Send parameters between view controllers - iphone

Before Xcode 5, I use for send parameters between viewcontrollers in the .h file
NSString *test;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *test;
and in the .m use
#synthesize test;
and in the first view controller use:
SecondViewController *testC = [[SecondViewController alloc] init];
testC.test = #"Something ...!";
but it always show null in the debugger what is the problem or is there another way ?

Two suggestions:
Do not explicitly declare instance variables (ivars) to back up your properties. When the property is synthesized, it automatically creates ivar for you. If you create ivar manually, like above, you only introduce an opportunity to end up with typo resulting in two ivars, one of which will be nil. There is no benefit to explicitly declaring your instances variable anymore, and only can introduce problems.
I wouldn't even advise having your own #synthesize line anymore. The compiler does this for you and it does something equivalent to #synthesize test = _test. This is following best practice that your instance variable should have a leading underscore in its name, minimizing the chance of accidental use of ivar when you intended property.
In terms of what's going on, it could be many things, but it's hard to tell without seeing more complete code sample, but I suspect some problem with your manually defined instance variable.


When do I need to have both iVar and a property?

I see some examples sometimes would declare a property as well as variable other times they do not .e.g. some time I see code like this
#interface Test : NSObject
UIProgressView* _progressView;
#property (nonatomic,retain)UIProgressView* progressView;
at other times I will come across
#interface Test : NSObject
#property (nonatomic,retain)UIProgressView* progressView;
Why what are the reasons ? I am learning and almost always use property and variable both.
I have used UIProgressView just as example.
Using ivars instead properties is only useful if you want #protected access (access from subclasses only), or support the old runtime (which required both).
It depends whether the property is synthesized against an iVar or derived in some other way (or against another iVar).
IF we have an instance of the class - i.e:
Test *myTest = [[Test alloc] init];
Then basically the property declaration
#property (nonatomic,retain)UIProgressView* progressView;
is telling anyone interested in using the interface that they can access the following two functions on an instance of this class:
[myTest progressBar];
[myTest setProgressBar:aProgressBar];
And objective C also lets you use shorthand notation:
myTest.progressBar =
xxx = myTest.progressBar
which does exactly the same thing.
It is not necessary for these two methods to be implemented via an iVar of the same name as the property, or even via an iVar at all (they could do even do a database fetch or derive the value).
If you #synthesize the property (which means you want the precompiler to generate the above methods for you) and don't explicitly specify an iVar on the #synthesize directive, then the methods described above will automatically be generated (due to the synthesize method) to set or get the value to/from an iVar of the same name as the property (and the implementation will include retain/release logic depending on the property directive.
If you don't #synthesize the property then you provide your own implementation and it can be anything you want. It is also possible to #synthesize the property but include a directive to use a different iVar in the method definition:
#synthesize progressBar=someOtheriVar;
in which case you will not see an iVar of the same name as the property in the header file either.

