Calling a known subclass function from superclass? - perl

I don't know if this is possible, but I would like to call a known subclass function from Perl. I need something "generic" to call something more specific. My superclass is going to assume that all classes that subclass it have a known function defined. I guess this is similar to Java "implements".
For example let's say I have the following code:
package Story::GenericStory;
sub new{
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, class;
return $self;
sub tellStory {
my $self;
#do common things
print "Once upon a time ". $self->specifics();
package Story::Story1;
use base qw ( Story::GenericStory );
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(#_);
return $self;
sub specifics {
my $self;
print " there was a dragon\n";
package Story::Story2;
use base qw ( Story::GenericStory );
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(#_);
return $self;
sub specifics {
print " there was a house\n";
my $story1 = Story::Story1->new();
my $story2 = Story::Story2->new();
#Once upon a time there was a dragon.
#Once upon a time there was a house.
The code works fine. I simply forgot a "my $self = shift;" in tellStory();

Your code works fine as is (modulo trivial errors); you may want to add in the superclass:
sub specifics {
require Carp;
Carp::confess("subclass does not implement required interface");
or similar.

What you want is very much like a trait (or in Perl: a role).
Traits are a relatively recent addition to object oriented systems. They are like interfaces in that they can require an inheriting class to implement certain methods, but they are like a abstract superclass in that they can provide certain methods themselves.
The Moose object system allows roles. A class can be declared with a certain role. Here your example written with MooseX::Declare:
use MooseX::Declare;
role Story::StoryTeller{
requires 'specifics';
method tellStory() {
print "Once upon a time ";
class Story::Story1 with Story::StoryTeller {
method specifics() {
print " there was a dragon\n";
class Story::Story2 with Story::StoryTeller {
method specifics() {
print " there was a house\n";
my $story1 = Story::Story1->new();
my $story2 = Story::Story2->new();
#Once upon a time there was a dragon.
#Once upon a time there was a house.
This isn't inheritance: $story1->isa("Story::StoryTeller") is false, but it does this role: $story1->DOES("Story::StoryTeller") is true.
For every class that DOES a certain role, an instance of that class can all methods of the role. Therefore, $story1->can("tellStory") is true, and in reverse for every Story::StoryTeller instance, $instance->can("specifics") will be true.
A role cannot be instantiated on its own.


How to create (or not) class instance methods at construction time based on inputs?

