Embedding npplugin in firefox XUL Runner Extension - plugins

I have developed an npapi plugin which is working fine standalone. I want to embed that plugin into a XUL runner Firefox Extension. What i am doing in borwserOverlay.xul is this
<menupopup id="menu_ToolsPopup">
<menu id="xulschoolffextension-ffext-menu" label="&xulschoolffextension.ffext.label;" insertbefore="devToolsEndSeparator">
<menuitem id="xulschoolffextension-ffext-menu-item"
label="&xulschoolffextension.ffextplay.label;" oncommand="XULSchoolChrome.BrowserOverlay.play(event);" />
<html:embed id="pluginobj" type="application/xpcom-recorder" width=0 height=0> </html:embed>
When i remove the pluginobj html tag i can see the extension option in my browser, but when i add this then the option is not visible. I suppose this is causing error or is included at wrong place. What i am achieving via this is to call Plugin object function from JS event.


PhpStorm - li [TAB] autocompletes with "link" element instead of "li" element

In PhpStorm, when I type li and press tab, it auto-completes with <link rel="stylesheet" href="" > I want it to auto-complete with <li></li> instead.
However, looking at the settings, this is what it should already be doing...
in the "Live Template" settings, it looks like this:
So according to these settings, li should autocomplete to <li>...</li>, and link should auto complete to <link rel="stylesheet" href="...">. Which would be great. But the li live template never works, it seems to be giving priority to the link live template.
How can I get the li live template to work, without disabling the link live templates?
Here's a gif of what happens in a blank "blade" scratch:
I also discovered that this only happens in Laravel blade files. When I tried it in an HTML scratch note, it works (a li element was auto-completed)
If I disable the live templates in zen-html for "link", then it also works (but I'd rather not disable them)
Other details:
PhpStorm 2019.3.4
66 "bundled" plugins (I haven't changed these from default settings)
downloaded plugins: .env files support, BrowseWordAtCaret, Laravel, Solarized Themes
As per your gif the code completion popup has different Live Template entry selected when you hit Tab.
If you close the completion popup before that (with Esc) it will expand into <li></li> as expected.
In any case, this looks related: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-50106. Ticket says it's fixed for next major version (2020.1)
Please try 2020.1 Beta / EAP build to see if this will work for you: https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/nextversion/

Coda 2: How to enable Auto Closing Tag support

I am using CODA 2 for mac and I want the editor to complete my closing Tag!
I am typing:
I want the editor to autocomplete the
I have already checked the plugin store of coda: https://panic.com/coda/plugins.php
but without success.
Any idea?
Simply use a editor as visual studio code or sublime text. Every editor doesn't contain the support for auto closing tags
just type </
Its not a plugin as such but this is how you complete tags in Coda2.

auto complete / closing tags inside backtick, typescript, visual studio code

Inside an HTML comment (HTML file) <!-- --> VS Code auto completes / closes tags, for example:
<!-- h1 --> - TAB, results in <!-- <h1></h1> -->
I was wondering whether it is possible enable this feature inside backticks or single quotes, within typescript files? Suggestions (IntelliSense) are shown when typing, but not completed when tab is pressed.
template : `h1` - TAB, results in template : `h1` and not template : `<h1></h1>`
Sure. I use an extension for VSC, that does just that. "Angular 2 typescript emmet"
In VS Code editor, I use Angular 4 and Typescript HTML extension:

Eclipse CSS3 Profiler missing autocompletion

I'm using Eclipse Mars on my PHP Project, and I have set the CSS Profiler to be CSS3, but some new attributes are missing from auto completion like 'transition' and 'transform', which I use a lot.
Does anyone have an idea how to add the new CSS3 attributes to Eclipse's Auto completion? If not, can I add or modify a CSS Profiler, so I can manually add them in?

Eclipse Kepler does not recognize HTML5 "contenteditable"

I am using Eclipse Kepler and when annotating a div with contenteditable tag, it underlines and says "Undefined attribute name". I wonder if this is not yet supported by the HTML editor.
you need to use HTML DOCTYPE Declaration for HTML5 in your jsp/html file: "!DOCTYPE html" surround with < and >