table columns are not visible in report - jasper-reports

I have 10 columns in a table in iReport Design view.
In Preview it generated a report where I get to see only 7 columns of the table. The last 3 columns are not visible (truncated).
How to fix it?

Select the name of the report on Report Inspector. Right Click on the same, select properties.
Modify the Width and Height. After modifications, preview and adjust the height and width accordingly.


How to auto center the table after hiding few columns in jasper report

I have been hiding my columns in the table based on the columns I want to hide by passing parameters boolean value to false. It is all working fine, but the problem is when I hide the columns the whole table look likes it has moved to the left and it appears even more weird when I try hide 3 or more columns. I some how need to figure it out and bring the table to the center of the containner after hiding the columns that needs to be hidden. I not able to find any properties to make this change in jaspersoft. Please help me do this.
How could I make my table center align to the container of that respective band

Remove blank line between successive pages

I am able to create a text file from jasper implementation. Screenshot attached, the problem being faced here is that: In the individual pages , if there are less rows, jasper is creating the page with a default height (595 px as mentioned in jrxml) which makes rows after valid rows as blank and then creates a new page.
If i change the height to a smaller number, then the rows of the first page are flowing to the next page which should not be the case.
I want the new page to start from the place where first page records end. How can i configure this dynamic nature for every page in a jrxml.
Try to make the table height, band height, in which the table component is located and the report height to be same.
Suppose if table is in detail band and table height is 50 and there is no other component in the detail band, then make detail band height to 50 and the report height to 50.

Report's stretch table

I have a problem with JasperReports's report layouting.
The table can be 1-5 rows and it must stretch. If i set up height of the table more than actually data then table shrink but elements below the table doesn't change Y position. But if i set the table height too small so i get "Infinite loop" error. I tried different combinations of properties "Position Type", "Stretch Type", "Print when overflow", etc.
Help please! I saw examples with stretch TextFields, but if i use it i get Infinite loop error :(
To stretch a table,
Double click it in the 'Main Report'. This will open the table in a
new tab.
In the tab 'Table', the hierarchy is defined in the
Select the table and you can see the dimensions of the
table in the advanced properties
Alternatively, you can drag the table border with mouse to stretch it.
Ok, problem is fixed. I just put the table into subreport.

Jasper Report 5.5 - Summary with Page header and footer

I'm using the table in my jasper report.When i put the table in the detail section it repeats the table so i put it to the summary band.
I also want to add the page footer in my report too.
How can i do this jasper report 5.5 ?
If you are using iReport to design your report, there is an easy way to add/remove bands, such as a Page Footer. On the left, on the Report Inspector, if "Page Footer" is in light grey (which means it is not inserted), right click on it, and select "Add Band" :
Also, another way i deal with tables, is by adding all the tables column headers in a single row on the Title band positioned on the lower border of the band, and right down to them, again on a single row, all the TextFields containing the data (inside the Detail band). These way, the first row will be printed only once, and all the part in the detail band (which means all the rows of the table) will be printed. You have just to make a little cell formatting to make it appear with a table fashion (such as borders, background etc) which is very easy with iReport:

Merging Cells Vertically in SQL Reporting 2008

In SQL Reporting 2008, Is there a way to merge multiple cells that are adjacent to each other along a vertical column?
In the report designer, click on your table, then at the bottom of the screen there is a window spit in two with the headings "Row Groups" and "Column Groups". In row groups, click on the little down arrow next to the default group "table1_Details_Group" and choose to add a parent group. Select the field you want to group on, and don't check the boxes to add a row header or footer. A new column will be added and when you preview you will see that the cells of this column are merged vertically.
You cannot merge cells vertically, only horizontally.
You can, however, create table groups. Grouped data inside a table can be designed to look like merged vertical cells.
You may use matrix table to do it. It force you to have a group column, however you can just set the group column visibility as Hidden. Then add new columns you needed.
see image here: ( my Month is merge cells from two rows)