How would I create my class such that some methods will exist in the instance only if certain values were passed to the constructor?
Perhaps a more generic way of asking is: How can I add a method to an existing class instance?
You can attach an anonymous sub to an object based on flags:
use strict;
use warnings;
package Object;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
my %args = #_;
if ($args{method}) {
$self->{method} = sub { print "hello\n" }
return $self;
sub method {
my $self = shift;
if (not defined $self->{method}) {
warn "Not bound\n";
to use:
use Object;
my $obj1 = Object->new(method=>1);
my $obj2 = Object->new();
You can extend this to a number of methods through the same interface.
You can use Moose to apply a role at runtime.
package My::Class;
use Moose;
has foo => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 );
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->foo eq 'bar') {
no Moose;
package My::Class::Role;
use Moose::Role;
sub frobnicate {
my $self = shift;
print "Frobnicated!\n";
no Moose;
my $something = My::Class->new( foo => 'bar' );
print $something, "\n";
my $something_else = My::Class->new( foo => 'baz' );
print $something_else, "\n";
Can't locate object method "frobnicate" via package "My::Class" at line 32.
use AUTOLOAD to define the function. As a example method foo is called if $self->{foo} exists
my $methodname = $AUTOLOAD;
if ($methodname eq "foo" && exists($_[0]->{foo})){
goto &fooimplementationsub;
An alternative technique is to use globs to define a new method at runtime
*PACKAGE::method = sub {
#code here
This has the disadvantage that the method is now visible to all instances of the class so is not quite what you want.
A third and possibly more risky/inefficient method is to use string eval
eval <<EOF
sub foo {
#code here
Again this has the disadvantage that the method is now visible to all instances of the class so is not quite what you want.
Methods are just subroutines in a package, and a package is just a hash holding typeglobs. And hashes can be modified at runtime.
So you could, in theory, add or remove methods given values in a constructor.
package WeirdClass;
sub new {
my ($class, $name, $code) = #_;
if ($name) {
no strict;
*{__PACKAGE__ . "::$name"} = $code;
bless {} => $class;
And then use it like:
my $object = WeirdClass->new(foo => sub {say "foo"});
$object->foo(); # prints "foo\n";
However, this method is available for all objects of that class:
my $another_object = WeirdClass->new();
$another_object->foo; # works too.
Using autoload, one can mock arbitrary methods:
package BetterClass;
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = #_;
bless \%args => $class;
# destructor will be called at cleanup, catch with empty implementation
sub DESTROY {};
my $self = shift;
(my $method = our $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*://; # $AUTOLOAD is like "BetterClass::foo"
# check if method is allowed
die "forbidden method $method" unless $self->{can}{$method};
# mock implementations
given ($method) {
say "foo" when "foo";
say "bar" when "bar";
when ("add") {
my ($x, $y) = #_;
return $x + $y;
default { die "unknown method $method" }
my $o = BetterClass->new(can => { foo => 1, bar => 0});
my $p = BetterClass->new(can => {bar => 1, add => 1});
say $p->add(5, 6);
Of course, these techniques can be combined freely.
Edit: can()
To make the AUTOLOAD work with can, the protected methods should be moved into a data structure:
my %methods;
%methods = (
foo => sub {say "foo"},
bar => sub {say "bar"},
add => sub {
my ($self, $x, $y) = #_;
$x + $y;
Then override the can method:
# save a reference to the origional `can` before we override
my $orig_can;
BEGIN{ $orig_can = __PACKAGE__->can("can") }
sub can {
my ($self, $meth) = #_;
# check if we have a special method
my $code = $methods{$meth} if ref $self and $self->{can}{$meth};
return $code if $code;
# check if we have a normal method
return $self->$orig_can($meth);
And AUTOLOAD would change to
my ($self) = #_; # do not `shift`
(my $method = our $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*://;
my $code = $self->can($method) or die "unknown method $method";
goto &$code; # special goto. This is a AUTOLOAD idiom, and avoids extra call stack frames
Don't do too much magic. I've gotten away from AUTOLOAD because it causes maintenance issues where mysterious methods suddenly appear and disappear.
One way to handle what you want is to define all the methods you need, and if a particular object is of the wrong type, simply cause that method to croak:
sub Foo {
my $self = shift;
my $parameter = shift;
if ( $self->Class_type ne "Foo" ) {
croak qq(Invalid method 'Foo' on object #{[ref $self]});
print "here be dragons\";
return "Method 'Foo' successfully called";
The above will not allow method Foo to be called unless the class type is Foo.
If your objects won't change (or you don't want them to change) once an object is created, you can define that object as a sub-class.
Before you bless a newly created object, check that special value and decide whether or not you need to create a specific sub-class instead.
package My_class;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $class_type = shift;
my $self = shift;
if ( $class_type eq "Foo" ) {
bless $self, "My_class::Foo";
else {
bless $self, $class;
package My_class::Foo;
use base qw(My_class);
sub Foo {
my $self = shift;
return "Foo Method successfully called!";
Notice that my class My_class::Foo is a sub-class of My_class via the use base pragma. That means all methods for My_class are valid with objects of My_class::Foo. However, only objects of My_class::Foo can call the Foo method.
When I create my object (via the new subroutine), I look at the $class_type parameter. If it's a type Foo, I bless the class as My_class::Foo.
Here's an example where I use sub-classes to do what you want.
Every object is a class type of Question. You can see my constructor on line 1129. I pass in a question type as one of the parameters to my constructor.
In line 1174 to 1176, I create my object, but then append the question type to the class, and then bless the question as that sub-class type. All of my subclasses are a type Question (see my use base qw(Question); below each package declaration. However, only questions of sub-class Question::Date and Question::Regex have a method Format. And, only objects of type Question::Words have a method Force.
Hope this helps.
None of the answers so far given actually handle the question actually asked.
Adding methods to an instance in Perl is not directly supported. Object instances are always instances of some class, and that class is the thing that actually has methods. You cannot add a method to a single instance of a class, without making that method also available on every other instance of the same class.
For your problem you have two basic solutions:
Provide the methods always, but test a flag to see whether the method should apply to the given instance or not. This is by far the simplest.
Bless each object into subclasses depending on the flags. Subclass the main class to provide those methods as appropriate.
If you truely want to add methods on individual instances, then what you'll have to do is arrange that every instance is a single instance of a newly-derived class for every object. This gets harder to arrange for, doubly-so if you want to avoid leaking memory and cleaning up the classes once the objects are DESTROYed. This would however allow truely per-instance methods.
Since it is highly unlikely you'll truely need this third option it is far better to go with one of the first.

