How do you get nano/pico running on OpenSolaris? - solaris

We're setting up an OpenSolaris server on Amazon's EC2 service. However, vi/vim doesn't work properly, and pkg doesn't have nano/pico.
Is there any other text-editor maybe?

Sounds like you may just need to set an appropriate termtype to get vi working. Look into the "TERM" environment variable options, perhaps one of those will help you.

You may try copying the nano binaries (or compiling the source), to your user account and running it from there. It worked for me in a similar situation.

Have you looked at

SUN is working on the SUNWgnu-nano package to include this in the next release. In the meantime, you can compile the nano sources yourself. It worked for me. To compile, follow these steps:
Make sure you install SUNWgcc package so that gcc is installed.
Download the source package from the debian distribution.
Unzip the package with 'gunzip xxxx.tar.gz' where xxxx.tar.gz is the source package you downloaded.
Untar the package with 'tar -xf xxxx' where xxxx is the unzipped source package.
Go to the source folder. Do a './configure' to create the make file for your system.
Type 'make' to create the binary
The 'nano' binary should be located in the src subfolder. Copy this to '/usr/bin'. And create a soft link for 'pico' to it i.e. 'ln -s /usr/bin/nano pico'
Test it out!

1) Open the Package Manager (System > Administration > Package Manager)
2) Open the Repository settings (Settings > Manage Repositories)
3) Add the Blastwave repository (Name: blastwave, URL: )
4) Select the repository in the upper right corner
5) Search for the package 'IPSnano'
6) Select the pacakge
7) Press 'Install/Update'
8) Modify your path to include /opt/csw/bin
(For example $ vi ~/.profile and then add the line above to your path)
9) Logout and in again to reflect the changes
Check whether the correct version of nano is used:
$ which nano

It looks like both Nano and Pico are available as auto-generated packages in the "pending" repository here: I think they are waiting for someone to follow the verification steps and vouch that they work. Then they can be moved to the contrib repository. You can read more here:


how to create a simics project with targets/qsp-x86 from CLI (project-setup)?

If I use the GUI to create a simics project, I can click an all the addons (OSS-Sources, QSP-x86, and so on) and the project's targets dir will contain these subdirs:
cosim qsp-x86 simics-builder-training simics-user-training vacuum workshop-01
If I run
$HOME/simics/simics-6.0.89/bin/project-setup simics-test2
the targets directory only contains
cosim vacuum
What flags do I need to pass to project-setup in order to install all addons?
Also, where can I get such information other than on stack overflow?
I tried reading project-setup -h and tried some of the flags there (e.g. --package-list $HOME/simics/simics-qsp-x86-6.0.44), but nothing worked.
Use the addon-manager in your project to create its own package-list.
cd simics-test2
./bin/addon-manager -C -s ~/simics/simics-qsp-x86-6.0.44
Having a .packagelist file in the installation of Simics Base would make all packages in that list global for that version of Simics Base. Which is not always what you want.
Having project-local .packagelist files gives you the neat option to select exactly which add-on packages you want with a particular version of Simics Base.
ISPM handle all of this for you quite seamlessly. But as Jakob mentioned, it does not add any "global" .packagelist file to the work flow.

Trouble installing the EC2-steps-plugin

I have installed the EC2-steps plugin, restarted rundeck, but I can't see the steps. Is there anything I'm missing here, installation or interface wise?
With this steps works:
1) Get the plugin with: git clone
2) Compress on .zip file with: zip -r aws-ec2-step
3) Now, move the zip file to /var/lib/rundeck/libext (DEB/RPM based installation) or $RUNDECK_BASE/libext (WAR based instllation).
4) Check the new steps available.
Tip: Check the zip file permissions, make sure that the Rundeck user (or the user that launches Rundeck) can read the zip file.

how to compile kdesvn from githib repo

I've downloaded the sources for kdesvn from the github repo as I'm thinking to look into working on an addition to the project. Now turns out, I'm not even able to properly compile the downloaded sources: I've created a directory kdesvn-build changed into it and launched cmake ../ (as described on which does some stuff but then stops saying:
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but
they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set
and tested correctly in the CMake files: SUBVERSION_INCLUDE_DIR
Now, I don't know what SUBVERSION_INCLUDE_DIR should be set to nor could I find it searching around the web. Anyone?
It is a directory containing svn_*.h files. If you are on Linux, you'd need to install something like subversion-dev package. On FreeBSD headers are installed with main package, and the directory is /usr/local/include/subversion-1/.

