How to configure SublimeREPL for mit-scheme? - mit-scheme

I have installed SublimeREPL, and now I am trying to customize the interpreters a bit. How can I add MIT Scheme to the Tools->SublimeREPL menu? I am new to Sublime Text 2.

You can read documentation about configuring additional REPLs here:
And take a look at existing Scheme configuration here:
Most Scheme/Lisp dialects are quite easy to configure, you should have no problems whatsoever.

Please allow me to share my experience. Just made it work on my machine.
First, recommend you to install a SCM implementation of Scheme, which is much easier to config than mit-scheme.
If you use windows, the env variable should be added to the system
automatically after you finished installation.
Then, open Preferences -> Browse Packages -> SublimeREPL -> config -> Scheme -> Main.sublime-menu.
At last, config this file like this:
Now it should work. Enjoy it!

After trying for a good 2 hours, I finally figured out how to get it working in SublimeText 3.
First install the package "Scheme" through package control.
Then install the package "SublimeREPL" (for Sublime Text 2/3).
Then install SCM implementation of scheme as #mons mentioned.
Once Done, modify the file shown below.
SublimeText3 >> InstalledPackages >> Scheme.sublime-package (open with Zip software) >> Scheme.sublime-build (modify to the following below)
"cmd": ["scm", "-f", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.scheme"
I realised that my "Scheme" installed through Package Installer was overriding my Sublime Build Settings in the SublimeREPL folder. That's why it didnt work eventhough I modified my settings as #mons mentioned.
Thats it.
Hope it works. :)


Visual Studio Code IDE | Cucumber | Any possible way to navigate to Step definition file from the feature file (like in Ruby Mine IDE)?

I have been a RubyMine IDE and now I am trying to use VS Code IDE. I want to navigate from the feature file to the step definition. I tried multiple extensions like Cucumber (Gherkin) Full Support, etc but none of them work properly. I always get redirected to one of the step definition files (as if it is set as a default step definition) if I click on any of the steps from the feature file. How to deal with this? Any other extension which is recommended to use?
Thank you.
I think your .vscode\settings.json is not good...
My setup:
In VSCode, add "Cucumber (Gherkin) Full Support - Alexander Krechik"
Note, in my case, doN'T install "Cucumber - Cucumber"!
md newfolder
cd newfolder
dotnet new -i specflow.templates.dotnet
dotnet new specflowproject --help
dotnet new specflowproject -f net5.0 -t nunit
Now the actual solution...
Create .vscode\settings.json, some thing like:
"cucumberautocomplete.steps": [
F12 and Ctrl+mouse click should to work well.

VSC platform-specific settings

My settings.json on Linux machine contains setting lines for cortex-debug extension:
"cortex-debug.armToolchainPath": "/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin/",
"cortex-debug.JLinkGDBServerPath": "/opt/SEGGER/JLink_V754b/JLinkGDBServerCLExe",
The same file on Windows machine should refer to a different file name JLinkGDBServerCL.exe (yes, I understand such dumb naming is guilty of Segger, but...)
When settings sync turned on, I continuously get the wrong config on one (Windows or Linux) machine.
Is it possible to set a platform-specific section in settings.json to define a different key for an extension?
One way is to use VSCode's features to define machine specific settings or prevent certain settings from being synced,
Ok, found another solution for my problem.
At first, install platform-settings from marketplace:
Next, move required settings to a new place:
"platformSettings.platforms": {
"win32": {
"cortex-debug.armToolchainPath": "C:/Program Files (x86)/GNUARM/bin/",
"cortex-debug.JLinkGDBServerPath": "JLinkGDBServerCL.Exe",
"linux": {
"cortex-debug.armToolchainPath": "/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin/",
"cortex-debug.JLinkGDBServerPath": "/opt/SEGGER/JLink_V754b/JLinkGDBServerCLExe"
But variant with sync prevention looks pretty good.