Perl encapsulate class variable?

I'm pretty new to perl, and I'm getting stuck on a homework problem. I have an object with a class variable that counts the number of instances created. Then I have a subclass with an instance variable.
My first question is, how do I make the class variable hidden from the user? I tried using closures but couldn't figure out how to make inheritance work with that. And the fact that it's a class variable made it worse because the code that increments it executed twice and it said I had two instances when I had one. Not exactly sure why it happened but it makes sense. I tried using scalars but the variable again wasn't incrementing correctly. Haven't tried "inside-out objects" yet and I'm not sure I want to, it seems way over my head. I'm getting the feeling that encapsulating class variables is different than encapsulating instance variables, but I can't find anything that explains how to do it.
My second questions is, as I mentioned, I can't get encapsulation to work with inheritance. With closures when you call the super constructor from the subclass you get a reference to the subroutine right, so there's no way (that I know of) to add the instance variables to that.
Here's my base class:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
package Base;
my $count = 1;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
_Count => $count # not hidden
$count++; # increment count
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub Count { # getter
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_Count};
Here's my subclass:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
package Sub;
use Base;
our #ISA = qw(Base);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::New();
$self->{_Name} = undef; # not hidden
return $self;
sub Name { #getter/setter
my($self, $name) = #_;
$self->{_Name} = $name if defined($name);
return $self->{_Name};
If you are using bare Perl 5 (rather than employing an OO framework), the usual way to do class variables is as a lexical visible only to the accessor:
my $count = 0;
sub Count {
my ($self, $new_count) = #_;
if (defined $new_count) { # NB only works if undef is not a legit value
$count = $new_count;
return $count;
$count is only visible in the enclosing block; not even other methods on the same class can see it. But anyone can manipulate it with either $base_obj->Count or Base->Count, and any such manipulation will affect the shared variable.
You can also employ closure to provide really-hidden instance variables. This is not worth doing unless you are fulfilling the arbitrary rules of a homework assignment.
package Base;
sub new {
my ($class, $name) = #_;
die "Need name!" unless defined $name;
my $age;
return bless sub {
my ($attribute, #args) = #_;
if ($attribute eq 'name') {
if (#args) {
die "Attempt to set read-only attribute!";
return $name;
if ($attribute eq 'age') {
if (#args) {
($age) = #args;
return $age;
die "Unknown attribute $attribute";
} => $class;
sub name {
my ($self, #args) = #_;
return $self->(name => #args);
sub age {
my ($self, #args) = #_;
return $self->(age => #args);
What happens here is that the blessed sub returned by new closes over two lexicals, $name and $age. When new returns, those lexicals go out of scope and the only way to access them from that point forward is through the closure. The closure can inspect its arguments to permit or deny access to the values it holds. So long as it never returns a reference, it can be sure that it has the only direct access to those variables.
This works with inheritance, too, without too much added subtlety:
package Derived;
use base 'Base';
sub new {
my ($class, $name, $color) = #_;
my $base_instance = $class->SUPER::new($name);
return bless sub {
my ($attribute, #args) = #_;
if ($attribute eq 'color') {
if (#args) {
($color) = #args;
return $color;
# base class handles anything we don't, possibly by dying
return $base_instance->($attribute, #args);
} => $class;
This emulates what languages with distinct storage for base- and derived-class instance data do, either handling the request locally or passing it on to the base class instance, which has been added to the closure. Deeper inheritance trees will result in closures that close over closures that close over closures, each of them optionally also closing over instance variables needed by that particular class.
This is a pretty big mess to produce and really hard to inspect and debug, which is why I'm going to emphasize one more time that you should never do this. But it is very useful to understand, to which end I refer you to SICP.
