general questions about using mongodb - mongodb

I'm thinking about trying MongoDB to use for storing our stats but have some general questions about whether I'm understanding it correctly before I actually start learning it.
I understand the concept of using documents, what I'm not too clear about is how much data can be stored inside each document. The following diagram explains the layout I'm thinking of:
Website (document)
- some keys/values about the particular document
- statistics (tree)
- millions of rows where each record is inserted from a pageview (key/value array containing data such as timestamp, ip, browser, etc)
What got me excited about mongodb was the grouping functions such as:
{ cond: {"invoked_at.d": {$gte: "2009-11", $lt: "2009-12"}}
, key: {http_action: true}
, initial: {count: 0, total_time:0}
, reduce: function(doc, out){ out.count++; out.total_time+=doc.response_time }
, finalize: function(out){ out.avg_time = out.total_time / out.count }
} );
But my main concern is how hard would that command for example be on the server if there is say 10's of millions of records across dozens of documents on a 512-1gb ram server on rackspace for example? Would it still run low load?
Is there any limit to the number of documents MongoDB can have (seperate databases)? Also, is there any limit to the number of records in a tree I explained above? Also, does that query I showed above run instantly or is it some sort of map/reduce query? Not very sure if I can execute that upon page load in our control panel to get those stats instantly.

Every document has a size limit of 4MB (which in text is A LOT).
It's recommended to run MongoDB in replication mode or to use sharding as you otherwise will have problems with single-server durability. Single-server durability is not given because MongoDB only fsync's to the disk every 60 seconds, so if your server goes down between two fsync's the data that got inserted/updated in that time will be lost.
There is no limit of documents other than your disk space in mongodb.
You should try to import a dataset that matches your data (or generate some test data) to MongoDB and analyse how fast your query executes. Remember to set indexes on those fields that you use heavily in your queries. Your above query should work pretty well even with a lot of data.
In order to analyze the speed of your query use the database profiler MongoDB comes with. On the mongo shell do:
db.setProfilingLevel(2); // to set the profiling level
[your query]
db.system.profile.find(); // to see the results
Remember to turn off profiling once you're finished (log will get pretty huge otherwise).
Regarding your database layout I suggest to change the "schema" (yeah yeah, schema less..) to:
website (collection):
- some keys/values about the particular document
statistics (collection)
- millions of rows where each record is inserted from a pageview (key/value array containing data such as timestamp, ip, browser, etc)
+ DBRef to website
See Database References

Documents in MongoDB are limited to a size of 4MB. Let's say a single page view results in 32 bytes being stored. Then you'll be able to store about 130,000 page views in a single document.
Basically the amount of page views a page can generate is infinite, and you indicated that you expect millions of them, so I suggest you store the log entries as separate documents. Each log entry should contain the _id of the parent document.
The number of documents in a database is limited to 2GB of total space on 32-bit systems. 64-bit systems don't have this limitation.
The group() function is a map-reduce query under the hood. The documentation recommends you use a map-reduce query instead of group(), because it has some limitations with large datasets and sharded environments.


MongoDB: reduce read size and RAM needed with project?

