Client-side Postgres Logging - postgresql

I need to analyze Postgres queries generated by a web application. However, server-side logging is not enabled, and as it's a database used by many other developers I don't have permission to turn it on. For those familiar with MSSQL, a tool like SQL Profiler would be ideal, but my searches haven't found anything similar for Postgres. I'd certainly settle for something that creates a log file that I can examine.
Does anyone know a way to do this that doesn't involve straight-up debugging of the web app?
Thanks in advance!
PS No Windows tools/solutions please, I'm running Linux and Mac OSX.

If you have superuser access in the database system, you can run
SET log_statements = all;
SET client_min_messages = log;
and see the statement log on the client side.


Monitor postgres 9 queries

There is a postgres 9 with database AAA that is used by my application. I use pgadmin 4 to manage it manually.
I would like to check what queries are executed by this application on database AAA in real time.
I did a research about monitoring options in pgadmin in vain.
Is is possible to do that by using just pgadmin4? Or is it necessary to use another tool (if yes - what is he name of this tool)?
When I point pgAdmin4 at a 9.6 server, I see a dashboard by default which shows every session (done by querying pg_stat_activity). You can then drill down in a session to see the query. If a query last for less time than the monitoring interval, then you might not see it if the sample is taken at the wrong time.
If that isn't acceptable, then you should probably use a logging solution (like log_statemnt='all') or maybe the pg_stat_statements extension, rather than sample-based monitoring. pg_stat_statements doesn't integrate with the dashboard in pgAdmin4, but you can select from the view from an SQL window just like you can run any other SQL. I don't believe pgAdmin4 offers a built-in way to monitor the database server's log files, the way pgAdmin3 did.

How to setup a password for PostgreSQL in postgreapp?

I am using postgresapp for the PostgreSQL and without password I was able to connect to the database and perform operations. I am curious to learn about the password. Also I use Postico as Interface. Open to any suggestions.
The default for is to have no password and set trust-level authentication in pg_hba.conf. To change this, you need to do the following:
Alter the IP address and mask for host all all trust as needed in pg_hba.conf, and change authentication method from trust to password or md5 (or whatever your requirements are)
Set the password for the desired user(s) with ALTER USER <username> WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
Reload the conf with SELECT pg_reload_conf()
Note your pg_hba.conf file is usually located in ~/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-12 -- the sure-fire way to know is by querying SHOW data_directory in your psql prompt is a great way to get Postgres running on macOS in a few minutes. It ships with a default user name and password, and they you're on your own. is a nicely compiled version of Postgres that you can run by double-clicking, you'll need other tools (and knowledge) to take advantage of Postgres. As you'll have noticed, the UI for is pretty much a few buttons to configure a server, and to give you shortcuts to the logs, configuration files, and data.
If you want to use psql (as mentioned), or any of the other command line tools, they're embedded in the application's package. Right-click, open the package, open Contents, open Versions, open the version you use, and look in bin.
If you want a GUI tool, there are many options. Since you say, I'll assume macOS. You've found Postico, SQLPro for Postgres is good, TablePlus is also good. Those tools have fairly uncluttered UIs. If you want or need more features, pgAdmin has a whole lot to offer, and it's free. I end up using Navicat a lot, even though it has a UI that screams "Look Ma! I wrote it in Java!" It gets a lot done. I'd say that day-to-day on macOS, I use SQLPro most. But, really, it's largely a matter of taste. psql is quite powerful, and you'll find no short of help for that.

How do I view a PostgreSQL database on heroku with a GUI?

I have a rails app on heroku that is using a Postgre database. My database has > 40 tables and > 10,000 rows. I would like to delete a lot of data, but it would be much easier if I was able to view and interact with it in a GUI table. I can access my data in rails console, but it's taking too long.
pgweb is a great cross-platform GUI, and it's easy to connect to your Heroku Postgres when launching from the command line.
I installed via Homebrew on a Mac (brew install pgweb), but instructions for other platforms are listed on the site. Here's how I launch pgweb connected to a Heroku Postgres DB:
heroku config:get DATABASE_URL | xargs pgweb --url
And if you want to connect to your localhost:
pgweb --host localhost
I'm a little late here, but this may help someone else who stumbles across this thread...
If you go to your Heroku app's dashboard (through the website) > settings > "Reveal Config Vars" > DATABASE_URL, and paste that URL into the browser.
I use TablePlus for database management, when I paste the link into the browser it asks if it can open TablePlus and then I can edit my production database in real time just like I would in development.
I'm not sure what pasting the URL into the browser will do if you don't have TablePlus. I assume it will request to open any other SQL management app you might have.
As slumdog wrote in the comment to your question, you can use pgAdmin, which comes with your local Postgres installation.
This article explains how to connect your remote heroku db with pgAdmin, using heroku credentials:
From the article:
"pgAdmin is a GUI for postgresql databases that can be used to access and modify databases that not only exist locally, but also remotely. For a fresh install of pgAdmin, the dashboard likely contains only one server. This is your local server...
We have to configure a new remote server with its credentials.
right click server(s) > create > server …
Fill out the following:
Name: This is solely for you. Name it whatever you want, I chose ‘Heroku-Run — On’
Under the connection tab: hostname/address. If you go back to your datastores ‘reveal credentials’, this is the host credential. It should look like --**
Keep the port at 5432, unless your credentials list otherwise
Maintenance database — this is the database field in the credentials
Username — this is the user field in the credentials
Password — the password field in the credentials. I highly advise checking save password so that you don’t have to copypasta this every time you want to connect.
In the SSL tab, mark SSL mode as require
At this point, if we were to hit ‘save’ (please don’t), something very strange would happen. You’d see hundreds if not thousands of databases appear in pgAdmin. This has to do with how Heroku configures their servers. You’ll still only have access to your specific database, not those of others. In order to avoid parsing so many databases, we have to white list only those databases we care about.
go to the Advanced tab and under db restriction copy the database name (it’s the same value as the Maintenance database field filled earlier)."
Article contains other usefull guidelines and screenshots.
Try GUI of DBWeaver.
Download it, after that you can connect your heroku postgres using Database Credentials data.
You can use Heroku's hosted DB viewer on the Overview pane of your dashboard:
Create and click the Dataclip:
Dataclip GUI is fairly easy to use, we can type and customize SQL queries at the top etc.

PostgreSQL installation as a user on Cygwin, database server setup

I'm trying to install PostgreSQL on Cygwin as a user and i'm getting stuck on the part where I have to create a database server, after i execute the pg_ctl command, it just prints "server starting" and runs in the foregorund indefinitely, here's a picture of what I'm talking about:
Im generally a beginner to databases so any pointers would be great.
Chances you are hanging allocating shared memory. Please go with the native Windows build instead. It is far easier to manage.
However if you insist, make sure the ipc-daemon is running before you run PostgreSQL. This will probably solve your problem.
You could run:
ipc-daemon --install-as-service
net start ipc-daemon
And this should do it.

Postgres 9.x: how to ascertain available disk space for work

I would like to gain a sense of how much available space the database has for temporary tables and scratch work. I do not have login access to the machine where the database resides. Is there a mechanism via psql?
If you've access to an untrusted language, you can use it to issue shell commands as described in this blog post:
In the post, he describes a step by step procedure to issue shell commands as user postgres on the server using an untrusted language.