Is MongoDB search without index really slow? - mongodb

I am trying the performance of MongoDB to compare my current MySQL based solution.
In a collection/table X with three attributes A, B, and C, I have attribute A indexed in both MongoDB and MySQL.
Now I throw 1M data in MongoDB and MySQL, and tries the search performance in this straight-ward scenario.
The insert speed on MongoDB is only 10% faster than insert to MySQL. But that is OK, I knew adopting of MongoDB won't bring a magic promotion of my CRUDs, but I am really surprised by the search in MongoDB without index.
The results shows that, MongoDB select on non-indexed field is ten times slower than the select on a indexed field.
On the other hand, the MySQL select (MyISAM) on non-indexed field is only about 70% slower than the select on a indexed field.
Last but not least, in select with index scenario, MongoDB is about 30% quicker than my MySQL solution.
I wanna know that, is above figures normal? Especially the performance of MongoDB select without index?
I have my code like:
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("A", value_of_field_A);
DBCursor cursor = currentCollection.find(query);
while(cursor.hasNext()) {
DBObject obj =;
// do nothing after that, only for testing purpose
BTW, from business logic's prespective, my collection could be really large (TB and more), what would you suggest for the size of each physical collection? 10 million Documents or 1 billion Documents?
Thanks a lot!
------------------------------ Edit ------------------------------
I tried the insert with 10 million records on both MongoDB and MySQL, and MongoDB's behavior is about 20% faster than MySQL -- not really that much as I thought.
I am curious that, if I have the MongoDB Auto-sharding being setup, will the insert speed being promoted? If so, do I need to put the Shards on different physic machines, or I can put them on the same machine with multi- cores?
------------------------------ Update ------------------------------
First, I modified the MongoDB write concern from ACKNOWLEDGED into UNACKNOWLEDGED, then the MongoDB insert speed is 3X faster.
Later on, I made the insert program in parallel (8 threads with a 8-cores computer), For MongoDB ACKNOWLEDGED mode, the insert is also improved 3X, for its UNACKNOWLEDGED mode, the speed is actually 50% slower.
For MySQL, the parallel insert mode increases the speed 5X faster! Which is faster than the best insert case from MongoDB!

MongoDB queries without the index will be doing table scan and we should know that data size of mongodb as compared to mysql is much more. I am guessing this might be one of the issue for slowness when doing a full scan.
Regarding query with indexes, mongoDB may turn out faster because of caching, no complex query optimizer plan (like mysql) etc.
The size of the collection is not an issue. In fact 10 million can be easily be handled in one collection. If you are have the requirement of archiving data, then you can break into smaller collections which will make the process easy.


MongoDB poor write speed for collection with 500K documents with pymongo

System Information:
OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
System: 80 GB RAM, 1 TB SSD, i7-12700k
The documents in this collection are on average 16KB, and there are 500K documents in this collection. I noticed that as the collection grows larger, the time taken to insert documents also grows larger.
In what ways could I improve the speed of writes?
It is taking 10 Hours to insert 150k documents. Which is around what the graph predicted when we integrate the line:
def f(num):
return 0.0004*num+0.9594
for i in range(500,650):
>> sum/3600
>> 9.61497
Potential upgrades in my mind:
Use the C++ mongo engine for writes
Allocate more RAM to Mongod
iotop showing mongod using < 1% of the IO capacity with write speeds around 10-20 KB/s
htop showing the mongod is only using ~ 16GB of RAM \
Disks showing that some 300GB of SSD is free
Psudo code:
for doc in docs:
doc_from_db = collection.find_one({"key":doc["key"]})
new_dict = minify(doc)
if doc_from_db is None:
When it comes to writes there are a few things to consider, the most impactful one which I'm assuming is the issue here is index size / index complexity / unique indexes.
It's hard to give exact advice without more information so I'll detail the most common bottlenecks when it comes to writes from my experience.
As mentioned indexes, if you have too many indexes. unique indexes. or indexes on very large arrays (and the document you insert have large arrays) these all heavily impact insert performance. This behavior also correlates with the graph you provided as inserting becomes worse and worse the larger the index gets. There is no "real" solution to this issue, you should reconsider which indexes and which indexes cause the bottleneck (focus on unique /array indexes). For example if you have an index that enforces uniqueness then drop it and enforce uniqueness at the application level instead.
write concern and replication lag, if you are using a replica set and you require a majority write concern this can definitely cause issues due to the sync lag that happens and grows, usually this is a side affect of a different issues, for example because of #1 (large indexes) the insert takes too long which causes sync lag which delays even further the write concern.
unoptimized hardware (Assuming you're hosted on cloud), you'd be surprised how much you can optimize write performance by just changing the disk type and increasing IOPS. this will give immediate performance. obviously at the cost of $$$.
no code was provided so I would also check that, if it's a for loop then obviously you can parallelize the logic.
I recommend you test the same insert logic on an indexless collection to pinpoint the problem, i'd be glad to help think of other issues/solutions once you can provide more information.
Here is an example of how to avoid the for loop issue by using bulkWrite instead in python using pymongo.
from pymongo import InsertOne, DeleteOne, ReplaceOne
from pymongo.errors import BulkWriteError
docs = [... input documents ]
requests = []
for doc in docs:
ReplaceOne({"docId": doc["docID"]}, doc, { upsert: True})
try:, ordered=False)
except BulkWriteError as bwe:
You can enable profiling in Database, but according to previous comments and your code, just python code profiling may be enough, for example can you show the output of similar example?
But before that, please check that you have index on field that you are doing searches against using find_one command in current code, otherwise database may need to do full collection scan to just find 1 document, meaning if you have more documents, this time will also increase a lot.