As a module-local my variable, $count is already hidden from users of the module/class. It appears as if you're using instance variable _Count as a "current ID" type variable, so that each object (instance) created gets a new ID starting from 1. (If instead it is meant to track the number of active instances, then you need to decrement it in DESTROY and there's no need to store a copy in the object.) If your test code is only creating one instance then its Count() method should return 1 but $count will be 2, since it started as 1 and was incremented after storing the old value in the object.
It is typical in perl to store instance variables in the $self hash as you are doing, without hiding them, although sometimes a prefix is used to avoid collisions. They are protected more by convention (it's not safe to rely on implementation details because they might change) than language features.
Take a look at the Moose suite of modules if you want higher-level control over perl classes.
To quote perldoc perlmodlib, "Perl does not enforce private and public parts of its modules as you may have been used to in other languages like C++, Ada, or Modula-17. Perl doesn't have an infatuation with enforced privacy. It would prefer that you stayed out of its living room because you weren't invited, not because it has a shotgun."
The standard convention in Perl is to put everything into the $self hash and use an underscore prefix to indicate which items should be treated as private... and then trust users of the class to respect that indication. The same convention is also applied to methods. If you use one of my modules and you choose to peek under the covers and modify the contents of $self directly or call $obj->_some_private_method, then you're going off into the woods and may break something, or what works fine in this version may break when you upgrade to the next version; if that happens, you get to keep both pieces.
If you're going to insist on making data inaccessible to anyone outside the class itself, there are ways to do that, but a) they add complexity which is, in almost all cases, unnecessary and b) as you've already seen, they have a tendency to make inheritance a lot more of a hassle to work with.
My question to you, then, is what are you actually attempting to accomplish and why do you feel the need to make your object data Sooper-Sekret and completely inaccessible? What benefit will you gain by doing so which isn't provided by simply marking things that you think should be treated as private, then trusting others to leave them alone (unless they have good reason to do otherwise)?
In Perl, fields are not usually hidden by enforcing this through the semantics of the language, but rather through a contract in the form of documentation. However, fields can be hidden through the use of closures. It is also worth noting that Perl does not semantically differentiate between class methods and instance methods.
One of the standard ways to implement objects is a blessed hash, like you do. This hash contains all instance variables / fields. It is customary to start "private" fields with an underscore. Usually, the contract (the documentation) will not state how these fields are stored, but will require the user of the class to go through various method calls.
Class variables should not be stored with the instance. It is better to use global variables, or lexical variables. In the code you gave, $count is just a counter, but you never access it as a class variable. Instead, you assign each instance an unique ID. To use it as a class variable, provide an appropriate accessor (I stripped out unneccessary stuff like returns):
package Base;
my $count = 0;
sub new {
my ($class) = #_;
my $self = {
ID => $count++,
bless $self, $class;
sub Count { $count }
sub ID { my ($self) = #_; $self->{ID} }
sub report { my ($self) = #_; "I am the Base object ".($self->ID)."." }
=head1 Base
A generic base class
=head2 Base->Count
Return the object count.
=head2 $base->ID
Give the unique ID of this object.
=head2 $base->report
Returns a string containing a short description.
The subclass has no business meddling with the count. This is enforced by the scope of the variable $count above, denoted via the outer curly braces. The subs are closures over this variable.
package Sub;
use parent -norequire, qw(Base); # remove `-norequire` if Base in different file
sub new {
my ($class) = #_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
$self->{Name} = undef;
sub Name :lvalue {
my ($self) = #_;
sub report {
my ($self) = #_;
"I am the Sub object ".($self->ID)." called ".($self->Name).".";
=head1 Sub
A generic subclass. It subclasses Base.
=head2 $sub->Name [= SCALAR]
Gets or sets the name of $sub.
my $oldname = $sub->Name;
