Upload a hosted image with Facebook's Graph API by url? - facebook

So, I'm using the Facebook Graph API to upload a photo. Using curl, it goes something like this:
curl -F 'access_token={some access token}'
-F 'source=#/some/file/path/foo.png'
-F 'message=This is a test of programatic image uploading'
Now, this works fine if I have the file on the machine I'm making the request from. The issue is that the system I'm working on gets the image as a url (say, "http://example.com/foo.png"). I'd rather not download the image from example.com to my server just to upload it to facebook, since I have no need to keep it other than that. Is there any way I can just pass the url to facebook, or is this impossible?
(-F 'source=#http://example.com/foo.png' does not work)

In the past, we've simply downloaded the file locally to the server, then handled the upload and unlinked it. This way we're also able to be sure that the asset was available (servers/connections flaking out) to be uploaded in the first place. I don't believe you can initiate an upload and the media to come from a third-party (may be wrong though).


After uploading an image to google cloud, how can I get a link to that image?

After uploading an image, I get back metadata that has a mediaDownloadLink that will download the file when accessed. Is there a way to get a link that will display the image in the browser without downloading it?
In general, any object you set to be publicly accessible (which presumably you wanted to do to use it to host images on a website), you can then access with https://storage.googleapis.com/<bucket>/<object>. You can see this link also if you go to the cloud console and make an object publicly viewable and look for the Public link you can click.
If you have problems with the link downloading instead of displaying by itself in a browser, you may need to make sure the content-type header is set correctly; for example if using ByteArrayContent to upload data using the Java API, you'll want to set a string like "image/jpeg" in its constructor for "type".

Create an issue with image via GitHub API

I am creating issues with https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/#create-an-issue. Is it possible to attach images to message body?
I tried 'Accept', 'application/vnd.github.v3.html+json'and emmbeded the image as img elment base64 encoded. The image will not show, but the ticket editor shows the img element.
There is no simple solution to this. The official docs say nothing about that which means it's not supported.
The GitHub.com authentication works based on cookies while the API authentication uses tokens/passwords. That means if you really want to hack the things to upload your image using GitHub, you have to login using a cookie which is probably more difficult than using a third-party image hosting website.
For example, you could just upload your image to imgur and then add it in the issue body:
This will anyway be proxied by GitHub proxy and will be served offer HTTPs.

Using Parse REST API to link an uploaded image to a parse object, getting access denied when accessing image

I'm using the sample code provided in the REST API docs for uploading an image (my own) and then assigning it to an object in an image table. Image uploads fine, code for associating the image runs fine, and a record is created in the DB.
However, if I try to access the image from the data browser, I get ACCESS DENIED. Why is this so? The image is retrievable via the URL provided after a successful upload, but doesn't appear anywhere in the Parse web UI (should it be ihe Files section of Cloud Code?).
Any input would be helpful. I am working on a few wrinkles to get it working.
The answer to this question is to use the long filename provided in the image upload confirm, and not the short filename example shown in the docs.

CodeIgniter video files not uploading on web server

I have created a codeigniter application with a file upload feature. This is loaded as my Facebook app in a Canvas page. I have set my allowed types as png,jpg, mp4.
When tested on localhost this works fine and uploads well.
However, when uploaded on my server and installed as my canvas app, when I access my page via apps.facebook.com/myapp, the images are uploaded fine, BUT, when I try to upload a mp4 file, thatwas successfully uploaded on localhost version, it returns the upload error "The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed.".
But I have set it as an allowed type.
I tried uploading via the canvas url (www.myapps.com/apps) rather than the canvas page (apps.facebook.com/myapp), but it gives the same problem, it says the type is not allowed.
I thought it might be server not configured so I add AddType video/mp4 .mp4 to the server's and app folder's .htaccess.
Also I made sure that mp4 is added in the mime.php in my codeigniter app.
Just not sure what to do again. It keeps saying it's not allowed, but it is.
Any help would be great. How do I fix this?
Try adding the both mime types in the list in the config folder for codeigniter. Like this.
'mp4' => array('video/mp4', 'application/octet-stream')

Facebook Graph: Possible to upload photo to /user/account/album? If so, how?

I'm attempting to set up an app for a small set of known users, all of whom have a sub "page", "account" or whatever the terminology du jour is. The main goal of the app is to publish photos to these sub-accounts in an automated fashion on their behalf.
The crux of the issue seems to be that while I can ask for "manage_pages" to manage the user's sub-accounts and for "publish_stream" which allows me to upload photos to the user's root stream I can't upload photos to a subaccount stream.
I've been able to do a status update on the sub-account stream (text only), but every time I try to upload a photo (via curl, commandline-style), I get various errors depending on how I try to do it:
http://graph.facebook.com/albumid/photos -> Error #324 requires upload file
http://graph.facebook.com/albumid -> Error #200 application does not have the capability to make this API call.
http://graph.facebook.com/subaccount_id/feed - > Error #100 Source URL is not properly formatted
http://graph.facebook.com/subaccount_id/photos -> Error #324 requires upload file
I've stabbed around in the dark like this for about 4 hours with no luck and am beginning to wonder: Is posting a photo to a user's sub-account stream even possible? If so, how?
(BTW, I have tried doing a text status update with a photo URL -- attempting to circumvent the whole uploading part -- and that doesn't help. The url of the photo appears in the post, but does not show the photo. I'm open to any suggestion that shows photos in a subaccount stream.)
Only about 5 minutes after posting this, I kind of, sort of found a solution:
First, upload the image to your own web server, s3 bucket, or other location.
Second, use http://graph.facebook.com/subaccount_id/feed with source=http://www.thenewlocationofyourimage.com/image.jpg.
The image shows up in the page stream, albeit as a small thumbnail. Better than nothing, though. If you have better information, PLEASE let me know. Thanks!