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Closed 9 years ago.
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How micro processor is controlled? For example, after receiving instructions from memory, the instruction decoder decodes the instruction(???), and the decoded instruction is executed in ALU. How all this happen in a sequence?
At a high level, when the microprocessor is given electricity, it sets the program counter to a predefined address in memory where it expects the sequence of program instructions to start. Each instruction tells the microprocessor to do one or more things, such as read/write memory, do math, or change the value of the program counter.
The ALU is the Arithmetic Logic Unit, which just does the math bits.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I've been trying to create a pressurized vessel in openmodelica but i'm stuck.
The block i'm trying to build is a simple vessel for liquid pressurized by gas.
So two input ports (liquid input, gas input) and an output port for pressurized liquid outlet. The total volume of the vessel is constant. Looks simple but stuck with the duality gaz/liquid.
It's hard to provide any advice without your code. However, pressure vessels have been modelled in Modelica before and you could take inspiration from the following free libraries:
TRANSFORM: e.g. models in TRANSFORM.Fluid.Volumes
ThermoPower: e.g.
Buildings: e.g. model
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Closed 1 year ago.
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We have 2 CPU which has this properties-
Clock Rate
Execution time
No of instructions
MIPS, will always be identical?
If 2 machines have the same Instruction Set Architecture, which of the upper mentioned property will be same?
4 will be true (same dynamic instruction count) unless the program has speed-dependent behaviour (e.g. keep looping checking the time until 0.1 seconds have elapsed, or other more interesting examples you could come up with).
No reason for 1 to be true, and it's very easy to find counter-examples if you go to any online computer store and look at different models of the same generation of x86-64 CPUs with different max clock speeds. And across different generations, there can be even larger differences in clock speed, e.g. a 25MHz 80386 vs. a 5GHz Zen 2 or Coffee Lake.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I test for the independence between two random variable given another one(i.e. whether P(A|C)=P(A|C,B) or not?) using available samples. in other words, I just have 1000 samplesf for 3 random variables generated by bntoolbox on Matlab and now I wanna test for CI between arbitrary random variables.
I've read something about Fisher's method but honestly don't understand it.
Thanks is advance.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've got a computer generated sha256 hash of which I need the original value.
I know the value is a random 64 character string of alphanumerical, lower and uppercase, numbers and underscores + dots.
Would it be possible in a reasonable amount of time to bruteforce this?
There are 64 possibilities in 64 positions giving a total or 64 to the power of 64 combinations which is 3.9402006196394479212279040100143613805079739270 × 10^115
So no. Even if you had every computer on earth working on it for 1,000,000 years you still wouldn't be close
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Closed 11 years ago.
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I need a list of Large Carmichael numbers( 10 to 100 digits ). Is there any website which provides such data. It would be more helpful if i can get a list of large odd composite numbers and primes as well.
Did you already try The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences? Carmichael numbers are sequence A002997, and from there you can find a link to a Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000.
Here's the first 33:
This is generally a good site for sequences.