$sub->name = "new name";
As you can see, the Sub constructor calls the Base initializer, then adds a new field. It has no class methods or class variables. The class has no access to the $count variable, except via the accessor class method. The contract is stated via POD documentation.
(In the Name method, I use an :lvalue annotation. This allows me to simply assign to the appropriate field in the object. However, this disallows argument checking.)
The testcase
my $base1 = Base->new; my $base2 = Base->new;
print "There are now " . Base->Count . " Base objects\n";
my $sub1 = Sub->new; my $sub2 = Sub->new;
print "There are now " . Base->Count . " Base objects\n";
$sub2->Name = "Fred";
print $_->report . "\n" for ($base1, $sub1, $base2, $sub2);
There are now 2 Base objects
There are now 4 Base objects
I am the Base object 0.
I am the Sub object 2 called .
I am the Base object 1.
I am the Sub object 3 called Fred.
Beautiful, isn't it? (Except $sub1, that object is missing its name.)
The documentation can be viewed with perldoc -F FILENAME, and would output something like
A generic base class
Return the object count.
Give the unique ID of this object.
Returns a string containing a short description.
A generic subclass. It subclasses Base.
$sub->Name [= SCALAR]
Gets or sets the name of $sub.
my $oldname = $sub->Name;
$sub->name = "new name";
only typeset more nicely, if you are on a *nix system.
Tested under v5.12.4.
Edit: Inside-out objects
While inside-out objects provide better encapulation, they are a bad idea: difficult to understand, difficult to debug, and difficult to inherit they provide more problems than solutions.
package Base;
my $count = 0;
sub new { bless \do{my $o = $count++}, shift }
sub Count { $count }
sub ID { ${+shift} }
sub report { my ($self) = #_; "I am the Base object ".($self->ID)."." }
package Sub;
my #_obj = ();
my $count = 0;
sub new {
my ($class) = #_;
$_obj[$count - 1] = +{
parent => Base->new(),
Name => undef,
bless \do{my $o = $count - 1}, shift;
sub Name :lvalue { $_obj[${+shift}]{Name} }
my $self = shift;
my $package = __PACKAGE__ . "::";
(my $meth = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/^$package//;
sub report {
my ($self) = #_;
"I am the Sub object ".($self->ID)." called ".($self->Name).".";
This implementation has the exact same interface, and completes the test case with the same output. This solution is far from optimal, supports only single inheritance, does some intermediate stuff (autoloading, dynamic method calls), but it does suprisingly work. Each object is actually just a reference to an ID that can be used to look up the actual hash containing the fields. The array holding the hashes is not accessible from the outside. The Base class has no fields, therefore no object array had to be created.
Edit2: Objects as coderefs
Yet another bad idea, but it is fun to code:
package Base;
my $count = 0;
sub new {
my ($class) = #_;
my $id = $count++;
bless sub {
my ($field) = #_;
die "Undefined field name" unless defined $field;
if ($field eq "ID") { return $id }
else { die "Unrecognised name $field" }
}, $class;
sub Count { $count }
sub ID { my ($self) = #_; $self->("ID") }
sub report { my ($self) = #_; "I am the Base object " . $self->ID . "." }
package Sub;
use parent -norequire, qw(Base);
sub new {
my ($class) = #_;
my $name = undef;
my $super = $class->SUPER::new;
bless sub {
my ($field, $val ) = #_;
die "Undefined field name" unless defined $field;
if ($field eq "Name") { defined $val ? $name = $val : $name }
else { $super->(#_) }
}, $class;
sub Name { my $self = shift; $self->("Name", #_) }
sub report {
my ($self) = #_;
"I am the Sub object ".($self->ID)." called ".($self->Name).".";
The test case has to be adapted to $sub2->Name("Fred"), and the documentation updated accordingly, as we cannot use an lvalue annotation here safely.
First, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "hidden from the user", but it looks like you may be looking for package scoped variables (our) vs. instance scoped.
package MyBaseClass;
use warnings;
use strict;
our $counter = 0;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return bless {}, $class;
sub howManyInstances {
return $counter;
On your second question, I'm not sure what closures have to do with inheritance.
Here's a simple subclass:
package MySubClass;
use warnings;
use strict;
use parent 'MyBaseClass'; # use parent schema, don't mess with #ISA
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(#_);
$self->{_name} = undef;
return $self;
# Your setter/getter looks ok as is, though lowercase is tradional for methods/subs
Now, if this were real code you would not do it like this - you would use Moo or Moose.