Ionicons: How to add custom icons

I want to add some SVG icons to the default Ionicons set.
I'm following these steps to build them from the source without success:
Put my svg icon in src/: src/my-icon.svg
Edit my manifest file with a custom prefix "prefix": "my-",
Run, python ./builder/
ionicons.svg appear to be modified but it's not changed.
What am I doing wrong?
I would recommended you take a look at this excellent article by Omar Wazir, his instructions worked out great for me. In short, he tells you to install all the dependencies, get Ionicons, put your custom icon in the /src/ folder and to run python ./builder/ after which he tells you to move some files to these folders:
ionicons\css -> <ionicApp>/www/lib/ionic/css/
ionicons\fonts -> <ionicApp>/www/lib/ionic/fonts/
ionicons\scss -> <ionicApp>/www/lib/ionic/scss/ionicons/
Also when you run the python ./builder/ command, it should tell you that the script has found a new icon. Perhaps this information can help you solve your problem.

How to eliminate RubyMine false "No such file to load" errors

I've recently installed RubyMine on a second machine and cloned a GitHub repository there.
My application runs exactly the same as on the first machine, but the RM code inspection result is radically different: I get dozens of "No such file to load" errors.
This even though the application runs fine both from the command line and from RM.
In dialog Run/Debug Configurations, I have specified load paths (-I. -I..) in the Ruby arguments.
Does the code inspection not honor the configuration? Or perhaps it's using a different configuration?
A bit late, but you may need to mark the directories that are load path roots in your app within the Rubymine tree - right click and do "Mark Directory As/Load Path Root".
For me the other solutions did not work. However, the problem was that RubyMine detected the wrong ruby version - while rvm for the project was ruby 2.4.1, in RubyMine it defaulted to the last version it had (2.4.2). So going to RubyMine > Preferences > Ruby SDK & Gems and changing the version for the project to the correct one solved it.
If you use the "Mark Directory As/Load Path Root" action, this will apply for IDE autocompletion only. It will not be propagated onto the interpreter (as it would be in PyCharm with Python).
You have to either keep using the -I switch, or configure $LOAD_PATH in your code, or (preferably) set up a Gem project with bundler support. You can then configure the path in a gemspec file. See
You can try changing Project Path Mappings and set relative Local Path and Remote Path to get it to work.

How do you get nano/pico running on OpenSolaris?

We're setting up an OpenSolaris server on Amazon's EC2 service. However, vi/vim doesn't work properly, and pkg doesn't have nano/pico.
Is there any other text-editor maybe?
Sounds like you may just need to set an appropriate termtype to get vi working. Look into the "TERM" environment variable options, perhaps one of those will help you.
You may try copying the nano binaries (or compiling the source), to your user account and running it from there. It worked for me in a similar situation.
Have you looked at
SUN is working on the SUNWgnu-nano package to include this in the next release. In the meantime, you can compile the nano sources yourself. It worked for me. To compile, follow these steps:
Make sure you install SUNWgcc package so that gcc is installed.
Download the source package from the debian distribution.
Unzip the package with 'gunzip xxxx.tar.gz' where xxxx.tar.gz is the source package you downloaded.
Untar the package with 'tar -xf xxxx' where xxxx is the unzipped source package.
Go to the source folder. Do a './configure' to create the make file for your system.
Type 'make' to create the binary
The 'nano' binary should be located in the src subfolder. Copy this to '/usr/bin'. And create a soft link for 'pico' to it i.e. 'ln -s /usr/bin/nano pico'
Test it out!
1) Open the Package Manager (System > Administration > Package Manager)
2) Open the Repository settings (Settings > Manage Repositories)
3) Add the Blastwave repository (Name: blastwave, URL: )
4) Select the repository in the upper right corner
5) Search for the package 'IPSnano'
6) Select the pacakge
7) Press 'Install/Update'
8) Modify your path to include /opt/csw/bin
(For example $ vi ~/.profile and then add the line above to your path)
9) Logout and in again to reflect the changes
Check whether the correct version of nano is used:
$ which nano
It looks like both Nano and Pico are available as auto-generated packages in the "pending" repository here: I think they are waiting for someone to follow the verification steps and vouch that they work. Then they can be moved to the contrib repository. You can read more here: