ATG-JBoss project in eclipse - jboss

I have created a sample ATG project in eclipse. This is the way I followed.
File->New->Project-> ...atg wizards->New ATG Module
Next->put project name as MyFirstATGApp and select ed root diretory as C:\ATG\ATG10.1.2
Next->Default atg adaptive senario engine is selected.
Next->Next-> changed "Default output folder" value as " MyFirstATGApp /classes"
Next->set J2EE application Name= MyFirstATGApp-j2ee, Web application name= MyFirstATGApp-web, Context-root= MyFirstATGApp and selected Target Applicaton Server=Jboss
Then Finish.
From command prompt from C:\ATG\ATG10.1.2 \home\bin I tried executing startDynamoOnJBOSS -f MyFirstATGApp
I am getting following error.Also I didn’t find a startDynamoOnJBOSS inside the bin. Why is this happening??
I am new to ATG.Can I have any link with step-by-step ATG-Jboss-Eclipse project available?

startDynamoOnJBOSS is no longer available in the ATG 10.2 bin.
To start your server, just create your EAR using runAssembler inside the deploy folder for your JBOSS server and call
run.bat -c <ServerName>

If you didn't find the startDynamoOnJBOSS then there is some problem with your installation of jboss or atg.
but still you can run your project you just need to create ear of your project and paste it in your server deploy folder and start jboss.
For Detail You can read ATG Platform Programming Guide

startDynamoOnJBOSS is no longer exists in ATG version 10. Before running your project you need to deploy your project in deploy folder of default or your created server instance using runAssembler
cd C:\ATG\ATG10.1.2\home\bin
runAssembler C:\jboss-eap-5.1.2\jboss-as\server\default\deploy\MyFirstATGApp.ear -m MyFirstATGApp
Then run that server instance where ear file of your project is deployed
cd C:\jboss-eap-5.1.2\jboss-as\bin
run -c default


How to employe auto-deployment?

I'm working on a WLS 12.1c locally installed application server (on a VM instance). I deployed apps with the help of the WLS web console. Selecting "install" and selecting the path of the EAR file I wish to deploy. Fine. Works.
However, I wish that the ear is picked up from this same place every time it changes. Otherwise I have to "Delete" the deployment package, restart the server and "install" the EAR again. Too much hassle.
How do I activate auto-deployment?
If you're in a development setting, you might want to use auto-deployment instead:
Development mode enables a WebLogic Server instance to automatically deploy and update applications that are in the domain_name/autodeploy directory (where domain_name is the name of a WebLogic Server domain).
Note that your Weblogic Server MUST be running in development mode.
Once you add your EAR to domain_name/autodeploy/, from there on out, it will automatically picks up changes to the files in that directory:
To auto-deploy an archived application, copy its archive file to the /autodeploy directory. WebLogic Server automatically sets the application's deployment mode to stage mode.
A deployment unit that was auto-deployed can be dynamically redeployed while the server is running. To dynamically redeploy, copy the new version of the archive file over the existing file in the /autodeploy directory.

jBPM 6 in Eclipse

I have just started my working with jBPM6. I can make new jBPM Process with "a simply hello world process", but I don't know how to use it and i'm looking for some tutorial, in which I can see how to use jBPM in Eclipse, some example etc. Can anyone help me? It will be helpful for me if some tutorial/user guide show step by step how to do something in Eclipse with jBPM.
If you are unable to run the default hello world project, then you might not have included all the required jar files.
Just include all jar files and you should be fine.
I think jBPM distribution that is downloaded from jBPM site contains complete distribution with embedded JBoss AS, H2 database and Eclipse environment. By running ant install.demo it downloades complete distro.
Try to do the following:
download jbpm installer
unzip it in some directory and run "ant install.demo". This will download all the necessary files to your machine
run "ant start.demo". This will run JBoss AS, H2 database and Eclipse
on finish, type "ant stop.demo"
Details are described in install.html file.
Afterwards, if you want to run Eclipse only, simply type "ant start.eclipse".

Can't get past Welcome to Jboss page Openshift

I'm trying to use Openshift to host my java webapps. The problem I am running into is every time I go to my application "" it takes me to a "Welcome to your JBossEWS (Apache/Tomcat) application on OpenShift".
I thought maybe it was because my project had some sort of default .war that was being deployed instead of the one I wanted. To try to confirm that I followed this guide made by to deploy a pre-compiled War file. .
As you can imagine that did not work. The guide implies that I should be able to find my webapp running at with "mywebsite" being the name of the war file my project created. In this scenario my Application war file is name "OmniTicket". I can find that war file on the server using ssh but the directory hierarchy is confusing to me.
I also tried looking in logs on the server but I don't see any errors to indicate a malfunction in spring or database connections. Any help would be appreciated. Specifically when I deploy my application to the Jboss Server without any obvious errors, why can't I get to the application root?
I should also mention it is a SpringMVC restful service application that works locally.
Try following steps:
Rename your war name to ROOT.war
Delete the src and pom.xml. If pom.xml is present then OpenShift would try to build the maven project
Place the war in deployments folder under your application root folder
Commit the war and push changes to application Git repository.
Check the logs using rhc tail command

Deploying dynamic web project to production server

I've got a project called CodeProjects that I've made in eclipse and want to upload it to my remote server, the problem is I need to configure it run in the ROOT folder so I can access the site via but tomcat unpacks the .war file and configures it to run as how do I change this? Thanks.

How to deploy Java web application project from Eclipse to live Tomcat server?

I have developed an web application using HTML, Java Servlet and all. While developing I was using Tomcat to deploy it in order to test it.
Now my development is done and I want to make it live. For that we have live server but as I am new to all this I dont know how to deploy my java web application on live server?
So please help me if you know to answer?
My Project Structure
->lib(contain javascript files)
I am also using MySql so what I have to about it..
You will have to build a WAR of the project.
You can do this
in eclipse: right click on the project, Click "Export", and choose war file in the dialog (and mention, the destination, name and all)
via ant using the war task
The ant option is better because when you have multiple developers on the project and the code is in version control, it is easier to get the project automatically (using ant) and build a war. (you have version control, don't you?)
But this is more of an operational difference (albeit an important one) but the war created in either way are same
Deploy the war to the server
You can manually copy the war file to the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory (See the "Creating and Deploying a WAR File" section on this article)
You can use the Tomcat 6 "Manager" application.
You said that you are using MySql also. MySql should be installed on a server (it can be on the same server) and the configuration should be changed (username, password, server details) so that the application connects to the same database (I am sure you are not hard coding database details and credentials in your application and reading them from some configuration, this is the configuration that has to be changed)
For that we have live server but as I am new to all this I dont know how to deploy my java web application on live server?
I assume by this you meant , you have a public IP assigned to a server. Now you can install tomcat into this server and open the tomcat port for public and you will be able to access.
Now build a war file of your webapplication and put it into web-apps dir of the tomcat and start the server
Making a few assumptions here. You need
A tomcat instance running on your production server
Permissions to make changes to the tomcat instance
A war file that bundles your application
If you have both, then you need to navigate to the Tomcat manager page and follow the instructions to upload your war file.
Deploy the war to the server
You can manually copy the war file to the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory.
You can use the Tomcat 6 "Manager" application.