Slow Upserts with PyMongoDB

I'm trying to insert ~800 million records into MongoDB using PyMongo on a macbook air 1.7GHz i7 with no multi-threading, the documents are structured as below:
Records I'm reading are the following tuple:
I'm creating my own _id field based on the user_id in the file I'm reading from.
'imp_date':[array of dates],
'imp_creative':[array of numeric ids],
'imp_pid':[array of numeric ids],
'geo_id':numeric id}
I'm using an upsert with $push to append date, creative id, and pid for the corresponding arrays
I'm using an upsert with $set to overwrite the geographic location (only care about most recent.
{"$set":{'geo_id':<geo id>}},safe=True,upsert=True)
I'm only writing about 1,500 records per second (8,000 if I set safe=False). My question is: what can I do to speed this up further (ideally 20k/second or faster)?
Ideas I can't find a definitive recommendation on:
-Using multiple threads to insert data
-Padding arrays (my arrays grow very slowly, each document array will have an average length of ~4 at the end of the file)
-Turning journaling off
Apologies if I've left out any required information, this is my first post.
1- You could add an index to speed it up, and index would help you to find the documents faster although the inserts would be slower (you have to update the index as well). If the improvement in the retrieving phase compensates the extra time to update the index depends on how many records you have in the collections, how many indexes you have and how complicated those indexes are.
However, in your case you are only querying with the _id so there's no much more you can do with indexes.
2- Are you using two consecutive updates? I mean, one for the $set and one for the $push?
If that's true, then you should definetelly use just one:
"$set":{'geo_id':<geo id>}},
3- The update operation is an atomic operation which might locks other queries. If the document you are about to update is not already in RAM but it is in the disk, mongo will have to first fetch it from the disk and then update it. If you do a find operation first (which doesn't block as it's a read-only operation) the document will be in RAM for sure so the update operation (the locking one) will be faster:
"$set":{'geo_id':<geo id>}},
4-If your documents don't grow too much as you have said, it won't be necessary to bother about padding factor and reallocation issues. Furthermore, in some recent versions (can't remember if it was since 2.2 or 2.4) collections are created with the powerOfTwo option enabled by default.

Mongodb model for Uniqueness

10.000.000 record/day
Visitor, day of visit, cluster (Where do we see it), metadata
What we want to know with this information:
Unique visitor on one or more clusters for a given range of dates.
Unique Visitors by day
Grouping metadata for a given range (Platform, browser, etc)
The model i stick with in order to easily query this information is:
ClusterVisit: [
{clusterId:1, dates:[date1, date2]},
{clusterId:2, dates:[date1, date3]}
by VisitorId (to ensure Uniqueness)
by ClusterVisit.ClusterId-ClusterVisit.dates (for searching)
by IdUser-ClusterVisit.IdCluster (for updating)
I also have to split groups of clusters into different collections in order to ease to access the data more efficiently.
First we search for a combination of VisitorId - ClusterId and we addToSet the date.
If first doesn't match, we upsert:
$addToSet: {VisitorId:1,
ClusterVisit: [{clusterId:1, dates:[date1]}]
With First and Second importing i cover if the clusterId doesn't exists or if VisitorId doesn´t exists.
totally inefficient (near impossible) on update / insert / upsert when the collection grows, i guess because of the document size getting bigger when adding a new date.
Difficult to maintain (unset dates mostly)
i have a collection with more than 50.000.000 that i can't grow any more. It updates only 100 ~ records/sec.
I think the model i'm using is not the best for this size of information. What do you think will be best to get more upsert/sec and query the information FAST, before i mess with sharding, which is going to take more time while i learn and get confident with it.
I have a x1.large instance on AWS
RAID 10 with 10 disks
Arrays are expensive on large collections: mapreduce, aggregate...
Try .explain():
MongoDB 'count()' is very slow. How do we refine/work around with it?
Add explicit hints for index:
Simple MongoDB query very slow although index is set
A full heap?:
Insert performance of node-mongodb-native
The end of memory space for collection:
How to improve performance of update() and save() in MongoDB?
Special read clustering:
Global write lock?:
mongodb bad performance
Slow logs performance track:
Track MongoDB performance?
Rotate your logs:
Does logging output to an output file affect mongoDB performance?
Use profiler:
Move some collection caches to RAM:
MongoDB preload documents into RAM for better performance
Some ideas about collection allocation size:
MongoDB data schema performance
Use separate collections:
MongoDB performance with growing data structure
A single query can only use one index (better is a compound one):
Why is this mongodb query so slow?
A missing key?:
Slow MongoDB query: can you explain why?
Maybe shards:
MongoDB's performance on aggregation queries
Improving performance stackoverflow links:
A good point for further sharding replica education is:

mongodb got slow when the document count went around 100, 000 . Any performance optimization?

