How do I set files uploaded with to s3 from other services (facebook, instagram, etc...) as public -

in the store_options that I provide to pickAndStore, setting:
access: 'public'
works to make the uploaded file public for files i upload from my computer.
When I upload a file through the modal dialog from, say, facebook or instagram, the file uploaded to s3 has not been set as public. S3 returns a 403 Forbidden when I try to access my file.
Am I missing something, or is this a bug on filepicker's end?

Filepicker dev here. There was a bug on our side that has now been fixed. Thanks for the patience.


Remove the auto download of a URL that points to a google bucket

I have files stored on google cloud storage. Google provides me a URL to access this files, but when I access this URL the file is auto downloaded. I wish to know if it is possible to remove or don't allow this auto download when we access the file URL. ;)
The download feature is handled by the client.
Calling the URL for an object stored in a bucket will return the object in the body of the HTTP request, and the client will choose what to do with this data.
If you use a web browser, the choice of downloading or not a file is usually given by the header Content-Type. In general, there are some MIME types that will be displayed on the browser itself (according to Chrome help, videos, images, PDFs and web pages will be displayed directly on the browser), while others will download directly.
To modify the MIME type of the files stored in a bucket, you must change it's metadata, so the browser will behave in the way you want.

Dropbox is not displayed in the filepicker dialog window

we are using filepicker and it works fine. But we are not able to upload the files by using the dropbox as it is not displayed in the filepicker dialog window.
we set the services as
we are able to see all other except dropbox.
Any help on this is highly appreciated
From some time Filepicker require your own Dropbox app to connect. So first you need to create Dropbox app, then set dropbox keys in filepicker panel.
Here you can find more details

Where must I upload my .unity3d

Ok the problem is when I try to put my "Unity Binary URL" to facebook's developers web page, it shows me an error message saying that my url must ends with .unity3d...
I try to upload it to... MEGA, Drive, OneDrive, DropBox and all of them give me a encripted url like this:
(this project is already shared in public)
My Question is... where or how must I upload this file for get the correct url?
I mean .../myfolder/myfile.unity3d ???
for Google Drive youll get a link like this when you hit the share button and make sure its the share link to the WebPlayer folder
so the real key to this is after the id= part this
you take that key and put it into facebook like this

CodeIgniter video files not uploading on web server

I have created a codeigniter application with a file upload feature. This is loaded as my Facebook app in a Canvas page. I have set my allowed types as png,jpg, mp4.
When tested on localhost this works fine and uploads well.
However, when uploaded on my server and installed as my canvas app, when I access my page via, the images are uploaded fine, BUT, when I try to upload a mp4 file, thatwas successfully uploaded on localhost version, it returns the upload error "The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed.".
But I have set it as an allowed type.
I tried uploading via the canvas url ( rather than the canvas page (, but it gives the same problem, it says the type is not allowed.
I thought it might be server not configured so I add AddType video/mp4 .mp4 to the server's and app folder's .htaccess.
Also I made sure that mp4 is added in the mime.php in my codeigniter app.
Just not sure what to do again. It keeps saying it's not allowed, but it is.
Any help would be great. How do I fix this?
Try adding the both mime types in the list in the config folder for codeigniter. Like this.
'mp4' => array('video/mp4', 'application/octet-stream')

Upload a hosted image with Facebook's Graph API by url?

So, I'm using the Facebook Graph API to upload a photo. Using curl, it goes something like this:
curl -F 'access_token={some access token}'
-F 'source=#/some/file/path/foo.png'
-F 'message=This is a test of programatic image uploading'
Now, this works fine if I have the file on the machine I'm making the request from. The issue is that the system I'm working on gets the image as a url (say, ""). I'd rather not download the image from to my server just to upload it to facebook, since I have no need to keep it other than that. Is there any way I can just pass the url to facebook, or is this impossible?
(-F 'source=#' does not work)
In the past, we've simply downloaded the file locally to the server, then handled the upload and unlinked it. This way we're also able to be sure that the asset was available (servers/connections flaking out) to be uploaded in the first place. I don't believe you can initiate an upload and the media to come from a third-party (may be wrong though).