I need to upload a file to OneDrive, via the command line. This will be done through a batch file which is distributed to end users.
From searching on Stack Overflow, I find questions like this one which say that you need to register an app and create an app password, using Azure. I don't have the necessary permissions to do this in the organization where I work, nor can I do anything that requires an admin account. So I can't any install software - I have to use what comes with Windows 10. I can't use VBA either as that's blocked.
I've managed to download files from OneDrive without anything like that, using the process described here:
Open the URL in either of the browser.
Open Developer options using Ctrl+Shift+I.
Go to Network tab.
Now click on download. Saving file isn’t required. We only need the network activity while browser requests the file from the server.
A new entry will appear which would look like “download.aspx?…”.
Right click on that and Copy → Copy as cURL.
Paste the copied content directly in the terminal and append ‘--output file.extension’ to save the content in file.extension since
terminal isn’t capable of showing binary data.
curl https://xyz.sharepoint.com/personal/someting/_layouts/15/download.aspx?UniqueId=cefb6082%2D696e%2D4f23%2D8c7a%2
…. some long text ….
cucg=1’ --compressed --output file.extension
I tried to do something similar after clicking 'upload' on the browser, but didn't find anything useful when trying to filter the requests.
I found these two questions but there is no keyboard shortcut to upload, AFAICT. Also the end user will be uploading a file to a folder I've shared with them from my OneDrive. Opening Chrome or Edge as a minimised window is fine, but I can't just shove a window in their face which automatically clicks on things - they won't like that.
It's just occurred to me that I might be able to use an office application to Save As the file to the necessary onedrive folder, where the keyboard shortcuts are pretty stable, but have no idea how to achieve that via the command line.
The best and more secure way to accomplish this goal I think is going to be with the Rest API for OneDrive.
(Small Files <4MB)
(Large files)
You still need a Azure AD App Registration (which your admin should be able to configure for you), to provide API access to services in Azure. Coding with the API is going to be far easier and less complicated, not to mention more versatile.
I need to download an archived google group.
Following link is one of the messages of that group for example.
The problem is, what i see in the browser does not appear in the downloaded webpage.
With my very limited knowledge, It seems to me like the reason behind it is this content is dynamically created by java-script. Or else, these downloaded files are with so called 'mbox' extension which is encrypted ?
What I've tried so far
First trys
Simple download
wget https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sci.aeronautics/ViFtpXfVm7M
With mirror
wget --mirror https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sci.aeronautics/ViFtpXfVm7M
Assuming its encrypted
With cookies.
wget --load-cookies=cookies.txt https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sci.aeronautics/ViFtpXfVm7M
Got thunderbird to setup my gmail and opening. did not open correctly
Assuming the content was javascript generated
Downloaded using phantomJS
Downloaded using phantomJS with a different script
Used scripts available from Github
But none did not work so far.
Can anyone please shed some light on how to download this page with its message as a readable html or txt file ?
You could use https://groups.google.com/forum/feed/sci.aeronautics/msgs/atom.xml?num=100 to get some of the posts - but it only gets roughly half the posts in this case.
And it has all the messages from all topics together.
View it in Firefox or Classic Opera to see directly in a more human-readable form.
But since you say you already got a file in standard mbox format, what exactly is wrong with it - did you attempt to import it into a locally installed email or newsclient ? (like Thunderbird)
I'm using R/RStudio on CentOS platform. I need to see if the binary log file (/var/log/messages) contains further information regarding a graphics device plotting issue, but I cannot read it from within RStudio.
I cannot find any information on the community support troubleshooting pages. The Help Menu -> Diagnostics -> ... does not indicate a 'Show Log Files' option. Can someone advise how this file can be accessed, preferably from within RStudio?
By default /var/log/messages is not readable by all users, so the first thing you need to do is make it accessible to whatever user you're logged in as in RStudio. This question has details and ideas:
Once your user account has permissions to /var/log/messages, you can use something like the following to show it in RStudio:
> readLines("/var/log/messages")
(You could also try file.edit("/var/log/messages") to open it in an editor buffer, but that is less likely to succeed.)