I run a single mongodb instance which is getting inserted with logs from an app server. the current rate of insert in production is 10 inserts per second. And its a capped collection. i DONT USE ANY INDEXES . Queries were running faster when there were small number of records. only one collection has that amount of data. even querying from collection that has very few rows has become very slow. IS there any means to improve the performance.
This is a very difficult question to answer because we dont know much about your configuration or your document structure.
One thing that immediately pops into my head is that you are running out of memory. 10 inserts per second doesn't mean much because we do not know how big the inserted documents are.
If you are inserting larger documents at 10 per second, you could be eating up memory, causing the operating system to push some of your records to disk.
When you query without using an index, you are forced to scan every document. If your documents have been pushed to disk by the OS, you will begin having page faults. Mongo will need to fetch pages of data off the hard disk, and load them into memory so that they can be scanned. Before doing this, the operating system will need to make room for that data in memory by flushing other parts of memory out to disk.
It sounds like you are are I/O bound and the two biggest things you can do to fix this are
Add more memory to the machine running mongod
Start using indexes so that the database does not need to do full collection scans
Use proper indexes, though that will have some effect on the efficiency of insertion in a capped collection.
It would be better if you can share the collection structure and the query you are using.

general questions about using mongodb

I'm thinking about trying MongoDB to use for storing our stats but have some general questions about whether I'm understanding it correctly before I actually start learning it.
I understand the concept of using documents, what I'm not too clear about is how much data can be stored inside each document. The following diagram explains the layout I'm thinking of:
Website (document)
- some keys/values about the particular document
- statistics (tree)
- millions of rows where each record is inserted from a pageview (key/value array containing data such as timestamp, ip, browser, etc)
What got me excited about mongodb was the grouping functions such as:
{ cond: {"invoked_at.d": {$gte: "2009-11", $lt: "2009-12"}}
, key: {http_action: true}
, initial: {count: 0, total_time:0}
, reduce: function(doc, out){ out.count++; out.total_time+=doc.response_time }
, finalize: function(out){ out.avg_time = out.total_time / out.count }
} );
But my main concern is how hard would that command for example be on the server if there is say 10's of millions of records across dozens of documents on a 512-1gb ram server on rackspace for example? Would it still run low load?
Is there any limit to the number of documents MongoDB can have (seperate databases)? Also, is there any limit to the number of records in a tree I explained above? Also, does that query I showed above run instantly or is it some sort of map/reduce query? Not very sure if I can execute that upon page load in our control panel to get those stats instantly.
Every document has a size limit of 4MB (which in text is A LOT).
It's recommended to run MongoDB in replication mode or to use sharding as you otherwise will have problems with single-server durability. Single-server durability is not given because MongoDB only fsync's to the disk every 60 seconds, so if your server goes down between two fsync's the data that got inserted/updated in that time will be lost.
There is no limit of documents other than your disk space in mongodb.
You should try to import a dataset that matches your data (or generate some test data) to MongoDB and analyse how fast your query executes. Remember to set indexes on those fields that you use heavily in your queries. Your above query should work pretty well even with a lot of data.
In order to analyze the speed of your query use the database profiler MongoDB comes with. On the mongo shell do:
db.setProfilingLevel(2); // to set the profiling level
[your query]
db.system.profile.find(); // to see the results
Remember to turn off profiling once you're finished (log will get pretty huge otherwise).
Regarding your database layout I suggest to change the "schema" (yeah yeah, schema less..) to:
website (collection):
- some keys/values about the particular document
statistics (collection)
- millions of rows where each record is inserted from a pageview (key/value array containing data such as timestamp, ip, browser, etc)
+ DBRef to website
See Database References
Documents in MongoDB are limited to a size of 4MB. Let's say a single page view results in 32 bytes being stored. Then you'll be able to store about 130,000 page views in a single document.
Basically the amount of page views a page can generate is infinite, and you indicated that you expect millions of them, so I suggest you store the log entries as separate documents. Each log entry should contain the _id of the parent document.
The number of documents in a database is limited to 2GB of total space on 32-bit systems. 64-bit systems don't have this limitation.
The group() function is a map-reduce query under the hood. The documentation recommends you use a map-reduce query instead of group(), because it has some limitations with large datasets and sharded environments.