How to eliminate RubyMine false "No such file to load" errors

I've recently installed RubyMine on a second machine and cloned a GitHub repository there.
My application runs exactly the same as on the first machine, but the RM code inspection result is radically different: I get dozens of "No such file to load" errors.
This even though the application runs fine both from the command line and from RM.
In dialog Run/Debug Configurations, I have specified load paths (-I. -I..) in the Ruby arguments.
Does the code inspection not honor the configuration? Or perhaps it's using a different configuration?
A bit late, but you may need to mark the directories that are load path roots in your app within the Rubymine tree - right click and do "Mark Directory As/Load Path Root".
For me the other solutions did not work. However, the problem was that RubyMine detected the wrong ruby version - while rvm for the project was ruby 2.4.1, in RubyMine it defaulted to the last version it had (2.4.2). So going to RubyMine > Preferences > Ruby SDK & Gems and changing the version for the project to the correct one solved it.
If you use the "Mark Directory As/Load Path Root" action, this will apply for IDE autocompletion only. It will not be propagated onto the interpreter (as it would be in PyCharm with Python).
You have to either keep using the -I switch, or configure $LOAD_PATH in your code, or (preferably) set up a Gem project with bundler support. You can then configure the path in a gemspec file. See
You can try changing Project Path Mappings and set relative Local Path and Remote Path to get it to work.

MGTwitterEngine for Iphone SDK errors

I'm trying to get MGTwitterEngine to work for the iPhone SDK. I've followed the read me below and now I keep getting the following errors:
TCDownload.h: No such file or directory
yajl_parse.h: No such file or directory
Now, I've done a search on my system and don't have either one of them. So am I missing something? Also, I've downloaded the MGTwitterEngine code within the last couple days from gitub.
Add libxml2.dylib in Other Frameworks. You'll find the library in:
Add "$SDKROOT/usr/include/libxml2" as a Header Search Path in your Project Settings.
Although I've never used MGTwitterEngine, that error basically says that you are missing yajl library.
You can install it manually by doing (I assume you install to default /usr/local location):
git clone git://
cd yajl
sudo make install
Then in your xcode project:
Add libyajl.dylib or libyajl_s.a (dynamic/static - whichever you prefer, either should be located in /usr/local/lib/) to 'external frameworks and libraries' in your project tree. In project settings add "/usr/local/include/yajl/" and (possibly) "/usr/local/include/" to Header Search Paths (in Search Paths section).
After that it should build.
On mac, you can use port (See how to install here)
After install simply type in terminal :
sudo port install yajl
And like ttvd say before:
In your xcode project:
Add libyajl.dylib or libyajl_s.a (dynamic/static - whichever you prefer, either should be located in /usr/local/lib/) to 'external frameworks and libraries' in your project tree. In project settings add "/usr/local/include/yajl/" and (possibly) "/usr/local/include/" to Header Search Paths (in Search Paths section).
This works if you don't care about YAJL:
"Guys – the yajl/yajl_parse.h error is confusing and the reason the demo works is that the files that need yajl are excluded from building, even though they’re in the project. To fix in your own project go into the MGTwitter folder via xcode and select each .m file with the term yajl in it (there should be 6), right-click -> Get Info -> Targets tab and uncheck the box next to your app name. HTH, Jon"
One of the comments on
I am just going to add something because I think it is important and I usually hacked around it in the past.
The header search paths are defined in project settings but are over-ridden in the target settings so if you are having problems including certain files check the header search paths that are set in your target settings. If they are bold then they are being used and overriding the default settings for the project.
dl and install this:
git clone git://
cd yajl
sudo make install
then add the dylibs and you should be ok!