How to access object features in Perl from within the same package

I'm making a Perl module and I am still getting to grips with how Perl deals with objects.
This is the new sub that I wrote to create an object and I have no problem updating elements:
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($self) = {
name => undef
bless($self, $class);
return $self;
sub get_name {
my $self = shift;
$self->{name} = 'Eve';
return $self->{name};
I can use the object fine when I call the module and access it from another file, but I want to use the data in the object at other areas in the module code.
So I have no problem doing this:
my $new_object = new ProgramTest; # ProgramTest being the module/package
my $name = get_name();
But I want to use the $self elements in a 'module-internal' method which is never accessed by an outside script. So I want to have something like this:
sub get_variables {
return (name); # I don't know how to get the name here
# (I plan to have other variables, too)
I am probably missing something obvious (I'm sure I'll kick myself when I see the solution), so any help appreciated!
I want this so that the rest of the module can use the variables (without changing) as there are conditions that rely on their values.
There's no such thing as internal/private methods in perl objects. Common practise is to start any methods which should not be used publicly with an underscore, but this is not enforced in any way. Also have a look at moose - it takes a lot of the hassle out of OO perl.
With regards to your question the below shows how one module method can call another module method, with both having access to the object data. Again I woulds really recommend you use Moose!
sub publicSub{
my ( $self ) = #_;
return $self->_privateSub();
sub _privateSub{
my ( $self ) = #_;
return $self->{name};
I think you want class-variables. They are global to a class and all instances of the class (i.e. all the objects you created) can see them. Global in this case means that they are at the ouside-most lexical scope, so all subs can see them.
package ProgramTest;
my $everyone_can_see_this = 1; # lexical scope, but 'global' to the package
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($self) = {
name => undef
bless($self, $class);
return $self;
sub get_var {
my $self = shift;
return ++$everyone_can_see_this;
package Main;
my $o1 = ProgramTest->new;
my $o2 = ProgramTest->new;
say $o1->get_var;
say $o2->get_var;
say $o1->get_var;
But I don't see why you would want to do that. It doesn't make sense (unless you want an object-counter). Don't use it for config values, or you cannot really have objects for different purposes of the same class.
Maybe you want something else. If so, please try to rephrase your question.

How should I access instance data in a Perl subclass?