I am designing a MongoDB database that looks something like this:
The text field is very big compared to the rest. I sometimes need to perform analytics queries that average the duration or the score, but never use the text.
I have queries that are more specific, and retrieve all the information about a single document. But in this queries I could spend more time making two queries to retrieve all the data.
My question is, if I make a query like this:
db.registries.aggregate( [
$group: {
_id: null,
averageDuration: { $avg: "$duration" },
] )
Would it need to read the data from the transcript field? That would make the query much slower and it would take a lot of RAM. If that is the case it would be better to split the records in two and have something like this right?:
Thanks a lot!
I don't know how the server works in this case but I expect that, for caching reasons, the server will load complete documents into memory when it reads them from disk. Disk reads are very slow (= expensive in time taken) and I expect server will aggressively use memory if it can to avoid reads.
An important note here is that the documents are stored on disk as lists of key-value pairs comprising their contents. To not load a field from disk the server would have to rebuild the document in question as part of reading it since there are length fields involved. I don't see this happening in practice.
So, once the documents are in memory I assume they are there with all of their fields and I don't expect you can tune this.
When you are querying, the server may or may not drop individual fields but this would only change the memory requirements for the particular query. Generally these memory requirements are dwarfed by the overall database cache size and aggregation pipelines. So I don't think it really matters at what point a large field is dropped from a document during query processing (assuming you project it out in the query).
I think this isn't a worthwhile matter to try to ponder/optimize. If you have a real system with real workloads, you'll be much more pressed to optimize something else.
If you are concerned with memory usage when the amount of available memory is consumer-sized (say, under 16 gb), just get more memory - it's insanely cheap given how much time you'd spend working around lack of it (whether we are talking about provisioning bigger AWS instances or buying more sticks of RAM).
You should be able to use $project to limit the fields read.
As a general advice, don't try to normalize the data with MongoDB as you would with SQL. Also, it's often more performant to read documents plain from DB and do the processing on your server.
I have found this answer that seems to indicate that project needs to fetch all document in the database server, it only reduces bandwith
When using projection to remove unused fields, the MongoDB server will
have to fetch each full document into memory (if it isn't already
there) and filter the results to return. This use of projection
doesn't reduce the memory usage or working set on the MongoDB server,
but can save significant network bandwidth for query results depending
on your data model and the fields projected.

Using nested document structure in mongodb

I am planning to use a nested document structure for my MongoDB Schema design as I don't want to go for flat schema design as In my case I will need to fetch my result in one query only.
Since MongoDB has a size limit for a document.
MongoDB Limits and Threshold
A MongoDB document has a size limit of 16MB ( an amount of data). If your subcollection can growth without limits go flat.
I don't need to fetch my nested data but only be needing my nested data for filtering and querying purpose.
I want to know whether I will still be bound by MongoDB size limits even if I use my embedded data only for querying and filter purpose and never for fetching of nested data because as per my understanding, in this case, MongoDB won't load the complete document in memory but only the selected fields?
Nested schema design example
clinicName: "XYZ Hopital",
clinicAddress: "ABC place.",
"doctorJoined": ISODate("2017-03-15T10:47:47.647Z")
"doctorJoined": ISODate("2017-04-15T10:47:47.647Z")
"doctorJoined": ISODate("2017-05-15T10:47:47.647Z")
//upto 30000-40000 more records suppose
I don't think your understanding is correct when you say "because as per my understanding, in this case, MongoDB won't load the complete document in memory but only the selected fields?".
If we see MongoDB Doc. then it reads
The maximum BSON document size is 16 megabytes. The maximum document size helps ensure that a single document cannot use excessive amount of RAM or, during transmission, excessive amount of bandwidth. To store documents larger than the maximum size, MongoDB provides the GridFS API.
So the clear limit is 16 MB on document size. Mongo should stop you from saving such a document which is greater than this size.
If I agree with your understanding for a while then let's say that it allows to
save any size of document but more than 16 MB in RAM is not allowed. But on other hand, while storing the data it won't know what queries will be run on this data. So ultimately you will be inserting such big documents which can't be used later. (because while inserting we don't tell the query pattern, we can even try to fetch the full document in a single shot later).
If the limit is on transmission (hypothetically assuming) then there are lot of ways (via code) software developers can bring data into RAM in clusters and they won't cross 16 MB limit ever (that's how they do IO ops. on large files). They will make fun of this limit and just leave it useless. I hope MongoDB creators knew it and didn't want it to happen.
Also if limit is on transmission then there won't be any need of separate collection. We can put everything in a single collections and just write smart queries and can fetch data. If fetched data is crossing 16 MB then fetch it in parts and forget the limit. But it doesn't go this way.
So the limit must be on document size else it can create so many issues.
In my opinion if you just need "doctorsWorking" data for filtering or querying purpose (and if you also think that "doctorsWorking" will cause document to cross 16 MB limit) then it's good to keep it in a separate collection.
Ultimately all things depend on query and data pattern. If a doctor can serve in multiple hospitals in shifts then it will be great to keep doctors in separate collection.