Private properties and methods in Objective-C

In looking at one of Apple's examples, in the TableViewController.m, they have this:
// Private TableViewController properties and methods.
#interface TableViewController ()
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray* sectionInfoArray;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSIndexPath* pinchedIndexPath;
#property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger openSectionIndex;
#property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat initialPinchHeight;
... more properties and methods
#implementation TableViewController
... usual stuff
I'm wondering why they put these properties in the .m file and how this is private. It seems like anyone who imports the TableViewController.m file can use these properties and methods right? Why not use the #private in the .h file?
What they're doing is declaring a category on the class, but since this is done in the .m file, the effect is that those methods are "invisible".
This doesn't mean however that those methods cannot be called from the outside. This is due to the fact that there is no real privacy in objective c, because we're dealing with messages, not method calls. This means you can send an object a message even if you do not know if that object actually implements the method you're trying to call. The receiving object will determine at runtime if it can handle this call, maybe it will even forward it, and it will make no difference whether the method was known to the calling object or not.
This is one of the reasons why it is possible to call private APIs and get rejected for it.
They're not private. They're anonymous properties, since they're part of an anonymous category.
One of the things properties are good for is putting the memory management semantics for an owned object in a single place. Consider this:
#property (nonatomic, assigned) NSString *assigned;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *copied;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *retained;
In all three cases, you can assign to them like this without knowing what their memory semantic is:
self.assigned = stringParameter; // assigns to instance variable
self.copied = stringParameter; // copies, assigns copy to instance variable
self.retained = stringParameter; // retains, assigns to instance variable
And in all three cases, you can free clean up using the same code:
self.assigned = nil; // this just nils the instance variable
self.copied = nil; // releases copy in ivar, nils instance variable
self.retained = nil; // releases ivar (same as original object),
// nils instance variable
This is why you'll often see local properties: It lets the coder skip writing all the memory management logic each time they want to assign to the instance variable. This is a major advantage in that you can change the memory management logic throughout the entire class just by changing the #property.
Another use of anonymous properties is to extend a property declared as readonly to outside code as read/write to the class itself.
In .h:
#property (nonatomic, readonly, retain) NSError *lastError;
In .m, in an anonymous category:
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) NSError *lastError;
Elsewhere in .m code:
self.lastError = error;
Again, this is mostly done for memory management reasons.
An example, that pertains to either use of anonymous properties.
Here's what each assignment to a _lastError instance variable looks like without properties.
Assume we have a NSError called _lastError defined in the .h file.
With retain:
[_lastError release];
_lastError = [error retain];
With copy:
[_lastError release];
_lastError = [error copy];
With assign:
_lastError = error;
In the first two cases, you need this in your dealloc:
[_lastError release];
But in the last case, you must put nothing in the dealloc or you'll get a crash.
So let's add what we need to use a property instead:
Add this in an anonymous category:
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) NSError *lastError;
Add this in the #implementation:
#synthesize lastError = _lastError;
Note, also, that at this point on the "modern" Cocoa runtime (64 bit Mac or iOS), you can remove the NSError *_lastError from your header. The compiler can figure out you want that based on the #synthesize.
Here's how that changes our code:
Each assignment:
self.lastError = error; // works regardless of storage specifier
In daelloc:
self.lastError = nil; // works regardless of storage specifier
a) You can not mark properties as #private in .h - this works only for ivars.
b) You will not be able to reference your class if you just import .m file (without interface definition in .h file). and if you do - you will get duplicate symbols during linking.
c) So yes these properties are private in the sense they are not accessible as regular properties from outside - these properties are accessible only using explicit messages - however you'll get warnings from compiler in this case or you could use KVC
First, you typically cannot import an .m file - not without numerous compiler/linker errors. Second, the properties are private so that Apple is free to change them in subsequent releases.
Yes, you can get to them via reflection. But that's a slippery slope, blah blah proceed at your own risk, will break in later versions blah blah reflection bad unless you know exactly what you're doing.
There are no private methods or variables in objective c, the #private flag is mainly there just so when other developers look at it, they know it's supposed to be private. What your seeing in the apple code is an example of a category, a way to fake private methods and variables in objective c. Because outside classes will import the .h file only, they will never see the added methods and variables in the .m file.
Using an anonymous category black boxes internal properties and methods that other classes should not know about. Although the compiler doesn't know about them when this class is referenced from other classes, you could technically access any of these properties from that other class using key value coding.
you can't import the implementation file TableViewController.m, Only the .h file of TableViewController could be imported,
Although, you could have the reference of these property outside your TableViewController class with a warning that shows the "not respond" note.

Is a private synthesized property an oxymoron?

