Eclipse Kepler does not recognize HTML5 "contenteditable" - eclipse

I am using Eclipse Kepler and when annotating a div with contenteditable tag, it underlines and says "Undefined attribute name". I wonder if this is not yet supported by the HTML editor.

you need to use HTML DOCTYPE Declaration for HTML5 in your jsp/html file: "!DOCTYPE html" surround with < and >


Coda 2: How to enable Auto Closing Tag support

I am using CODA 2 for mac and I want the editor to complete my closing Tag!
I am typing:
I want the editor to autocomplete the
I have already checked the plugin store of coda:
but without success.
Any idea?
Simply use a editor as visual studio code or sublime text. Every editor doesn't contain the support for auto closing tags
just type </
Its not a plugin as such but this is how you complete tags in Coda2.

Red lines in Netbeans

How can I remove the red lines in Netbeans, I've tried to use another dictionary but doesn't work.
This seems to be a behaviour caused by NetBeans Spellchecker. Pressing Tools > Options > Editor > Spellchecker you can mark/unmark what type of files you want to check spell for. By default the spellchecker is on for html files, so unmark HTML/XHTML there - to disable spellchecking for files of these types.

How to change jEdit autoclose html tag functionality?

jEdit autocloses the last open html tag when typing
I want jEdit to close the open tag automatically (as it closes a bracket) and places the cursor between the tags.
How can I do this?
jEdit does not auto-close any brackets.
I guess you are using the FirstMate plugin or something similar which is providing that functionality.
The functionality you are searching is in the XML plugin which also handles HTML.
In its settings you have an option for autoclosing on typing "

Eclipse to color all occurances of an element in html file

While editing java files there is such a thing which highlights all the occurrences of the selected variable. Same thing exists in notepad++ for all the files, including html ones. In eclipse there is no such a thing for html files, or at least I dont know how to activate it
The support for HTML is in the Eclipse Webtools. Just install and select the correct Editor.

how to add taglibs and jar files in eclipse for autosuggest?

I do not know how do i do this?
If I press ctrl + spacebar in eclipse editor , I was able to see jsf tag attributes, .XHTML Attributes and all - now they are gone.
How do I enable them?
So, you're using Facelets? Go to Window > Preferences > General > Content Types > Text > JSP and then add *.xhtml and set default encoding to UTF-8.
With this you'll get assistance for the JSF core f and html h taglibs, but not for Facelets ui yet. You can find another solution here.