I am extending a module and I want some tips on good practices. Specially namespace conflicts: what exactly are they and how to avoid them.
When extending, should I not access variables in the SUPER class and only alter its state through accessors or object methods? What to do in case there are no (or limited) accessors? Am I "allowed" to access these object variables directly?
It is best to only access things through accessors because this prevents changes in the implementation of the superclass from affecting the subclasses. You should stay far away from anything that starts with an underbar. Those things are private to the class. Try to stay away from anything that is not documented. Relying on those things will get you into trouble. Also, consider using has-a versus is-a relationship.
Let's imagine a widget class. This class has name and price members (note, none of this is particularly good code, I have just tossed of a version with out thinking about it for the sake of an example):
package Widget;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = #_;
return bless {
price => $args{price} || 0,
name => $args{name} || "unkown",
}, $class;
sub price { shift->{price} }
sub name { shift->{name} }
You decide to subclass widget to add a weight member:
package Widget::WithWeight;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Widget';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = #_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%args);
$self->{weight} = $args{weight} || 0;
return bless $self, $class;
sub weight { shift->{weight} }
sub price_per_pound {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{price}/$self->{weight};
Now imagine the author of the first module changes his/her mind about how to store the price. Perhaps it was stored as a floating point number and the author realized that storing it as an integer number of pennies would be better:
package Widget;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = #_;
if ($args{price}) {
$args{price} =~ s/[.]//;
return bless {
price => $args{price} || "000",
name => $args{name} || "unkown",
}, $class;
sub price {
my $self = shift;
my $price = $self->{price};
substr($price, -2, 0) = ".";
return $price;
sub name { shift->{name} }
Suddenly, your tests will start failing, but if you had used the price accessor instead, you would have been insulated from that change.
Namespace conflicts can happen if you inherit from two modules into one and they both provide (export) the same sub.
I suggest you have a look at Moose, an extension to Perl that provides you with classes and roles. You can avoid many conflicts if you use roles. See
Moose also makes automatic accessors for the class variables, making it safer to access them from inheriting classes.

How can I make an object in my parent class but bless it into my child class in Perl?

I have two classes: a base class, Foo::Base and a derived class, Foo::Base::Sub. I want to have Foo::Base::Sub do some type and data checking on the constructor`s argument--a hash--before blessing it. I've tried overriding Foo::Base->new's constructor, doing the checks and then calling Foo::Base->new (since the code would be exactly the same):
package Foo::Base::Sub;
sub new {
...check argument's type and data...
The problem is that by calling Foo::Base's constructor, the hash will now be blessed as a Foo::Base object and not a Foo::Base::Sub object. The obvious solution is simply to put the code from Foo::Base::new into Foo::Base::Sub::new but then I'm repeating code. The other thing is that Foo::Base is not mine--thus I'd like to avoid having to modify it after the module has loaded or forking it unnecessarily.
It seems to me that this problem must have come up before and so there must be a canonical solution. Moreover, it really touches on type coercion which is generally not an issue Perl.
So is there a simple modification or am I going about this the wrong way?
A standard Perl idiom is to use SUPER to call up the inheritance chain:
#Foo::Base::Sub::ISA = qw(Foo::Base);
sub new {
my $package = shift;
my $self = $package->SUPER::new();
# Other subconstructor stuff here
return $self;
As noted in the comments, Foo::Base's constructor must use the two-argument form of bless:
sub new {
my $package = shift;
my $self = bless {}, $package;
# Other superconstructor stuff here
return $self;
When the superclass' constructor is called, $package will be the subclass.
I'm used to split this to two parts, new and init.
package Foo::Base;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self->init(#_);
sub init {
my ($self, #params) = #_;
# do something initialization and checks
return $self;
package Foo::Sub;
use base 'Foo::Base';
sub init {
my ($self, #params) = #_;
# do something initialization and checks
$self = $self->SUPER::init(#params);
# do something other if you wish
return $self;
Note that 'Foo::Sub' doesn't implement new constructor.
You might want to look at the various ways of invoking super. The SUPER module may work although I havent tried it myself.