After going through a beginner's iPhone developer book and reading sample code online, I've noticed that most Objective C programmers synthesize nearly every instance variable. Some variables are convenient to snythesize, but most should not when honoring the object oriented principle of encapsulation. The worst are synthetized properties marked as private. A C++ programmer trying to use someone else's code will read the public fields and methods in the header file. They will skip the private variables. This C++ programmer will not know that you intended the private properties to be used in some meaningful way.
Take a look at this sample template on lazy table image loading provided by Apple:
#interface ParseOperation : NSOperation <NSXMLParserDelegate>
id <ParseOperationDelegate> delegate;
NSData *dataToParse;
NSMutableArray *workingArray;
AppRecord *workingEntry;
NSMutableString *workingPropertyString;
NSArray *elementsToParse;
BOOL storingCharacterData;
#interface ParseOperation ()
#property (nonatomic, assign) id <ParseOperationDelegate> delegate;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSData *dataToParse;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *workingArray;
#property (nonatomic, retain) AppRecord *workingEntry;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *workingPropertyString;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *elementsToParse;
#property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL storingCharacterData;
#implementation ParseOperation
#synthesize delegate, dataToParse, workingArray, workingEntry, workingPropertyString, elementsToParse, storingCharacterData;
Now I know this is not C++ and we shouldn't assume all C++ practices should be honored in Objective C. But Objective C should have good reasons to stray away from general programming practices.
Why are all the private ivars synthesized? When you look at the project as a whole, only NSMutableArray *workingArray is used by outside classes. So none of the other ivars should have setters and getters.
Why are very sensitive ivars synthesized? For one, now that id delegate has a setter, the user of this object can switch the delegate in middle of the XML parsing, something that doesn't make sense. Also, NSData *dataToParse is raw XML data retrieved from the network. Now that it has a setter, the user of this object can corrupt the data.
What's the point of marking everything private in the header? Since all ivars are are synthesized to have getters/setters, they are effectively public. You can set them to anything you want and you can get their value whenever you want.
I follow the idiom modeled by this example in many of my classes, so I can try to explain my own justification for this practice.
The properties in this example are declared in a class extension in the .m file. This makes them effectively private. Any attempt to access these properties from another class will cause a "Property not found" error upon compilation.
For developers coming from other languages, it may seem strange to synthesize getters and setters for private instance variables. Indeed, there is only one reason why I do this. When used consistently, synthesized properties can simplify memory management and help avoid careless mistakes that can lead to bugs. Here are a couple of examples:
Consider this:
self.workingPropertyString = [NSMutableString string];
versus this:
workingPropertyString = [[NSMutableString string] retain];
Many developers would claim that these two assignments are functionally equivalent, but there's an important difference. The second assignment leaks memory if workingPropertyString was already pointing at a retained object. To write code functionally equivalent to the synthesized setter, you'd have to do something like this:
NSMutableString *newString = [NSMutableString string];
if (workingPropertyString != newString) {
[workingPropertyString release];
workingPropertyString = [newString retain];
This code avoids leaking any existing object that the instance variable may be pointing to, and it safely handles the possibility that you may be re-assigning the same object to the instance variable. The synthesized setter does all of this for you.
Of course we can see that (workingPropertyString != newString) will always be true in this case, so we could simplify this particular assignment. In fact in most cases you can probably get away with a simple direct assignment to an instance variable, but of course it's the exceptional cases that tend to create the most bugs. I prefer to play it safe and set all my object instance variables through synthesized setters. All my instance object assignments are simple one-liners that look like this: = [Foo fooWithTitle:#"The Foo"];
or this: = [[[Foo alloc] initWithTitle:#"The Foo"] autorelease];
This simplicity and consistency gives my feeble brain less stuff to think about. As a result I almost never have bugs related to memory management. (I'm aware that the autorelease idiom could theoretically consume excessive memory in a tight loop, but I have yet to encounter that issue in practice. If I ever do, it's a simple case to optimize.)
One other thing I like about this practice is that my dealloc methods all look like this:
- (void)dealloc {
self.delegate = nil;
self.dataToParse = nil;
self.workingArray = nil;
self.workingEntry = nil;
self.workingPropertyString = nil;
self.elementsToParse = nil;
[super dealloc];
EDIT: Daniel Dickison pointed out some
risks to using accessors in dealloc
that I hadn't considered. See the
where every object property is simply set to nil. This simultaneously releases each retained property while setting it to nil to avoid certain crashes due to EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
Note that I've set self.delegate = nil; even though that property was declared as (nonatomic, assign). This assignment wasn't strictly necessary. In fact, I could do away with properties for my (nonatomic, assign) objects altogether, but again I've found that applying this idiom consistently across all my instance variables gives my brain less to think about, and further reduces the chance that I'll create a bug through some careless mistake. If necessary I can simply flip a property from (nonatomic, assign) to (nonatomic, retain) without having to touch any memory management code. I like that.
One could also use consistency as an argument for synthesizing properties for private scalar variables, as your example has done in the case of BOOL storingCharacterData;. This practice ensures that every instance variable assignment will look like = bar;. I don't usually bother to create private scalar properties myself, but I can see some justification for this practice.
Why are all the private ivars
synthesized? When you look at the
project as a whole, only
NSMutableArray *workingArray is used
by outside classes. So none of the
other ivars should have setters and
No real need; if you are going to access all the ivars directly anyway, there is no need for #synthesize.
Why are very sensitive ivars
synthesized? For one, now that id
delegate has a setter, the user of
this object can switch the delegate in
middle of the XML parsing, something
that doesn't make sense. Also, NSData
*dataToParse is raw XML data retrieved from the network. Now that it has a
setter, the user of this object can
corrupt the data.
None of the setter/getters are publicly declared. If a client of the class wanted to corrupt things by switching the delegate in the middle, they'd have to break encapsulation to do so.
So, ultimately, a non-issue.
What's the point of marking everything
private in the header? Since all ivars
are are synthesized to have
getters/setters, they are effectively
public. You can set them to anything
you want and you can get their value
whenever you want.
Note that there is no need to even declare the ivars in that example; the compiler will automatically synthesize them based on the #property declaration.
Traditionally, #private protected against someone diddling the ivar directly from externally to an instance of the class.
Note that anInstance->ivar or self->ivar is almost never used (and, when used, it is almost always for the wrong reason). There are uses for it, but it is rare.

