New to ios. Where to start [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new to iOS. A bit knowledge of obj. C.
So now from where I have to start?
I just want to go with basics of objects and Class. And how do we use property of iOS.
And after that where should I move.
Please post details of iOS 6, not older version.

This website is easy to start to program for iOS. I just started it two weeks ago with this website.
Also they have a cheat sheet to understand basic structure of obj-c.
They update their contents to new iOS versions frequently.
Hope it helps you.

Have a look at Stanfords course cs193p. It is available for free on iTunes:
and has a community forum dealing with questions about the course:
The course consists of lectures including live demos, and also provides assignments (for self study).

The official site is always the place to start :) ...
(But you will soon find that learning Objective C is a pre-requisite ... so if you don't know it yet, try

First I recommend you to take a look at Lynda's "iOS SDK Essential Training (2012)" while you are having a couple of coffees, it is a very smooth introduction to iOS.
Then go ahead for Ray Wenderlich Blog for some well covered tutorials.
[iOS developer:tips]; is a nice place to follow for quick tips.
And finally come back here for your questions, eventually.


Is it possible to create an app with only swift ? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've started to learn swift and it is told to be a very fast language who takes over the Objective-C. But at many times, I saw it is not enough to write only with Swift and it was need others languages. So I would know if with my MacBook, Xcode and Swift only, it's possible to create app like Snapchat, Instagram WhatsApp or other.
Thanks you.
Yes it should be possible that you will never have to touch anything else. But a lot of the made by Apple is running Objective-C or C.
But again when you start spending time on one programming language others start to seem more similar.
Yes, of course you can. You can use only Objc or only swift or you can mixed up both language.
First start learning swift and learn how to use APPLE API. Then get some idea of app and start developing.
Take look from these link and tutorial :
Specially look * (Download example on swift, learn coding technique and many other helps) :

How does Apple make their Swift programming books? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a book using a template (or just formatting in general) similar to the ones used with the Apple Swift Programming Language iBook.
I'm struggling with figuring out exactly what software Apple uses to create the book with such simple and clean formatting along with what they use to create the headers, coding samples, comments, etc (is it a special version of Markdown?).
My Google searches with "what apple uses to create books", "what apple uses to create api documentation", "apple software for dev books", etc. didn't really lead to much. The searches themselves might not have been effective either, so there's that possibility.
Regardless, I got answers involving RegexKit, HeaderDocs, and Gentle Bytes, and it didn't seem too relevant to what I was trying to do.
So then I did some digging into the main frameworks that build up the iBook and I found these files (there are more but the image only shows some).
Mainly xhtml files.
So really all I'm asking is what software does Apple use to combine all these files or did they use a different application that automatically combined them as they inserted them while creating the iBook? Do they even use iBooks Author or rather an internal application that's not available for download outside of Apple? OR maybe it's something that's not related to anything I said and I'm way off track.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Because it is an iBook I would assume that they used iBooks Author
After you created your iBook with iBooks Author, you can convert it to HTML, it will create many files then.

How may I know framework behind an iOS Game? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to know which framework or development tools,IDE behind for any iOS Game.
I have tried on google but i didn't found any clue. Please help me for knowing framework behind iOS games.
I have listed some games here. Please let me know if any body know development tools,framework,IDE behind listed games.
1)Grand Defense.
2)Tower Defense.
3)Castle Defense.
There are many games such like listed games. I want to know development tools behind particular iOS Game. I will appreciate for any help.
Thanks In advance.
If you want to precisely know which game uses what, do the following:
Download the game. Decrypt it using some common cracking tools (I do not encourage piracy however!)
Run the class-dump utility on it (google it!), this will generate a list of classes the game has inside.
Compare the class names to the most common game engines to see exactly which one used in the particular game.
you say Frameworks means Opensource and Game Engine??
if right, refer a following site:
In Generally, If you are using objective-C, IDE is xcode. I recommend.
See GameSalad without code development Game.
Tower Defence using a cocos-2d Tutorial following below:
Tower Defence Tutorial for cocos-2d part1
Tower Defence Tutorial for cocos-2d part2

Good tutorials for the awe6 game framework? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Just recently I stumbled upon the awe6 game framework for Haxe and I want to give it a try, but the only "tutorial" on the site is a prebuilt FlashDevelop project template that also appears to be quite complex already.
I've tried to dissect the template but some things are quite weird and I can't figure out why the template seems to work, so I'd rather prefer a tutorial (or at least a very simple "Hello World" example) that sets everything up and runs without assuming a specific IDE. I've also tried Google but almost all of the results were leading back to the FlashDevelop template.
Are there any tutorials/examples/simple demos with source code for awe6 that are not burried in a IDE specific template and are step-by-step and/or otherwise easy to understand?
We are working on a suite of tutorials (and videos). In the meanwhile please see this very simple Hello World example which leads on to the templates (now also available as Linux bash scripts):
This isn't exactly an answer, but the framework's author Rob Fell did a presentation a few weeks ago at the WWX conference:
Valerie Elimak's presentation has a couple of good examples

How to write a WOL app for iPhone? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Wake on LAN so cool, just want to write a iPhone app to WOL my PC, but have no idea to code, any one can point me the way?
If you've no experience of programming, then this is a very large first step. (More of a sheer vertical incline really.)
As such, you might want to take a step back and have a look a some basic (or indeed BASIC) programming tutorials. (Google is your friend.)
Alternatively, Apple has good online documentation regarding Objective C and the Cocoa (the language and framework that iPhone applications are written in.) A good place to start for this would be Apple's Introduction to The Objective-C Programming Language.
Basically you need to send a magic packed as described here, to do that you'll need basic programming knowledge and some knowledge on socket programming, here is a good book on the subject. There are numerous examples of that.
But in the end perhaps I could persuade you to purchase one of several iPhone applications that do exactly that, or grab the free one?
You'll need an understanding of bsd sockets as well as the user interface kit framework to put the necessary controls on the screen.
Or of course download an existing free app like this one which does it already, automatically detects your mac address, and also tells you whether your machines are on or off:
All the best for your projects.