jBPM 6 in Eclipse - eclipse

I have just started my working with jBPM6. I can make new jBPM Process with "a simply hello world process", but I don't know how to use it and i'm looking for some tutorial, in which I can see how to use jBPM in Eclipse, some example etc. Can anyone help me? It will be helpful for me if some tutorial/user guide show step by step how to do something in Eclipse with jBPM.

If you are unable to run the default hello world project, then you might not have included all the required jar files.
Just include all jar files and you should be fine.

I think jBPM distribution that is downloaded from jBPM site contains complete distribution with embedded JBoss AS, H2 database and Eclipse environment. By running ant install.demo it downloades complete distro.
Try to do the following:
download jbpm installer
unzip it in some directory and run "ant install.demo". This will download all the necessary files to your machine
run "ant start.demo". This will run JBoss AS, H2 database and Eclipse
on finish, type "ant stop.demo"
Details are described in install.html file.
Afterwards, if you want to run Eclipse only, simply type "ant start.eclipse".


Ant build and deploy application is OK, how to debug application?

Ant help us to build and deploy applications, but how to debug application in the Application server?
Could you please help me to debug the EAR file created with Ant build?
(I have imported the EAR file in to Eclipse to debug using Eclipse, I am able to run the project successfully, but when I start debug after setting a breakpoint it reports as Source not found, please help me to resolve this issue)
You have to not only "import" your EAR file (containing compiled bytecode) but also your source code files. If you import the EAR as a "referenced library" you may edit the library with alt-enter, and add the path/jar of the sources.
How do you start & publish in eclipse anyways?

Running GWT application in production mode

I am newbie to GWT. I have built gwt maven project. To run in development mode, I first compiled project Google|Compile Project, then from command mvn gwt:run, it runs fine on
but for production I want to access module
When I omit gwt.codesvr= argument, I am getting error "gwt module may need to be recompiled". After Recompiling, I get the same error. Any help/pointer?
i run gwt project on tomcat on production mode. Jetty cant show it. Try to tun with external web module. When you are look at the IDE console title show us 'Development Mode'. Tyr with external , in any exception i can help.
You did it correctly, but as the error states, the module needs to be re-compiled (GWT Compiled). Once recompiled, Force your browser to reload (Ctrl + F5). If that doesn't work, you can look at this answer I wrote regarding cleanup of compiled output. Do what's listed there, and try running GWT compile again.
To run production mode outside Eclipse, you must do a GWT compile and create a WAR file, which you can then deploy on a Java application server such as Tomcat. This process is much easier with an ant build script.
To make an ant build script for your project:
You can easily create an ant build script by running the webAppCreator command from the directory where the GWT library is installed. That command will create a sample project just like clicking "New Web Application Project" in Eclipse, except it will also make a build.xml file.
You can run it in Eclipse by right clicking build.xml > Run As... > Ant build. By default it will run the build target. It also has a war target, which you can run to create a WAR file.
For more details on the webAppCreator, look here.

Run Ant files when performing Build and Deploy Worklight 5.x.x Application

I have a Worklight application set up in Eclipse. Before executing Build And Deploy Worklight Application, I need to run a bat that compiles a bunch of HTML templates. This templates are necessary to run the app correctly.
So, I would like to know if it is possible to link (maybe under Run Configurations...?) an Ant file or similar that allows me to execute the bat and perform the build & deploy in an automatic way. Any advice?
Hope the question is clear.
I believe you can add an extra project builder to your application that invokes the Ant task you need.
Under Eclipse take a look at Project->Properties->Builders->New.
You will find Ant buildfiles as project builders a useful link.

Easiest way to deploy OSGi framework from Eclipse?

I am developing a server with Jetty (servlet container). I am successfully running the server within Eclipse with an osgi-framework run configuration. Everything fine.
What is the best way to export this run configuration so that I have a valid config.ini and all plugins (the workspace bundles and the ones from my target platform) and am able to run the osgi-framework without Eclipse IDE running.
I tried to make a product to get the config.ini and all the bundles but I cannot run the framework with java -jar org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.2.R36x_v20110210.jar.
It is not finding the bundles in the plugin folder, because obviously the names do not match exactly (e.g.: com.mine.at-3.3.-3234234.jar instead of com.mine.at.jar)
There are about 150 bundles and I do not want to edit the config.ini manually.
What did I miss?
What worked pretty well for me was to make a new product, based on the (working) run configuration, and export the product. That project should then be 'runnable', or at least pretty close.
Did you try that?
Hope it helps, Frank

How to run Spring batch project in SpringSource Tool Suite

First,I'm trying to learn Spring-batch,I have an completed Spring-batch project.Launch this project need start_up.sh in linux platform,but how to run it in SpringSource Tool Suite? What arguments need add to run configurations?
Second,If I want to run an separate job, how to configure?
Please help me.
I have a hard time understanding your question, but I try to answer nevertheless:
I assume you are talking about the startup.sh which is used to start Tomcat. If this is the case, you probably have a web project, so it can be deployed in STS to Tomcat or Springsource tc Server. Just click on the project and drag it to either of them in the Servers tab. (Or right click on any of them and then Add/Remove...)
This one is even more just a shot in the dark: use
java org.springframework.batch.core.launch.support.CommandLineJobRunner testJob.xml testJob where testJob.xml is the one containing the definition of your job and testJob is the name of it.