Using self in method call

When using property/synthesize for a UITableView, UIButton, etc should self be included in the method call on that variable? Using UITableView as an example is there a difference between [self.myTableView visibleCells] and [myTableView visibleCells]? Or say [self.myImage setImage:...] and [myImage setImage:...]?
I've seen Apple code that does use self (Bubble Level) and examples in the book Beginning iPhone Development that do not use self. I'd like to understand this better, especially since using self in my UIScrollView method calls has caused erratic/buggy scrolling behavior. Thanks.
Using self.myTableView is another way of saying [self myTableView] (it can also be [self setMyTableView:...]; if used in an assignation statement). In other words, you're executing a method.
Using myTableView accesses the instance variable directly.
Personally, I generally prefer using the former method, since it usually frees me from manually managing memory and gives me the benefit of KVO notifications. However, there is the miniscule overhead of the extra method call, which you may wish to avoid.
Which style you choose to use is up to you, and each way has its benefits and disadvantages.
The difference comes down to how you define the property. For example, say you have the following:
#interface MyObject : NSObject {
NSObject *memberVariable;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSObject *memberVariable;
#implementation MyObject
#synthesize memberVariable;
Specifying (nonatomic, retain) actually tells #synthesize how to create the getter and setter methods. Specifying retain causes the setter method to call retain on objects I pass to it. So, self.memberVariable = someOtherObject is equivalent to memberVariable = [someOtherObject retain];
This is also why you should never do self.memberVariable = [[NSObject alloc] init]; if you've specified retain in the property definition. alloc initializes the retain count to 1, passing the object to the setter method increases the retain count to 2.
This comes down to whether or not your accessor methods have custom behavior, in which case you'd always want the accessors called even from within the class, and whether you want to make sure KVO notifications are generated. If you're using stock accessors (e.g., synthesized) and it won't affect anything to access the instance variable directly from within the class, you're saving yourself a method call.

