefore producing inserts with oftentimes the same authors. I was using insert into authors (id,name) values %s on conflict(id) do nothing, but that was not helping. I tried sorting tuples before sending them to Postgres server, with little success. What really helped me was keeping a list of known authors in a Redis set (accessible to all processes):
if not rexecute("sismember", "known_authors", author_id):
# your logic...
rexecute("sadd", "known_authors", author_id)
Which I recommend to everyone. Use Memurai if you are limited to Windows. Sad but true, not a lot of other options for Postgres.