I want ot create a release for my Github project, but when I try to upload my binary (which is a .zip file) to the release, I get the following error message:
Something went really wrong, and we can’t process that file.
I get the same error message if I try to upload some other files (e.g. my readme file). What could be wrong?
Check first if this issue persists with all browser.
I have seen this error message before, where the upload succeeded with Chrome, but not Firefox.
For the record in my case this was due to an obvious mistake: I had to authorize a github script in NoScript.
If someone encounters this problem in China, and is using ShadowSocks, try turning ShadowSocks off.
I was trying to upload an image file in png format on chrome browser but I was getting the same message.As suggested in one of the answer, I turned off windows firewall and it worked.
But my mind was not satisfied and I turned on Windows firewall and converted that image to jpg format and it got uploaded.
But this stubborn mind was not satisfied and told me to upload this in .png format only.God came to my rescue and accidentally properties tab of png image got opened and at the bottom of tab, it was showing
"This file came from another computer and might be blocked".
So I unblocked it and it got uploaded.
I got that error due to my companies firewall that prevents all file uploads. Might this be the cause of your problems?
The problem occurs during file upload because I was using VPN which doesn't allow file upload hence I disconnected from VPN and then try uploading which work absolutely fine. So my advice to check your firewall/VPN settings as mostly Organization doesn't allow fileupload in GIT due to security concern.
I got the same problem on Opera browser(Ubuntu 18.04.1).
Then I realized that my browser does not have permission to access the related(where your files located) partition. I moved the files that I wanted to upload on Github into accessible partition by Opera browser in my HDD, Thus I could be able to upload my files to Github.
It worked like a charm. Hope this helps.
clear your browser's cookies and cache ..after clearing files will be uploaded easily on git without error
In my case. I'm reuploading two zip files to an existing release. One success and another one failed. Tried in both chrome and firefox.
My solution is to use the hub command-line tool.
I use the below command to edit the existing release and attach files to it.
hub release edit --draft=false --attach FILE TAG
For some reason, I had to change its prefix from .png to .jpg and it worked.
I had the same problem which I solved by disabling my firewall. I hope this will work for you
In my case, it was my anti-virus (AVG) preventing the upload.
In my case, Avast antivirus was blocking the objects-origin.githubusercontent.com site, and made the upload fail.
After disabling the antivirus, I was able to upload the files.
Well! That is because your are uploading some images that you have downloaded from the internet like in my case I have used a favicon that is generated from website to solve the issue Image with security details~img1
Image with detail~img2
Remove personal info ~ img3
To solve the problem
first of all head to the images that you have downloaded from internet and right click on image and click on properties
check the unblock checkbox as shown in image 1 and then
click on the details tab as shown in image 2 and then click on the remove properties and personal information
And then check on the remove the following properties on the file as shown in image 3
And then click on ok and then again ok
The given solution will solve your issue it just worked perfect for me
Files cannot be uploaded because your network provider doesn't allow, use different network or apply vpn for uploading the files.
I changed some permissions on my server and somehow broke TinyMCE so that it can no longer browse for images and files.
I changed the permissions back to what they were but the issue still persists - when I go to browse for files I am just presented with a blank screen:
Would anyone know how to repair this?
(PS using ModX Evo CMS)
EDIT: what I see on console on the edit resource page (nothing appears when I open the console on the browsing window):
Refused to set unsafe header "Connection" index.php:1
Uncaught Error: IndexSizeError: DOM Exception 1 /assets/plugins/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js:1
Refused to set unsafe header "Connection" index.php:1
In case you do use standard installation of tinymce i suggest you reinstall tinymce over the files on the server.
Try checking all the file names for anything that might contain special character. A em dash, n dash, possibly left quote ”, right quote etc...
I would do this via ftp to make sure you can see all the files in admin section. Rename any of the files that might have questionable characters and see if that fixes it.