Confusion with header and Implementation files in Objective-C

First off, please forgive the stupidness of this question but Im not from a C/C++ background. I'm a little unclear about what the difference in roles between the .h and .m files when it comes to properties.
I understand the concept of interfaces, and I see that in part the .h file is an interface for the implementation, but what I am not clear on is this:
Why are properties/methods defined outside of the {} braces?
What am i defining in the braces when I write something like this:
IBOutlet UITextField *numberField;
Is this a field definition in an interface?
When I am adding the #Property lines to the .h files are these actual implementations of a n auto property or just an interface blueprint? If so is the #syntesis the actual implementation?
I guess my biggest confusion seems to be that if I want a property I'm defining what I need in three different places (1) in the interfaces braces, (2) as #property outside the braces and (3) with #synthesis in the .m file. This seems long winded, but its fine if I can work out what these three parts do.
Cheers, Chris.
I'll answer your questions below, but perhaps the best way to learn this stuff is to read some user-friendly notes intended for folks new to the language, such as the Learn Objective-C tutorial over at cocoadevcentral.
An example
I'd like to help answer your questions with an example (I love learning by example). Let's say you're a teacher writing a program that asks students a particular yes/no question, and keeps track of how many get it correct and how many students it has asked.
Here is a possible interface for this class:
#interface Question : NSObject {
NSString* questionStr;
int numTimesAsked;
int numCorrectAnswers;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* questionStr;
#property (nonatomic, readonly) int numTimesAsked;
#property (nonatomic) int numCorrectAnswers;
#property (nonatomic) int numWrongAnswers;
- addAnswerWithTruthValue: (BOOL) isCorrect;
The three variables inside the braces are instance variables, and every instance of your class will have its own values for each of those variables. Everything outside the braces but before #end is a declaration of a method (including the #property declarations).
(Side note: for many objects, it's useful to have retain properties, since you want to avoid the overhead of copying the object, and make sure it isn't released while you're using it. It's legal to retain an NSString as in this example, but it is often considered good practice to use copy instead of retain since an NSString* might actually point to an NSMutableString object, which may later change when your code expects it to stay the same.)
What #property does
When you declare a #property, you're doing two things:
Declaring a setter and getter method in the class's interface, and
Indicating how the setter and getter behave.
For the first one, it's enough to know that this line:
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* questionStr;
is basically the same as this:
- (NSString*) questionStr; // getter
- (void) setQuestionStr: (NSString) newQuestionStr; // setter
in the header. You literally are declaring those two methods; you can call them directly, or use the dot notation as a shortcut to call them for you.
The "basically" part in "basically the same" is the extra info given by keywords like nonatomic and retain.
The nonatomic keyword indicates that they're not necessarily thread-safe. The common retain keyword indicates that the object retains any value that's set, and releases previous values as they're let go.
For example:
// The correct answer to both questions is objectively YES.
Question* myQuestion = [[Question alloc] init];
NSString* question1 = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Is pizza tasty?"];
// question1 has retain count of 1, from the call to alloc
myQuestion.questionStr = question1;
// question1 now has a retain count of 2
NSString* question2 = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Free iPhone?"];
myQuestion.questionStr = question2;
// question1 has a retain count of 1, and question2 has retain count of 2
If the #property declaration for questionStr had been assign instead, then all the myQuestion.questionStr = statements would not have made any changes at all to the retain counts.
You can read a little more about properties here.
What IBOutlet and IBAction do
These are basically no-op words which act only as a way to tell Interface Builder which pieces of the header file to pay attention to. IBOutlet literally becomes an empty string when the compiler looks at it, and IBAction becomes the void return value. We do need them to work with Interface Builder, though, so they are important -- just not to the compiler.
Quick note on C structs and arrow vs dot notation
By the way, the data part of an Objective-C object is very similar to a C struct. If you have a pointer to a C struct, you can use arrow notation -> to refer to a specific part of the struct, like this:
struct MyStructType {
int i;
struct MyStructType* myStruct;
myStruct->i = 3;
myStruct->b = TRUE; // or YES in Objective-C.
This same syntax works the same way in Objective-C:
Question* question = [[Question alloc] init];
question->questionStr = #"Is this a long answer?"; // YES
But when you do this, there is no method call happening behind the scenes, unlike the dot notation. With the dot notation, you're calling the setter (or getter if there's no = afterwards), and these two lines are the same:
question.questionStr = #"Chocolate?";
[question setQuestionStr:#"Chocolate?"];