How to insert quickly to a very large collection

I have a collection of over 70 million documents. Whenever I add new documents in batches (lets say 2K), the insert operation is really slow. I suspect that is because, the mongo engine is comparing the _id's of all the new documents with all the 70 million to find out any _id duplicate entries. Since the _id based index is disk-resident, it'll make the code a lot slow.
Is there anyway to avoid this. I just want mongo to take new documents and insert it as they are, without doing this check. Is it even possible?
Diagnosing "Slow" Performance
Your question includes a number of leading assumptions about how MongoDB works. I'll address those below, but I'd advise you to try to understand any performance issues based on facts such as database metrics (i.e. serverStatus, mongostat, mongotop), system resource monitoring, and information in the MongoDB log on slow queries. Metrics need to be monitored over time so you can identify what is "normal" for your deployment, so I would strongly recommend using a MongoDB-specific monitoring tool such as MMS Monitoring.
A few interesting presentations that provide very relevant background material for performance troubleshooting and debugging are:
William Zola: The (Only) Three Reasons for Slow MongoDB Performance
Aska Kamsky: Diagnostics and Debugging with MongoDB
Improving efficiency of inserts
Aside from understanding where your actual performance challenges lie and tuning your deployment, you could also improve efficiency of inserts by:
removing any unused or redundant secondary indexes on this collection
using the Bulk API to insert documents in batches
Assessing Assumptions
Whenever I add new documents in batches (lets say 2K), the insert operation is really slow. I suspect that is because, the mongo engine is comparing the _id's of all the new documents with all the 70 million to find out any _id duplicate entries. Since the _id based index is disk-resident, it'll make the code a lot slow.
If a collection has 70 million entries, that does not mean that an index lookup involves 70 million comparisons. The indexed values are stored in B-trees which allow for a small number of efficient comparisons. The exact number will depend on the depth of the tree and how your indexes are built and the value you're looking up .. but will be on the order of 10s (not millions) of comparisons.
If you're really curious about the internals, there are some experimental storage & index stats you can enable in a development environment: Storage-viz: Storage Visualizers and Commands for MongoDB.
Since the _id based index is disk-resident, it'll make the code a lot slow.
MongoDB loads your working set (portion of data & index entries recently accessed) into available memory.
If you are able to create your ids in an approximately ascending order (for example, the generated ObjectIds) then all the updates will occur at the right side of the B-tree and your working set will be much smaller (FAQ: "Must my working set fit in RAM").
Yes, I can let mongo use the _id for itself, but I don't want to waste a perfectly good index for it. Moreover, even if I let mongo generate _id for itself won't it need to compare still for duplicate key errors?
A unique _id is required for all documents in MongoDB. The default ObjectId is generated based on a formula that should ensure uniqueness (i.e. there is an extremely low chance of returning a duplicate key exception, so your application will not get duplicate key exceptions and have to retry with a new _id).
If you have a better candidate for the unique _id in your documents, then feel free to use this field (or collection of fields) instead of relying on the generated _id. Note that the _id is immutable, so you shouldn't use any fields that you might want to modify later.