It's often a good idea to avoid the arrow notation in favor of the dot notation, since the dot notation lets you enforce valid state -- for example, that the pointers your class has are always retained. You can even disallow others from using the arrow notation by declaring your instance variables as #private; they can still use the getter and setter to access it, if you declare a #property for it.
What #synthesize does
Now, when you get around to actually implementing your class, #synthesize says something like "make sure the getter and setter get implemented for this property." It does not say "implement both of these for me," because the compiler is polite enough to check for your own implementation first, and only fill in the pieces you've missed. You don't have to use #synthesize at all, even if you use #property out the wazoo -- you could always just provide your implementations for your setters and getters, if you're into that sort of thing.
You probably noticed in the Question interface above that there's a property which is not an instance variable (numWrongAnswers), which is fine because you're just declaring methods. In the example code here, you can see how this actually works:
#implementation Question
#synthesize questionStr, numTimesAsked, numCorrectAnswers;
- (void) setNumCorrectAnswers: (int) newCorrectAnswers {
// We assume the # increases, and represents new answers.
int numNew = newCorrectAnswers - numCorrectAnswers;
numTimesAsked += numNew;
numCorrectAnswers = newCorrectAnswers;
- (int) numWrongAnswers {
return numTimesAsked - numCorrectAnswers;
- (void) setNumWrongAnswers: (int) newWrongAnswers {
int numNew = newWrongAnswers - self.numWrongAnswers;
numTimesAsked += numNew;
- (void) addAnswerWithTruthValue: (BOOL) isCorrect {
if (isCorrect) {
} else {
One thing that's happening here is we're faking an instance variable called numWrongAnswers, which would be redundant information if we stored it in the class. Since we know numWrongAnswers + numCorrectAnswers = numTimesAsked at all times, we only need to store any two of these three data points, and we can always think in terms of the other one by using the two values we do know. The point here is to understand that a #property declaration is really just about declaring a setter and getter method, which usually corresponds to an actual instance variable -- but not always. The #synthesize keyword by default does correspond to an actual instance variable, so that it's easy for the compiler to fill in the implementation for you.
Reasons to have separate .h and .m files
By the way, the whole point of declaring methods in one file (the .h header file) and defining their implementation in another (the .m or methods file) is to help decouple the code. For example, if you only update one .m file in your project, you don't have to recompile the other .m files, since their object code will remain the same -- this saves time. Another advantage is that you can use a library that includes only header files and pre-compiled object code, or even dynamic libraries where you need the header file so the compiler is aware of which methods exist, but those methods aren't even linked in with your executable file. These advantages are hard to appreciate when you first start coding, but just the logical breakdown and encapsulation of implementation becomes useful after a short while.
I hope that's helpful!
methods are defined outside of the braces since the braces are meant to encapsulate the state of the object which can be argued does not include the instance or class methods.
What you are defining in the braces are instance variables that can be referenced as self.ivar
The #property and #synthesize directives simply setup accessors for you instance variables so you can set them by doing self.ivar = someVar. So in other words it sets up the "dot syntax" for you to use.
and to answer your finale question: To define a property or instance variable simply declare it in your .h file as a variable inside the braces. To setup accessor methods on that same property you need to do BOTH #property and #synthesize.
Well that is just Objective C syntax, methods and #property outside {} and variables inside {}.
#property is the way of telling that you are going to write getter and setters (kind of enforcing it), but you can write getter/setter without setting them #property. #property is in .h file because its declaration. And why it is outside {}, well as i said before its just the syntax, what we can do?
#synthesis will in actual implement getter and setters, if you dont synthesis but you have set them #property, you have to implement those getter and setters by your hand. And #synthesis is in .m file because its implementation.
Something more for you to read on this subject can be find here.
The variables inside the brackets define the physical structure of your class. Those are the actual instance variables that store information.
The stuff outside the brackets make up the class's interface — methods and properties. A property in and of itself does not reserve any storage space or affect any variable — it just declares a generic interface for accessing something. Remember that a property doesn't have to have an underlying instance variable — for example, the totalPrice property in a ShoppingCart class might dynamically sum the prices of all the items in the cart.
Inside the implementation file, you tell the class how to actually do its work. For methods, obviously, you just supply an implementation. For a property, you can either provide accessor implementations yourself or ask it to synthesize accessors for an instance variable.