Mongodb model for Uniqueness

10.000.000 record/day
Visitor, day of visit, cluster (Where do we see it), metadata
What we want to know with this information:
Unique visitor on one or more clusters for a given range of dates.
Unique Visitors by day
Grouping metadata for a given range (Platform, browser, etc)
The model i stick with in order to easily query this information is:
ClusterVisit: [
{clusterId:1, dates:[date1, date2]},
{clusterId:2, dates:[date1, date3]}
by VisitorId (to ensure Uniqueness)
by ClusterVisit.ClusterId-ClusterVisit.dates (for searching)
by IdUser-ClusterVisit.IdCluster (for updating)
I also have to split groups of clusters into different collections in order to ease to access the data more efficiently.
First we search for a combination of VisitorId - ClusterId and we addToSet the date.
If first doesn't match, we upsert:
$addToSet: {VisitorId:1,
ClusterVisit: [{clusterId:1, dates:[date1]}]
With First and Second importing i cover if the clusterId doesn't exists or if VisitorId doesn´t exists.
totally inefficient (near impossible) on update / insert / upsert when the collection grows, i guess because of the document size getting bigger when adding a new date.
Difficult to maintain (unset dates mostly)
i have a collection with more than 50.000.000 that i can't grow any more. It updates only 100 ~ records/sec.
I think the model i'm using is not the best for this size of information. What do you think will be best to get more upsert/sec and query the information FAST, before i mess with sharding, which is going to take more time while i learn and get confident with it.
I have a x1.large instance on AWS
RAID 10 with 10 disks
Arrays are expensive on large collections: mapreduce, aggregate...
Try .explain():
MongoDB 'count()' is very slow. How do we refine/work around with it?
Add explicit hints for index:
Simple MongoDB query very slow although index is set
A full heap?:
Insert performance of node-mongodb-native
The end of memory space for collection:
How to improve performance of update() and save() in MongoDB?
Special read clustering:
Global write lock?:
mongodb bad performance
Slow logs performance track:
Track MongoDB performance?
Rotate your logs:
Does logging output to an output file affect mongoDB performance?
Use profiler:
Move some collection caches to RAM:
MongoDB preload documents into RAM for better performance
Some ideas about collection allocation size:
MongoDB data schema performance
Use separate collections:
MongoDB performance with growing data structure
A single query can only use one index (better is a compound one):
Why is this mongodb query so slow?
A missing key?:
Slow MongoDB query: can you explain why?
Maybe shards:
MongoDB's performance on aggregation queries
Improving performance stackoverflow links:
A good point for further sharding replica education is:

Mongodb data storage performance - one doc with items in array vs multiple docs per item

I have statistical data in a Mongodb collection saved for each record per day.
For example my collection looks roughly like
{ record_id: 12345, date: Date(2011,12,13), stat_value_1:12345, stat_value_2:98765 }
Each record_id/date combo is unique. I query the collection to get statistics per record for a given date range using map-reduce.
As far as read query performance, is this strategy superior than storing one document per record_id containing an array of statistical data just like the above dict:
{ _id: record_id, stats: [
{ date: Date(2011,12,11), stat_value_1:39884, stat_value_2:98765 },
{ date: Date(2011,12,12), stat_value_1:38555, stat_value_2:4665 },
{ date: Date(2011,12,13), stat_value_1:12345, stat_value_2:265 },
On the pro side I will need one query to get the entire stat history of a record without resorting to the slower map-reduce method, and on the con side I'll have to sum up the stats for a given date range in my application code and if a record outgrows is current padding size-wise there's some disc reallocation that will go on.
I think this depends on the usage scenario. If the data set for a single aggregation is small like those 700 records and you want to do this in real-time, I think it's best to choose yet another option and query all individual records and aggregate them client-side. This avoids the Map/Reduce overhead, it's easier to maintain and it does not suffer from reallocation or size limits. Index use should be efficient and connection-wise, I doubt there's much of a difference: most drivers batch transfers anyway.
The added flexibility might come in handy, for instance if you want to know the stat value for a single day across all records (if that ever makes sense for your application). Should you ever need to store more stat_values, your maximum number of dates per records would go down in the subdocument approach. It's also generally easier to work with db documents rather than subdocuments.
Map/Reduce really shines if you're aggregating huge amounts of data across multiple servers, where otherwise bandwidth and client concurrency would be bottlenecks.
I think you can reference to here, and also see foursquare how to solve this kind of problem here . They are both valuable.